#Prague: #Klinika Social Center Under Threat of Eviction

On Tuesday 5th September 2017 the Prague municipal court by its decision opened the way for the eviction of Klinika. Our appeal was rejected as the court upheld the view of the state (owner of the house) that they were within their rights not to extend the contract with us. The collective is convinced that the autonomous social centre can remain functioning regardless of the decision.


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#Charlottesville: PA Alt-Knights Provided Security for Holocaust Denier and Fascist Augustus Invictus at #UnitetheRight

As our readers are no doubt aware, this “Unite the Right Rally” was a disaster for the Alt-Right and led to the death of Anti-Racist demonstrator Heather Heyer as well as multiple hate crimes and assaults by Neo-Nazi and Far Right rally participants. In the fallout, many of the rallies participants and organizers have turned on each other and/or distanced themselves from the Alt-Right.


Image: PA Alt-Knights At Unite the Right providing security for Augustus Invictus (center with tie)

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Photos and Further Details from the August ICE/HSI/OPD Raid in West #Oakland

On Wednesday, August 16, at about 7am, a convoy of unmarked federal vehicles rolled up in West Oakland and over two dozen armed Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents stormed a Latina home, supposedly in service of a warrant for the “human trafficking of juveniles.”


Image: First arrestee removed from the house about 8:10am, not related to warrant but over immigration documentation

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Greek Anarchists: Solidarity With #Linksunten #Indymedia

Solidarity statement about Linksunten by the Greek section of the Anarchist Federation.


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#Greece: Prisoners in #Chania Prison Announce Protests

Statement by prisoners in Chania Prison (Greece) who will start a protest on the 9th of September.


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#Greece: Solidarity With Imprisoned Comrades in Italy From 111 Squat in #Thessaloniki

On August 3rd 2017, cops raided several houses and occupied spaces in Florence (eviction of Riottosa squat), Rome and Lecce, aiming at the arrest of 8 comrades from Florence. This specific operation concerns 2 attacks. The first concerns the placing of an explosive device at a fascist bookstore that has connections with Casapound, on new years day last year, resulting in the injury of the bomb disposal cop (who lost an arm and eye). The second attack was with molotov cocktails against police facilities on April 4th 2016. The 2 attacks took place in Florence. Cops claim that they identified people through phone taps, surveillance, and identification of dna samples.


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After #Berkeley: #NLG #SF Says “We are All #Antifa!”

Last month, thousands gathered in San Francisco and Berkeley to defeat the hatred of fascism and white supremacy. A united front of labor, clergy, students, socialists, anarchists and others successfully prevented the fascists from holding their rallies.


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#SouthAfrica: #Abahlali BaseMjondolo Activists Kidnapped & Tortured

Repression and state criminality in uMlazi and Cato Manor. Pressrelease by Abahlali baseMjondolo Movement South Africa.


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#RefugeesGR #CityPlaza #Athens: Open talk with Shahram Khosravi, Author of “Illegal” Traveller

Open talk with Shahram Khosravi, author of “The ‘illegal’ traveller: an auto-ethnography of borders,” at the Refugees Accommodation and Solidarity Space City Plaza in Athens, Greece.


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Reclaim #Làbas is a Fight for the Future of #Bologna

The Làbas social centre in the heart of Bologna is one of the most important examples of urban activism in Italy’s recent history. Originating as a site for solidarity building and autonomous anti-capitalist organising, the occupied space has become a symbol of public rights in Bologna. But in the past few years the city has undergone widespread gentrification, with municipal administrators ignoring the poverty and housing problems that social centres seek to address. Last month, the Làbas occupation was evicted by police unexpectedly. The march organised for 9 September will be not only to save Làbas, but Bologna’s long-held reputation as a ‘Red City’ entirely.


Image: Assembly about Làbas in Bologna, Italy on August 30; Reclaim Làbas on September 9.

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