Solidarity with the imprisoned comrades in Italy from 111 Squat in Thessaloniki – Greece


On August 3rd 2017, cops raided several houses and occupied spaces in
Florence (eviction of Riottosa squat), Rome and Lecce, aiming at the
arrest of 8 comrades from Florence. This specific operation concerns 2
attacks. The first concerns the placing of an explosive device at a
fascist bookstore that has connections with Casapound, on new years day
last year, resulting in the injury of the bomb disposal cop (who lost an
arm and eye). The second attack was with molotov cocktails against
police facilities on April 4th 2016. The 2 attacks took place in
Florence. Cops claim that they identified people through phone taps,
surveillance, and identification of dna samples.
The charges are:
“attempted homicide” for the 5 comrades from the first case, and
“manufacturing, possession, and transportation of an explosive or
incendiary device to a public place” for all comrades, all of this in
the frames of “consisting a criminal organization”.
A few days later 6 comrades were released while the charges remained,
and 2 comrades were imprisoned for the attack on the fascist bookstore.
One of the 2 comrades has had all communication forbidden.
During the summer of 2017 one more theatrical play took place, with the
Italian state, society and mass media as the directors.
The stars were the “good” cop, a victim who heroically lost an eye and
an arm, and the police and fascists who get attacked by the “bad”
characters, the anarchists. The message this play is trying to promote
is the punishment of the “bad ones” and using them as an example for
those who will attempt to act accordingly.
This play did not first appear this summer in Italy. It is seen a
thousand times, expected and quite outdated. They might change some
details, such as the names of those directly involved, the places etc,
but in its substance remains the same.
It is about the perpetual attempt of the authoritarian complex to crush
every resistance, insurgency, every revolutionary prospect.
Despite that, the end of the play has not been written yet and includes
“subversion”: destruction and insurrection.
We do not care if the actions were carried out by these comrades or if
they were found guilty or innocent by the judicial system. Contrarily we
support direct actions because they are an important part of the diverse
struggle. Because they disrupt the balance of normality and the smooth
function of society.
Because they wear down structures, institutions, and parts of the
authoritarian machine.
We stand in solidarity with the 2 imprisoned and 6 accused comrades
because solidarity is an exceptionally important weapon in the arsenal
of anarchist action. It knows no borders, speaks a common language and
connects individual struggles in prison society. It is a means of
connecting with comrades who are incarcerated, with comrades who are far
from us.
“Arm yourself and become violent, beautifully violent, until everything
is subverted.
Because remember that every violent act against the instigators of
inequality is completely justified for the centuries of endless violence
imposed on us.
Arm yourself, conspire, sabotage and become violent, beautifully
violent, naturally violent, freely violent.”
Mauricio Morales
10s, 100s, 1000s OF DIRECT ACTIONS
111 Squat

Translated by boubourAs for Act for freedom now!

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