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Same-sex marriage debate was always going to get ugly

Perhaps it was George Brandis who put it best. People do indeed have the right to be bigots.

This was of course in 2014, before Brandis' angry and eloquent denunciation of Pauline Hanson's burqa stunt, before this ugly and increasingly angry debate over same-sex marriage.

At the time it appeared that Brandis was using rhetorical blunt force to make an obvious point. We do indeed have the right to be bigots. A stern critic might have suggested that Brandis' comments were a redundant contribution to the national debate given how enthusiastically some Australians have traditionally exercised such a right.

Barely 20 minutes after Brandis made his point in the Senate that day Labor asked the then-Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, if he shared his colleague's view.

"Of course this government is determined to try to ensure that Australia remains a free and fair and tolerant society, where bigotry and racism has no place," Abbott responded during question time.

"But we also want this country to be a nation where freedom of speech is enjoyed.


"And sometimes, Madam Speaker, free speech will be speech which upsets people, which offends people."

This week the parameters of what might cause offence have been tested across the nation, largely due to a debate about same-sex marriage that Abbott himself foisted upon us.

The vote "no" campaign deployed its first TV ad, a political artifact that determinedly avoided the issue of marriage at all to focus instead on straw frocks and imaginary gay propaganda campaigns.

The ad also introduced – or reintroduced – Dr Pansy Lai to the debate. She has long been a campaigner against gay rights and activism, leading a drive to secure 17,500 votes against the Safe Schools anti-bullying program, which she said last year discriminated against Chinese culture.

"Why is this dumb s--g attacking the transgender community in a debate about marriage equality?" spewed one of Dr Lai's opponents on Facebook in response to the ad, and to subsequent claims that Dr Lai supported the dangerous pseudo-science of aversion therapy. "This stupid s--g is so off tap and totally irresponsible ... she is doing tremendous harm to a very vulnerable group of people."

It was always clear that the debate was going to turn nasty. The modern experience of civil rights activism is that it has always veered towards expanding the rights and dignity of its proponents. Dr Martin Luther King described this as the slow arc of the moral universe. In this case we have an anomaly, we see one section of society seeking to restrict the rights of another. You can't mount such a case without prompting rancour, even if you could find a way to do it good faith.

And this rancour is compounded by the fact that the "yes" case won popular support as long ago as 2007, according to one poll, and has only been increasing since then. Today, according to Essential polling, 61 per cent of Australians believe in same-sex marriage, including a majority of Liberal, Labor and Greens voters.

In line with the view of most Australian people, Australian institutions have also altered their views over the years. The "yes" case is backed by a loose coalition of political leaders and churches, unions and major businesses. Two of Australia's leading Catholic Schools have tacitly signalled their support for the legalisation of same-sex marriage, with St Ignatius' College in Sydney and Xavier College in Melbourne flagging Pope Francis' teachings on love, mercy and non-judgment, and urging their school communities to dwell on their own consciences.

The result of this is that wavering voters long ago abandoned the movement. What is left is a hardline rump promoting an idea that the rest of the Western world has already dumped. Elevating this group – asking it to offer its views on the rights and dignity of fellow citizens – was never going to result in a civil debate, let alone a useful one.

We are engaged then in a national conversation that is not just needlessly harmfully, but utterly pointless. Whatever the outcome of the survey Australians will eventually join the other 1.1 billion people living in 22 nations where same-sex marriage has been legalised, and no one except those to be married and the people who live with them will notice any difference in their lives at all.

There is a good chance the High Court will intervene and the survey will be abandoned as soon as next week.

It is sheer coincidence that Abbott's name came up in a free speech trial this week.

In 2015 Danny Lim was picked up by police parading about Edgecliff in a sandwich board that appeared to call the former PM a "c---". The "u" in the offending word was represented by an upturned "A" but in any event Lim was convicted.

On Tuesday Judge Andrew Scotting​ quashed Mr Lim's conviction.

Scotting reasoned that criticism of politicians was an essential element of democracy. And besides, he said, the c-word is less offensive in Australia than it is in other countries.

Nick O'Malley is a Fairfax Media columnist.


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