

Capital Recycling Solutions' Canberra waste incinerator needs cost-benefit scrutiny

"Where there's muck, there's brass," as they say in Yorkshire.

It's a saying that is relevant to Canberra because of the proposal by Capital Recycling Solutions to incinerate red bin waste in Fyshwick. ActewAGL is involved because the facility could generate baseload electricity for about 28,000 homes.

In 2011, the ACT government published a Waste Management Strategy for 2011-25. Partly driven by the need to contain the use of limited landfill space, it emphasised recycling, a clean environment, and a carbon neutral waste sector. Early this year, the government conducted a very broad, but little-noticed "market sounding" exercise that invited commercial entities to submit proposals for managing the ACT's waste. The proposed incinerator solution is one of the responses.

Although the ACT government's 2011 Waste Management Strategy stated that the government would continue to investigate the costs and benefits of waste streams to "deliver the maximum benefit to the Canberra community", there is no evidence that a rigorous social cost-benefit analysis has ever been conducted. Unlike NSW, the ACT does not have a formal policy on standards for waste incineration. So it is unclear what criteria the government can use to make a decision on the incinerator proposal.

A common error in government policy formulation is to consider only a specific proposal, without full consideration of alternatives that could achieve the same objective. The tram extension to Woden is an example of such bias, because alternatives like improved bus services were not considered.

A genuine and rigorous social cost-benefit analysis of Canberra's waste management alternatives would need to consider not only expansion of ACT landfill sites, but alternatives such as incineration (which also requires landfill for toxic residues), increased recycling, anaerobic digestion and composting, deposit schemes for drink containers, higher charges for red bin collection (or smaller bins), and even purchase of land in NSW for dumping Canberra's rubbish. 


A detailed study by several prominent American economists calculated the damage costs of air pollution and greenhouse emissions produced by different industries, and compared them to the value of their economic production. The estimated cost-benefit ratio for solid waste combustion and incineration was the worst, about three times more than coal-fired electric power generation. For every $1 billion in value added to the economy, the environmental cost was $6.72 billion.

Evaluation of a Canberra incinerator would require resolution of a number of issues. Because efficient 24-7 operation would require importation of waste from NSW, should the analysis be conducted from the perspective of the ACT alone, or from an ACT-NSW perspective? If both, are there better sites in NSW for locating the facility? Emissions modelling would require assessment not only of the potential effect on the food markets in Fyshwick, backyard gardens in Queanbeyan and the likely effect on residents in Tuggeranong and Weston Creek who are subject to temperature inversion effects.

The potentially negative health effects of emissions are probably the most problematic.  Incinerator operators invariably cite only emissions at the chimney. But a cost-benefit analysis would typically assess the contribution of chimney emissions to existing background pollution in order to determine the overall effect, because the additional emissions may push pollution levels above health standards. This may well be the case with nitrogen oxides, which are likely to be already high in Fyshwick due to vehicle traffic, but are not currently monitored there by the ACT government.  

The most problematic aspect is modelling long-term health effects. The negative effects of cigarette smoking and asbestos were not perceived for many years after their initial use. Comparisons with other countries would require comparable data on existing pollution levels, feedstock used by incinerators, and the effectiveness of the flue gas cleaning systems. And real-time information on carcinogenic dioxins is not available, because only ambient concentrations outside the incinerator are measured occasionally.

Even if the ACT government is not willing or able to conduct a cost-benefit study, it will need to at least consider why a proposal for a waste incinerator at Eastern Creek in western Sydney was opposed by the NSW EPA and the NSW Health Department.

Leo Dobes is an honorary associate professor at the ANU Crawford School of Public Policy, where he teaches cost-benefit analysis. He is also President of the Griffith Narrabundah Community Association.