drug use heroinOver on Facebook, there is yet another discussion about legalizing drugs versus the cost of policing or other costs. Whenever I find such debates, I always link to this excellent examination of that very debate by Theodore  Dalrymple.  Dr. Anthony Daniels (Dalrymple being his pen name) provides a keen insight into the arguments in favor of legalization adding light where he finds it most necessary.

I can’t excerpt the whole thing, though looking back I may have already managed it over time, but here’s a taste on the matter of drug prohibition catalyzing criminality.

It is of course true, but only trivially so, that the present illegality of drugs is the cause of the criminality surrounding their distribution. Likewise, it is the illegality of stealing cars that creates car thieves. In fact, the ultimate cause of all criminality is law. As far as I am aware, no one has ever suggested that law should therefore be abandoned. Read the whole thing!


Cloudflare - Matthew Prince

Matthew Prince

Pushing homosexuals off buildings, beating people to death, holy war, lighting people on fire and burning them to death, the occasional beheading, treating women like animals, things that are protected or special or something…

“Individuals have decided that there is content they disagree with but the right way to deal with this is to follow the established law enforcement procedures,” Prince proclaimed after a hacking collective provided CloudFlare with a list of ISIS-related websites. “There is no society on Earth that tolerates mob rule because the mob is fickle.”

Matthew Prince, the CEO of CloudFlare.

Maybe he was attracted to the way ISIS tore down statues?






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Kristin Szakos -Image: Newsplex

Kristin Szakos -Image: Newsplex

Enter – Kristin Szakos, Harvard Educated, left-wing moonbat.

Kristin Szakos is the Charlottesville City Councilman who came up with the peachy idea of taking down the Confederate statue – in her town. Yippie, we got our community organized all right – or should I say, alt-left. (Here are her community organizer credentials, yes she was an Obama activist.) Read the whole thing!


120806_elizabeth_warren_605_apA Bill sponsored by Massachusetts Sen. Liz Warren has become law. It legalizes over-the-counter sales of hearing aids.

Hearing aids are expensive. Very expensive. Probably too expensive. Having lived with hearing loss, I appreciate the desire and need to hear. But not all hearing loss is the result of something that you can correct with a hearing aid. Sometimes it is the result of a medical condition that a hearing aid will only mask, perhaps until it is too advanced.

Ideally, the market will address these concerns. The competition will encourage a tech race of features paired with increasing affordability. And people will ask their doctors about their hearing loss to ensure related conditions do not go undiagnosed.

In the end, it is up to the individual to measure risks and benefits and make a decision–assuming they know the risks, but who among us doesn’t believe that Liz Warren-inspired class action lawsuits against device makers are not in the offing the first time someone dies of cancer or some other condition masked by an OTC device?


evil-tolerance-silence-speech-ach-chaputI only caught only a little bit of the Free Speech Rally on TV yesterday. The one that struck me the most was before the “official” rally started on the Boston Commons band. All of the local Boston channels had roving reporter / camera guy crews roaming the crowd on the outside of the barriers that were erected to protect the few dozen actual Free Speech Rally attendees.  The snippet I saw was about a single older gentleman surrounded by a “micro-mob” of 20/30-somethings (many of the college kids in that area) screaming all kinds of foul language at him.  The least foul word was “Nazi” – which was hurled his way (in screams and hand gestures).  His “failure” to meet the fanatics opposing him?

While the gentleman stood stoically on that rise, taking the vileness from these “tolerant” people whose message they keep telling us is “love”, the reporter relayed that he hadn’t been talking, hadn’t been engaged in debate (neither in calm or in yelling), or mindless screaming his position.  No, all he had done to rile them up was to silently hold up a single sign:

Abortion is Hate

Read the whole thing!



No matter how you slice it, Totalitarians are all about telling you how you will live your life – and not you.

(H/T: Powerline)


Antifa- we will treadThis morning Chief Nick Willard asked me about the 99.9% (or 99.7%) of protesters whom the Boston Police commissioner claimed were in the city for a peaceful demonstration. I said (paraphrasing) he couldn’t possibly know that but if 40,000™ people showed up to a protest and a handful got violent (throwing rocks, urine, etc.) why aren’t you taking them aside and telling them to knock it off?

There’s 40,000™ of you and a few of them (so the story would have to go) so just do the right thing and reign in your hooligans.

Well, maybe they didn’t want to reign them in. Maybe they support them.

Read the whole thing!


concealed carry small caliberBoom!

A judge in Ohio returned fire at a man who “ambushed” him outside his courthouse, officials say. The judge was wounded, and the suspect killed, in an 8am shoot out.

Jefferson County Judge Joseph Bruzzese Jr was heading to work at a courthouse in Steubenville, Ohio, where he had worked for 20 years, when he was attacked by a lone gunman.

The Judge was shot in the stomach and chest, but after surgery is reported to be in stable condition. Which is way better than being dead, like the guy who attacked him.



“They don’t think about whether there’s any actual real connection between guys calling for Jews to be in ovens and Trump.”


This week on the New Media Militia segment of Girard at Large; Manchester Police Chief Nick Willard (the guest host) and I discuss human nature (from policing to running a restaurant). Then we explore the long-term ramifications of the Mob protest in Boston that suppressed free speech and its greater implications for First Amendment expression in public and online.


Press Play to watch the NASA Live Stream coverage of the eclipse. Actual Eclipse Coverage begins at 12 Noon ET


Dr. John (Jay) Ellison

Dr. John (Jay) Ellison

This might surprise you, but the University of Chicago is leading the way in defense of free speech on campus. In a letter to incoming freshman, Dean of Students Dr. John (Jay) Ellison reminded them that,

“At the University of Chicago, we insist that all faculty and students are free to debate, disagree, and argue, without fear of being silenced.”

And just like last year, no trigger warnings. No safe spaces. Free Speech and agreeing to disagree are more important than coddling and hiding from ideas you disagree with.

Read the whole thing!


“You really won’t like the New Rules”*

We got a comment from Mary Anderson on Steve’s post “Is it Time to Change Everything Named after Democrat Sen. Robert Byrd?

Why not tell the whole story of Robert Byrd or doesn’t it fit in with the premise of your story? Byrd belonged briefly to the Klan before entering public service. He spent a lifetime apologising for his involvement and atoning for it. He fought for civil rights. When he died the NAACP issued a tribute praising him.

Oh, but it does.  You see, for so long the Left has maintained, through its speech and actions, that once is enough.  If you violate OUR rules, even once, no matter your intent, no matter your history, no matter what you did or say, if WE say you are to be shamed, shunned, or destroyed, well, so be it.  Sorry Mary, that’s what I’ve watched for the last dozen years.  We on the Right didn’t make them up, didn’t offer suggestions to modify them, and we certainly didn’t assent to them.  But they’ve been applied to us (and for the vast majority of times) too often to count.

And now we are using YOUR rules (just like Read the whole thing!


Atlanta Fed estimates U.S. third-quarter GDP growing at 4.0 percent

NEW YORK (Reuters) – The U.S. economy is on track to expand at a 4.0 percent annualized pace in the third quarter with inventory investment contributing 1.12 percentage points to growth, the Atlanta Federal Reserve’s GDP Now forecast model showed on Thursday. Last Friday, the government said its first reading on the gross domestic product in the second quarter was a 2.6 percent growth pace, which was 0.2 point below Atlanta Fed’s final estimate.

I’m so old that I remember when an Administration says that was unachievable.  Oh wait!

I also remember somebody else laughing at that new normal.

(H/T: Reuters)

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2017 eclips US mapSigh.  Just sigh. This professor, I guess, thought she was grabbing her eclipse sunglasses but reached for her racial glasses instead (and couldn’t tell the difference). I present Prof. Alice Ristroph a fine graduate of one of our most enlightened centers of higher learning – Harvard.  (How sweet).  First the run-up:

Totality is everything, say those who chase solar eclipses. When the moon fully obscures the sun and casts its shadow on Earth, the result is like nothing you’ve seen before—not even a partial eclipse. A merely partial eclipse does not flip day to night, because the sun is bright enough to light our fields of vision with only a tiny fraction of its power. But when the sun and moon align just so, a little piece of Earth goes dark in the middle of the day. In this path of totality, night comes suddenly and one can see the shape of the moon as a circle darker than black, marked by the faint backlight of the sun’s corona. Astronomers and eclipse chasers chart carefully to be sure that they can watch from exactly the right place at the right time. They know that you cannot compromise with the sun. For a dark sky, the sun must be banished altogether.

On August 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will arrive mid-morning on the coast of Oregon. The moon’s shadow will be about 70 miles wide, and it will race across the country faster than the speed of sound, exiting the eastern seaboard shortly before 3 p.m. local time. It has been dubbed the Great American Eclipse, and along most of its path, there live almost no black people.

Presumably, this is not explained by the implicit bias of the solar system.

Who knew that an entire planetary system had an implicit sense of racial animus and that it is DELIBERATELY, as Obama said, figuratively crossing the “solar system” street like his grandmother (as he implied his Grammy was a racist)??

Read the whole thing!


Boston - stupid black bitchA Boston free speech event counter-protester (the folks there in opposition to free speech or something) had some unkind words for a black, Boston cop, whose job it was to keep the event… peaceful. No word on whether that officer was hit with any of the bottles of urine counter-protesters tossed at police.

Read the whole thing!


Jerry Lewis MDS TelethonJerry died today.  I grew up watching all of his zany movies of which almost all were funny but some, even as a child, had moving and serious parts to them as well.  His movies with crooner Dean Martin were just the best.  But that’s not what I remember best about Jerry.  The MDS (“Multiple Dystrophy Society”) Telethon was ALWAYS watched when I was growing up – it was all about Jerry’s Kids.  Sure, lots of money was raised (and I remember waiting for each and every update to be introduced by long term MDS sidekick, Ed McMahon) especially during the last hour; will they make it, will they make it?  Most years, yes, but not all years.

I also remember the family across the street Read the whole thing!


BostonFreeSpeechConAnd made us proud…

A well-mannered, humble conservative gets the welcoming you’d expect as he walks through a crowd  protesting Free Speech yesterday in Boston. And he showed nothing but grace, dignity, and maturity.

Bravo, young man. Bravo!


Carol Shea-Porter Introduces Censure Letter Against President Donald Trump

by Steve MacDonald August 20, 2017

Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter has introduced a letter of censure against President Donald Trump for, New Hampshire Congresswoman Carol Shea-Porter (NH-01) introduced a censure resolution in the House of Representatives against President Donald trump for his comments blaming “both sides” for the incident in Charlottesville, VA. She’s also upset because he failed to “clearly repudiate white nationalism.” […]

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Stupid Time to be Alive Reminder 2,458,634

by Scott Morales August 20, 2017

Holy cow. I was perusing my Twitter feed when I found the image below along with a lefty saying “This is so important and spot on…”. So I started looking at it and… We’re doomed. What the heck does some of the items mean? And how exactly are these things tied to white supremacy?

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No Violence Reported at Boston ‘Free Speech’ Rally Today

by Steve MacDonald August 19, 2017

How do you put a context on the appearance of large crowds of progressives who show up to counter-protest a rally in support of free speech? Holding its rally at Boston Common, the group Boston Free Speech Coalition invited “libertarians, conservatives, traditionalists, classical liberal, Trump supporters or anyone else who enjoys their right to free speech.” … […]

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DACA finally gets its due?

by Skip August 19, 2017

DACA – the Obama self-declared law (“Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals”) was an Executive Order that basically violated the existing immigration Law duly passed by Congress.  It made a “safe space” from keeping kids, these DREAMERs, that were brought here illegally by their illegal immigrant parents free from being deported.  As I have said before, […]

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So Nashua Mayor Donchuss want to bring the TSA to his choo-choo plan (that the rest of us would have to pay for)?

by Skip August 19, 2017

Those proponents of bringing more railroad projects are lazy and greedy.  This is because they refuse to go the capitalist route and do it themselves privately.  Heck, that’s a TON of work they’ have to do and a VERY expensive proposition to boot.  They’re hypocrites at best – believing that this brand new fangled 19th […]

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Slow moving train wreck: so Fox News wants to remake itself into CNN/MSNBC?

by Skip August 19, 2017

From Robert Conquests Three Laws of Politics (sometimes also called O’Sullivan’s Law): 2) Any organization not explicitly right-wing sooner or later becomes left-wing. I, along with a lot of other people, have been watching Fox New moving from being that network that came into being by serving the audience that the Big Three (ABC, CBS, […]

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New York Times Named After a City Named After a Slave-Trading Racist

by Steve MacDonald August 19, 2017

The list of things the Democrats and their thugs must insist we change (remove, destroy) because “slavery” (symbols of Hate!) grows by the day. This time it’s New York. The State, the City, and everything else that sounds similar. The Daily Caller reminded everyone that New York is named after the former Duke of York, James Stuart, who […]

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‘Supremacy’ is the Goal of All Democrat Policies

by Steve MacDonald August 19, 2017

The left is off the rails about White Supremacy which you should understand is a bit hypocritical. Not just because its roots in America spring from the Democrat Party. The problem is that while they are claiming outrage about white supremacy, Supremacy over every American is the goal of all Democrat outrage. They seek supremacy […]

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How Bad Are The New Hampshire Democrat Party Prognosticators?

by Steve MacDonald August 19, 2017

Back before we knew the outcome of the 2016 elections the Democrats were saying Chris Sununu was out-of-touch with mainstream voters. Speaking at the Legislative Office Building, Buckley, Senator David Pierce (D-Lebanon) and Representative Katherine Rogers (D-Concord) denounced the Trump/Sununu’s extreme ideology, saying it was way out-of-touch with mainstream voters and that it would surely lead […]

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ICYMI – In 2017 Dem. Rep. Katherine Rogers Was Awarded ‘Humane Legislator of the Year’

by Steve MacDonald August 18, 2017

File this under better with animals than people? The Humane Society of New Hampshire has named Katherine Rogers “Humane Legislator of the Year,” according to Lindsay Hamrick, the New Hampshire State director. Rogers was the prime sponsor on last year’s HB 1547, which banned sexual assault of animals in New Hampshire, the so-called “Bestiality Bill.”  C’mon, it’s […]

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