
If You Are Serious About The Opioid Crisis You Have to End Sanctuary Cities

by Steve MacDonald February 27, 2018

Open borders policies provide drug cartels with conduits for Heroin and Fentanyl. DACA (inadvertently?) provides armies of young adults for gang recruitment. And sanctuary cities (and states) give cartels and illegals working for them more room to operate. Jessica Vaughn from the Center for Immigration Studies explains.

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Obama Admin Blocked Efforts to Dismantle Drug Operations Funding Terrorism

by Steve MacDonald February 8, 2018

Hezbollah (apparently) gets a lot of money from drug running operations run by Lebanese Hezbollah outfits in Latin America. But that’s not the most surprising thing in this report. The latest announcement comes on the heels of President Donald Trump’s decision to pass tough sanctions against Hezbollah. The sanctions are aimed at businesses in Sierra Leone, Ghana, and Liberia, which the […]

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On the Legalization of Drugs (Again). Dr. Dalrymple’s Advice, Don’t Do It!

by Steve MacDonald August 22, 2017

Over on Facebook, there is yet another discussion about legalizing drugs versus the cost of policing or other costs. Whenever I find such debates, I always link to this excellent examination of that very debate by Theodore  Dalrymple.  Dr. Anthony Daniels (Dalrymple being his pen name) provides a keen insight into the arguments in favor […]

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Why SHOULD Society keep mitigating bad consequences from bad decisions?

by Skip July 2, 2017

I’ve been saying it for years – the goal of Progressives is to make sure that someone making bad decisions should not suffer the consequences for doing so.  Further, we’re all hateful heartless people because we complain about the socialization of those costs.  But that’s what the Nanny State demands: SHUT UP! First a dose […]

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Some Ideas Don’t Seem Like They Will Ever Work Because, People!

by Steve MacDonald August 22, 2016
Thumbnail image for Some Ideas Don’t Seem Like They Will Ever Work Because, People!

Theodore Dalrymple has some excellent thoughts on decriminalizing or legalizing drugs and why some ideas don’t seem like they will work because, people! The philosophic argument is that, in a free society, adults should be permitted to do whatever they please, always provided that they are prepared to take the consequences of their own choices […]

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Looks Like Kyle Tasker Is a Dirt-bag (for those who still suspected otherwise…)

by Steve MacDonald March 4, 2016
Thumbnail image for Looks Like Kyle Tasker Is a Dirt-bag (for those who still suspected otherwise…)

The Affidavit begins on Page 5/6. You can read the police report and complaint for yourself (pdf below), but this part will get you started. SJ. accepted the friend request from KyleTasker. Facebook has a component identified as Facebook Messaging that allows two parties to communicate privately by way of typed text. During these private Facebook […]

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Nice title, UNH

by Skip February 14, 2016

Ayup, our tax dollars in use – parents, you should be SO proud – OUTSTANDING! The Daily Beast combed available statistics to figure out which campuses have both environments that may be permissive of drug use as well as a student body that partakes in illegal drug use. To rank the colleges and universities, we […]

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Theodore Dalrymple – “Don’t Legalize Drugs”

by Steve MacDonald November 13, 2015
Thumbnail image for Theodore Dalrymple – “Don’t Legalize Drugs”

City Journal, circa 1997. Dr. Theodore Dalrymple advises against the practice of legalizing drugs. (Marijuana is not mentioned but arguments justifying legalization of other drugs are similar and discussed.) Here’s an excerpt but you should read the whole thing. Heads-up! It’s not a short read but it is an intriguing argument. The idea that freedom […]

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Liberals: Treat guns like drugs…

by Skip December 17, 2012

(H/T: Townhall )

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