August 22, 2017

Sandcrawler PSA: Islamic State IS Basically Slime

By Howie at 06:06 PM | Comments |

Google Bans Statistics and Math Because Racism (Update: Math Unbanned)

Stop the hate, numbers are indifferent to identity, therefore numbers are a racist evil that MUST BE STOPPED.

My ads-free blog itself is a probability theory site, with 27 million reads and has somewhere near 150k overall followers. It’s been read by Warren Buffett, Elon Musk, Nobel Laureates, multiple governments, celebrity athletes around the world, deans of many universities (on the syllabi of same), and a number of TV news anchors. So it’s been a great boon for Google to be noticed so kindly by essentially a charitable site promoting math education. What great people from all corners of the world and at all levels who can enjoy Google, until it suddenly died Friday afternoon.

My background is clean, and without a political or social agenda. I am not promoting any specific viewpoint. I teach probability math and that’s it. Have worked with both the Obama administration and advised on polling statistics for the Trump campaign, am an adjunct professor at three top universities, an editor of the peer-reviewed journal of the American Statistical Association, and wrote a best-selling statistics book (all the proceeds of which I gave to charity!)

The NYT has a popular print article this weekend and they cited my Google blog, but alas it not links to an embarrassing malfunction, for many to see:

Again, a math site. An academic site that you can see from the various header tabs of the archives ( These are applications of formulas and shouldn’t be subject of limitations of free speech. A lot of great people like it. Hopefully Google needs to take huge step back and reexamine what went wrong and how the product could be better for others going forward, so that they and all of us grow well. People’s faith in democracy is on the line. Faith that technology companies are looking out for our good first.

I have followed their common “appeal” form but no response for three days. Also connected with one of the VPs over the weekend and it still takes time until receiving this today! Just more of a reflection of how cold a company can treat someone very poorly: without any information, and lack of ability to move forward in their life (can I get real reasons if any, can I get advance notice, can I get my contact list back from gmail, and why are university properties unrelated to my blog shut down?)

Because you once did some math for Trump. Its a political thing man, Google must silence you lest you provide math to someone Google doesn't like.

Its for you're own good!

Update: Google decides that Math isn't racist after all.

Google also reserves the right to ban math again when no one is paying attention.

By Howie at 10:03 AM | Comments |

Spanish Police Kill Last At Large Barcelona Terrorist

He's dead Jim!

I have to hand it to Spain, once they get started they have shown no hesitance to do what is required.

By Howie at 09:21 AM | Comments |

August 21, 2017

Eclipse 2017! Live Coverage of The End of Civilization

It was nice knowing you guys.


See you Tuesday! Oh, have a nice day!

Update: 10:30 AM CDT: This ain't shit....

Update: 10:45 am CDT: THIS SUCKS!

Update: 11:01 am CDT: NASA is FOS!

Update: 11:20 am CDT: Fake News!

Update: 11:44 am CDT: Hoax!

Update: 11:53 am CDT: I can't believe I paid $200.00 for these glasses!

Update: 11:56 am CDT: Oh shit!

Updated: 12.04 pm CDT: That's no moon!

Update: 12:22 pm CDT: We're doomed!

Update: 01:31 pm CDT: Awesome!

ELCLIPSE - Copy.jpg


Image Credit Doug

Well I guess we're still here..... no rest for the wicked they say.

By Howie at 01:19 PM | Comments |

August 19, 2017

Seven People Stabbed in Islamic State Terrorist Attack in Russia

Islamic State's last desperate killing spree extends to Russia.

Isis has claimed responsibility for a stabbing attack in Russia that injured eight people, the group's Amaq news agency has said.

A man was shot dead by police after knifing people apparently at random in the Siberian city of Surgut on Saturday morning.

The state-owned RIA Novosti agency said two people were in critical condition in hospital.

"A man was running along the main streets stabbing people", the TASS news agency reported. There were initially fears of a second attacker, but police later said he was acting alone.

By Howie at 11:01 AM | Comments |

August 18, 2017

One Murdered in Islamic Terrorist Attack in Germany

Well looks like we're back on the daily attack schedule.

One person was killed and one person was injured in a stabbing attack in the German city of Wuppertal-Elberfeld today, according to police.

Wuppertal police are still searching for one or more suspects related to the stabbings.

No information has been released about the possible motive of the attack.

By Howie at 11:38 AM | Comments |

Imperial Good News! Four Barcelona Jihadis Going Strait to Jahannam!

They were taken out by a woman, under Islamic State's superstitious interpretation of Islam, if a woman kills you, strait to hell.

Enjoy the trip boys!

By Howie at 11:36 AM | Comments |

Islamic State of Losers Attack Finland

He was shouting a phrase in Arabic, I'll give you one guess. But probably one guess is all you will need.

Multiple people are injured after a knife-wielding attacker reportedly went on the rampage in Finland, sparking terror attack fears.

Armed police officers are said to have shot the suspect in the leg after he allegedly started stabbing people in the city of Turku this afternoon.

As he did so, he was apparently heard screaming: "Allahu Akbar". It was initially thought more than one suspect was involved in the attack, but this remains unclear.

A number of people - reportedly including a woman and a baby - were injured in the terrifying rampage, with claims that at least one victim was killed.

So the Religion of Peace is now stabbing babies in the name of Allah. Is it just me or is that like evil and stuff.

By Howie at 09:51 AM | Comments |

To The Islamic State of Losers With Love From Barcelona

Well maybe not love.... you know..

I hear the Spaniards are in aggressive negotiations with Islamic State as we speak.

Looks like they have reached an agreement and ISIS has elected to receive.

By Howie at 09:46 AM | Comments |

August 17, 2017

Eurabia: Terrorist Drives Van Into Crowd in Barcelona (13 Reportedly Killed 80 Injured)
Updated Bumped Second Attack)

Yup, another one... But it does seem that is Islamic State becomes weaker and more desperate to attack the actual frequency is less than at their peak.

Small comfort I know....

t least two people have been killed and several others have been injured after a van crashed on a pavement in a popular tourist area of Barcelona, authorities have said.

The vehicle hit pedestrians in Las Ramblas, a busy tree-lined promenade in the centre of the city, the Ministry of the Interior said.

Spanish media is now reporting that armed men entered a restaurant shortly after the attack took place.

My sources tell me that two terrorists entered a Jewish restaurant after the crash and attacked. While reports are the driver fled.

Still developing....

Also last week a Zodiac full of military age males, refugees they said landed on a beach in Spain causing panic, they fled into the city. Its unknown if that is related.

Update: Hostage situation.

I can't resolve the Jewish name with the Turkish restaurant thing either.

Anyway here is the landing I spoke of earlier.

Update: Obviously another one of those Asian Nazis.

Islamic State has claimed the attack, they say it was a direct order, but that's probably BS. It is definitely an attack in sympathy with ISIS but take all their claims with a grain of salt, no wait an entire *block of salt.

Update: Ongoing battles in Spain still this late. Live ammo, you can hear the bullets whizzing.

Thanks to William.

Updated again, according to police this is them responding to another attack, not a raid.

Police say it was a raid on a attack in the staging process.

As I understand the above videos the police where concerned or the terrorists were wearing suicide vests.

By Howie at 07:06 PM | Comments |

Sandcrawler PSA: Make History Don't Erase History

You know, I've not written about Charlottesville, because obviously when you gather enough morons in one place there is bound to be trouble.

In this case a moron went postal because some other morons were being morons. I mean you have heard of mob mentality, right? So basically there is a danger from morons in America both left and right. But then again morons are pretty much tolerated here.

I heard one girl say something about, "Get the facist boot off my neck!" or something. Young lady, if this were a fascist nation, you'd be dead already. Fascists like order to say the least.

So the media see the death of Heather Heyer as a great opportunity, the case of an innocent, just standing around.... you know. And it plays. Very bad deal all the way around. As they say in the sticks, "shit got out of hand."


My advice, avoid clouds of morons. But still its playing and its playing well. I don't buy any of it really. Its politics at its purest. If not fake news, news twisted and molded to suit the narrative of the day.

You've heard it, "We must act", "direct action" all those, you know. Astroturf slogans on both sides.

This moron named James Fields, may he never see the light of day again. Because again any excuse he may have doesn't pass muster, he intentionally went into the cloud of morons.

So that is our challenge, not to let shit get even further out of hand. Its bad, but we do have have fish to fry.

But that still leaves the morons out there, acting ignorant and breaking things. So I've got one thing to say to the alr-right morons.

The world has NOT been taken over by Zionist Reptilian Space Aliens, turn that shit off and go ask your mother to slap the crap out of you 500 times..... in a row....

And there is barely one more IQ point between you and al-Qaeda. The alt-Rights Jew hatred sounds as paranoid as the Jews tricked us to kill each other and destroy our own countries paranoid delusional crap the Islamic Terrorists say .

And to the left, young and stupid is no way to go through life. Again the same, the fucking Lizzard People ARE NOT GODDAMN REAL! And what the hell is that kicking bronze BS? I was pretty sure you were going to whip off your sandals and go after it. What a bunch of piko dumbshits.....

Now that I have your attention. Rather than take down statues, why not find someone and build the statues that YOU want. Or, God forbid, do something worth while that gets you a statue.

I know that's a radical and difficult idea, but you know, its an American idea. Now get your shit together... and stop fucking up my day.

Me I'm going to have this done, but much larger, in granite.....


There, I got that off my chest, carry on.

Read More "Sandcrawler PSA: Make History Don't Erase History"
By Howie at 06:26 PM | Comments |

August 16, 2017

Attn: Twitter User @NT_Sabiq

Its not nice to play for the Taiban.


Also, I have friends. Friends who are very good at what they do.

Buh bye!

By Howie at 06:07 PM | Comments |

We're Saved!

Since John died I've been unable to predict the future. There are perilous times. America was just about to go in the shitter. But now!

By Howie at 03:49 PM | Comments |

Manchester Attack Intelligence Failure

Jesus! I've often said that intelligence is useless unless acted upon, collecting blips for the sake of collecting blips is useless.

The Manchester Arena bombing was authorised in an online chat between a plotter, an Islamic State operative in Syria, a jihadist recruiter in Dallas and a Moroccan-born Islamist living in Turin, it was claimed yesterday.

The online conversation took place on August 28 last year using the Zello secure messaging app and was intercepted by the FBI, according to L’Espresso, an Italian weekly magazine.

One of the five people taking part in the chat asked: “Sheikh, I live in Manchester, in Great Britain. I live among non-Muslims. I have found work with them. Am I allowed to kill them? Is it permitted to kill them with a bomb?”

The sheikh, who is thought to have been living in Syria, replied with a phrase from the Koran: “Fight the pagans all together.”

The man from Dallas was identified by L’Espresso as Said Azzam Mohamad Rahim, who was born in America to Jordanian parents. He allegedly said: “To the boy from Manchester I say, OK, kill them! Show no mercy to civilians.”

Interesting, that the ones who whine about bombing civilians all day long bomb civilians with no mercy.

My apologies to the United Kingdom for our intelligence services failing to warn you and also it seems yours has the same problem. Take out the terrorists, no blips to collect, so the analysts take a wild guess on how dangerous this one or that one is.

Truth be told you should send them to GITMO till Cuba sinks.

By the way, we're doomed.

By Howie at 11:21 AM | Comments |