- published: 14 May 2017
- views: 39983
This is a list of notable Germans or German-speaking or -writing persons. Persons of mixed heritage have their respective ancestries credited.
Germans (German: Deutsche) are a Germanic ethnic group native to Central Europe, who share a common German ancestry, culture and history, and speak the German language as their native language. Alternatively, Germans are those who live or were born in Germany.
The English term Germans has historically referred to the German-speaking population of the Holy Roman Empire since the Late Middle Ages. Before the collapse of communism and the reunification of Germany in 1990, Germans constituted the largest divided nation in Europe by far. Ever since the outbreak of the Protestant Reformation within the Holy Roman Empire, German society has been characterized by a Catholic-Protestant divide.
Of approximately 100 million native speakers of German in the world, roughly 80 million consider themselves Germans. There are an additional 80 million people of German ancestry mainly in the United States, Brazil (mainly in the South Region of the country), Argentina, Canada, South Africa, the post-Soviet states (mainly in Russia and Kazakhstan), and France, each accounting for at least 1 million. Thus, the total number of Germans lies somewhere between 100 and more than 150 million, depending on the criteria applied (native speakers, single-ancestry ethnic Germans, partial German ancestry, etc.).
Saint Martin may refer to:
5 Things YOU DON’T SAY to Germans
How Do The Germans View Americans? | Berlin
Street Interviews with Germans on Merkel, Immigration, and more...
Why Germans Can Say Things No One Else Can
Don't Say THAT To Germans
Germany vs Austria: Christop Waltz on the difference between Austrians and Germans
How German Sounds Compared To Other Languages || CopyCatChannel
Germans in Japan: What Do Japanese People Really Know About Germany?
What Germans like about other Countries | Easy German 195
CUTE Things Those Germans Say
Eurovision vs. the World Cup...David Hasselhoff...white asparagus...here are 5 things you just don't say to Germans!! T-shirts: https://teespring.com/stores/wantedadventure So my question for you is: Have you ever found yourself saying any of these things to Germans, and Germans, what else do you get annoyed about hearing? Subscribe: https://goo.gl/IXm5MB Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WantedAdventure Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WantedAdventure Twitter: https://twitter.com/WantedAdventure Google+: https://plus.google.com/+WantedAdventure Thanks so much for watching!! Subscribe for more videos about the German and American culture, life in Germany versus life in USA, travel, and languages! New videos every Sunday and most Wednesdays :)
C'mon Americans, all the Germans want is to just see the real you. READ MORE: Subscribe here for more interesting questions: http://bit.ly/149LvLB Follow me on Instagram for my travel adventures: www.instagram.com/yafafly Follow Me on Twitter to stay updated: http://bit.ly/139ailr Like The Yafa Show on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/17D0TlP Get more Relationship Advice: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbyLS1oPNgrqd92cJelkmi2lpzi1RpkH4 Debates between Men and Women: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbyLS1oPNgrrCKkzy925Ii5GHJKkpOzH_ Get some more Flirting Tips: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbyLS1oPNgrrZvrtX25z6gVyNbVydUHLs Need some Advice on Sex? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbyLS1oPNgrpHnUzj5PdBtL-xW1zuAkds See more Stereotypes from Around The Worl...
All my work is funded by crowdfunding, to support me, click on the link below - https://www.paypal.me/grahamwphillips All filmed in Munich, Germany. Graham in Germany (#4) 28th July 2016.
German is a wonderfully inventive and bold language, full of gloriously long compound words for emotions and ideas that most languages struggle to allow us to express. If you like our films, take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): https://goo.gl/wlIcjV Join our mailing list: http://bit.ly/2e0TQNJ Or visit us in person at our London HQ https://goo.gl/RBY7Y5 FURTHER READING “We’re hugely dependent on language to help us express what we really think and feel. But some languages are better than others at crisply naming important sensations. Germans have been geniuses at inventing long – or what get called ‘compound’ – words that elegantly put a finger on emotions that we all know, but that other languages require whole clumsy sentences or paragraphs to express…” You can read more ...
Hey rabbits! There are some things you should better not say to or near a German. In this video I tell you what NOT to say to Germans! Enjoy! :) ***** SUPPORT ME on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/donttrusttherabbit ***** SUBSCRIBE? http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1-MpIG20o6kzsu1I5SLXpQ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/donttrusttherabbit TWITTER https://twitter.com/trixirabbit @trixirabbit INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/donttrusttherabbit/ INTRO "Monkey Spinning Monkeys" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://incompetech.com/wordpress/2014/02/monkeys-spinning-monkeys/ http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/faq.html MUSIC & SOUNDS „Slow Motion Warp" by CouchMango (soundbible.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attr...
Hollywood actor Christop Waltz, star of Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained, explains the difference between Austrians and Germans. Although the interview is slightly tongue-in-cheek, Waltz is well qualified to make the comparison. He was born in Vienna, the product of a German-born father, Johannes Waltz, and Austrian-born mother, Elisabeth Urbancic, who were set and costume designers. As for St Martin Chalets, we love both Austrians AND Germans. We have many visitors from both countries every year, and we would find it very difficult to make a comparison. Honest! :) You can read about St Martin Chalets Austrian holiday resort here: http://holidaystoaustria.com/ oder, in Deutsch, hier: http://stmartinchalets.at Subscribe to the St Martin Chalets blog: http://...
Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/MakeThemMeow Experience how awfully harsh German sounds in comparison to other (more beautiful?!) languages! This is the original version! Click here to see all of our other videos with the German guy and German comedy! http://bit.ly/GermanComedy This is CopyCatChannel with Felix & Marius. We are two weirdos from Berlin and we like cats & the internet. We shoot pranks, comedy videos based on stereotypes & all different kind of funny stuff. In case you have any questions, please feel free to contact our moms! Subscribe to our channel to never miss a new video: http://bit.ly/MakeThemMeow Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/copycatchannel Google+: http://plus.google.com/+copycatchannel Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/copycatchannel Felix on Instagram...
Are you German and living in Japan? Do you feel that Japanese people really understand you, that they really have a deep knowledge of German history and culture? If you answer yes - think again. 日本人はドイツ人のことをどう思っているのか?日本人はドイツ人が好き?嫌い?どんなことを知っている?それとも国の名前は知っているけどドイツについて何も知らない?原宿の若者にインタビューした結果をまとめました。ドイツ人の方、生々しいインタビュー結果を楽しんでください! Follow VONDELPARKJAPAN on Facebook here! https://www.facebook.com/vondelparkjapan/
GET EXERCISES FOR THIS VIDEO: http://www.patreon.com/easygerman SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/sdP9nz INVITE US TO YOUR SCHOOL: http://bit.ly/2fXVdk6 LEARN GERMAN IN BERLIN: http://easygerman.org/#summerschool FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/easygermanvideos INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/easygermanvideos EASY GERMAN ON MEMRISE: http://www.memrise.com/course/1343772/easy-german/ WEBSITE: http://www.easygerman.org/ EASY GERMAN SHOP: http://www.shop.spreadshirt.com/easygerman --- ► PRODUCED IN COOPERATION WITH: http://www.theglobalexperience.org Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to learn languages through authentic street interviews and expose the street culture of participating partner countries abroad. Episodes are produced in local ...
Looking at some of the common "Germanisms" that German speakers use when speaking English. SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/IXm5MB False Friends video: https://youtu.be/rogkJR2TkUg Thanks so much for watching!! Subscribe for more videos about the German and American culture, life in Germany versus life in USA, travel, and languages! New videos every Sunday and most Wednesdays :) More fun stuff here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WantedAdventure Twitter: https://twitter.com/WantedAdventure Google+: https://plus.google.com/+WantedAdventure
Eurovision vs. the World Cup...David Hasselhoff...white asparagus...here are 5 things you just don't say to Germans!! T-shirts: https://teespring.com/stores/wantedadventure So my question for you is: Have you ever found yourself saying any of these things to Germans, and Germans, what else do you get annoyed about hearing? Subscribe: https://goo.gl/IXm5MB Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/WantedAdventure Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WantedAdventure Twitter: https://twitter.com/WantedAdventure Google+: https://plus.google.com/+WantedAdventure Thanks so much for watching!! Subscribe for more videos about the German and American culture, life in Germany versus life in USA, travel, and languages! New videos every Sunday and most Wednesdays :)
C'mon Americans, all the Germans want is to just see the real you. READ MORE: Subscribe here for more interesting questions: http://bit.ly/149LvLB Follow me on Instagram for my travel adventures: www.instagram.com/yafafly Follow Me on Twitter to stay updated: http://bit.ly/139ailr Like The Yafa Show on Facebook: http://on.fb.me/17D0TlP Get more Relationship Advice: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbyLS1oPNgrqd92cJelkmi2lpzi1RpkH4 Debates between Men and Women: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbyLS1oPNgrrCKkzy925Ii5GHJKkpOzH_ Get some more Flirting Tips: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbyLS1oPNgrrZvrtX25z6gVyNbVydUHLs Need some Advice on Sex? https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLbyLS1oPNgrpHnUzj5PdBtL-xW1zuAkds See more Stereotypes from Around The Worl...
All my work is funded by crowdfunding, to support me, click on the link below - https://www.paypal.me/grahamwphillips All filmed in Munich, Germany. Graham in Germany (#4) 28th July 2016.
German is a wonderfully inventive and bold language, full of gloriously long compound words for emotions and ideas that most languages struggle to allow us to express. If you like our films, take a look at our shop (we ship worldwide): https://goo.gl/wlIcjV Join our mailing list: http://bit.ly/2e0TQNJ Or visit us in person at our London HQ https://goo.gl/RBY7Y5 FURTHER READING “We’re hugely dependent on language to help us express what we really think and feel. But some languages are better than others at crisply naming important sensations. Germans have been geniuses at inventing long – or what get called ‘compound’ – words that elegantly put a finger on emotions that we all know, but that other languages require whole clumsy sentences or paragraphs to express…” You can read more ...
Hey rabbits! There are some things you should better not say to or near a German. In this video I tell you what NOT to say to Germans! Enjoy! :) ***** SUPPORT ME on patreon: https://www.patreon.com/donttrusttherabbit ***** SUBSCRIBE? http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1-MpIG20o6kzsu1I5SLXpQ FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/donttrusttherabbit TWITTER https://twitter.com/trixirabbit @trixirabbit INSTAGRAM https://instagram.com/donttrusttherabbit/ INTRO "Monkey Spinning Monkeys" by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://incompetech.com/wordpress/2014/02/monkeys-spinning-monkeys/ http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/faq.html MUSIC & SOUNDS „Slow Motion Warp" by CouchMango (soundbible.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attr...
Hollywood actor Christop Waltz, star of Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds and Django Unchained, explains the difference between Austrians and Germans. Although the interview is slightly tongue-in-cheek, Waltz is well qualified to make the comparison. He was born in Vienna, the product of a German-born father, Johannes Waltz, and Austrian-born mother, Elisabeth Urbancic, who were set and costume designers. As for St Martin Chalets, we love both Austrians AND Germans. We have many visitors from both countries every year, and we would find it very difficult to make a comparison. Honest! :) You can read about St Martin Chalets Austrian holiday resort here: http://holidaystoaustria.com/ oder, in Deutsch, hier: http://stmartinchalets.at Subscribe to the St Martin Chalets blog: http://...
Subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/MakeThemMeow Experience how awfully harsh German sounds in comparison to other (more beautiful?!) languages! This is the original version! Click here to see all of our other videos with the German guy and German comedy! http://bit.ly/GermanComedy This is CopyCatChannel with Felix & Marius. We are two weirdos from Berlin and we like cats & the internet. We shoot pranks, comedy videos based on stereotypes & all different kind of funny stuff. In case you have any questions, please feel free to contact our moms! Subscribe to our channel to never miss a new video: http://bit.ly/MakeThemMeow Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/copycatchannel Google+: http://plus.google.com/+copycatchannel Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/copycatchannel Felix on Instagram...
Are you German and living in Japan? Do you feel that Japanese people really understand you, that they really have a deep knowledge of German history and culture? If you answer yes - think again. 日本人はドイツ人のことをどう思っているのか?日本人はドイツ人が好き?嫌い?どんなことを知っている?それとも国の名前は知っているけどドイツについて何も知らない?原宿の若者にインタビューした結果をまとめました。ドイツ人の方、生々しいインタビュー結果を楽しんでください! Follow VONDELPARKJAPAN on Facebook here! https://www.facebook.com/vondelparkjapan/
GET EXERCISES FOR THIS VIDEO: http://www.patreon.com/easygerman SUBSCRIBE: http://goo.gl/sdP9nz INVITE US TO YOUR SCHOOL: http://bit.ly/2fXVdk6 LEARN GERMAN IN BERLIN: http://easygerman.org/#summerschool FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/easygermanvideos INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/easygermanvideos EASY GERMAN ON MEMRISE: http://www.memrise.com/course/1343772/easy-german/ WEBSITE: http://www.easygerman.org/ EASY GERMAN SHOP: http://www.shop.spreadshirt.com/easygerman --- ► PRODUCED IN COOPERATION WITH: http://www.theglobalexperience.org Easy Languages is an international video project aiming at supporting people worldwide to learn languages through authentic street interviews and expose the street culture of participating partner countries abroad. Episodes are produced in local ...
Looking at some of the common "Germanisms" that German speakers use when speaking English. SUBSCRIBE: https://goo.gl/IXm5MB False Friends video: https://youtu.be/rogkJR2TkUg Thanks so much for watching!! Subscribe for more videos about the German and American culture, life in Germany versus life in USA, travel, and languages! New videos every Sunday and most Wednesdays :) More fun stuff here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WantedAdventure Twitter: https://twitter.com/WantedAdventure Google+: https://plus.google.com/+WantedAdventure
romantic german german dialogues easy german
Sitting on the bog in foreign parts, looking round for
anything to wipe my arse,
There's a second hand curry splattered round the rim,
And red and black scrapings from an Arab's foreskin
You can't drink the water, you've got to boil it
All the women smell of Egyptian toilets
There's a shitty clogged-up copper pipe sticking out of
the bowl
Hosepipes, flies, foreign smells, no fucking toilet
It was a cheap package holiday with a guarantee-
You'll pass nothing solid 'til you're back in
They warned me not to eat the food, and everything's in
But they didn't say a word about a million sausage
Squareheads in the pubs, Jerries on the streets,
Krauts in the bars, Erics on the beach
Got to do something fast to clear away this shit,
I'll have to wipe my bottom on a passing Fritz.
Oi! Adolf! Shut your fucking trap
Take your Merc and piss off back with your holiday
schnapps (snaps)
Oi! Adolf! Stop pushing in the queue,
Try pushing into Poland and we'll beat you black and
I'm an Englishman abroad and my ringpiece is a mess
My foot's wedged against the door to keep out the S.S.
This foreign khasi stinks of daygo turds that missed
the bowl
There's Huns outside, slapping thighs and wearing
I hope these German bastards have the runs as bad as
I'll fight them on the beaches to defend my lavatory
I'm shouting: 'Fuck off, Herman, who won the fucking
The fuckers pushed their gaspipes under my bog door.
Oi! Adolf! Nineteen sixty six!
I provide the gas in here, fuck off back to Auschwitz
Oi! Adolf! Fuck off back to Belsen
I'm not a yid, I'm on the bog, annex something else,
Oi! Adolf! You talking to me?
How come all you krauts can speak German fluently?
Oi! Adolf! Nineteen forty five!