AccueilThe Roll in Western Europe in the Late Middle Ages

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Publié le vendredi 28 juillet 2017 par Anastasia Giardinelli


Rolls were used in all aspects of medieval society. Key areas in which rolls were utilized include administration, genealogies, poetry, liturgy and heraldry. Despite the significance of the roll as a form for medieval writing culture, it has not received as much attention in respect to its significance. The international conference The Roll in Western Europe in the Late Middle Ages focuses on the materiality and the praxeology of late medieval rolls (1200 – 1500), particularly in England and France. The presentations deal with questions regarding the purpose and function of the rolls, the advantages and disadvantages of the roll form and why it was preferred for certain texts over other forms, such as the codex.



Thursday, 28 September 2017

  • 9:00–9:30

Welcome and Introduction
Jörg Peltzer, Heidelberg

Section 1

Moderation: Anuschka Holste, Heidelberg

  • 9:30–10:30

Entre rupture et continuité: la problématique des représentations de la lignée Anglo-normande du XIIIe au XVe siècle
Ismérie Triquet, Rennes

  • 10:30–11:30

A tous nobles in roll or codex: the physical expressions of a French genealogical chronicle
Marigold Norbye, London

  • 11:30–12:30

Neither roll nor codex: genealogical accordions in
fifteenth-century England
Maree Shirota, Heidelberg

12:30–14:00 Lunch Break

Section 2

Moderation: Klaus Oschema, Bochum

  • 14:00–15:00

English Rolls versus French and Papal Registers: The Significance of Form?
Nicholas Vincent, Norwich

  • 15:00–16:00

Au bout du rouleau: enquête sur l‘adoption du registre par l’administration savoyarde à la fin du XVe siècle
Jean-Louis Gaulin, Lyon

16:00–16:30 Coffee Break

Section 3

Moderation: Bernd Schneidmüller, Heidelberg

  • 16:30–17:30

Scribes, Archivists and (Uncatalogued) Rolls: An Overview of Late Medieval Rolls kept at the
Archives départementales de l‘Eure
Thomas Roche, Rouen

  • 17:30–18:30

Les usages du rotulus en curie. Formes, raisons et développements aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles
Armand Jamme, Lyon

19:30 Joint Dinner

Friday, 29 September 2017
Section 4

  • Moderation: Annette Kehnel, Mannheim
  • 9:00–10:00

The Rolls behind the Rolls: The English Pipe Rolls and their Preliminary Documents
Richard Cassidy, London

  • 10:00–11:00

Rouleaux cisterciens et transferts culturels au pays de Galles au XIIIe siècle
Elodie Papin, Angers

  • 11:00–12:00

Copying Rolls: The Onus Scaccarii Rolls under Edward I (1272-1307)
Stefan Holz, Heidelberg

12:00–13:30 Lunch Break

Section 5

Moderation: Norbert Kössinger, Konstanz

  • 13:30–14:30

The Power of Not Reading: Amulet Rolls in Medieval England
Katherine Hindley, Singapore

  • 14:30–15:30

Copier les chartes en rouleau: les objectifs d’une compilation singulière (Midi de la France, XIe – XVe siècles)
Jean-Batiste Renault, Nancy

15:30–16:00 Coffee Break

Section 6

Moderation: Jean-Marie Moeglin, Paris

  • 16:00–17:00

Le rouleau dans les procédures judiciaires au chapitre de Notre-Dame de Paris au XIIIe siècle
Lucie Tryoen, Paris

  • 17:00–18:00

Le format du rouleau dans un monastère du diocèse de Paris au XIVe siècle: le cas de la déclaration des biens de l‘abbaye cistercienne du Val Notre-Dame (1362)
Marlène Helias-Baron, Paris

  • 18:00–18:15

Concluding remarks

Jean-Marie Moeglin, Paris

19:00 Joint Dinner


  • Heidelberg Center for American Studies, Hauptstr. 120
    Heidelberg, Allemagne (69117)


  • jeudi 28 septembre 2017
  • vendredi 29 septembre 2017


  • Stefan Holz
    courriel : stefan [dot] holz [at] zegk [dot] uni-heidelberg [dot] de

Source de l'information

  • Stefan Holz
    courriel : stefan [dot] holz [at] zegk [dot] uni-heidelberg [dot] de

Pour citer cette annonce

« The Roll in Western Europe in the Late Middle Ages », Colloque, Calenda, Publié le vendredi 28 juillet 2017,