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Updated July 29, 2017 - 1:03 AM EDT
Rand Paul Blocks DoD Authorization Until Sept.
White House: Trump to Sign Russia Sanctions Bill
  Russia Retaliates, Seizes US Properties, Orders Embassy to Cut Staff
US, S. Korea Talk 'Military Options' Against North
  South Korea Hawks Push for Nuclear Weapons Development
Deadly ISIS Attack on US-Backed Forces in Syria
  Officials Estimate 7,000 ISIS Remain in Iraq
US Says Iran Satellite Launch Failed, Imposes New Sanctions
Pakistan PM Ousted, Younger Brother Will Take Position
What 'Liberation' Looks Like – US Airstrikes Devastated Mosul  by Phyllis Bennis
Trump Is Determined to Blow Up the Iran Deal  by John Glaser
Donald Trump and the Coming Fall of American Empire  by Jeremy Scahill
March of Folly to Crisis on Temple Mount  by Uri Avnery
Tillerson Mulls Closing War Crimes Office  by Todd E. Pierce
Russia Sanctions Fuel New Cold War  by Norman Solomon

More Viewpoints

Chinese Troops Moving Next Door to US Base in Horn of Africa
Former Defense Secretary Paints Grim Picture of Nuclear Threat
Zimbabwe: Mugabe Accuses Military of Plotting a Coup
2 Psychologists in CIA Interrogations Can Face Trial
The War at Home
Majority of Americans Support Transgender Military Service
Reince Priebus Replaced: Donald Trump Names Gen. John Kelly as New White House Chief of Staff
Hacking Group Shadowbrokers Raises Prices for Leaks
McCain's Brain Cancer Draws Renewed Attention to Possible Agent Orange Connection
Candidate for Top Homeland Security Job Withdraws Over Trump Transgender Troops Ban
Paris Hand-Shakes on Libya Peace Deal Mask Deep Fractures
EU Gives 46 Million Euros to Italy to Help Protect Libya Borders
DR Congo
At Least One Dead, 20 Escape in Latest Congo Prison Break
DR Congo Kasai Violence Displaces 850,000 Children
South Sudan Army Captures Rebel-Held Town, Senior Rebel Defects
'Landmark' Law Protects Tunisian Women From Rape and Domestic Violence
Suspected Boko Haram Militants Issue Purported Photo of Three Kidnapped Oil Survey Team Members
Venezuela Protest Ban Dampens Street Opposition to Maduro
Venezuelan Opposition in Final Protest Push Ahead of Sunday Vote
US Lawmakers Expect More Sanctions on Venezuela Over Vote
Colombia Leader Won't Recognize Venezuela's Vote
Colombia to Extend Venezuelans' Visas Ahead of Assembly Vote
Nicaragua to Once Again Revive Old Damage Claim Against US
Weekend Reviews
Don't Believe the Dangerous Myths of Drone Warrior
How Witnesses of the Unseen: Seven Years in Guantanamo Opens Up the Horrors of Torture
PBS' Anti-Russia Propaganda Series
Ilan Pappe's Ten Myths About Israel
The Ministry of Utmost Happiness: Through Eyes of an Activist for Palestine
Americans Still Dying
Fortunately, No American Troops Were Reported Killed This Week
Militants Execute Ethnic Kakai Family; 41 Killed in Iraq
Senior Iraqi Kurd Seeks to Allay Concerns on Independence Bid
Jordan's King: Netanyahu Exploited Israeli Embassy Shooting for Political Gain
Jordanian Protesters at Israeli Embassy Call for Ending Peace Treaty
Gaza Boy Killed During Al-Aqsa Protest
Men Under 50 Barred From Jerusalem Holy Site Again
Mother of Palestinian Attacker Who Killed Three Israelis Indicted
Ex-Mossad Chief: Israel Embarrassed a Key Ally for Sake of Public Opinion
Turkish Court Remands Four Opposition Newspaper Staff in Custody, Releases Seven
Turkish Court Orders Release of 7 Suspects in Cumhuriyet Trial
Iran Denies Rocket Test Violates UN Resolution
Talk of Sea Border With Britain Riles Vulnerable May's Northern Irish Allies
Irish PM Says He's Against Any 'Economic Border' With Northern Ireland
One Dead, Six Injured: Hamburg Attack Was by 'Failed Asylum Seeker' Who Shouted 'Allahu Akbar'
Russia's New UN Envoy: World Faces 'Unprecedented Threats'
Spanish Government Files Legal Bid to Halt Catalan Referendum
Moldova President Sees Move Towards Russia-Led Trade Union in 2017
Afghan Forces Capture Taywara District From Taliban
East Philippines: Troops Kill Four Communist Rebels
Vietnam Asks Indonesia to Investigate South China Sea Shooting
Detained Myanmar Journalists Defiant at 'Unlawful Association' Trial
Uzbekistan Holds Ex-President's Daughter in Custody
Japan Joins US in Imposing New Sanctions on North Korea
Japan Defense Minister Quits Amid Plunging Support for PM
Read more

Justin Raimondo
Out Sick

Ivan Eland
Why Can't Right-Wing Leaders Support Smaller Government?

Sheldon Richman
The American Way of War

Lucy Steigerwald
It Doesn't Matter Who Controls the Military

Dan Sanchez
Is Wonder Woman War Propaganda?

Ran HaCohen
Israel: Neither Democratic or Jewish

David R. Henderson
Robert Gates, Pro and Con

Nebojsa Malic
Biden in Belgrade: A Trip Down NATO-Invasion Memory Lane

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