Updated July 27, 2017 - 11:28 PM EDT
These viewpoints are the opinions of those credited and do not necessarily reflect the views of Antiwar.com. They are listed in chronological order and links may be repeated elsewhere on this site.
How CIA and Allies Trapped Obama in the Syrian Arms Debacle Gareth Porter, 7/26/2017 President Trump: the Only America First Afghan Policy Is to Get Out of Afghanistan Michael Scheuer, 7/26/2017
Home Alone – Trump Is The Kevin McCallister Of American Politics by David Stockman, 7/26/2017 How Media Spread CIA's Sectarian, Anti-Iran 'Mideast Cold War' Narrative by Ben Norton, 7/26/2017
The Real Reason North Korea May Start a War by Doug Bandow, 7/26/2017 America Historically Had a Restrained Foreign Policy: Its Time to Return to It by Enea Gjoza, 7/26/2017
Killing Civilians in Iraq and Syria by Edward Hunt, 7/26/2017 The Tortured Politics Behind the Persian Gulf Crisis by Conn Hallinan, 7/26/2017
The Real Scandal: Americans Don't Care About Afghanistan by Andrew J. Bacevich, 7/25/2017 House Passes New Russia Sanctions, Pumps Adrenaline Into Cold War 2.0 by Daniel McAdams, 7/25/2017
Fear and Trepidation in Tel Aviv: Is Israel Losing the Syria War? by Ramzy Baroud, 7/25/2017 Out Sick by Justin Raimondo, 7/25/2017
The Trillion-Dollar National Security Budget by William Hartung & Tom Engelhardt, 7/25/2017 America's Militarized Police: Made in Israel? by Philip Giraldi, 7/25/2017
When Barbara Lee Doesn't Speak for Me by Norman Solomon, 7/25/2017 Pitching the 'Forever War' in Afghanistan by James W. Carden, 7/25/2017
The Cruelty of Iran Hawks by Daniel Larison, 7/25/2017 Are America's Wars Just and Moral? by Patrick J. Buchanan, 7/24/2017
The Trump White House's War Within by Susan B. Glasser, 7/24/2017 Is Gaza-Sinai State a Possibility for Palestinians? by Jonathan Cook, 7/24/2017
Trump Should Veto Congress' Foolish New Sanctions Bill by Ron Paul, 7/24/2017 52% Say US Would Lie About Foreign Chemical Weapons by Grant Smith, 7/24/2017
Why Is the World Not Outraged at Mass Civilian Death in Mosul? by Patrick Cockburn, 7/23/2017 America's BDS Law: Attack on Far More Than Free Speech by Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man, 7/23/2017
Say Goodbye to Regime Change in Syria by Scott Ritter, 7/23/2017 LP Strikes Out on Sanctions Softball by Jeff A. Taylor, 7/23/2017
Sanctions Bill: An Ode to Hypocrisy, Groupthink, Smugness, and Cronyism by Justin Raimondo, 7/23/2017 Brennan, Rice, Power – Lock Them Up! by David Stockman, 7/23/2017
Trump: End the Syria War Now by Eric Margolis, 7/22/2017 Trump Sidelines State Department on Iran Deal by Jana Winter, Robbie Gramer, Dan De Luce, 7/22/2017
Dead Civilians and the Language of War by Robert Koehler, 7/21/2017 Our Options in Korea: Only One Is Lawful and Peaceful by Paul W. Lovinger, 7/21/2017
Veterans Call on US to Sign Nuclear Ban Treaty by Veterans for Peace, 7/21/2017 Feds Deploy Massive 'Pre-Crime’ Dragnet on Millions of Americans by Philip Giraldi, 7/20/2017
Fatal Fallacies in the War on Terror by Trevor Thrall, 7/20/2017 Is Iran in Our Gun Sights Now? by Patrick J. Buchanan, 7/20/2017
Trump Ends Syrian Regime Change Campaign by Justin Raimondo, 7/20/2017 Bombing the Rubble by Tom Engelhardt, 7/20/2017
Corporate Media Largely Silent on Trump's Civilian Death Toll in Iraq by Adam Johnson, 7/20/2017 Our Relationship With Saudi Arabia Is an Embarrassment by Michael Brendan Dougherty, 7/20/2017
Palestinians Have a Legal Right to Armed Struggle by Stanley L. Cohen, 7/20/2017 Massacre of Mosul Revealed: True Civilian Death Toll Feared at 40,000 by Patrick Cockburn, 7/19/2017
US Lawmakers Seek to Outlaw Support for BDS by Glenn Greenwald and Ryan Grim, 7/19/2017 The Story Behind the Jerusalem Attack: How Trump and Netanyahu Pushed Palestinians Into a Corner by Ramzy Baroud, 7/19/2017
Anticipating the Forthcoming PBS Documentary, 'The Vietnam War' by Camillo Mac Bica, 7/19/2017 Yemen Policy Is Creating More Terrorists by Adil E. Shamoo and Bonnie Bricker, 7/19/2017
Missile Defense Will Protect You From North Korea, Say Usa Today's Missile Defense-Funded Sources by Jim Naureckas, 7/19/2017 The Price for Criticizing Israel by Dennis J. Bernstein, 7/19/2017
Let Americans Go to North Korea by Doug Bandow, 7/18/2017 9/11 Doesn't Justify Today's Wars by Jerrod Laber and Lucy Steigerwald, 7/18/2017
The 'Foreign Meddling' Double-Standard by Justin Raimondo, 7/18/2017 Obama's AWOL Anti-War Protest by James Bovard, 7/18/2017
This Group Hopes to Push America Toward Regime Change in Iran by Ted Galen Carpenter, 7/18/2017 Bannon and Kushner Want to Outsource Afghanistan to Mercenaries by Mark Perry, 7/18/2017
The 'Victory Problem' in Afghanistan by Paul Jacob, 7/18/2017 Don't Believe the Dangerous Myths of drone Warrior by Alex Edney-Browne, Lisa Ling, 7/18/2017
Netanyahu Pushes Trump Toward Wider Wars by Robert Parry, 7/18/2017 Fracking Around With the Russians by Philip Giraldi, 7/18/2017
Trump Grudgingly Recertifies the Nuclear Deal by Daniel Larison, 7/18/2017 How to Sustain Perpetual War (it's Easy, Hide the Bodies) by Peter Van Buren, 7/18/2017
I Interviewed the War-Weary Residents of Mosul. the Fight for the City Is Far From Over by Daniel L. Davis, 7/17/2017 I Warned About Iran and the Media Ignored Me by Peter Van Buren, 7/17/2017
AIPAC Still Our Biggest Foreign Agent by Grant Smith, 7/17/2017 Our Inept Iran Hawks by Daniel Larison, 7/17/2017
New DC Policy Group Unifies Dems With Bush-Era Neocons by Glenn Greenwald, 7/17/2017 A Mainstream Dose of Reality on Iraq by Jacob G. Hornberger, 7/17/2017
Big Military Spending Boost Threatens Our Economy and Security by Ron Paul, 7/17/2017 James Mattis Doesn't Understand Iran or 'Moderate Arab Regimes' by Muhammad Sahimi, 7/17/2017
Space Cadets and Sex Changes: Our 'Defense' Budget Is a Bad Joke by Justin Raimondo, 7/16/2017 Trumping the Empire by Alfred W. McCoy & Tom Engelhardt, 7/16/2017
Moral Corrosion of Drone Warfare by Ray McGovern, 7/16/2017 Secretary Tillerson, It's Time to Phone Iran by Trita Parsi, 7/16/2017
Trump Is Violating the Iran Deal by Reza Marashi and Tyler Cullis, 7/16/2017 Why Palestine Is Still the Issue by John Pilger, 7/15/2017
Neocons Enlist in Anti-Trump #resistance by James W. Carden, 7/15/2017 While Attacks in Israel Make Headlines, Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Ignored by Adam Johnson, 7/15/2017
Audit the Pentagon Before We Increase Defense Spending by Tens of Billions by Michael C. Burgess and Grover Norquist, 7/14/2017 Trump's Yemen Policy Is Immoral and Counterproductive by Michael Brendan Dougherty, 7/14/2017
Ukraine in Nato? a Bad Idea That Only Grows Worse With Age by Doug Bandow, 7/14/2017 Rising Budget Stakes for Space Warfare by Jonathan Marshall, 7/14/2017
Nukes and the Global Schism by Robert Koehler, 7/14/2017 Trump's Tweets Are Not Harming National Security by Philip Giraldi, 7/13/2017
For a New Isolationism by Murray Rothbard, 4/1/59 War is the Health of the State by Randolph Bourne, 1918
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