
The CWCS offers a variety of resources for understanding working-class culture.  Along with creating original resource collections, we have gathered links to online projects, organizations, and museums.

The American Dream:  The “enthusiasm gap” between Republicans and Democrats widely reported by the national news media is not apparent in the results of the latest on-line public opinion survey.

Where Are We Today: Survey results indicate an erosion in support for President Obama, disdain for Congress, and working class rejection of “Tea Party.”

Health Care: Survey respondents to Obama: Don’t sacrifice public plan option for Republican votes

First 100 Days:  Initial Center for Working-Class Studies online survey pegs Obama approval rating in high 80s despite pessimism about economy and uneasiness about the future

  • Access to news, music, and discussion of working-class culture and issues can be found on the video page along with some of the lectures presented as part of our annual Lecture Series.
  • CWCS Publications provides access to articles by members and visiting scholars of the CWCS.

A Renaissance for Whom? Youngstown and its Neighborhoods by John Russo and James Rhodes

Russo and Rhodes examine the effect the economic recovery is having on Youngstown neighborhoods.

The Social Costs of Deindustrialization by John Russo and Sherry Linkon

Russo and Linkon discuss how deindustrialization is effecting the social classes.