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Cate Blanchett gets her bad on as Marvel unveils new Thor footage at Comic-Con

 The US studio Marvel gave fans their first proper look at Cate Blanchett as the villainous Hela in the upcoming film Thor: Ragnarok at Comic-Con on the weekend.

The new trailer was met with appropriately thunderous applause.

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Trailer: Thor: Ragnarok

Imprisoned, Thor must battle a former ally and race against time to prevent goddess of death Hela from destroying his home.

Though a trailer is not always an accurate glimpse into a film, at first glance it looks certain that Marvel's gamble on New Zealand director Taika Waititi has paid off.

Thor: Ragnarok also stars Jeff Goldblum, who featured in another scene with Thor (Chris Hemsworth) which was screened to fans during Marvel's presentation at the convention.

Blanchett said she had been "happily dragged [into the Marvel universe] because of my kids".

And actor Tom Hiddleston, whose Loki is the established villain in the Thor franchise, hinted that Loki's loyalties may be torn in a situation where Blanchett's Hela is set against Loki's brother Thor.


Hiddleston reminded fans that Loki was not strictly a villain, but rather the Norse "god of mischief".

San Diego Comic-Con is the biggest fan convention in the world, with almost 200,000 attendees; its major presentations are held in the now famous Hall H.

This year's Hall H presentations include Game of Thrones, Twin Peaks, Doctor Who, Warner Bros-owned DC Comics and Disney-owned Marvel.

During the presentation, Marvel also announced that Michelle Pfeiffer will play The Wasp in the upcoming film, Ant Man and The Wasp.

The film will feature two legendary actors as the original Ant Man and Wasp - Michael Douglas and, now, Pfeiffer - alongside the younger incarnations of the heroes, played by Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly.

Marvel also announced that its female-led Captain Marvel film would be a "period" film, at least insofar as it is set in the 1990s.

That date is significant because it puts the film into the Marvel timeline before the time period covered by the Marvel "cinematic universe", which is shared by other films such as Thor, Iron-Man and The Avengers.

Marvel also unveiled its first look at Black Panther, directed by Ryan Coogler, and starring Chadwick Boseman, and Infinity War, its planned cross-franchise, everyone-in-the-same-movie movie.

The footage included glimpses of characters from The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy and Doctor Strange.