
A buyer has been found for Rhodes & Beckett and Herringbone.

Rhodes & Beckett, Herringbone find a saviour

Upmarket menswear brands Rhodes & Beckett and Herringbone will live on after administrators for the troubled companies sealed a deal for a private equity-backed management buyout.

Woolworths says the Mount Franklin product wasn't popular enough with customers.

Coke in fresh water funk at Woolworths

Coca-Cola Amatil has had more bad news from the aisles of Woolworths with the revelation that the supermarket giant will ditch much of its Mount Franklin water product.

Small Business

Do you work from home when sick?

The problem is when staff who should be in bed blur their sick day with a work day, prolonging their illness.

It's another way for companies to squeeze out more productivity, or staff to demonstrate commitment and hang on to their job.