

Descent Into the Maelstrom review: too much when, not enough why

MA, 110 minutes

Documentaries charting the career of revered bands are virtually codified in their structure these days, as back story, reflection, live footage and recrimination are tied together. In the case of Radio Birdman, the hugely influential Sydney six-piece whose initial four-year campaign in the 1970s set off a chain reaction in Australian music, chronology overwhelms insight in the diligent but narrow Descent Into the Maelstrom.

Jonathan Sequeira's film never really commits to a decision in the choice between illuminating the rock group for the unaware or detailing their depths for the initiates. Descent Into the Maelstrom ticks off each needle flicker on the timeline, but it almost never seizes on a crucial moment or pushes its subjects, a collection of greyed baby boomers, to explain themselves. For a band predicated on a concentrated live fury, they're now mostly discrete.

You get a sense of the conservative milieu they confronted when they formed in 1974. "Live Music, Top Meals, Great Atmosphere" reads the promotional material at one venue where they started and abruptly finished a set. Radio Birdman ignited their own scene, based at the then Oxford Tavern in Sydney's Darlinghurst, but the lack of outside voices – band members and inner circle are the sole witnesses – restricts the framework.

The engine room of the group, American-born guitarist and chief songwriter Deniz Tek, offers measured observations, while frontman Rob Younger reveals a dry sense of humour. They still front the oft-reformed Radio Birdman, so it's those who've fallen along the way who offer bitter memories or read out their e-mailed dismissal notice. The documentary might have been better off focusing on the band's initial tenure, as the extended coda of reformation and reduction has a sour, stale matter-of-factness.

The artwork of bassist Warwick Gilbert supplies some visual flair, but there's a shortage of archival live footage that can't be covered by a reliance on studio recordings. There's also a near total absence of the Tek or anyone else discussing the specifics of the band's compositions. It's not as if this is uncharted territory: the 1990 book Radio Birdman by Vivien Johnson delved into every relevant facet.

There's too much when, not enough why. The participants praise the special bond that Radio Birdman forged, yet almost as soon as they departed for Europe in 1977 after signing to Sire Records (home of The Ramones and Talking Heads) a terminal rot set in and they were dissolved within months. Radio Birdman tried to tear down the music industry, and given the constraints of Descent Into the Maelstrom someone needs to do the same for the music documentary.