Federal Politics

Mark Kenny

Mark Kenny is the national affairs editor for the Sydney Morning Herald and The Age, based at Parliament House

Former prime minister Tony Abbott and Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull

Why Australia needs Turnbull to survive

Partisans on both the left and right would welcome Malcolm Turnbull's fall at pretty much any cost. And that's the point – the price would be exorbitant.

Education Minister Simon Birmingham says universities have been receiving "rivers of gold" from the taxpayer over recent ...

Government in secret bid to secure Gonski deal

The Turnbull government has made a series major concessions to the Greens on school funding in a bid to secure the Gonski 2.0 package in the Senate. The proposed deal would be a major breakthrough for the beleaguered government. Education Minister Simon Birmingham has written to the crucial cross bench party granting almost all of its demands for extra funding guarantees etc...