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Tony Abbott is helping Bill Shorten get elected, warns Josh Frydenberg

Energy and Environment Minister Josh Frydenberg has rebuked his one-time ally Tony Abbott, accusing the former prime minister of helping to elect the Labor Party with his "constant critiquing" of the Turnbull government.

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In leaked audio obtained by Fairfax, the former PM this time criticises the government's budget and says the Liberal Party is at a 'low ebb'.

Mr Frydenberg said that while his former leader had a right to stay in Parliament, he should be asking who benefits most from his regular public commentary. The denunciation by a senior frontbencher marks the latest contribution to ongoing Liberal tensions as Mr Abbott regularly challenges Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's more pragmatic political approach.

"Is it the party members who want to see a continuation of a Liberal government? The answer is no. Is it my parliamentary colleagues who want to see them retain their own seats and the government stay in office? The answer is no," Mr Frydenberg told ABC Radio.

"Is it the Australian people who want to see a government talk about how we're boosting funding for education and health, infrastructure and people with disabilities as well as protecting their national security? The answer is no.

"Or is it Bill Shorten, the alternative prime minister? And he's the one who's benefiting most, unfortunately, from Tony Abbott's constant interventions."


The latest battle was sparked by a recording - leaked to Fairfax Media - of Mr Abbott at a Liberal branch meeting questioning the government's "second-best" May budget and and calling for a more conservative direction.

On Wednesday afternoon, Mr Turnbull twice refused to use his predecessor's name when asked about the comments, telling ABC radio: "I'm not going to comment on the gentleman you described."

He defended the budget, calling it a "great Liberal budget" that had achieved significant savings and reduced the rate of government spending.

Mr Abbott has said "the last thing I want to do is be difficult".

He has alienated many of his former conservative allies with regular speeches and media appearances implicitly criticising the government, drawing rebukes from Finance Minister Mathias Cormann and other ministers.

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