Banks bask in APRA glow but heyday could be short-lived

Simon Letch

Winners are grinners, and this week bankers around the country found it hard to wipe the smiles off their faces after the bank regulator unveiled long-awaited new capital requirements that were much less onerous than many had feared.

As widely expected, the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) said for the banks to be "unquestionably strong", they would need to hold core equity capital of 10.5 per cent of their risk-weighted assets.

But the unexpected bonanza was APRA's decision not to force  the banks to lift their capital further  if international banking regulators  raise the minimum risk weightings  on the massive $1.5 trillion or so of mortgages sitting on Australian banks' books.

This means that instead of scrambling to raise up to $20 billion in fresh capital, the big banks have been set the far less daunting task of finding $8 billion. Investors quickly concluded that the banks would be able to generate this organically, with no need for capital raisings.

What's more, APRA estimated the banks  could cover the cost of holding this extra capital by raising interest rate margins by around 10 basis points.

As UBS banking analyst Jonathan Mott puts it: "It has been many years since we have seen so many smiling faces  [among] Australian bankers. For the first time since before the financial crisis, the banks have clarity on capital, with the finish line closer than even they had anticipated."

Overseas investors

Bank shareholders shared in the joy, as did the retail investors who hold tens of billions of dollars of hybrid securities issued by the major banks, which will benefit from the fatter capital buffer. Earlier in the week, outgoing chairman of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Greg Medcraft, said hybrids were a "ridiculous" product for retail investors, warning they will eventually cause problems for the financial system.

But while the surprisingly benign APRA capital ruling put a rocket under the share prices of the big four banks, some fund managers question whether the momentum will be sustained.

Michael O'Neill, senior portfolio manager at Investors Mutual, says that he was surprised by the volatility in the banks' share prices both before and after the APRA announcement. "It looks like, more than ever, bank share prices are set by overseas investors, particularly the hedge funds."

He points out that although the banks "are hugely held by retail investors", Australian institutional investors have tended to be under-weight. "That means the marginal investors are from overseas, and they're the ones that can move the share prices."

UBS strategists David Cassidy and Dean Dusanic say that "while the rally should extend, we think it probably will not be as strong as previously." They note that "bank yields are very attractive at 5.7 per cent (with franking) but earnings growth still appears constrained with credit growth slowing and bad debts at a cyclical low".

This means that "bank valuations are still arguably a bit cheap, though not hugely given the muted growth outlook".

Growth question

Indeed, the question for investors in the big four banks is whether they can maintain their robust earnings growth as the housing market cools and demand for new mortgages ebbs.

The latest Reserve Bank of Australia credit figures highlight the struggle the banks face in lending to consumers and businesses. In the year to May 2017, lending for personal loans shrank by 1.4 per cent while business lending grew by only 3.1 per cent, down from 7 per cent the previous year.  By contrast, housing-related lending expanded by a vigorous 6.6 per cent (a slight  pullback from 6.9 per cent the previous year).

But how long can the big banks keep milking the housing cow?

Investors Mutual's O'Neill says: "Mortgages have risen from one-third to two-thirds of the banks' total loan books over the last two decades since the original Basel banking regulations allowed them to leverage their housing loans 50 times. That means they're already at a very high base."

Household debt already stands at a record 190 per cent of disposable income "so there's not much further it can grow".

Analysts also argue there's only so long banks can use out-of-cycle rate hikes to boost earnings.

Slower credit growth

"As credit growth slows, revenue normally slows," says CLSA banking analyst Brian Johnson. "But in this environment, banks are responding to slower credit growth by repricing their mortgage books higher. But they can't keep doing that forever."

Local banks have benefited from extremely favourable economic conditions, allowing them to shrink provisions for bad and doubtful debts close to record lows.

"Loan loss charges are super-low and banks are also benefiting from write-back gains as their losses on problem loans have turned out less than expected," adds Johnson. "But, over time, banks will run out of loan loss provisions to write back."

Johnson rates the major banks as follows: NAB (buy), Westpac (outperform), Commonwealth Bank (underperform) and ANZ (sell). Mott's order of preference for the major banks is Westpac, ANZ, Commonwealth Bank, National Bank.

There are also fears that bank earnings could be buffeted by the increasingly inclement political winds.

The country's big five banks were blind-sided when Treasurer Scott Morrison decided that they could do their bit to plug the budget deficit by paying a new bank levy, which will raise $6.2 billion over the next four years. Two months ago he warned the banks not to pass the cost  on to customers, noting "they already don't like you very much".

No excuse for profiteering

This week Morrison told the banks they should not raise interest rates to cover the cost of holding more capital, reminding them that the new capital rules do not provide "any excuse for profiteering".

As O'Neill notes, this suggests it might not be that easy for banks to lift interest margins to offset holding more capital

"Politically, the banks are out of favour, and their social licence is under threat," he adds. "So their ability to price might not be as good as it has been in the past."

O'Neill is generally cautious on the banks, given the questions over their earnings growth.

"We think the banks are a little high-risk given that every 10 years or so there's a bad debt cycle. You have to remember they are financials, and so they're cyclical".

While on a price-to-earnings basis, they look cheap relative to market, "our concern is if we do get a disruption and a bad debt cycle, the earnings impact might be 15 per cent. And the impact on valuations could be much greater."