Hybrids 101: how to understand what they are and how they work

A hybrid is a bit like a share and a bit like a bond.
A hybrid is a bit like a share and a bit like a bond. Supplied

There's a very good reason so many investors get confused about hybrids. They can be complicated.

And sometimes they're not even hybrids. They can be cumulative, non-convertible preference shares, redeemable, non-redeemable or resettable instruments – all with a floating dividend rate.

By and large, though, a real hybrid will have debt and equity characteristics.

So they're a bit like a share and a bit like a bond.

But they tend to get sold as a bond because they pay high interest and thus target investors seeking income.

But a hybrid is not a bond. Indeed, rating agencies regard them as more equity because some don't even have a fixed maturity date.

Issuer holds the cards

Investors then have to rely on the issuer to do the right thing and roll them over into another deal, give them their money back or convert them into shares.

Trouble is, all the choice is with the issuer, not the investor – and that might be a problem down the track if something goes wrong in financial markets.

What if you want your money back but you get shares in a falling market instead?

Like any bond investment, the key question for hybrid investors is this: will you get those interest payments on time and will you get your money back at the end?

The other important point is to work out the chances of getting your money back if something does go wrong.

Risk compensation

To do that, you look at the capital structure. As ASIC chief Greg Medcraft warned this week, with most hybrids investors sit just above shareholders – implying there are plenty of others who will get their money back before you do if something does go pear-shaped.

Indeed, there's a fair chance you will miss out. But the high rate of interest compensates for that risk.

Professional investors tend not to buy them because they can get better deals in financial markets. Just like any investment it all depends on the price, or the additional credit spread investors get, and so at times it can be better to own the bank shares.
