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Qld Attorney-General admits using private email account to print from home

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Attorney-General Yvette D'Ath is the latest government member to admit to using a private email account.

Overnight, Minister Mark Bailey was stood aside from his ministerial duties after a Crime and Corruption Commission investigation.

The CCC found Mr Bailey raised a "reasonable suspicion of corrupt conduct" in deleting work-related emails from his private account, mangocube6@yahoo.co.uk.

He had been contacted by the Electrical Trade Union boss Peter Simpson via the private account about the merger between Energy Super and Equip Super.

Deputy Premier Jackie Trad on Thursday defended his work as a minister, while describing his deletion of the emails an "error of judgment".

In the first question for day three of estimates, Opposition Industrial Relations spokesman Jarrod Bleijie asked whether Ms D'Ath had used a personal email account for government business.


Ms D'Ath said she had used a private account from "time to time" to access documents from home, including printing off speeches or accessing "documents or different meetings or events I may be going to".

"I print off speeches and other work so I can continue to do physical work at home," she said.

But Ms D'Ath questioned whether all members of the former Newman LNP government could say "hand on heart" they had not done the same thing.

Ms D'Ath said the CCC found use of private emails was not corrupt conduct in itself, and it mattered what was done with the email account.

She said guidelines and practices needed to keep up with the current digital age. 

In estimates, Department of Education and Training director-general Jim Watterston also said "categorically no" when asked if Ms D'Ath had ever contacted him via her private email account.

Earlier this month, Environment Minister Steven Miles admitted he had sent documents from his work email address to his personal email address.

Dr Miles defended his actions, which he said were necessary to be able to print from home, including for an early morning meeting.

He said restrictions meant he was unable to print from his government email account from home. 

On Tuesday, Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk tabled an email from Shadow Attorney-General Ian Walker, with the email address ian.walker.mp@gmail.com.

"With the use of 'MP', clearly the email is Parliamentary business and for his work as a member of the shadow ministry," Ms Palaszczuk said.

After an inquiry was launched into Mr Bailey's emails earlier this year, Ms Palaszczuk issued a warning to her cabinet to use government email accounts to communicate with stakeholders.

The government is due to announce acting arrangements for Mr Bailey's portfolios on Thursday.

CCC chair Alan MacSporran was due to speak at estimates on Thursday.

The CCC has referred the investigation of Mr Bailey's emails to the State Archivist.

The CCC will monitor the way the matter is investigated and will assume responsibility for the probe if necessary.

Mr Bailey's portfolios of Main Roads, Road Safety, Ports, Energy, Biofuels and Water Safety are due before estimates next Thursday.

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