
The LNP's new frontbench has been revealed.

The LNP's frontbench has been revealed, with some surprising changes.

Greens Councillor Jonathan Sri could be banned from participating in citizenship ceremonies after making comments at a Brisbane event, including about meeting on "stolen land".

It comes after the Brisbane councillor spoke about meeting on "stolen land" and suggested the government made it difficult to obtain citizenship.
Felicity Caldwell has no reviews yet.
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Queensland's new-look cabinet, including 50/50 men and women, and an increase in the ministry to 18.

Labor's revamped frontbench was unveiled in a drip-feed, revealing an expanded cabinet and five assistant ministers.

The LNP MPs who are vying to become the new leader after Tim Nicholls revealed he would not recontest.

Hours after Labor's new ministry is sworn in, the LNP will decide who should lead the party following the election defeat.

"I need everybody working as hard as possible over the next three years," Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk said, addressing the first caucus meeting of her re-elected government.

A rousing, drawn-out standing ovation greeted Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk as she walked into the first Labor caucus meeting of her re-elected government.

Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk will nominate Treasurer Curtis Pitt as Labor’s pick for Speaker.

Three other Palaszczuk ministers are due to be promoted as a result of 'strong performances' during the previous term.

The Queensland Greens plan to announce they have claimed victory in the seat of Maiwar today.

The Greens' priorities include housing, a public infrastructure bank and renewable energy, with its candidate wanting to see 'politics done friendly'.

Disability advocates described the decision to roll out the trains before an application for a temporary exemption before the Human Rights Commission was decided as “appalling”.

But the move has been described as "appalling" by the disability sector because a decision on a temporary exemption is yet to be made by the Human Rights Commission.

Labor has claimed victory in 47 seats, which would give it the number needed to secure a majority. But the Premier is yet to claim the win and the LNP is yet to concede.

After securing a Gold Coast seat, Labor believes it has the 47 seats needed to secure a majority.

Labor state secretary Evan Moorhead has resigned, effective January 22.

With Labor on the verge of claiming victory in Queensland, the party's state secretary has resigned.

We’re still in caretaker mode but we should have a result in the Queensland election by the end of the week.

Labor and the LNP to meet within the week when counting firms up, with frontbenches to be discussed.

Despite getting up to one-third of the vote in some electorates, One Nation has only secured one seat so far in Queensland.

Being polarising, not quite getting enough of the primary vote and the way preferences flowed meant One Nation did not pick up the swag of seats some predicted.

Hopped over to the ABC South Bank studios to talk #qldvotes this afternoon.

Image may contain: 5 people, people smiling
ABC The Drum

Tonight Josh Bornstein, Jane Gilmore, John Adams and Felicity Caldwell will discuss the Don Burke allegations and the federal implications of the Queensland election result #TheDrum

Looking for the results in your electorate? Check out Brisbane Times’ election results page. Counting resumes tomorrow morning.

The latest Queensland election results from the Brisbane Times

‪“You’d want to be Annastacia Palaszczuk waking up ... rather than Tim,” says Dr Paul Williams. Prediction of 3-8 seats for One Nation. Queenslanders head to the polls today.…/major-parties-eye-their-…

A political expert has revealed his predictions ahead of the state election on Saturday.

Revenge porn would become a criminal offence under a re-elected Labor government.

Revenge porn and sexting images without consent would become criminal offences in Queensland under a re-elected Labor government.