:: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 ::

Lights, Camera, Munich

The Editors
The Dears
Live, Edinburgh Corn Exchange. Monday 21st August 2006


If I was a cynic I could say that I went to see a band who sound like the Smiths and a band who sound like a band who sound like Joy Division. But that would be untrue and unfair. Mind you, the other support act Komakino, were named after a Joy Division track. But I missed them, although they did have the coolest t-shirts. Shame I missed them actually as their myspace effort sounds pretty good.

The Dears were a bit of a surprise actually. I had heard somewhat dissappointing things about them. But the Canadian's put on a pretty impressive show.

Dears Singer

For the Editors I was a little worried that the show would be a repeat of the Strokes show at the same venue a few years ago. It was full of pissed lads chucking pints around. Shouldn't have worried as the few pissed lads present weren't very hardcore.

A good show with plenty of throwing shapes and audience interaction. An ecstatic reception for the hits Munich, All Sparks and Blood. The Editors told us this is the last show they would be doing before going back into the studio to record their next album. The summer festival circuit seems to have had an affect on their sound, with a more distinct early-U2-stadium element to it.


The Dears/Editors Flickr set.

Setlist courtesy of Editors forum.

  • Someone Says

  • All Sparks

  • Blood

  • Fall

  • Find Yourself a Safe Place

  • Bullets

  • Bones

  • Camera

  • You Are Fading

  • Lights

  • Open Your Arms


  • Weight of The World

  • Munich

  • Fingers in The Factories

A blokes video of Fingers in The Factories from the gig, on YouTube.

Editors Drummer and Guitar

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How many lighting technicians, does it take to change a lightbulb??


By Blogger Renegade Eye, at 8:10 am  

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