:: Tuesday, July 01, 2003 ::

Pedro the Lion, live Glasgow Studio 29th June 2003

Pedro the Lion, Glasgow Studio

Pic HenkZ.

Pleasant Sunday afternoon gig in nice wee venue. Interesting substitution of bass player with iTunes on a laptop. Highlight the closing song 'Backwoods Nation' (mp3 here) written September 13th 2001 about the racist backlash in their native US. Pedro the Lion

:: Alister | 4:27 pm | save this page to del.icio.us Save This Page | permalink⊕ | |


Pedro is cool. You should check out the interviews I did with him at microwavablemartian.blogspot.com

By Blogger Matt Modrich, at 11:57 pm  

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By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2:17 am  

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