July 21, 2017
by actforfreedom

About the events of 18-07 in the Moria detention centre in Lesvos island. – Greece

A group of, predominantly African, migrants had announced since Monday 17-07 that they would start repeatedly protesting the prolonged delays in the examination of their asylum applications, as well as the horrid living conditions they face in the Moria detention centre. On Monday, the protest took the form of a sitting demonstration that blockaded the headquarters of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO). On Tuesday, while the sitting demonstration resumed, again outside the EASO headquarters, which led the service workers to leave their offices, the authorities pointed out the protesting immigrants as those responsible for the delay concerning the processing of the asylum applications to the migrants who were not taking part in the protest, turning the latter against the protesters. Continue Reading →

July 21, 2017
by actforfreedom

UK -John Bowden: Post-tariff life sentence prisoners, the Parole Board and my continued incarceration

There is currently a massive population of “post-tariff” life sentence prisoners over-crowding British Prisons. Lifers who remain detained long beyond the time originally recommended by the judiciary or secretary of state, which includes prisoners sentenced under the IPP (‘Imprisonment for Public Protection’) Law. Although this law has been scrapped, it has left a legacy of thousands of prisoners still languishing in jail. Britain has more life sentenced prisoners than the whole of Europe combined, a consequence of a “lock em up and throw away the key” culture and mentality that pervades the bourgeois judiciary and justice apparatus, as well as a Parole Board that exists just to legitimise what is in reality the unlawful detention of thousands of prisoners. “Preventative Detention” was created by the Nazi Party in Germany in 1939 to “cleanse” society of anti-social elements and Britain is a zealous inheritor of that instrument of repression, while British prisons are now little more than modern day concentration camps, full of prisoners with no hope of release.

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July 21, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy – Call for a Week of Solidarity To End The Punitive Isolation of Anarchist Prisoner Davide Delogu July 22-29

Appeal for solidarity against Davide’s punitive isolation
On July 18, a hearing was held at the Cagliari Court of Appeal for a complaint made by Davide against the conditions that he is being subjected to at the Augsburg Prison.
Via the details of the complaint we learned that Davide, who is already subjected to the Article 41-bis prison regime, is undergoing a very extreme torture, he was ‘sentenced’ to six months of punitive isolation.
Complete isolation, in an underground cell, no TV or radio, no contact with other prisoners and without ever seeing the sun. In addition to this his correspondence is subject to censorship. The only people he ever sees are the guards and his lawyer.
Unfortunately we have only just learned that he has been living under these conditions for two months now.

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July 18, 2017
by actforfreedom

UK- PDFs: Online version of Return Fire vol.4

Here’s the PDFs for the most recent version of Return Fire, vol.4, of autumn 2016 – additionally with the supplement that accompanies it. Once again, 100 pages of passion, commentary, proposals and interview material. The supplement, Caught in the Net, is a survey of critical perspectives on what information age technology is doing to our cognitive abilities, our health more generally, and our capacity to rebel. It comes as a separate document, of another 28 pages. Both colour and greyscale cover options are available, for further reproduction and distribution.
Caught in the Net (Return Fire #4 supplement).pdf
To give you an idea, a few of the featured pieces are the Institute for the Study of Insurgent Warfare’s essay Panopticons Then & Now, arguing for a more sophisticated understanding of the surveillance State; On the Catastrophe of the Salmon Farms and Martime Devastation in the Patagonian Sea as recounted by members of Colectivo Critica y Accion following the events of 2016; words on avoiding needlessly repetitious deeds and indeed aiming to ‘hit where it hurts’ as highlighted in Dissonanz #34 by Taking Apart Authority; and Sold Out to the Industry tells of U.K. unionism cosying up to the fracking prospectors, from The Acorn.
Other articles we have condensed or synthesised are those such as the ‘Antagonistic Margins’ of seduction, contagion and queering the ‘terrortory’, by The Experimentation Committee; the presentation of “Another Figure of the Migrant” as theorised by Thomas Nail in conversation with the Hostis journal; or Ed Lord’s discussion of modernity and questions of psychological ‘disorders’, ‘A Profound Dis-ease’.
Plenty of direct attacks on structures of our enemies found their way into our Global Flash-Points listing, as usual, as did the lowdown on various trials and kidnappings of those we feel an affinity to in Rebels Behind Bars. Our review for the issue is a reappraisal of the John Zerzan essay, Animal Dreams, by Bellamy Fitzpatrick, as To Love the Inhuman, mindful of the recurrent pitfalls of certain aspects of anti-civilisation analysis. Verses of Hunter Hall, Gabriel Pombo da Silva, Robert Hass and more made it into this round of Poems for Love, Loss & War.
Delving back to grasp Memory as a Weapon, in this section we’ve got stuff from “An Outragous Spirit of Tumult & Riot” during the Luddite rebellions against assimilation into the factory system of booming British industrialism (resurrected from the archives of Do or Die magazine) to A Shorter History of a Northwest E.L.F. Cell (sometimes exhilarating, sometimes dismaying) which was serialised in Tides of Flame, charting the rise and fall of one particular environmental guerrilla faction leading into the ‘Green Scare’ of a decade gone by; and that’s just a part of it…
As for the rest, grab a copy and see what moves you.
Comments, suggestions and submissions: returnfire@riseup.net
More soon.
Afterword: The timestamp on this volume means that some developments are not up to date in the online release. We’d encourage readers to research cases that interest them for updates, but for now we wanted to at least publicise the prison address for one anarchist who has since been sentenced to 7 years and 6 months for the Aachen case outlined in vol.4 (the second defendant, also arrested in Barcelona, was acquitted). She welcomes correspondence in English, Spanish, Italian or German; let’s not leave her alone. Inform yourself, arm yourself, reach out, make a fist.
Post to:
Buchnummer: 2893/16/7
Justizvollzuganstanlt (JVA) Köln
Rochusstrasse 350
50827 Köln – Germany

Return Fire vol 1
 Return Fire Volume 2
Return Fire vol.3


July 17, 2017
by actforfreedom

France, Good news: Damien Camelio was released from prison on June 29

Indymedia Nantes / Friday 14 July 2017
Damien Camelio, imprisoned in Fleury-Mérogis since the beginning of December 2016 for damage during the wild demonstration of April 14, 2016 during the “Work movement!” was released on June 29.
He had been sentenced on January 19 2017, beyond the requisitions of the procurator, to ten months with a committal order (so remaining in Fleury where he had been since he was arrested on 8 December) and € 14,000 damages and interest for civil claims.
Freedom for all,
Fire to the prisons!
Liberté pour toutes et tous,

Feu aux prisons !

Translated by Act for freedom now!
 via: Attaque

July 17, 2017
by actforfreedom

Brussels, Belgium: Four vehicles of the Fabricom company burned in Saint-Gilles Monday morning 26 of June

Four vehicles of the Fabricom company burned in Saint-Gilles Monday morning (26 June) in solidarity with the anarchists in the firing line of the anti-terrorist law in Belgium.
To send strength and courage to all those who carry the rage of revolt in their heart.
It is very little, but making some noise around this affair, fighting isolation, not letting fear muzzle us, that’s already a few non-negligible points.
Fuck the Law!
Spread widely!

Translated by Act for freedom now!



July 17, 2017
by actforfreedom


As international collective, self-organized and based on anarchist and anti-authoritarian principles we believe that the international solidarity represents the strongest weapon that the movement has. We are all aware that this weapon can be used at different levels, from words to direct actions.
As living squat and self-educational center Rosa de Foc of Exarchia, we believe that is essential to express our solidarity to all the squats and battlegrounds that are under attack from state apparatus of repression. Especially, for affinity in ideas and practices, we want to assert our vicinity to the squat XM24 of Bologna. A squat that resists to the power’s oppression for 15 years, in constant struggle to create a concrete alternative to the dominant lifestyle that repress and humiliate an increasing number of individuals. We feel close to XM24, a place where, thanks to the many collectives acting inside it, during the years it were built a big number of projects, alive and active, which have made a shelter against the gentrification and the monetization of our neighborhoods. At the same time it isn’t just a provider of ‘alternative services’ but it has maintained alive his fighting and rebel soul that doesn’t surrender to the current situation.

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July 17, 2017
by actforfreedom

Solidarity with Mexican Anarchist Prisoner Fernando Bárcenas in Solitary

Fernando is an anarchist compañero, a prisoner in North Prison in Mexico City since 2013, who since his detention has been active in various projects. Much of his time in prison has been spent in solitary. Since the last hunger strike he participated in with three other compañeros (Miguel Peralta, Abraham Cortés and Luis Fernando Sotelo) as part of a struggle launched from various prisons in September 2016, Fernando Bárcenas was transferred to a solitary unit in the prison and has been held there for more than nine months as punishment for his rebellious existence and for being a compañero who continues to support the fight for total freedom with proposals and actions.
The area where Fernando is held is filled with the constant conflict and tension of solitary, which is worse in his case since they never pass up a chance to harass him. All of this has caused health problems for our compañero, putting at growing risk his emotional and physical health. The situation has worsened in recent weeks, which is why we are sending an urgent, widespread call to demand an immediate end to Fernando Bárcenas being held in solitary and to extend our solidarity with him. We also ask all to be on alert and to spread this information and that which will come out in the following days.
We want Fernando Bárcenas in the streets
Until all are free
July 2017
Prison Address:
Reclusorio Preventivo Varonil Norte
Calle Jaime Nuno no. 155
Colonia Guadalupe Chalma, Cuautepec Barrio Bajo
C.P. 07210 Gustavo A. Madero
Ciudad de México
Telephone: 5306 4540 / 5306 2540

July 17, 2017
by actforfreedom

Tackling energy The struggle against the construction of the Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) through Greece – Albania – Italy

Download the pamphlet in PDF here. (A5) 48 pages
They protest against the energy that flows under their house, but inside of the house they want it!” yells the stuffy national-popular bourgeois in the spring of 2017 seeing what’s upsetting a small village in Puglia and spreading out to the rest of Italy. Fights erupted between police and opponents in front of the future construction site of the TAP (Trans-Adriatic Pipeline), the new gas pipeline which will link up Europe with the endpoint in Turkey of the Trans-Anatolian Natural Gas Pipeline that’s connectect with the gas fields in the Caspian Sea. The new gas pipeline will cross the north of Greece into Albania, where it will continue through the Adriatic Sea to finally reach the shores of Lecce in Italy, where it will connect with the existing gas transport network.
The TAP project, as most other energy projects, are considered of utmost “strategical” importance by power. A fair enough reason for enemies of power to have a look at the ongoing struggle against this TAP, put together this collection of texts from anarchist comrades active in the conflict and broaden up the horizons as to favour direct intervention against everything that keeps the energy of power flowing.

July 17, 2017
by actforfreedom

Chile, Santiago – Incendiary attack against the Offices of SAG and DGACSantiago – Incendiary attack against the Offices of SAG and DGAC

On the night of June 30 within the context of the month for anarchic agitation for Earth liberation, we decide to organize our rage to carry out an incendiary attack against the Agricultural Service (SAG) and the General Directorate of Civil Aeronautics (DGAC).
The motivations for carrying out this direct action are varied…in the first place, we seek to combat the speciesist actions of the SAG, who propose the supposed salvation and preservation of nature via the intervention of the human plague, thinking that this bastard species has the authority to decide how an animal should live, where it should live and how long it should live…we have never been and never will be the saviours of the Earth, but quite the opposite, today we are its greatest destroyers. To avoid this fatal destiny there are two options, to eliminate ourselves as a species, or we can make an effort to return to our origins, the same origins that we have forgotten thanks to the false progress of capitalism and anthropocentrism.

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July 17, 2017
by actforfreedom

Narrm / Melbourne: ‘Fuck Without Fear Queer-Anarcho Collective’ Protest Action Against Police State Terror

insurrectionnewsworldwide Received on 12.07.17:
Fuck Without Fear Queer-Anarcho Collective Protest/ Action Against VicPig State Terror, Naarm / Melbourne, so-called Australia
On 11 July, 2017, the Fuck Without Fear Queer-Anarcho Collective, held a hastily convened protest/ action at 5pm, during peak commuter hour, on the corner of Flinders Lane and Swanston Street; directly outside a central Melbourne/ Naarm aptly-named “beat” Police Station.
We held banners saying: “Flaccid Pigs Shoot First”; “Shoot Police Violence Dead”; and “How do we resist Police Terrror? Revenge 1 for 1!”. We also carried placards, “Fuck Without Fear”, and chanted “Straight or Queer, Fuck Without Fear”; “How do we stop this? Copus Interruptus!”; and “Fuck the Police, A.C.A.B.”.

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July 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

UK , Chesterfield : Drilling rig owned by earth destroying fracking firm Cuadrilla attacked

A drilling rig owned by one of the polluting scum fracking firms has been seriously vandalised, intended to stop the embryonic shale industry on prison island.
Between 18 and 24 May, a facility near Chesterfield run by PR Marriott was infiltrated, prison islands largest onshore deep drilling company, which stores and maintains the rig on behalf of scumbag shale gas firm Cuadrilla. Once inside, they caused what the authorities described as “a large amount of criminal damage” to the rig. The rig was attacked with sledgehammers to smash its touchscreen computers and windows. Components were drilled out, while pneumatic pipes and electrical cables were cut.
In January, Cuadrilla started work on a site in Fylde, Lancashire, where later this year it wants to destroy the enviroment by fracking the first well in the UK since 2011. Anti-fracking campaigners have staged daily protests outside the fences of the site on Preston New Road. Protesters have also successfully pressured subcontractors into ending their agreements with Cuadrilla.

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July 14, 2017
by actforfreedom


Some theses to the recent events in Hamburg, the authoritarian formation of German society and the role of the left in the recent G20 protests
1. From the outset, politicians and security forces in Hamburg identified the radical left as the enemies of their order and treated them accordingly. Along with the intelligence agencies who outed individual leftists by their names prior to the summit the Hamburg police operated as independent actors from the outset. In open disregard of the Judiciary, any resistance that would overstep the narrow confines set by the rules of the democratic spectacle was to be crushed. By forbidding the camp, the police set a confrontational tone from the outset. The very fact that cops were carrying out foot patrols in the days leading up to the summit gave a clear signal that there would almost definitely be physical violence taken against leftists.
2. In bourgeois society, the Executive is necessarily always in a state of exception, since they spontaneously decide on the use of violence in each situation. The state of exception is thus not exceptional but rather an everyday component of the state’s praxis of domination. The amount of power the Hamburg police granted themselves reached a level has not been seen for a long time in Germany: indeed they appeared as a quasi-autonomous gang that showed up to combat the leftists. The constitutional costume and civil restrictions placed on the police were widely discarded. There were countless instances of cops ignoring constitutional law, countless reports of medics, lawyers and journalists being severely insulted, threatened and prevented from doing their work by police and many reports of the police physically assaulting people so badly they would have to be hospitalized afterwards. Protests against this partially fascistic procedure came not only from leftists, but also from the bourgeois press. However the police were able to deflect this criticism in part because the established politicians refused to take part in criticizing the police.

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July 14, 2017
by actforfreedom

Brazil: Meet Your Enemies – Against Monsanto and Everything That Makes it Possible (Eng/Port)

Received and translated by Insurrection News on 11.07.17:
Agribusiness means all processes that encompass the production, processing and marketing of agricultural and livestock goods. It is an industry that includes the production of raw material to the manufacturing of the products on the shelves of the supermarkets and also encompasses the various transport and distribution processes as well as the personnel associated with production and the public and private institutions responsible for promoting this industry.

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July 13, 2017
by actforfreedom

Germany , Reportback #NoG20: A week in #Hamburg

Image: Clashes in the Schanze district at July 7 (Image: Lower Class Magazin)
After being under siege for weeks, the army of cops and the delegations of the G20 member states finally left Hamburg. Apart from necessary and legitimate resistance against social injustice and capitalism, its important to know that the German state did everything they could to escalate the NoG20 protests. One could say the state used the G20 summit to see how far they can go. Its to early to say how things will develope in the coming months but fact is that politicians are trying to use the clashes in Hamburg to go after everything what they consider as the left. For this article we used a lot of information from our NoG20 live blogs, an article by Lower Class Magazin and other reliable sources. Last but not least; the results of the summit shows that the global elite are devided, for the first time they did not manage to agree on a final statement with all subjects in it.
Published by Enough is Enough
You will find all our No G20 stories here.
Note: Enough is Enough is not organizing any of  these events, we are publishing this text for people across the US and Europe to be able to see what is going on and for documentation only.
Many people were surprised that the German government decided to host this years G20 summit in Hamburg . There are many active autonomous and other leftwing groups in the harbour city. So protests were expected from the very beginning. In the months before the summit politicians stated that there would be no ban zones for protests, Mayor Olaf Scholz even said that the G20 summit would be “a festival of democracy”. From the beginning disinformation was part of the strategy of Germany’s ruling class, who seem to live in a parallel society that is drifting further and further away from real life.

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July 13, 2017
by actforfreedom

Italy: Update on Op. “Scripta Manent”, and few comments (03/07/2017)

The preliminary hearing for the “Scripta Manent” investigation will be held on 11 and 17/18/19/20 of July. I would like to point out that from 3. June five other comrades of Croce Nera Anarchica, myself, the undersigned of RadioAzione, and the comrade who runs RadioAzione [Croatia] (at the hearing of June 26th it has been decided that she will be tried separately, but still with the same charges), have been added to the comrades already arrested and under investigation.
Looking into the documents relating to the investigation, we have learned that the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Naples had opened in 2012 an investigation against me, against an old comrade accused also in the Marini inquiry, and other comrades from Lazio [Italian region] on the subject of Informal Anarchist Federation.
For five years we have been subjected to a total control, which has resulted in including other comrades in the investigation, including the Croatian comrade of RadioAzione. Key-logger installed on computer, wiretapping, tailing even for 600 kilometers… Kind of “if I forgot where I put something, I can ask Agent Elena (the name they gave to the key-logger)”.

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July 12, 2017
by actforfreedom

Solidarity actions around the first trial: Łódź, Lublin (Poland), Minsk (Belarus), Prague (Czech Republic)

Baners and graffiti on the walls of Łódź, Lublin, Mińsk and Czech Prague:
“Few days ago, we have hanged a banner in the old part of Lublin. The banner is a stance of solidarity with anarchists being accused of an arson attempt against the police cars, who will stand in front of the court may the 31st. We have chosen the place between the old town and the castle, where loads of people are passing everyday, so the message could reach their maximum number. We feel that it is extreemly important that the repressed anarchists feel supported by their milieu. Posters, banners, graffiti – there is loads of ways to show them that they are not alone. We encourage other groups and individuals to similar acts.
Today we shout together with you:
Freedom for the anarchists on trial for direct action!”
On the Banner: Freedom to three Anarchists from Warsaw – tortured by the cops. For the world without prisons, nationalist bastards! Insurrection, Anarchy, Resistance!
Łódź: The night before the first court case of the three anarchists in Warsaw accused of attempt of arson against cop carsattempt, a solidarity banner appeared in the center of Łódź.
On the banner:
Police terror / legalized violence
Minsk (Belarus):

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July 12, 2017
by actforfreedom

The first trial and other news from the warsaw3 case (EN) – Poland

In the previous months many important things happened in the warsaw3 case that we would like to share with our non-polish speaking supporters. Many of the materials we were only able to translate now and we apologize for this long silence! Below you will find an update about the case from February to end of May 2017. Here you can also read the updated chronology of the events.
The first trial of the three warsaw anarchists took place on may 31st.
Our comrades acknowledged the charges (which are now: property destruction), but they did not plead guilty, as they don’t consider the action they took as something you can ‘be guilty’ of. They also revoked the testimonies they gave while they were held captive in July 2016. They gave new testimonies that are narrower than the previous ones. Two of them gave also a detailed description of tortures they had to endure after the arrest.
The three had chosen a common strategy for the trial in which they openly speak about political motivations for their actions and take responsibility for it. They wrote political statements about their motives, police and state violence but judge didn’t allow them to read it (every time they tried to talk about the political context of their action, the judge stopped them saying: “That’s for the final speech. Today we’re talking only about the facts”).
At the time of the trial there was a solidarity demo outside of the court, with a broader anti-police and against the new anti-freedom laws context. Although it wasn’t very big, we are happy to say it was well heard inside the court room. Our solidarity drums and slogans were louder than prosecutor’s indictment.

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