- published: 22 Apr 2016
- views: 16976
Leiria (Portuguese pronunciation: [lɐjˈɾi.ɐ]) is a city and a municipality in the Centro Region of Portugal. It is the capital of Leiria District. The population in 2011 was 126,879, in an area of 565.09 km². The city proper has about 60,000 inhabitants. It is the seat of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Leiria-Fátima.
The region around Leiria has been inhabited for a long time, although its early history is obscure. The first evident inhabitants were the Turduli Oppidani, a Celtiberian tribe (akin to the Lusitanians), who established a settlement near (around 7 km) present-day Leiria. This settlement was later occupied by the Romans, who expanded it under the original Celtiberian name Collippo. The stones of the ancient Roman town were used in the Middle Ages to build much of Leiria.
The name "Leiria" in Portuguese derives from 'leira' (from the medieval Galician-Portuguese form 'laria', from proto-Celtic *ɸlār-yo-, akin to Old Irish 'làr' 'ground, floor', Breton 'leur' 'ground', Welsh 'llawr' 'floor') meaning an area with small farming plots. It was occupied by the Suebi in 414 and later incorporated by Leovigild into the Visigoths kingdom in 585 A.D. Later the Moors occupied the area until it was captured by the first King of Portugal, Afonso Henriques in 1135, during the so-called Reconquista. The settlement was intermittently attacked until 1140. South of Leiria in that period was the so-called "no-man's land", until regions further south (like Santarém and Lisbon) were permanently taken and re-populated by the Christians. In 1142 Afonso Henriques gave Leiria its first foral (compilation of feudal rights) to stimulate the colonisation of the region.
Portugal (Portuguese: [puɾtuˈɣaɫ]), officially the Portuguese Republic (Portuguese: República Portuguesa), is a country on the Iberian Peninsula, in southwestern Europe. It is the westernmost country of mainland Europe, being bordered by the Atlantic Ocean to the west and south and by Spain to the north and east. The Portugal–Spain border is 1,214 km (754 mi) long and considered the longest uninterrupted border within the European Union. The republic also includes the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Madeira, both autonomous regions with their own regional governments.
The land within the borders of current Portugal has been continuously settled and fought over since prehistoric times. The Celts and the Romans were followed by the Visigothic and the Suebi Germanic peoples, who were themselves later invaded by the Moors. These Muslim peoples were eventually expelled during the Christian Reconquista of the peninsula. By 1139, Portugal had established itself as a kingdom independent from León. In the 15th and 16th centuries, as the result of pioneering the Age of Discovery, Portugal expanded Western influence and established the first global empire, becoming one of the world's major economic, political and military powers.
LEIRIA (PORTUGAL) - Um retrato em movimento | Hyperlapse | Escolha Local
Incêndio em Portugal - Leiria/Pedrógão Grande provoca três feridos
Portugal in 150 Seconds - Leiria (2016)
Leiria - Portugal
Leiria - Vídeo Institucional
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria
Leiria - Portugal in 150 Seconds - Cities & Villages
LEIRIA - um retrato em movimento LEIRIA - a motion portrait Um Retrato Fotográfico sobre Leiria (Portugal) e alguns locais a visitar. A motion portrait of Leiria (Portugal) and some places of interest. Uma co-produção: http://www.escolhalocal.pt http://www.b-zoomi.com Parceiros: http://www.jornaldeleiria.pt http://www.matabicho.com http://www.chicolobo.pt Sec 13’’ Papa|Pope Paulo VI Escultura/sculpture Charters de Almeida, 1968 Sec 17’’ Santuário | Sanctuary Nossa Senhora da Encarnação Sec 20’’ Centro Cultural | Cultural Centre Mercado Sant’Ana Sec 30’’ Poeta|poet Francisco Rodrigues Lobo Escultura/sculpture Mestre Joaquim Correia, 1973 Sec 33’’ Vista do Castelo | View from the castle Sec 40’’ Parque | Park Tenente Coronel Jaime Filipe da Fonseca Sec 44’’ Escultura | sculpture P...
Um incêndio em Pedrógão Grande terá começado pela hora de almoço deste sábado e já ameaçou várias habitações. O jornalista da SIC Miguel Ângelo Marques está a acompanhar o incidente que já provocou três feridos.
«Nous faisons face à une terrible tragédie.» Comme le Premier ministre, Antonio Costa, le Portugal est sous le choc. Un terrible incendie s'est subitement déclaré samedi 17 juin dans la région de Leiria, dans le centre du pays. Plusieurs centaines de pompiers et 160 véhicules sont toujours mobilisés pour maîtriser les flammes. Un feu très meurtrier puisqu'au moins 62 personnes ont péri selon un dernier bilan officiel, et 59 blessés. Il y a des dizaines de blessés.
Portugal in 150 Seconds - Leiria (2016) Official Partners: TAP Portugal, Rede Expressos, LPM, Peugeot. This episode´s official sponsors: Câmara Municipal de Leiria, Bleach Design, Fapicentro, Jardim do Fraldinhas, Mr. Pizza, PMM Moldes. “Portugal in 150 Seconds” is a series by LUA Filmes dedicated to the promotion of tourism in Portuguese cities, villages, and places. With the concept “seeing through the eyes of those who know best”, “Portugal in 150 Seconds” has the particularity of offering residents' and visitors' unique perspectives of the selected locations. The selection of the ten sites shot is made by the public. Therefore the locations featured in each episode are the top ten chosen by the users who know the cities, villages and places and who follow the web-series' digital cha...
Espero que gostem deste video. Partilhem com os vossos amigos e subscrevam ao meu canal do YouTube. Sigam-me nas rede sociais: Facebook: SimaoMoreira.AF Instagram: @simao__moreira Twitter: @simao__moreira
Pharrel Williams - Happy from LEIRIA | 29 de Março! facebook.com/happyfromleiria Ideia/Conceito: Sofia Mesquita | Ricardo Mendes Câmaras: Slideshow | Smile Photography | VisionAir | José António Miranda Editado por: Slideshow _____________________ No dia 29 de março, mais de 200 pessoas mostraram a essência de Leiria! Percorrendo os locais históricos e turísticos, a sua população, desde os netos aos avós, com a sua disposição alegre e descontraída, mostrou o que faz de Leiria uma das melhores cidades para se viver em Portugal!! Muito obrigado a todos.. e façam o favor de ser FELIZES! :) We are Happy from LEIRIA _____________________________________________________ On March 29, over 200 people demonstrated the essence of Leiria! Walking through the historical and touristic places of t...
Estas são algumas imagens que tenho da ultima vez que fui a Leiria. Ao editar reparei que dei a entender que só o castelo de Leiria e o de São Jorge é que são em cima do monte. Podia ter apagado mas deixei só para vos ver TRIGGERED nos comentários xD Music by: https://soundcloud.com/engelwoodmusic
Localizado em Leiria, Caldas da Rainha e Peniche, o Instituto Politécnico de Leiria é uma instituição pública de ensino superior que se orgulha em ministrar um ensino de reconhecida qualidade, com cursos de licenciatura, mestrado, pós-graduação e cursos de especialização tecnológica, nas áreas das artes e design, ciências empresariais e jurídicas, educação e comunicação, engenharia e tecnologia, saúde e turismo, em regime presencial (diurno e pós-laboral) e a distância. Mais informações em http://www.ipleiria.pt. Siga-nos no Facebook em http://www.facebook.com/IPLeiria
Portugal in 150 Seconds - Cities & Villages” is a series by LUA Filmes dedicated to the promotion of tourism in Portuguese cities, villages, and places. With the concept “seeing through the eyes of those who know best”, “Portugal in 150 Seconds - Cities & Villages” has the particularity of offering residents' and visitors' unique perspectives of the selected locations. The selection of the ten sites shot is made by the public. Therefore the locations featured in each episode are the top ten chosen by the users who know the cities, villages and places and who follow the web-series' digital channels. This selection is made through a survey posted on “Portugal in 150 Seconds” facebook page weeks before the shooting. We are Portugal... Chosen by the users: 1. Castle of Leiria 2. Rodrigues Lo...
Take a tour of Batalha Monastery in Batalha, Portugal -- part of the World's Greatest Attractions travel video series by GeoBeats. Located in Portugal's District of Leiria, is Batalha Monastery, an ornate Gothic and medieval Portuguese style convent. Construction drudged on from the late fourteenth century until the early sixteenth century, making the building period over 130 years. The convent was built by King Joao after the Portuguese army beat the Castilians in 1385, resulting in independence of Portugal from Spanish rule. The interior contains Manueline style decor, such as the elaborate 15th and 16th century stained glass windows. The limestone exterior displays rows of stone sculptures along with ribbons and borders of delicately etched stonework. Though the once ...
Uma volta por Leiria Portugal de bicicleta Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/samuelf.peres/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/samuelperes98/ Segundo canal: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtPFQNWmZsFxJrjYIhQPNzQ
O projeto inGuide-Interactive Guide foi desenvolvido no Departamento de Engenharia Informática, no âmbito da unidade curricular de Projeto informático do Curso de Engenharia Informática da Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão do Instituto Politécnico de Leiria. O inGuide é um guia turístico para smartphones com o sistema operativo Android, que permite a um turista que esteja a visitar determinada cidade possa facilmente visitar os diversos pontos de interesse (locais históricos, restaurantes, bares, lojas ou hotéis). Recorre a tecnologias como a realidade aumentada e a geolocalização para disponibilizar ao utilizador informação contextualizada de uma forma simples e interativa. Outro aspeto importante é facto de funcionar em modo offline e por fim como é uma aplicação modular, permi...
Fueron descubiertas en 1947 y se inauguraron en 1974 , la entrada a estas grutas se encuentra a 300m de altura siendo el lugar donde se encuentran de fácil acceso para el turismo, en su interior la profundidad alcanza unos 180 metros. poseen una gran belleza, que se puede apreciar en la Ruta de las Estalactitas, que incluye varios espacios singulares como la "Medusa", el "Marciano" o el magnífico "Órgano". El "Río Negro" que desciende en cascada hasta el "Gran Lago" donde tiene lugar un deslumbrante espectáculo de luz y sonido. Las Grutas de Mira D'Aire en Leiria Portugal se formaron hace 150 millones de años, en el Jurásico medio cuando los dinosaurios poblaban esta región. Porto de Mós, distrito de Leiria, Portugal They were discovered in 1947 and opened in 1974, the entrance to thes...
MANGER MANGER MANGER ! Voici enfin le vlog de mon voyage au Portugal en compagnie de Lightmourne. La nourriture est bonne, les paysages sont beaux, il fait chaud et en une semaine on a même pas eu le temps de tout voir. Voici une vidéo qui résumera bien mon voyage =) Enjoy ! ◀▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▶ http://www.twitch.tv/pixelle_
welcome to beautiful leiria city
Beware! The modern eye!
The seeking leach that lies!
It shuffles in your porch,
It’s in your TV smoking cigarettes
Behind your mummy’s back at night…
Reveries are what I long for,
Fantasies are what I live for;
Where have I been all my life?
We live in an evil world
Where others ache and die;
Inhuman sacrifice
To feed the West and Western-eyesed
With bloody money
Falling from the sky!
Reveries are what I long for,
Fantasies are what I live for;
Where have I been all my life?
Reveries are gonna save us,
Fantasies complete and change us;
Where have I been all this time?
Beware! The modern eye!
The seeking leach that lies!
Beware! The modern lie!
Deceiving all it eyes!
Beware! The modern times!
Cause all they bring are lies!
Beware! The modern eye!
Reveries are what I long for,
Fantasies are what I live for;
Where have I been all my life?
Reveries are gonna save us,
Reveries complete and change us;