Release G.N. Saibaba immediately!


Saibaba, an English teacher with 90 percent disability, and five others were convicted on March 7, 2017 by Gadchiroli sessions court in Maharashtra for allegedly having links with Maoists. The judgment was built on flimsy grounds, concocted evidences and tutored witnesses. Saibaba was first arrested in 2014, after 14 months stay in the Nagapur Central Jail, Supreme Court granted him bail on June 2016 as his health condition deteriorated. Saibaba and four others have been sentenced to life imprisonment under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act.

Another accused Vijay Tirki was sentenced for ten years rigorous prison term. Though all six have been convicted, none of them has been remotely linked to any terrorist and disruptive activities. What is more worrisome is the judge himself admits that it is only the law of the land that stops him from exterminating those who stands in the way of development. And in addition he says “His hands were tied by law which did not permit him to deliver a judgment beyond life imprisonment else could do so”. Saibaba was fighting for people’s rights and everything was within the ambit of Constitution. But he was denied basic rights such as medical treatment. When judiciary itself starts bypassing its role, then it points towards a dying democracy. It is ironic that even while holding these six people are so dangerous that they should be incarcerated for major part of their lives, the judgment fails to point out a single instance of violence that these people have been conspirators in or lent logistic support to.

Dr. GN Saibaba’s case needs a special mention not only due to his 90 percent disability, but also due to his failing health conditions. In fact just before the judgment was delivered, Saibaba was hospitalized and was undergoing treatment for gall bladder stones. Apart from chronic issues with his heart and high blood pressure, Saibaba was also suffering from acute gastric condition resulting in cardiac condition along with palpitations. It was indeed the prolonged incarceration in the infamousanda cell as an under trial that worsened his condition to this level. Now even before he could fully recuperate, the judgment has been delivered and we fear that given the dismal track record of the Nagapur jail authorities in caring for his health, his life is in peril. As Hem Mishra’s father said“in this Democracy, freedom is only for the ruling classes but the marginalized people and those who stand with their struggles are being persecuted”. Saibaba was in pre-operative treatment when he was convicted in March and immediately incarcerated and, instead of providing lifesaving treatment, the prison staff have refused to let him be attended by the jail doctor. The condition of Saibaba, currently lodged at anda cell of Nagapur central jail, was deteriorating day by day. He is unable to urinate and his stomach ache had worsened. Before his arrest, Saibaba was undergoing a treatment at Rockland hospital in Delhi. The doctors there had advised surgery for removal of his gall bladder. Despite availing bail, most of his time was spent in hospitals in Delhi and Hyderabad for the multiple ailments he was suffering from. Particularly this time earlier to his travel on the Day of Judgment he was in the hospital admitted with chest pain. In the test it was found that his Pancreas has damaged in gall bladder and to be operated within three weeks. It is not to say that this health report is to be considered on humanitarian grounds by the court but only register the protest against the extra-legal observation of the judgment.

It’s a gross violation of justice which puts all democratic values on trial. It is an attack on all sections of intellectuals, teachers and students who espouse and cherish the value of ideas, progressive thought and dissent. Hence, there is a need for a cross-section of teachers and students to come together to speak up against the stifling of voices in universities and space across the country. This judgment strikes at the very core idea of the right to exchange ideas and values. What cannot be over looked is the alarming disparity between various judgment that have come in recent times where those against whom there are clear evidences of instigating mob violence, engineering riots and blasts were acquitted by higher courts.Witch hunting is going on against those raising issues of human rights violations of tribals through operation green hunt etc. the sessions court ignored his health, as he was supposed to undergo a surgery, and sent him a jail on life term. The judgment says that ‘though GN Saibaba is 90 percent disabled, he is mentally alert’.The public prosecutor was responding on the judgment with an observation that it is the first time the white collar Maoists are punished, and it is a message to the intellectuals outside who are supporting Maoist ideology. This proves a venomous mindset of the state. Hence, one has to come to conclusion that this is not a judicious judgment based on the natural justice or the law of the land but given the political prejudice against any kind of dissent against sate. People were prosecuted for ideas in medieval period and that is happening here now. This is not merely a legal battle but a fight to protect democracy.

TVV is demanding the unconditional release of GN Saibaba and the other five, provide complete medical facilities, and also appealing to all progressive and democratic sections to mobilize the people and raise concern over the political climate in the country where all forms of dissent are been criminalized.

Telangana Vidyarthi Vedika (Tvv), Hyderabad Central University

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Riktigt obehagligt projekt i Indien


RSS Rolls On Nazi Racist Project Of Producing ‘Aryan’ Babies In India
by Shamsul Islam

According to press reports, one of the RSS offshoots, Garbh Vigyan
Sanskar (Uterus Science Culture), following the Vedic preaching and
post-World War II experiments in Germany, is conducting live trials in
many parts of India for producing ‘fair’ and ‘tall’ ‘customised’

Läs mer om RSS här.

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Brasiliansk protest: We condemn the life sentence given to the professor Saibaba!


The old Indian State, through the Court of Sessions of Gadchiroli (Maharashtra), convicted the Delhi University professor G.N. Saibaba to the life imprisonment. That punishment happened because of his important militancy in defence of the people’s rights. Besides Professor Saibaba, five other militants were targets of this unacceptable measure and convicted under the draconian anti-terror law.

The Indian government has attacked more and more the people of its own country. In order to expel the peasants from their lands, under the mantra of “Operation Green Hunt”, the Adivasis people villages are being decimated, under constants air strikes and the offensive of mercenary groups working for the government. All this has been done to ensure the interests of transnational companies, especially those in the mining sector. In the cities, there is a growing number of draconian laws targeting activists and people’s rights activists. Besides Professor Saibaba the renowned Indian writer Arundhati Roy also has been pursued by the old State.

In India, the number of political prisoners is around 100,000. They are thousands of men and women who have been arrested for their positions and political actions in defence of the people. Among them 10,000 are accused of having some connection with the Maoist movement in the country. The Maoists have been developing a Popular War against the Indian State for decades, and the Indian State has declared total war against the whole Indian people.

That conviction of professor Saibaba is a new chapter in the attack over democratic freedoms in India. Under the fallacy of “fighting the Maoists” the old Indian State has been pursuing and arresting those who stand up for the rights of the Indian people and the various nationalities that live under the yoke of the fascist management of the Modi government.

Many democratic organizations and for defence of people’s rights in India and abroad have already expressed their repudiation of that conviction given to wheelchair bound professor Saibaba, who has paralysis in 90% of the body, also suffers from various health’s problems. Student organizations, several unions and popular movements have been denouncing that trial was a sham. A lot of demonstrations against this ruling have being organizing across India.

Actions will be taken in defence of professor Saibaba and other political prisoners who bravely resist in the Indian dungeons. We call on all democratic and revolutionary organizations to participate of this international campaign.




Brazilian Centre of Solidarity to the People
Rio de Janeiro, março de 2017

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G N Saibaba dömd till livstids fängelse

2017-03-19 13_32_40-Demonstration für die Freiheit der politischen Gefangenen in Hamburg

Den rullstolsburne universitetsläraren G N Saiaba (som varit på besök i Sverige) dömdes till livstids fängelse den 7 mars med stöd av en lag som kritiserats för att vara fascistisk. Enligt domstolen så har han arbetat öppet som en försvarare av naxaliterna. Många intellektuella i Indien är upprörda över att staten angriper och tystar en kritiker som har försvarat daliter och ursprungsbefolkningens rättigheter.

I Tyskland hölls nyligen en demonstration för att uppmärksamma politiska fångar. I demonstrationen fanns ett Saibaba-block från vilken bilden ovan är tagen. Kampen går vidare och domen kommer enligt Saibabas fru så klart att överklagas.

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Intressanta solidaritetsföredrag på Cyklopen


7-8 olika organisationer höll föredrag om sitt solidaritetsarbete igår på Cyklopen. Riktigt intressant att få höra om konkreta praktiska erfarenheter av solidaritetsarbete. En deltagare berättade om motsättningar som uppstår mellan de behov som folk som man solidariserar sig med har och med de politiska principer som man satt upp i Sverige. En annan berättade om svårigheterna att hålla igång verksamheten när folk dras till andra engagemang osv. Inspirerande var det att höra om hur kampen går vidare på olika håll trots olika svårigheter.

Ett stort tack till arrangörerna för ett välorganiserat arrangemang!

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Delstatsminster påstår att omtalad gruppvåldtäkt är en “politisk konspiration”


Kvinnoförakt och sexuellt våld mot kvinnor är som bekant ett riktigt stort problem i Indien. En delstatsminsters påstående om att en gruppvåldtäkt troligen är påhittad som en del av en “politisk konspiration” har väckt mycket ilska.

Trying Misogyny Welcome, But How About Curbing All Crimes Against Women?
by Samar

It is fourth anniversary of 16 December 2012, the brutal gang rape and murder of a student in Delhi that shook the conscience of the nation and led to unprecedented protests against sexual violence across India. Crime against women has been common in India, as has been the support for such crime in the form of misogynist statements by those holding seats of power. The grammar of shame in cases of sexual violence has always been inscribed on the bodies of victims, avoiding most perpetrators. It is in this context that the Supreme Court of India taking on Azam Khan, a powerful minister of Uttar Pradesh government, and making him unconditionally apologize for a brazenly misogynist statement against gang rape victims, is a welcome step.

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Indiensolidaritet håller föredrag i Stockholm imorgon

Den 28:e januari anordnar Syndikalistiska Ungdomsförbundets Internationella Kommitté en temadag där de diskuterar internationell kamp. De kommer att ha internationella föreläsare och representanter från solidaritetsorganisationer, samt diskussioner kring situationen i olika länder och hur praktiskt solidaritetsarbete fungerar här i Sverige.

Plats: Kulturhuset Cyklopen – 10 minuters promenad från tunnelbanestationen Högdalen
Tid: 10:00 – 18:00, 28:e januari
Tillgänglighet: Anpassat för rullstol och rörelseförhinder.

Deltagande organisationer:
Anarchist Black Cross Stockholm

Indiensolidaritet är en förening som arbetar med att sprida information och stödja olika folkrörelser i Indien och andra delar av Asien som kämpar mot storbolag, myndigheter och godsherrar. I Indien spelar Naxalitrörelsen en viktig roll genom att de arbetar för att radikalisera folkrörelserna och att de har tagit över stora områden där har byggt upp en egen förvaltning. Gruppens praktiska arbete består i att genomföra aktioner, göra en tidning, affischerar, ordna föredrag och manifestationer. De strävar även efter att genomföra undersökande resor till konfliktområden i Indien m.m.

ABC Stockholm
Anarchist Black Cross Stockholm arbetar med fångkamp och antirepression. Detta innebär i praktiken att de gör insamlingar och stödfester så vi kan betala dömda kamraters böter kollektivt, bryta den isolering som uppstår när man sitter inne genom att skicka information och brev utifrån och genom att informera folk om vilka rättigheter de har i statens våldsmonopol.

Rojavakommittéerna är ett nätverk för solidaritet och utbyte med den revolutionära rörelsen i hela Kurdistan. Kommittéerna är partipolitiskt och religiöst obundna. Praktiskt organiserar de aktivister i Sverige och koordinerar projekt ämnade att stöda kampen i Rojava, men genomför även föreläsningar och annat ideologiskt arbete avsett att sprida kunskap om den demokratiska konfederalismen – Rojavas gräsrotsdemokratiska, ekologiska och könsnormsbefriade samhällssyste

K’inal är en del av ett europeiskt nätverk bestående av föreningar och kooperativ i Europa som utför solidarisk handel med zapatisterna. Istället för att ha en certifierad märkning så har de andra grupperna i Europa valt att ha en direktkontakt med sina kunder och informera dem om läget i Chiapas och hur import går till. I Sverige säljer vi vårat kaffe mestadels genom återförsäljare, medans de andra grupperna inriktat sig på att sälja direkt till politiska grupper och engagerade.

Jord & Frihet
Jord & Frihet är svenska för Tierra Y Libertad, stridsropet i den mexikanska revolutionen i början av 1900-talet. Det användes senare av de spanska anarkisterna i kampen mot mot fascisterna under spanska inbördeskriget 1936-39. Vi arbetar just nu, enbart ideellt, mest med solidarisk handel och främst import av olivolja och andra varor från Palestina.

Föreningen har sedan starten 1969 jobbat för demokrati och mänskliga rättigheter. Föreningen startade i vreden över Vietnamkriget där Ordfronts syfte var att förlägga och trycka information som annars hade svårt att nå ut. Idag jobbar vi på liknande sätt, och ger röst åt de som får sina röster begränsade eller tystade.

Föreningen Irlandinformation kommer och talar om den befrielsekampen på Irland, förr och idag. Varför är det viktigt att stödja Irlands kamp för självständighet? Hur ser statens repression ut? Detta är några av de frågor Irlandinformations representanter kommer att tala om.
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Modi’s war is against adivasis, not Maoists


Interview/ Varavara Rao, poet and Maoist sympathiser

The Centre, along with state governments, has launched a severe offensive against the Maoists.

I am really worried. I fail to understand why the government is punishing Maoists. The real problem is the land issues. Rights of adivasis have been snatched. Though the governments of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha passed land bills, giving rights to adivasis and saying that non-adivasis could not acquire land in the forests, in actuality the reverse is happening.

How is the government helping non-adivasis acquire land?

By giving mining rights to multinational companies. The Congress government had done the same, but [Prime Minister Narendra] Modi is selling adivasi land more aggressively.

Has that battle now entered a decisive stage?

Yes, it seems so. The onslaught would finish by next year. My question to him [Modi] is, why is he taking it as a war? The mission will kill adivasis. His policy is: remove the water, and the fish would ultimately die. His war is not against Maoists but against adivasis. Maoists are supporting adivasis in the jungles. So he wants to kill Maoists and ultimately the adivasis would die.

But what is wrong with private investment in mining? It would develop the economy.

How could that be? A large number of adivasis would be displaced. The huge displacement would create a massive law and order situation. [There would be] poverty as these people rely heavily on forests.

How will Mission 2016-17 be different from Operation Green Hunt?

Now it is an all-out war, unlike in the past. The government is using aerial strikes. The state governments, which wanted to crush the Maoist movement, received a great fillip when Modi became prime minister.

But why would the Modi government be more aggressive than previous Congress governments?

Because Modi’s political ideology is based on the theory of anti-communism. He views communists as enemies, more than other parties do. So, he is the fiercest and wants to finish Maoists as early as possible. Also, this government follows a World Bank-guided economic model, which would ask the government to open the mining sector to multinationals.

A top Maoist leader told THE WEEK that Maoists would abandon guerrilla action. Is it possible?

I am not sure. But the new generation of Maoists is different. Even if they do away with guerrilla war, they cannot abandon the struggle and revolution. Otherwise, they would not be called Maoists.

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En kommentar till Henrik Sundboms bok På spaning efter det nya Indien


Henrik Sundbom, Svensk-Indiska Föreningens ordförande, har skrivit en bok om Indien, På spaning efter det nya Indien (Timbro förlag 2016).  Hans Magnusson från Dalit Solidarity Network har skrivit intressant en kritik av boken.

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Hälften av Indiens barn är undernärda


Och detta land vill komma ifatt Kina? Skrattretande. Titta här på de nakna siffrorna, sämre än i sub-sahara-afrika. /Einar

Yes Prime Minister: You Are Right
by A concerned Citizen

Yes Prime Minister, you are right. India needs to take the digital way. Half of India’s children are malnourished. 44% of children under the age of 5 are underweight, while 72% of infants have anaemia. Many of the sub-saharan countries are better placed in nutrition than India. But it is not a problem. More than the food malnourishment, it is the digital malnourishment which is a much needed necessity for Indian children. Children with I-Pads, a Smart phone but without proper food are a way to take India into to a digital world.

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