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Software Analytics from New Relic

Be agile with your Data-Driven Decision-Making

Your application generates a sea of data and critical business insights. We can help you stay afloat and gain insight.

The Problem

You need answers to questions about your application and business—now. Custom queries, separate tools, messy reporting. A simple answer takes weeks and months of professional services or instrumentation.

The Solution

Fast, powerful, agile analytics.
Fueled by real-time data from production software. Providing clear, actionable intelligence on end-user behavior.

What is Software Analytics?

Software Analytics is about gathering billions and billions of metrics from your live production software, including user clickstreams, mobile activity, end user experiences and transactions, and then making sense of those—providing you with business insights. Software analytics includes Application Performance Management, but extends to User Behavior, Business Transactions, Customer Insights and much, much more.

What kind of things can I ask my applications?

We want you to be able to ask performance and application questions, but also business questions. Such as:

  • How many people are live on our application right now?
  • How do response time trends impact customer adoption?
  • Who are our top customers at risk for churn?
  • What is the uptake of our newest product?
How can New Relic help me?

We’re pioneering this new category called Software Analytics. At FutureStack, we previewed New Relic Insights, our real-time analytics platform that provides answers to these questions from the source—your production applications. And to do so in real time, without having to set up a whole new Big Data environment.

Get a Visual Tour of New Relic Insights

The Power of Custom Attributes
Our Software Analytics Architecture

Being data-driven is easier said than done. Agile analytics arms you with the valuable insights to inform you when making critical business decisions. We have augmented our platform with a Big Data capture model that lets us collect billions of events—generic and custom—from your applications, customer interfaces, and mobile apps.

To serve the modern software stack, we deliver this as a service (SaaS), with almost no setup. And for our thousands of existing customers, there is even less setup required. You are already collecting the right data to answer some really compelling business questions. New Relic makes it easy to start asking those questions.

Is Software Analytics Something New?


While people have been cobbling together solutions to data insight problems for years, no single software company has addressed the needs of modern software builders.

Modern Software Needs Modern Tools.

Web Analytics, Business Intelligence tools, Log search and NoSQL Hadoop tools all try to solve the problem. But each falls short. The right approach is to:

  • Collect the data in with an intelligent agent from multiple points (in the application, the browser, the mobile device)
  • Store it in a cloud SaaS environment
  • Present the data in ways that make it easy to get answers. Fast.
Get agile insights. From New Relic.

New Relic Insights allows you to ask questions of your software. In real-time. Suddenly, you can be agile in your data-driven decision-making. Our goals are ambitious and bold with New Relic Insights, but we think this is a really big opportunity.

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