The Lust-for-Life Library

Table of Contents

Preface and/or Special Note
Library History and Librarian Commentaries
Copyright Statement: Fair and Non-commercial Usage



Archives and Libraries
Book Stores and Publishers
Computing to Expand Access to and Use of Life-affirming Knowledge
Computing to Expand Privacy, Free Speech, and Rights of Association
Forums, Mail Groups, and List-servs
Periodicals: Journals, Magazines, and Newsletters
Radio Stations and Podcasts
Tools for An Isocratic Commonwealth
Web Rings and Portals
Web Sites and Blogs
Web Television and Video Channels

Library Usage



Preface and/or Special Note

The library contains many under the covers elements, wherein an "element" is an audible, graphical, musical, pictoral, textual, visual, or whimsical file.

The local search tool's "indexer" routines auto-periodically filter through the library elements (their URLs, folder names, titles, authors) and grabs its content into logical groupings to be returned as search results.

Our searches will access all the elements beneath the "entry page" surface. Button searches are a different story, being based on my own shell scripts working behind the scenes as another periodic manipulation of titles, authors, format types, etc.

Additions to our library are what will better make it more robust, open, ours, and use-valuable. Thanks for coming here. Be sure to send me emails with your ideas, problems, solutions, and whatever else.

Each of us holds a piece of all other revolutions within us. "Social", being a weaponized term, is what we do every day apart and associating with each other. It is certainly not decreed. It is not legislated. It is us without mediators, i.e., those extracting us as objects for their gain in our name, those "left" or "right" flip-sides of the same recipe for our enslavement.

For each and all of us to "unbecome [their] things" we need to become well. First of all, that means we must free ourselves of the "cops in our heads" which internalize slavish behaviors, fearful compliance, and cowardly surrender to someone, anyone else's weaponization of language, thinking, communicating, and acting. An example is when we allow ourselves to be spoken for or po[i]sed against each other with agenda rewards for cannibalizing others who are "not" agenda-ized as "recuperated" servants.

I hope that our investigations, discussions, and projects show that we are still capable of becoming capable. Until then, we are not ourselves. So, here's to us! Here's to becoming!


A number of disciples went to the Buddha and said: "Sir, there are living here in Savatthi many wandering hermits and scholars who indulge in constant dispute, some saying that the world is infinite and eternal and others that it is finite and not eternal, some saying that the soul dies with the body and others that it lives on forever, and so forth. What, Sir, would you say concerning them?"

The Buddha answered: "Once upon a time there was a certain raja who called to his servant and said, 'Come, good fellow, go and gather together in one place all the men of Savatthi who were born blind... and show them an elephant.' 'Very good, sire', replied the servant, and he did as he was told. He said to the blind men assembled there: 'Here is an elephant', and to one man he presented the head of the elephant, to another its ears, to another a tusk, to another the trunk, the foot, back, tail, and tuft of the tail, saying to each one that that was the elephant.

"When the blind men had felt the elephant, the raja went to each of them and said to each: 'Well, blind man, have you seen the elephant? Tell me, what sort of thing is an elephant?'

"Thereupon the men who were presented with the head answered: 'Sire, an elephant is like a pot.' And the men who had observed the ear replied: 'An elephant is like a winnowing basket.' Those who had been presented with a tusk said it was a plough-share. Those who knew only the trunk said it was a plough; others said the body was a grainary; the foot, a pillar; the back, a mortar; the tail, a pestle, the tuft of the tail, a brush.

"Then they began to quarrel, shouting, 'Yes it is!' [and/or] 'No, it is not!' 'An elephant is not that!' 'Yes, it's like that!' and so on, till they came to blows over the matter.

"Brethren, the raja was delighted with the scene.

"Just so are these preachers and scholars holding various views blind and unseeing.... In their ignorance they are by nature quarrelsome, wrangling, and disputatious, each maintaining reality is thus and thus."

Then the Exalted One rendered this meaning by uttering this verse of uplift,

O how they cling and wrangle, some who claim
For preacher and monk the honored name!
For, quarreling, each to his view they cling.
Such folk see only one side of a thing.

— Jainism and Buddhism, Udana 68-69: Parable of the Blind Men and the Elephant [source]

the blind wo/men and the disfigured elephant
Must all existence be reduced by and into the
sum of self-inducting constraints?!

This project, as descendant of all others, is 'here' as a moment of and for generalized self-management. It is a self-facilitation of my own need to and desire for empathy, action, and transcendence; it is me becoming more connected to and seeking more robust moments of life on Earth.

It "is" a unified library and forum, a "book of books" a communication across communicators.

Its motivating sense and consciousness is to expand, learn, and share the 'whole picture' — as with a mutual inclusivity layered over the blind men and the elephant depiction of the 'sum of parts' model — of all conceptions' paradox-bearing nature, of the scattered, birth-centers of, or "dots" availing and revealing truth at a more wholistic level. Note that a "dot" in a two-dimensional world ("flatland"), is the first appearance (to a "being" in the two-dimensional plane) sees when a three-dimensional sphere passes through that two-dimensional plane. Truth is multi-dimensional, and only the mentally dead or ill declare it as static, absolute, and eternally-defined in any "sphere" of reality.

Rather than tolerating ascendent-descendent (a "passing through" turned resident) capitalism as the evolved fashion of evolution-halting hierarchy, which has expanded its "dots" to overlapping Venn "encirclements" of all moments, space, and lifeforms-habitants-dwellers of linearized history (humanity's clutch to flatland), life and its expansive possibilities could be embraced, but that must be found above, below, and beyond the dimensions of Capital and all behaviors, processes, views, logics, norms, habits, cultures, and methods which now keep it revolving within flat circles on the X-Y plane of Capital, the current terrain of hierarchy.. We host "capital", internally, in all ways which express back to us that "external" capital is logically at home everywhere — in all form and content — and that "that's life". That's the colonizing daze talking to itself 'as', 'through', and 'to' us.

Inconvenient "dots" attest to the falsification of dynamic truth as terrorizing Absolute Truth. Absolute, or non-dynamic, flatland turns all "dots" into pathways back to itself, as pseudo self-referentiality, that is, it slices away all dimensions which leap above the X-Y plane, and "black hole" communion, conceptions, and events are warped so that their begin-point and end-point are dimension-less, that is, equivalencies. A line in the linear falsification of a nonlinear universe, wherein we start from a line being an abstract conception-at-best of "connectedness" (no space exists between a contiguous series of one-dimensional "dots"). Yet, if lines curve in space, it is only because space between "dots" allows bending to occur. Since the outer edge of a curving line has more length than the inner edge, "non-existent" space and nonlinearity have proved their existence over the abstraction conjured up by absolutizing "higher intelligence". Example: there is an infinite number of "dots" between zero and one, whose very existence is denied "for the sake of convenience" of a "higher intelligence" reduced down to a flattened and flattening "choice". The dullardism of an "on or off" world undoes all evolution, not only of the human brain, but of all its senses sense thereafter. The very use of devices based in denying the infinite "dumbs down" its users, who are — really, in an inverted world — the "used". Binary math turns rainbows into black-and-white, motions into "for or against", and emotions into "compliant or treatable". Life or death becomes a judgment made by "experts", by "officials", by those who know what's best for you, that is, they know what's best for them and their masters.

"Stretched" lines (and the Truth regarding their and our linear existence) show a "pull of those lines in all sorts of directions. Nonlinearity, (only) temporarily displays momentary linearity to convey its fluctuating and oscillating wholeness. Dots, less moments of linearity, are moments for breaking away at new dimensions of it. They are escape vectors. Stretched "dots" laugh at the confining rigidity known as Truth, sure, but more importantly, they offer spaces for intersection, points where "lines" may leap across each other in all directions, clashing across other lines recursively leaping away from linear fractalizations of the whole, changing reality's math, with neither "line" merely deflecting in a sum of quantities or same set of qualities. They change both their internality and their externality. They cease to be and become. Like snowflakes rebelling against the absolutist redundancy lurking within fractal mathematics, a "whole truth" is birthed anew each vectoring, each leap beyond linearity, as in reality "escaping" its boring presence into new possibilities. So with us.

The natural laws, themselves, are in motion, are inter-moved, and are self-moving. The statement that "the only concrete is motion" and the "only constant is change" seem appropriately "true". Holding to any view or opinion 'becomes' the stance of the dead. Rather than constant becoming, the holder ceases to become, and merely "is" a host of views. Living is reaching for it is buried and no longer "matters".

The draw to touch and feel those peripheral rust spots is of dream, imagination, wonder, and desire. They show up whenever the abstractions of mind and the toleration of behavior form food lines, nutritious pathos for pathocrats of hierarchies. They exist before, beneath, behind, between, and beyond norms, fashion, officialdom, lifestyle, comfort, agendas, convenience, and other exchange-value reasons for stasis' frozen rigidity. We are as meat in a meat locker, awaiting the appetites of parasites when the power of lies runs low. The psycho-intellectual abilities wear sleep masks made from the two-dimensional rewards of reductionism, absolutism, nihilism, inductivism, and the other competing ideologies fomenting and extolling hierarchy's mass suicide and self-sacrifice. Let there be a lust for life which breaks away from a point of departure. The library and that project are moments of each other.... my best wishes for us all.

Copyright Statement: Fair and Non-commercial Usage

This site contains copyrighted material encountered in the Internet, the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner.

We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economy, democracy, scientific and social justice issues, etc. ....

We believe this constitutes a "fair use" of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Section 107 of the US Copyright Law.

In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on these sites are distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.

For more information, please visit Limitations on Exclusive Rights: Fair Use.

We encourage readers to read a copy borrowed from a friend or library if they do wish to more-than-scan through the text, or if they cannot afford to acquire their own copy, new or used. We are sure that the author would prefer that their views be known, whereas some publishers may not be so open-minded, themselves pinched by regressive laws that disallow tax deductions for "thinking ahead", and thus for saving money, by overrunning publications into "banked" inventory. So, they are now hit by engineered higher "costs" driven by finance-capital profiteers. Knowledge is less affordable, and is, thus, a privatized human creation. Thanks again, to our dear "Mr. Capital" and "Ms. Commodity"; the more they become life-like, the less we remain so, docilely-tolerating what we do awake and in dream states of the same two-dimensionalizing nightmare — transferring our and all other self-power into its inversion: Alienated [seemingly an all] External Power. We maintain it internally and together send the life-force of Earth into the phantom zone, where nihilism turns false dichotomy into a treatment plan or thought crime sentence.

This library contains many views of "blind men", evolving with communicable awareness, as both individual and gathered individual evolutions. The absolute sought by totalitarians, can momentarily exist, prior to the end of existence, nature's life and universe first having to surrender up movement, imagination, subjective sentience, change, and evolution itself. Every act or view contains many oppositions, called so in a somewhat negative sense only because the view calling them that is by forced nature dualistic and binary, like the inbred triad of Middle Eastern religions so-permeating its partial escape from them. The nature of a dualistic either-versus-or 'reductionist' positioning of any state is that itsd synthesis may be achieved beforehand, setting in motion two "opposing" forces whose collusive collision is unseen by the deductive and seen by the inductive wielders of reason. Being little more than a weaponized use of 'cause and effect', this rational linearity is very mechanistic. The dronings of a classical Marxist and Catholic are difficult to distinguish apart, as are the sales pitches ["oppositions" mysteriously-always finding "resolve" in the originally-intended synthetic "end"], of a Republican versus Democrat, or an international capital versus national capital authoritarian. The "end", designed from the same material world as what "means" oppose each other to achieve it, determines "the elephant" by mediating the communication among all "blind men". There can only be what is intended. There is only "doing time"; there is no "evolve" in the "resolve". There is only a timetable created from above. The real conversations, and thus, the real views and meanings and intentions and human-ness of the "blind" is buried under forced "dumb"-ness, touchless-ness, deafness, etc. There can be no "rising above" differences in language and experience when every language is censored and all are drugged into stup[or/id] states.

The commonwealth is suppressed, remains undiscovered/unborn, or is suffocated at birth.

The point of the wealth of views beneath this library's surface is to let you discover it in whatever sequence and motive you choose. So, no prefaces based in my views, tainting your potential views and words. The goal is not that we all read the same thing and dress alike in a dystopian bleak unity. It is to address the rainbow with butterflies and wonder. Thought can be exhuberant. It needy not be duty, or constipating, or aligned with any dualistic sequence or not to "find the One", but to cultivate each hoping for a glimmer of its innate value light to feed our grow our consciousness into a watering can of robust acts, which can be assessed for its value by all it touches, and again, and again.

There is more than one "antithesis" and each antithesis' possibility creates more by attaching nonlinearly to untold (and ever-unfolding) combinations of other "thesis" eggs. Its very existence enriches all possible act(s). Today's act mulches into the possibilities of tomorrow's "idea" garden... and, following this metaphor, "open-pollinated" seeds, are the best source. Another example is the riches of a "mutt" over "the breeder's choice".

If one wishes to be informed, then responsibility means that you read the original texts and views, not a fascimile or filtered rendition. That's lazy. That's respective of someone else's regurgitated Truth. That's a "tv dinner" approach. That's what a slave does....

"You", whomever that may be, are going to find authors, topics, and views which disturb, anger, align, misalign, scare, challenge, and engage you. That's the point of a library, of diversity of views, of non-uniformity of people, of thinking deductively, of perceiving non-dogmatically, of engaging non-ideologically, of living, of discourse, of the universe.

If you'd burn down a library because of that challenge to allow freedom, if you'd censor the right of others to not think other than how they presently think (or how you always "think"), if you'd backstab anyone investigating ALL of the points of view they can (as in talking to as many of the "blind men" as possible so that a more robust and [w]holistic as certainty may temporarily be used to see more qualitatively than before, if you're incapable of of evolution and thus, fixate on chain-linking all others to your chain of linear and absolutist "thought", if you're unwilling to to become more openminded by elevating yourself to a concrete (and non-abstract) use of the dynamics of "the [social] scientific method", then you're better off, and so are the rest of us, if you "officially" kill yourself rather than us. If you don't like the library, leave. If you don't like a book, put it down. If you don'y like a program, change the channel. Stay away from truth and calling yourself a truth-seeker of any variety except stultified and inverted, because you have stopped trying. You do not enrich yourself with the views of others, and so, exterminate them as humans in your shrinking mind. You enrich nothing and no one but your own hosting of the emotional plague, and a sort of 'meth-head' neural pathway set which has lost all others that do not serve your "purpose". Get out pof the way of the living!

Else, read on, let acts of sharing, communication, suggestions, and 'deed' multiply the possibilities of us all exponentially.... The only loser here, then, is already dead or was never alive: "you".


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– healthy, rebellious, wild wit

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• "1956: The Hungarian Revolution" — (Anarchist Federation in Manchester, 24 pages, August 2009; original published by Scorcher Publications; 1980s) [ PDF ]
• "9/11, Free Energy, and Advanced Weaponry" lecture by Dr. Judy Wood (02:24:57, 20`12) [ MP4 ]
• "9/11: The Great American Psy-Opera" (04:03:01, 2015) [ MP4 ]
• "A Brief History of Cultural Marxism and Political Correctness" — by Jeffrey D. Breshears (43 pages) [ Part 1 PDF, Part 2 PDF ]
A Cavalier History of Surrealism — by Raoul Vaneigem (nom de plume: "Jules-Francois Dupuis") in 1970; AK Press (1999) [ PDF ]
A Declaration of the Rights of Human Beings: On the Sovereignty of Life as Surpassing the Rights of Man — by Raoul Vaneigem (2001) [ PDF ]
• "A Modest Proposal..." — by Dr. Jonathan Swift (13 pages; 1729) [ PDF ]
• "Aerosol Crimes" — by Clifford E. Carnicom (01:39:23; 2005) [ ]
• "Against the Logic of Submission" — by Wolfi Landstreicher (2005) [ HTML ]
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland — by Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (nom de plume: "Lewis Carroll"; 77 pages) [ PDF ]
• "America: Freedom to Fascism" — with Aaron Russo (02:26:40, 2006) [ MP4 ]
America's Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull&Bones — by Antony C. Sutton (2002; 219 pages) [ PDF ]
American Odyssey: Letters and Journals (1940-1947) — by Wilhelm Reich, edited by Mary Boyd Higgins (443 pages; 1994) [ PDF ]
• "Anarchism and Anarcho-Syndicalism" — by Rudolf Rocker (25 pages; 1949) [ PDF ]
• "Anarchism and Neighborhood Associations — by Larry Gambone (October 24, 2008) [ PDF ]
Anarchism and Other Essays — by Emma Goldman (154 pages) [ PDF ]
• "Anarchism and Sovietism — by Rudolf Rocker (unknown date) [ PDF ]
• "Anarchism: From Theory to Practice — by Daniel Guerin (76 pages) [ PDF ]
Animal Farm — by Eric Blair (nom de plume: "George Orwell"; 140 pages; 1946) [ PDF ]
• "Authoritarian Conditioning, Sexual Repression, and the Irrational in Politics" — by Maurice Brinton [ HTML ]
• "Authoritarianism, Dogma, Karma, and Coming Home to Indigenous Space" — by anonymous (unknown release date) [HTML ]
• "Away with the Murder of the Body" — translated and released by Wicked Messenger (1973; cf. original "Trois milliards de pervers, grande encyclopédes homosexualite" availed in 2002 by Critical Secret) [ PDF ]
• "Bankers Love Socialism" — an interview of Professor Antony C. Sutton [ MP4 ]
Basic Banalities — by Raoul Vaneigem [ HTML ]
Behold A Pale Horse — by Milton William Cooper (500 pages; 1990) [ PDF ]
Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History — by Norman G. Finkelstein (2005) [ PDF ]
• "Big Pharma, the Nazis, and the Origins of the EU" — with Paul Anthony Taylor (01:54:02, 2014) [ MP4 ]
• "Big Pharma Conspiracy: Health Epidemics & The Untold Story of Vaccines" — with Gary Null (01:48:05, 2013) [ MP4 ]
• "Big Pharma, Big Money" (02:56:16, 2009) [ MP4 ]
Bloodlines of the Illuminati — by Fritz Springmeier [ PDF ]
Change the World without Taking Power — by John Holloway (June 2002) [ PDF ]
• "Commodity Fetishism and Reification" — by Mike Rooke, in Common Sense Number 23 (1998) [ HTML ]
• "Contributions to the Revolutionary Struggle" — by Raoul Vaneigem; edited by Lake County Anarchists (24 pages) [ PDF ]
Crack Capitalism — by John Holloway (June 15, 2010) [ PDF ]
• "Clinton Cash" (01:04:57) [ MP4 ]
• "Culture and Ideology Are Not Your Friends" — a lecture by Terence McKenna [ MP4 ]
• "Dark Mission: The Secret History of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration" — by Richard C. Hoagland and Michael Bara (20 pages; 2007) [ PDF ]
• "De-conditioning the Human Condition" — a lecture by Terence McKenna [ MP4 ]
Down and Out in Paris and London — by George Orwell (161 pages; 1933) [ PDF ]
• "Dr. Wilhelm Reich: Scientific Genius — or Medical Madman?" — by Alan Cantwell, Jr., M.D. [ HTML ]
• "Empower Yourself to Just Say Bullshit" — a lecture by Terence McKenna [ MP4 ]
• "Everything You Know Is Wrong" — a two-sided LP album by Firesign Theatre (1974) [ Side 1 MP4, Side 2 MP4 ]
• "Evidence of Directed Energy on 9/11" — interview of Dr. Judy Wood by John Balbour (1:57:15, 2015) [ MP4 ]
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions — by Edwin A. Abbott (1884), read by Ruth Golding (04:13:33, 2008) [ MP4 ]
• "Flatland: The Movie" — made by Dano Johnson & Jeffrey Travis about Edwin A. Abbott's 1884 book, Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions (34:00, 2007) [ URL ]
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography — by Webster G. Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin (734 pages; October 2004) [ PDF ]
• "Gethsemane" — by Wilhelm Reich (1951) [ HTML ]
Global Capitalism and the Demise of the Left: Renewing Radicalism through Inclusive Democracy — edited by Steve Best (472 pages; 2009) [ PDF ]
• "Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Rothschilds & British Royal Family Connections" — an interview of Greg Hallett by Sean Stone [ MP4 ]
• "Invisible Empire A New World Order Defined" — with Jason Bermas (02:14:00, 2010) [ MP4 ]
• "Life in the Foodchain" — song by Tonio K, from his first album, "Life in the Foodchain" (1979) [ MP3 ]
Listen, Little Man — written by Wilhelm Reich (1945) [ PDF ]
Manual for Revolutionary Leaders — by Michael Velli (Fredy Perlman) — (1972 and 1974) [ HTML ]
• "Marx's Critique of Ideology" — by Bertell Ollman (1993) [ HTML ]
• "Mind Control: The Ultimate Brave New World" — by Nick Begich (Nexus magazine; 16 pages) [ Part 1 (Apr-May 2006) PDF, Part 1 (Feb-Mar 2006) PDF ]
Nineteen Eighty-Four — by George Orwell (258 pages; 1949) [ PDF ]
• "Nobody Knows Jack Shit about What is Going On" — a lecture by Terence McKenna [ MP4 ]
• "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" — a talk by Gary Allen [ MP4 ]
None Dare Call It Conspiracy — by Gary Allen (93 pages) [ HTML, PDF ]
• "Orwell vs. Huxley: Maybe They Both Got It Right?" [ MP4 ]
• "Parody and Subversion: Notes on Roles" — by unknown (unknown release date) [ HTML ]
• "Plutocracy: Political Repression in the U.S.A." (01:49:24, 2015) [ MP4 ]
"Political Correctness": A Short History of an Ideology — edited by William S. Lind (51 pages; November 2004) [ PDF ]
• "Propaganda: Social Engineering and the Manufacturing of Human Thought" (01:17:08, 2013) [ MP4 ]
• "Propaganda and Manipulation: How Mass Media Engineers and Distorts Our Perceptions" (01:09:18, 2014) [ MP4 ]
• "Psychiatry: An Industry of Death" (01:48:22) [ MP4 ]
• "Psychiatry: The Marketing of Madness" (02:58:18) [ MP4 ]
Post-Scarcity Anarchism — by Murray Bookchin — with additions (311 pages; 1986 re-issue of 1971 book) [ PDF ]
• "Psychocracy: The Psychological Sphere of Influence" — by Tana Dineen, PhD. (13 pages; 2004) [ PDF ]
• "Psywar" (2014 / 1:39:02) [ MP4 ]
• "Reichian Growth Work: Melting the Blocks to Life and Love" — by Nick Totton and Em Edmondson; illustrated by Kirsty O'Connor — includes Reichian bodywork theory, many exercises, and critiques of other modalities (July 1988) [ HTML, PDF ]
• "Reichian Therapy: The Technique for Home Use" — by Jack Willis — the readable therapy text file [ PDF ]
• "Reichian Therapy: Sounds" — by Jack Willis — the audible therapy sound file [ MP3 ]
• "Reichian Therapy: Karl's Case" — by Jack Willis — the audible therapy sound file of Karl's therapy [ MP3 ]
• "Reichian Therapy: Peter's Case" — by Jack Willis — the audible therapy sound file of Peter's therapy [ MP3 ]
• "Reichian Therapy: Roberta's Case" — by Jack Willis — the audible therapy sound file of Roberta's therapy [ MP3 ]
• "Reichian Therapy: Steve's Case" — by Jack Willis — the audible therapy sound file of Steve's therapy [ MP3 ]
• "Reification" — by Gajo Petrović (1983) [ HTML ]
• "Reification and Post-Revolutionary Sex in History and Class Consciousness" — by Neo-Anchorite (September 18, 2008) [ HTML ]
• "Robbers & Bandits & Bastards & Thieves" — song by Drywall, from their album, "Barbeque babylon") (2005) [ MP3 ]
• "Selected Sex-Pol Essays: 1934-37" — by Wilhelm Reich & Karl Teschitz [ HTML ]
Steal This Book — by Abbie Hoffman (109 pages; 1971) [ PDF ]
• "Ten Theses on the Proliferation of Egocrats" — by Fredy Perlman (1977) [ HTML ]
The Best Enemy Money Can Buy — by Antony C. Sutton (2000; 158 pages) [ PDF ]
• "The Century of Self" — by Adam Curtis (03:54:43) [ MP4 ]
• "The Dialectic of the Psyche" — by Wilhelm Reich [ HTML ]
• "The Dutch Connection: How the Bush Family Made its Fortune from the Nazis" — by John Loftus (8 pages; September 27, 2002) [ PDF ]
• "The Emotional Plague" — by Wilhelm Reich — Chapter 16 of Character Analysis (1945) [ PDF ]
• "The Emotional Plague: The Root of Human Evil" — by Charles Konia, M.D. (2007); published by Aco Press (2007) [ PNG ]
• "The Enemies of Imagination" — a lecture by Terence McKenna [ MP4 ]
• "The Establishment: Council on Foreign Relations" — a 1969 talk by Gary Allen [ MP4 ]
• "The Frankfurt School and 'Political Correctness'" — by Michael Minnicino (13 pages; 1992) [ PDF ]
The Guru Papers: Masks of Authoritarian Power — by Joel Kramer and Diana Alstad (408 pages; 1993) [ PDF ]
• "The Hidden Power Structure of the Left-Right Paradigm" — talk by Joel Skousen (58:25, 2012) [ MP4 ]
The History of the House of Rothschild — by Andrew Hitchcock [ PDF ]
The Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering — by Norman G. Finkelstein (April 2000) [ PDF ]
The Imaginary Institution of Society — by Cornelius Castoriadis (1975) [ PDF ]
The Iron Heel — by Jack London (1907) [ PDF ]
The Islamic Mein Kampf — published by the David Horowitz Freedom Center (26 pages; 2007) [ PDF ]
• "The Jesuit Order of Skull and Bones [Brotherhood of Death]" — an interview of Professor Antony C. Sutton [ MP4 ]
• "The Jews are Not a Race" — by Alfred M. Lilienthal (December 18, 1953) [ HTML ]
• "The Living Dead" — a lecture by Terence McKenna [ MP4 ]
The Mass Psychology of Fascism — by Wilhelm Reich, M.D. (1933) [ PDF ]
• "The Meek Shall Inherit Nothing" — song by Frank Zappa, from his album, "You Are What You Is" (1981) [ MP3 ]
• "The Merchants of Debt: How the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds are Competing for World Domination" — by Hans Schicht (July 2001) [ HTML ]
• "The Network of Domination" — by Wolfi Landstreicher (2005) [ HTML ]
• "The Ostrich" — song by Steppenwolf, from their first album, "Steppenwolf" (1968) [ MP3 ]
• "The Overcoming of Marxism: A Prolegomenon for Revolutionary Praxis" — by Michael Kosok (February 1974) [ HTML ]
The Political Writings of George Orwell — by George Orwell (55 pages; 1943-1946) [ PDF ]
The "Proud Internationalist": The Globalist Vision of David Rockefeller — by Will Banyan (88 pages; March 2006) [ PDF ]
• "The Purpose of Novelty in Human Beings and the Universe" — a lecture by Terence McKenna [ MP4 ]
The Revolution of Everyday Life — by Raoul Vaneigem (1967); translated into English by Donald Nicholson-Smith; published by Rebel Press (2001) [ PDF ]
The Revolution of Everyday Life — by Raoul Vaneigem (1967); translated into English by John Fullerton and Steve Sieveking (182 pages; 1972) [ PDF ]
The Rise of the House of Rothschild — by Count Egon Caesar Corti (July 1927; 436 pages) [ PDF ]
The Rockefeller Files — by Gary Allen (155 pages; 1976) [ HTML, PDF ]
• "The Rothschild Empire: The True Leaders of the Planet Earth" (03:29:36, 2014) [ MP4 ]
• "The Secret History of the 19th Century International Bearer Bond Market" (55:50) [ MP4 ]
• "The Theory of Alienation" — by Bertell Ollman (1977) [ HTML ]
The Thirteenth Tribe — by Arthur Koestler (1976) [ PDF ]
• "The Trilateral Commission and Technocracy" — a talk by Patrick Wood [ MP4 ]
The Vatican Billions: Two Thousand Years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar to the Space Age — by Avro Manhattan [ PDF ]
• "The World Could Be Anything" — a lecture by Terence McKenna [ MP4 ]
Thought Prison: The Fundamental Nature of Political Correctness — by Bruce G. Charlton (158 pages; August 11, 2011) [ HTML ]
• "Total Onslaught: Exposing the Jesuit Order" — by Professor Walter J. Veith (02:23:28) [ MP4 ]
Towards An Inclusive Democracy: The Crisis of the Growth Economy and the Need for a New Liberatory Project — by Takis Fotopoulos (417 pages; 1996) [ PDF ]
Trilaterals Over America — by Antony C. Sutton [ PDF ]
• "Trust Yourself" — a lecture by Terence McKenna [ MP4 ]
Two Hundred Pharaohs: Five Billion Slaves — by Adrian Peacock [ PDF ]
Vatican Assassins: The Diabolical History of the Society of Jesus — by Eric Jon Phelps [ PDF ]
• "Wall Street, Communism, and Nazism" — an interview of Professor Antony C. Sutton [ MP4 ]
Wall Street and FDR — by Antony C. Sutton (200 pages; 1976) [ PDF ]
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution — by Antony C. Sutton (232 pages; 1974) [ PDF ]
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler — by Antony C. Sutton (220 pages; 1976) [ PDF ]
• "Wall Street Funded the Bolshevik Revolution" — an interview of Professor Antony C. Sutton [ MP4 ]
• "We are the Crisis of Capital" — a lecture by John Holloway [ MP3 ]
• "What Is Class Consciousness?" — by Wilhelm Reich [ HTML ]
• "Why Most People are Idiots" — a lecture by Terence McKenna [ MP4 ]
• "Zionism and American Jews" — by Alfred M. Lilienthal (May-June 1980) [ HTML ]
Zionism in the Age of Dictators — by Lenni Brenner (277 pages; 1983) [ PDF ]

Archives and Libraries

• Academia [ URL ]
• Agora International (cross-language archive of the works of Cornelius Castoriadis) [ URL ]
• American Free Press (archives) [ URL ]
• Ammo Library [ URL ]
• Anarcha Library [ URL ]
• Anarchist library [ URL ]
• Anarchist And Radical Texts ( [ URL ]
• Anarchy Archives [ URL ]
• Bakunin Archives [ URL ]
• BookZZ (free ebook library) [ URL ]
• CAIRN (chercher, adancer info, reperer network) [ URL ]
• Cryptogon [ URL ]
Dialectical Irruptions: Dynamiting External Chains Internally — Negation, For Ourselves, Catalysis, Capitalist Crisis Studies, et. al. (1973-1982) [ URL ]
• Free Books Online [ URL ]
• Generation Online [ URL ]
• George Orwell's Library (Eric Arthur Blair) [ URL ]
• George Soros... and the Rothschild [ URL ]
• GlobEthics [ URL ]
• Guide to Pedophilia in Islam [ URL ]
• History of Jihad [ URL ]
Incendiary Devices: Sparking Ignition Points of the Autonomous — Point Blank, Perspectives, Collective Inventions, Alternate Routes, Collective Reinventions, et. al. (1970-2015) [ URL ]
• Infoshop Library [ URL ]
• InfoWars Magazine (volume 1 archive) [ URL ]
• Interlibrary Loan (Library of Congress) [ URL ]
• Internet Archive [ URL ]
• Islam Watch (library of online books) [ URL ]
• LeakDirectory (secured whistle-blowing) [ URL ]
Lecointre-Drouet [ URL ]
• LibCom [ URL ]
• Library Connection [ URL ]
• LibriVox (free public domain audio books) [ URL ]
• Natural News Health Book Library [ URL ]
• Modern Energy Research Library [ URL ]
• Nestor Makhno Archive [ URL ]
• Open Library [ URL ]
• OpenISBN (free ebooks library) [ URL ]
• OpenPDF [ URL ]
• PhilPapers (philosophical research) [ URL ]
• Project Gutenberg (free ebooks) [ URL ]
• Project MUSE [ URL ]
• ReadBag [ URL ]
• Research Gate [ URL ]
• Southern African Anarchist & Syndicalist History Archive (SAASHA) [ URL ]
• Scarlet Letter Anarchist Archives [ URL ]
• Situationist International Online [ URL ]
• Social Anarchism ( [ URL ]
• Social Research Methods (knowledge base) [ URL ]
• Social Science Research Network (papers) [ URL ]
• Spunk Library [ URL ]
Surrealist News archive [ URL ]
Surrealist Revolution archive [ URL ]
• Swinburne University of Technology Library [ URL ]
• The Anarchist Library [ URL ]
• The International Dada Archive [ URL ]
• The Nestor Makhno Archive [ URL ]
• The Nothingness Library [ URL ]
• The Realist Archive Project [ URL ]
• The Secular Web (library regarding Islam) [ URL ]
• The Situationist International Text Library ( [ URL ]
• The StealthSkater Archives [ URL ]
• The Tesla Collection [ URL ]
• The Unpretentious Proclamation Of Poetry ( [ URL ]
• The Wayback Machine [ URL ]
• UbuWeb [ URL ]
• Wilhelm Reich archive (AetherForce) [ URL ]
• Wilhelm Reich archive (The Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust) [ URL ]
• WorldCat (OCLC; 2 billion audio, video, printed items) [ URL ]

Book Stores and Publishers

• Adventures Unlimited Press [ URL ]
• AK Press [ URL ]
• Akronos Publishing [ URL ]
• Autonomedia [ URL ]
• Banned Book Lists [ URL ]
• Biblio [ URL ]
• Book Depository [ URL ]
• Cheniere Press (Tom Bearden) [ URL ]
• Conspiracy Digest (publishing) [ URL ]
• Conspiracy Journal Bookshop [ URL ]
• Cosmic Awareness Communications (1970s digital back issues) [ URL ]
• Earth Pulse Press [ URL ]
• Feral House Books [ URL ]
• Fernwood Publishing [ URL ]
• Global Research Store [ URL ]
• Health Research Books [ URL ]
• Hermes Press (Norman Livergood, Michelle Mairesse, The New Enlightenment) [ URL ]
• Hidden Mysteries (bookstore) [ URL ]
• Inner Traditions – Bear & Company [ URL ]
• Just a Citizen (Sibel Edmonds' books) [ URL ]
• Little Black Cart [ URL ]
• Maledicta Press [ URL ]
• P2P Foundation Bookstore [ URL ]
• Pluto Press [ URL ]
• Political Islam Bookstore [ URL ]
• Red Lion Publishing [ URL ]
• Socialist Renewal Publishing Project [ URL ]
• South End Press [ this publisher apparently no longer in existence, just in memory and print ]
• Surrealist Editions & Black Swan Press [ URL ]
• Telos Press [ URL ]
• The Rabbit Hole (store) [ URL ]
• The Truth Seeker [ URL ]
• Tilted Windmill Press [ URL ]
• TrineDay [ URL ]
• Urizen Books (Hyperion Books) [ this publisher apparently no longer in existence, just in memory and print ]
• Verso [ URL ]
• Z Books [ URL ]
• Zabalaza Books [ URL ]

Computing to Expand Access to and Use of Life-affirming Knowledge

• Apple Developer downloads [ URL ]
• C Programming [ URL ]
• Code Project [ URL ]
• Computing resources [ HTML ]
• Creative Commons [ URL ]
• Distro Watch [ URL ]
• Document Liberation Project [ URL ]
• FileInfo (file extensions database) [ URL ]
• Firefox (browser) [ URL ]
• Free (non-Adobe) PDF readers [ URL ]
• Free Software Foundation (FSF) [ URL ]
• Free Software Foundation (free software directory) [ URL ]
• FreeBSD [ URL ]
• Freecode (formerly [ URL ]
• GitHub [ URL ]
• GNU [ URL ]
• Javascript CodeLifter [ URL ]
• Javascript Free Code [ URL ]
• LibrePlanet [ URL ]
• NetBSD [ URL ]
• Open Access Movement [ URL ]
• OpenBSD [ URL ]
• Opera (browser) [ URL ]
• Php Free Code [ URL ]
• pkgsrc [ URL ]
• Planet Source Code[ URL ]
• Python [ URL ]
• Scribus (open source platform-independent desktop publishing) [ URL ]
• SourceForge [ URL ]
• StackExchange (Q&A communities) [ URL ]
• SuperUser (power users' Q&A) [ URL ]
• Tcl Developer Xchange [ URL ]
• The Free Country [ URL ]
• The Javascript Source [ URL ]
• W3Schools [ URL ]

Computing to Expand Privacy, Free Speech, and Rights of Association

• DuckDuckGo (search engine) [ URL ]
• Electronic Frontier Foundation [ URL ]
• GnuPG [ URL ]
• Internet Relay Chat (IRC) [ URL ]
• LeakDirectory (whistle-blowing support) [ URL ]
• OpenPGP (downloads) [ URL ]
• OpenPGP (key server) [ URL ]
• OpenPGP (public-key cryptography) [ URL ]
• PrivacyBox [ URL ]
• The EnigMail Project [ URL ]
• The EnigMail Project (downloads and documentation) [ URL ]
• Tor Project [ URL ]
• WikiSpooks (whistleblower support) [ URL ]

Forums, Mail Groups, and Listservs

• Critical Thinking (mail list) [ URL ]
• CureZone (forum) [ URL ]
• Disclose TV (forum) [ URL ]
• George Orwell 1984: The Fine Print (mail list) [ URL ]
• LibCom (forum) [ URL ]
• Morgellons Research Group (forum) [ URL ]
• Our Orwellian World (thread on Cassiopaea forum) [ URL ]
• Psychopath-free (forum) [ URL ]
• PsykoGeograffyx Antinational (mail list) [ URL ]
• Surrealist Investigations (mail list) [ URL ]
• Survivalist Boards (forum) [ URL ]
• The Forbidden Truth (forum) [ URL ]
• Unbecoming Things (forum) [ URL ]
• Unexplained Mysteries (forum) [ URL ]
• Zen Gardner (forum) [ URL ]

Periodicals: Journals, Magazines, and Newsletters

• Anarchist News [ URL ]
• Atlantis Rising [ URL ]
• Conspiracy Digest Newsletter [ URL ]
• Conspiracy Journal [ URL ]
• e-flux Journal [ URL ]
• Ephemera [ URL ]
• Global Independent Media Centre Network [ URL ]
• Homeopathy (journal) [ URL ]
• Infinite Energy Magazine [ URL ]
• Infoshop News [ URL ]
Internationale Situationniste #1 — by members/associates of the Situationist International (June 1958) [ PDF ]
IS #2 — by members/associates of the SI (December 1958) [ PDF ]
IS #3 — by members/associates of the SI (December 1959) [ PDF ]
IS #4 — by members/associates of the SI (June 1960) [ PDF ]
IS #5 — by members/associates of the SI (December 1960) [ PDF ]
IS #6 — by members/associates of the SI (August 1961) [ PDF ]
IS #7 — by members/associates of the SI (April 1961) [ PDF ]
IS #8 — by members/associates of the SI (January 1963) [ PDF ]
IS #9 — by members/associates of the SI (August 1964) [ PDF ]
IS #10 — by members/associates of the SI (March 1966) [ PDF ]
IS #11 — by members/associates of the SI (October 1967) [ PDF ]
IS #12 — by members/associates of the SI (September 1969) [ PDF ]
• IntellHub News & Politics [ URL ]
• Just Wondering (Zen Gardner) [ URL ]
• Neural Magazine [ URL ]
• Nexus Magazine [ URL ]
• Permaculture Activist Magazine [ URL ]
• Ponerology News [ URL ]
• Punch Magazine (cartoon archive) [ URL ]
• Republic Magazine [ URL ]
• Socialism and Democracy (online journal of the Research Group on Socialism and Democracy) [ URL ]
• Survivalist Magazine [ URL ]
• Telos (journal archives) [ URL ]
• The Commoner (journal) [ URL ]
• The Dot Connector Magazine [ URL ]
• The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy [ URL ]
• The Journal of Psychiatric Orgone Therapy [ URL ]
• Uncensored [ URL ]
• Z Magazine [ URL ]

Radio Stations and Podcasts

• American Freedom Radio [ URL ]
• Armstrong and Getty (KMJ-AM) [ URL ]
• Art Bell's Dark Matter [ URL ]
• Audio Anarchy [ URL ]
• Biotic Baking Brigade [ URL ]
• Blacklisted Radio [ URL ]
• Brave Heart Radio [ URL ]
• Caravan to Midnight (John B. Wells) [ URL ]
• Coast to Coast AM [ URL ]
• Cutting Through the Matrix (archives) [ URL ]
• Dark Matter Digital Network [ URL ]
• Dark Matter Radio Network [ URL ]
• Deadline Live (Jack Blood) [ URL ]
• Far Out Radio (Scott and Karen Teeters) [ URL ]
• Free Domain Radio (Stefan Molyneux) [ URL ]
• Freedom's Lips [ URL ]
• Genesis Communications Network [ URL ]
• Health Conspiracy Radio [ URL ]
• "How to Make a Radio Station" [ URL ]
• Know the Lies (list of talk radio links) [ URL ]
• Logos Radio Network [ URL ]
• Midnight in the Desert [ URL ]
• Natural News Radio [ URL ]
• No Agenda [ URL ]
• Podcast Directory [ URL ]
• Prepper Podcast Radio Network [ URL ]
• Red Eye Radio (Doug McIntyre) [ URL ]
• Red Eye Radio (Eric Harley and Gary McNamara) [ URL ]
• Red Eye Radio (KMJ-AM) [ URL ]
• Red Ice Radio [ URL ]
• Renegade Health Radio [ URL ]
• Rense Radio [ URL ]
• Republic Broadcasting Network [ URL ]
• Revere Radio Network [ URL ]
• Sign of the Times Radio (SOTT) [ URL ]
• Student of the Gun Radio [ URL ]
• The AntiMatter Radio Show (Jeffrey Grupp) [ URL ]
• The Liberty Radio Network [ URL ]
• The People Speak Radio [ URL ]
• The Power Hour [ URL ]
• The Pursuit of Liberty [ URL ]
• The Vaccine Agenda (Alan Phillips, attorney-at-law) [ URL ]
• Thought Crime Radio [ URL ]
• Truth, Medicine, and Politics (Dr. Gregory A. Smith) [ URL ]
• Truth Exposed [ URL ]
• What Really Happened Radio [ URL ]
• What Really Happened Podcast [ URL ]

Tools for An Isocratic Commonwealth

• Big Eureka (the energy machine of Joseph Newman) [ URL ]
• Bloom Energy Server (Bloom Energy) [ URL ]
• Borderland Sciences Research [ URL ]
• Borderland Sciences Research Foundation [ URL ]
• Breakthru Technologies [ URL ]
• Cold Electricity Circuit (Ronald R. Stiffler ) [ URL ]
• Cold Fusion Now! [ URL ]
• Cymatics [ URL ]
• EEStor Corporation [ URL ]
• Encyclopedia Nomadica [ URL ]
• Etheric Rain Engineering [ URL ]
• Foundation for Research into Etheronic Energy [ URL ]
• Free Energy and Free Thinking (Robert Otey) [ URL ]
• Free Energy News [ URL ]
• Free Energy Web Site [ URL ]
• Hacked Gadgets (forum) [ URL ]
• Information Unlimited [ URL ]
• Integrity Research Institute (Thomas Valone) [ URL ]
• John Bedini [ URL ]
• Joseph Newman's "Runs Itself" Motor Demonstration in Denton TX [ URL ]
• Joseph Newman Motor/Generator [ URL ]
• Karl von Reichenbach [ URL ]
• Keely Net [ URL ]
• Keshe Foundation [ URL ]
• Magnetic Energy Secrets (Paul Babcock) [ URL ]
• Nikola Tesla [ URL ]
• On Truth & Reality – The Wave Structure of Matter in Space [ URL ]
• Paul Babcock [ URL ]
• Point Zero Energy [ URL ]
• Powerwall (Tesla home battery) [ URL ]
• Primordial Energy (Bruce DePalma) [ URL ]
• Psychic Research Incorporated (Marcel Vogel) [ URL ]
• Pure Energy Systems News [ URL ]
• Royal Rife [ URL ]
• Shamanic Engineering [ URL ]
• Subtle Energies & Energy Medicine (journal archives) [ URL ]
• Sympathetic Vibratory Physics – A Musical Universe [ URL ]
• Tesla Motors [ URL ]
• Tesla Universe [ URL ]
• The Hermetics Resource Site [ URL ]
• The Mind Unleashed [ URL ]
• The Tom Bearden Website [ URL ]
• Tritium Research [ URL ]
• Ville's Research [ URL ]
• Vogel-cut Crystals [ URL ]
• Water Powered Car [ URL ]
• Weapons Combat (electronic warfare handbooks and manuals) [ URL ]

Web Rings and Portals

• CureZone [ URL ]
• Earth Portals [ URL ]
• Educate-Yourself [ URL ]
• IndyBay [ URL ]
• IndyMedia [ URL ]
• PES Wiki (New Energy Congress) [ URL ]
• Social Science Research Network [ URL ]
• The Natural Health Portal [ URL ]
• Wikipedia [ URL ]

Web Sites and Blogs

• @nti-dialectics [ URL ]
• 13.7 Billion [ URL ]
• 2nd Amendment Insider [ URL ]
• Ad Busters [ URL ]
• Advocates for Self-Government [ URL ]
• Aiming Further, Striking Better [ URL ]
• Akronos [ URL ]
• Aktualijos [ URL ]
• Alex Constantine's Blacklist [ URL ]
• All News Pipeline [ URL ]
• Alliance of the Libertarian Left [ URL ]
• American Free Press [ URL ]
• American Patriot Friends Network [ URL ]
• Anarchist Writers [ URL ]
• Anarkismo [ URL ]
• Anti-Dialectics [ URL ]
• Attack the System [ URL ]
• Autonomedia [ URL ]
• Autonomies [ URL ]
• Awareness and Action (Walid Shoebat) [ URL ]
• B4Heart [ URL ]
• Ban Sharia Law [ URL ]
• Barbara Hartwell Vs. CIA (new and old blogs) [ URL URL ]
• Bare Naked Islam [ URL ]
• Before It's News [ URL ]
• Better Worlds, Brighter Futures [ URL ]
• Biblioteca Pleyades [ URL ]
• Billboard Liberation Front [ URL ]
• Blur Brain [ URL ]
• Boiling Frogs Post (Sibel Edmonds) [ URL ]
• BP Earth Watch [ URL ]
• Brain Terminal (Evan Coyne Maloney) [ URL ]
• Breitbart News Network [ URL ]
• Campaign for Liberty [ URL ]
• Caravan to Midnight News [ URL ]
• Center for a Stateless Society [ URL ]
• Center for Tactical Magic [ URL ]
• Christian Patriots [ URL ]
• Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox [ URL ]
• Circle of 13 [ URL ]
• Citizens for Health [ URL ]
• Clarion Project [ URL ]
• Coalition of the Obvious [ URL ]
• Conspiracy Journal [ URL ]
• Conspiracy Planet [ URL ]
• Conspiracy Scholar's Nook [ URL ]
• Cosmic Awareness Communications [ URL ]
• Craig B. Hulet: Terrorism Expert [ URL ]
• Creative Commons [ URL ]
• CrimethInc [ URL ]
• Critical Art Ensemble (CAE) [ URL ]
• Cryptoforestry [ URL ]
• Cutting Through the Matrix (Alan Watt) [ URL ]
• Daniel Estulin [ URL ]
• Declassify the 28 Pages (LaRouchePAC) [ URL ]
• Dialectical Delinquents [ URL ]
• Discover the Networks [ URL ]
• Divine Cosmos (David Wilcock) [ URL ]
• Dr. Joel D. Wallach (M.D.) [ URL ]
• Dr. Rath Health Foundation [ URL ]
• Dr. Ray Sahelian (M.D.) [ URL ]
• Dr. Steve Best [ URL ]
• DuckDuckGo (search engine) [ URL ]
• Earth Intelligence Network (EIN) URL ]
• EbolaGate [ URL ]
• EIR (Executive Intelligence Report) Archive [ URL ]
• EIR Online [ URL ]
• Electronic Frontier Foundation [ URL ]
• Eva and Franco Mattes [ URL ]
• Faith Freedom International [ URL ]
• Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund [ URL ]
• Farm Wars [ URL ]
• Feed Your Brain (Scott Everard) [ URL ]
• Fellowship for Intentional Community (FIC) [ URL ]
• Flag Blackened [ URL ]
• Fluoride Action Network [ URL ]
• Food Democracy Now! [ URL ]
• Forgotten Books [ URL ]
• Free Republic [ URL ]
• Free Software Foundation (FSF) [ URL ]
• Freedom of Species [ URL ]
• FreeNode (IRC network) [ URL ]
• Freethought Nation [ URL ]
• Frontiers of Solitude [ URL ]
• Gavin Grindon [ URL ]
• Geoengineering Watch [ URL ]
• Global Climate Scam [ URL ]
• Global Research [ URL ]
• GM Watch [ URL ]
• GNU [ URL ]
• Golden Age of Truth [ URL ]
• Guerrilla Gardening [ URL ]
• Hang the Bankers [ URL ]
• Health Freedom Alliance [ URL ]
• Henry Makow [ URL ]
• Hidden Mysteries Information Central [ URL ]
• High Existence [ URL ]
• High Weirdness (Church of the SubGenius) [ URL ]
• Hour of the Time (HOTT) [ URL ]
• Human Events [ URL ]
• I am the Witness [ URL ]
• In Pursuit of Happiness [ URL ]
• Inclusive Democracy [ URL ]
• Inclusive Democracy (P2P Foundation) [ URL ]
• Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) [ URL ]
• Info Wars [ URL ]
• Inquiring Minds [ URL ]
• Institute for Historical Review [ URL ]
• Institute for Social Ecology [ URL ]
• Intellihub [ URL ]
• Internet Relay Chat (IRC) [ URL ]
• Islam Watch (Islam Under Scrutiny by Ex-Muslims) [ URL ]
• Islamic Scriptures Unveiled [ URL ]
• Jeff Rense [ URL ]
• Jihad Watch [ URL ]
• Jon Rappoport's Blog [ URL ]
• Khazar: The Thirteenth Tribe [ URL ]
• King World News [ URL ]
• Know the Lies [ URL ]
• LaRouche PAC [ URL ]
• Landscapes of Capital [ URL ]
• Landscapes of Capital (web-book by Robert Goldman, Stephen Papson, Noah Kersey) [ URL ]
Les Sentiers de l'Utopie [ URL ]
• Let the Adventure Begin... (David Hatcher Childress) [ URL ]
• LibCom (Libertarian Communist) [ URL ]
• Libertarian Alliance [ URL ]
• Liberty Upward (formerly "Break the Matrix") [ URL ]
• Liberty's Flame [ URL ]
• Looking at the Left [ URL ]
M. Ripley s'amuse (Jean-Pierre Voyer; French) [ URL ]
M. Ripley s'amuse (Jean-Pierre Voyer; English) [ URL ]
• March Against Monsanto [ URL ]
• Mark Dice [ URL ]
• MemEngineering (Peter Lachnewinsky) [ URL ]
• Michael A. Hoffman [ URL ]
• Miles William Mathis [ URL ]
• Millions Against Monsanto (Organic Consumers Association) [ URL ]
• Mind Justice [ URL ]
• Minutiae [ URL ]
• Morning Liberty [ URL ]
• Mother Nature Network [ URL ]
• Move to Amend [ URL ]
• Mutualist Blog: Free Market Anti-Capitalism [ URL ]
• Mutualist: Free Market Anti-Capitalism [ URL ]
• Nascence to End Work [ URL ]
• Natural News [ URL ]
• New Eastern Outlook [ URL ]
• Not Bored [ URL ]
• Occupy Monsanto [ URL ]
• Off the Grid News [ URL ]
• Open Patents [ URL ]
• Open Secrets [ URL ]
• Organic Consumers Association [ URL ]
• Paths Through Utopia (blog) [ URL ]
• Paul Craig Roberts [ URL ]
• Pegasus PDF Database [ URL ]
• Permaculture Activist [ URL ]
• Permaculture Fundamentals [ URL ]
• Personal Liberty (Bob Livingston) [ URL ]
• Pesticide Action Network (PAN) [ URL ]
• Pipeline News [ URL ]
• PolitiFake [ URL ]
• Political Action Committees (PACs) [ URL ]
• Political Islam [ URL ]
• Political Vel Craft [ URL ]
• Ponerology [ URL ]
• Porcupine Blog (Larry Gambone) [ URL ]
• Preserve Freedom [ URL ]
• Prison Planet [ URL ]
• Project Censored [ URL ]
• Psychopaths and Psychopathy: A Ponerological "Branch" [ URL ]
• Psychopathy and Religion [ URL ]
• Public Eye [ URL ]
• Public Intelligence [ URL ]
• Reality Zone [ URL ]
• Reason [ URL ]
• Religious Tolerance [ URL ]
• Renegade Health (blog) [ URL ]
• Rescue Christians [ URL ]
• Restore the Republic [ URL ]
• Rethinking Marxism [ URL ]
• Revolt Against Plenty [ URL ]
• Revolving Door [ URL ]
• Richard Belzer [ URL ]
• RielPolitik [ URL ]
• Rise Earth [ URL ]
• Sad Hill News [ URL ]
• Science Flix [ URL ]
• Signs of the Times (SOTT) [ URL ]
• Spingola Speaks [ URL ]
• Spirit of Revolt [ URL ]
Steirischer herbst [ URL ]
• Stop Spraying California! [ URL ]
• Stop the Crime [ URL ]
• Struggle [ URL ]
• Surveillance Self-defense [ URL ]
• The Association for Psychohistory [ URL ]
• The Autodidact Project (Ralph Dumain) [ URL ]
• The Black Awakening [ URL ]
• The Black Packet [ URL ]
• The Cacophony Society [ URL ]
• The Cassiopaean Experiment (Laura Knight-Jadczyk) [ URL ]
• The Church of the SubGenius [ URL ]
• The Clandestine Insurgent Rebel Clown Army (CIRCA) [ URL ]
• The Editor's Blog (The Commoner) [ URL ]
• The Foundation for Gainan Studies (Stephen harrod Buhner) [ URL ]
• The Freedom Agenda [ URL ]
• The Gerson Therapy [ URL ]
• The Gift Economy (Terry Leahy) [ URL ]
• The Grower's Exchange [ URL ]
• The Institute for the Study of the Work of Wilhelm Reich [ URL ]
• The International Reporter [ URL ]
• The Isocracy Network [ URL ]
• The International Network for Inclusive Democracy (I.D.; English) [ URL ]
• The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination [ URL ]
• The Laboratory of Insurrectionary Imagination (blog) [ URL ]
• The P2P Foundation [ URL ]
• The People's Cube [ URL ]
• The Prisoner (Patrick MacGoohan 1967 television series) [ URL ]
• The Radix Institute [ URL ]
• The Research of Amitakh Stanford [ URL ]
• The Truth Denied [ URL ]
• The Truth News [ URL ]
• The Vatic Project [ URL ]
• The Yes Men [ URL ]
• The Zeitgeist Movement [ URL ]
• Thrive Movement [ URL ]
• Trevor Blake [ URL ]
• True Democracy [ URL ]
• Truth Be Known News (Acharya S / D.M. Murdock) [ URL ]
• Uncensored News Network [ URL ]
• Unfiltered News [ URL ]
• Voltaire Net [ URL ]
• We the People Will Not be Chipped [ URL ]
• Wake Up from Your Slumber (WUFYS) [ URL ]
• Wake Up World [ URL ]
• Waking Times [ URL ]
• Watts Up with That? [ URL ]
• Weather Wars (Scott Stevens) [ URL ]
• Webster G. Tarpley [ URL ]
• What Does It Mean? [ URL ]
• What Really Happened [ URL ]
• Who. What. Why. [ URL ]
• Wisdom Commons [ URL ]
• World Libertarian Order [ URL ]
• World Union of Deists [ URL ]
• Z Blogs [ URL ]
• Z Communications [ URL ]
• Zen Gardner [ URL ]
• Zero Hedge [ URL ]
• Zion Crime Family [ URL ]
• Zombietime [ URL ]

Web Television and Video Channels

• Alex Jones [ URL ]
• BP Earth Watch [ URL ]
• Brasscheck TV [ URL ]
• Buzzsaw [ URL ]
• Conspiracy Journal (Timothy Green Beckley) [ URL ]
• Fighter Training (free martial arts video tutorials) [ URL ]
• Gorilla Mindset (Mike Cernovich) [ URL ]
• IndyMedia Newsreal [ URL ]
• John Barbour's World [ URL ]
• Mr. UFOs Secret Files (Conspiracy Journal) [ URL ]
• Paul Joseph Watson [ URL ]
• PEG Media (Public, Education, Government) [ URL ]
• Prison Planet Live [ URL ]
• Red Ice Radio [ URL ]
• Red Ice TV [ URL ]
• Renegade Health (videos) [ URL ]
• Stefan Molyneux [ URL ]
• The LaRouche Connection [ URL ]
• The Lip TV [ URL ]
• The People Speak Out [ URL ]
• World Truth TV [ URL ]
• Worldwide Virus Attacks ("live" map of presumed origins and destinations) [ URL ]
• Z Video (Z Medias Institute) [ URL ]

burning books, re-illustrated photograph by Chris Wormell
Meanwhile, the "politically correct" batch of authoritarians
psychotically-induce the stench of both Church and State.

Library Usage
How to Help Expand the Library

Send URLs of suggested additions to the Librarian (see the Communications section at the bottom of this page).

How to Expand Life on Earth

Live change. Defend life. Offend stasis. Show care for all which appears only to "not be you", as there are separations only in the flawed brainwork of humanity.

How to Use the "FreeFind" Tool's Indexing Feature

You can easily locate documents in the library by searching for words that appear on those pages, which the tool pre-indexes for you. The result of a search — of a word, phrase, and/or a combinatorial logic of key words/phrases, is a displayed list of pages of documents in the library which contain the (highlighted) input expression.

These should return some robust results for you:

• Abbott, Edwin (Flatland)
• abstracting
• Adorno, Theodor W.
• Agenda 21
• Albert, Michael
• alienation (inversion, mediation, personification, reification)
• aliens (like monsters, ghosts, saviors, leaders, demonizations, scapegoats... the exponentializing of cowardice)
• AMA (founded by John D. Rockefeller)
• Ameringer, Oscar
• amino acid
• anarchism, anarchist, anarchy
• Angus, Ian ("Walking on Two Legs: On The Very Possibility of a Heideggerian Marxism")
• anti-draft movement
• Appel, Karel
• Arato, Andrew
• Archigram
• Arp, Hans ("Jean")
• assassination
• authoritarian
• authoritarianism (Big Brother, Big Sister, censorship, compulsory, contraction, dogma, enforced scarcity, hierarchy, ideology, newspeak, Orwellian, epression, servitude, status quo, suppression)
• autocracy
• Avrich, Paul
• Axelos, Kostras

• Bakunin (Mikhael, Michael)
• Bauwens, Michel
• Bayer AG
• behavior (belligerent, complacent, complicit, in denial, docile, passive, repressive, suppressive)
• Belzer, Richard
• Bernstein, Jack
• Best, Steven/Steve
• Beter, Peter
• Bewes, Timothy (Reification)
• Big Pharma
• [the] Bilderberg Group (Bilderbergers)
• Boadella, David
• bodywork (Bioenergetics, deep tissue, massage, neo-Reichian, Radix, somatic)
• Bookchin, Murray
• Brecht, Bertoldt
• Breines, Paul
• BRIC (Brazil-Russia-India-China)
• Bristol-Meyers
• Brooks, Albert
• Bruce, Lenny
• Brussel, Mae
• Buhle, Paul
• Buhner, Stephen Harrod
• Bunuel, Luis

• [the] cancer industry
• Caribbean Situationist (None Shall Escape)
• Carlin, George
• Carr, E.H.
• censorship
• central bank
• CFR (Council on Foreign Relations)
• character armor (Wilhelm Reich)
• Chasse, Robert
• Chtcheglov
• class society
• cleric
• Cleese, John
• Clinton, Bill (illegitimate son of a Rockefeller)
• codependence
• Codex Alimentarius
• colloidal silver
• commodity fetishism
• connect the dots
• conspiracy
• consciousness
• Council for the Uninterruption of the Marvelous
• critical sociology
• critical theory
• cynicism
• cryptology

• dADA
• decision-making (democracy, dumbocracy, direct democracy, isocracy, populous, voting, Diebold voting machines)
• deep tissue massage
• defense (green laser, ju-jitsu, judo, karate, mace, pepper spray, pistol, revolver, rifle, shotgun, stickfighting, taekwondo, wing chun)
• detoxification (activated charcoal, colloidal silver, distilled water, fasting, hydrogen peroxide, ozone)
• diet and nutrition (alternative treatment, amino acid, food combining, fruitarian, goat's milk, ionic mineral, meat-free, medicinal herbs, mucousless, nut milk, raw food, vegetarian)
• democracy (direct democracy; economic democracy; exclusive democracy; inclusive democracy; representative democracy; dumbocracy; the authoritarianism of either minority or majority [OVER]rule; parliamentarianism)
• Dietzgen, Joseph
• DMSO (Dimethyl Sulfoxide)
• Doctors without Borders (CIA)
• dogma, dogmatic
• doublespeak
• doubletalk
• doublethink
• Dowbenko, Uri
• Dulles, Allen
• Dulles, John Foster
• Durkheim, Emile
• Durruti, Buenaventura
• dysfunction[-al] (codependent, dependent, enabling, fetishist, guilt-mongerer, ideologist, inductivist, masochism, narcissism, pathocrat, pathos, psychopath, psychic vampirism, reductuionist, sadism, sociopath)

• economic democracy
• Eisenstein, Charles
• elite (Bayer AG, Bush, cartel, Clinton, depopulation, Averill Harriman, IBM, IG Farben, Krupp, Illuminati, MK-Ultra, Monsanto, Morgan, Permidex, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Schiff)
• Ellis, Albert
• Elwell, Bruce
• [the] emotional plague
• enabling, enabler
• encrypt, encryption
• Engdahl, F. William
• entitlement, [the] entitled generation
• Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (Tyranny of the Moment)
• Ernst, Max
• Estulin, Daniel
• evil

• fascism
• false consciousness
• false flag
• falsification
• Farrell, Joseph P.
• fasting
• [a] fear of freedom (cf. Erich Fromm, Wilhelm Reich)
• Federal Reserve
• Fernwood2Nite
• fetish
• Finkelstein, Norman
• Firesign Theatre
• follow the money
• food combining
• For Ourselves
• Fotopoulos, Takis
• Fourier, Charles (Passions of the Human Soul)
• free energy
• Fromm, Erich

• FSM (Free Speech Movement)
• Fuller, Buckminster
• fusion energy

• Gabel, Joseph
• Gambone, Larry
• Garnault, Jean
• general assembly
• general strike
• generalized self-management
• genre hybrid
• [the] gift, gift economy
• Giraldo, Greg
• Gouldner, Alvin W.
• Graeber, David
• greed, greedy

• Harriman, Averill
• Harvey, David
• hierarchy
• Hitler, Adolf
• Hoffman III, Michael
• Holloway, John
• Horelick, Jon
• Horowitz, David
• Howard, Dick
• holocaust (the many, versus the reified, sanctified, trademarked, discussion-punishing, off-limited "Holocaust")
• Horkheimer, Max
• host (to ideology; to agenda; to mediation; to hierarchy; to victimism)
• Huizinga, J.
• human capital
• hydrogen peroxide

• Icke, David
• ideology
• I.G. Farben
• IMF (International Monetary Fund)
• inclusive democracy
• Institute for Social Research
• Internationale Lettriste / Lettrist International
• International Movement for an Imaginist Bauhaus
• inversion (inverted)
• ionic mineral
• islam (tolerating its murderous intolerance is cowardice; virulent from its very core; formed by a thieving, lying, bullying, sexist, racist, rapist, slaving, pedophilic murderer... the holier-than-all assface, Mohammed)
• Islamofascism
• Isou, Isidore (founder of Lettrist International)
• isocracy
• Isocrates
• Israel, Joachim

• Jacoby, Russell
• Jameson, Fredric
• Jarry, Alfred (The Ubu Plays)
• Jencks, Charles
• [the] John Birch Society
• Jorn, Asger (Asger Jorgensen)

• Kafka, Franz
• Khayati, Mustapha
• King Mob
• Koestler, Arthur
• Kontos, Alkis
• Kosik, Karel
• Kotanyi, Attila
• Krassner, Paul (author; stand-up comedian; editor of "The Realist" and at "Hustler" after the Larry Flynt attempted-assassination)
• Kropotkin, Peter

• Lamantia, Philip (Becoming Visible)
• Landstreicher, Wolfi
• League of Nations
• LaRouche, Lyndon (Lyn Marcus)
• Lefebvre, Henri
• leftism authoritarian
• leftist fascism
• Lenin, Vladimir (agent of J.P. Morgan)
• Lettrist International
• liberty (GNU, libertarian, open source)
• Lillenthal, Alfred M.
• Livergood, Norman D.
• Lobaczewski, Andrew M.
• logic, logical, logos (fallacy, argumentation, scientific method, critical examination of the substantial, deduction)
• London, Jack
• Lowen, Alexander

• Maher, Bill
• Makhno, Nestor
• Malatesta, Errico
• Manhattan, Avro
• Marrs, Jim
• Marx, Karl
• [The] Marx Brothers
• mass control
• mass disease (acetyl alcohol, autism, chemtrailing, designer disease, diabetes industry, ethyl alcohol toxin, fast food, food additives, fragrance, GMO, inoculation, lead poison, mercury fillings, methyl paraben, neuroexciters, noise culture, pandemic, plastic leaching, PVC, Round-up, sodium fluoride, forced vaccination, veganISM's known deficiencies)
• mass enculturization and socialization (acetyl alcohol, advertising, [the] hum, mind control, noise culture, state schooling, television programming, transhumanism)
• mass murder (blood type cleansing, chemtrailing, ecocide, ethnic cleaning, ethonocentrism, extermination, genocide, pharmaceutical-induced homicide, humanocide, inoculation, pandemic, specie[s]centrism, specie[s]cide, sterilization, forced vaccination)
• mass psychology
• mass psychosis
• mass strike
• massification (through multiculturalism, as in monolithic "cultural-corrections" and annihilations) and forced homogenization (via coerced and manufactured "migration"
• Martin, Jeppesen
• Mattick, Paul (Anti-Bolshevik Communism)
• Mauss, Marcel
• [the] me generation
• Miller, Alice
• mind control
• mindlessness (binary choice, black-or-white, choiceless choice, doublethink, dualism, either-or, fallacy, flatland, inductive logic/reasoning, mutual exclusion, politically correct, zero sum)
• Modern Slavery
• monatomic gold (monoatomic gold)
• Monsanto
• Monty Python
• Morgan (J.P.; Morgan-Chase)
• [The] Mothers of Invention
• MSM (Mainstream Media; Methyl-sulfonyl-methane)
• Mull, Martin
• muscular armor (Wilhelm Reich)
• mutual aid

• narcissism
• NAU (North American Union)
• Nash, Jorgen
• Nazis (German Workers' National Socialist Party)
• need (biochemical) vs. responsibility (ego) vs. duty (superego) vs. want (id)
• negative ion
• Negri, Antonio
• Nettlau, Max
• New German Critique
• Niewenhuys, Constant

• Oingo Boingo
• oligarchy
• Ollman, Bertell
• Oregon Tilth organic certification
• Owens (Robert)
• ozone

• parasite (class society, hierarchy, parasitic, parasitism)
• pathocracy
• pederasty
• pedocracy
• pedophilia
• Piccone, Paul (Czech Marxism: Karel Kosik)
• Pierrakos, John
• pizzagate
• play
• pleasure
• plutocracy
• political anthropology
• PC (political correctness; pathos-oozing censor; psycho-chancre)
• Point-Blank
• political islam
• politics (capital, state capitalism, state socialism, workerism)
• ponerology
• potlatch
• Prescott Bush
• privacy
• Protocols of Zion
• Proudhon, Jean-Pierre
• psychogeography
• psychohistory, psychohistorical
• psychohysterical
• psychopathy


• Radix therapy
• raw food
• Reich, Wilhelm
• Reichian therapy
• reification
• religion (afterlife, allah, amish, anhk, beheading, bible, blight, buddhism, cathars, catholic church, child-molesting, christ[ianity], cleric, clergy, concubine, confession, death penalty, devil, enoch, evil, excommunicate, fatwah, gang rape, gentile, gnosticism, god, goyim, hand severing, heathen, heaven, hell, heresy, indentured, infidel, invasion by emigration, islam, jahweh, jehovah, Jesus, jesuit, jewish, koran, lashing, mennonite, misery, Mohammed, muslim, judaism, hinduism, marriage, pederasty, pedophilia, penance, piety, priest, punishment, qu'ran, ra, rabbi, rape, sacre/sacred/sacrament, satan, servitude, sexual abuse, sex slavery, slaughter, slavery, stoning, talmud, testes/testament, torah, torture, vatican, zeus, ...)
• responsibility
• Rich, Mark M.
• Richter, Hans
• Riesel, Rene
• Rockefeller (David; John D.; Nelson)
• Rockefeller Koch
• Rockefeller Rothschild
• Rockefeller Soros
• Rocker, Rudolf
• Rothschild (Mayer: Amschel, Salomon, Nathan, Calmann, Jakob)
• Rothschild (e.g., Nathanial, David, Evelyn, Lynn)
• Rothschild Koch
• Rothschild Rockefeller
• Rothschild Soros
• Rubin, Isaak IIlich (Ilych) (Essays on Marx's Theory of Value)
• Rubin, Jerry
• Rumney, Ralph

• S., Acharya
• Sahl, Mort
• Scandinavian Institute for Comparative Vandalism
• Schiff, Jacob
• self-defense
• self-therapy
• security
• Sellers, Peter ("The Goon Show")
• Shiva, Vandana
• Sieber, Nikolai
• Sinclair, Upton
• Situationist International (SI; spectacle; hierarchical; absolutism; authoritarianism)
• Smith, Tony
• sociopathy
• social relation
• social programming
• Soros, George (Open Society; color revolutions)
• Soros Koch
• Soros Rockefeller
• Soros Rothschild
• spectacle
• spirituality (human spirit)
• Spontaneous Combustion
• Spooner, Lysander
• Stalin, Joseph (illegitimate son of a Rothschild)
• Students for a Democratic Society (SDS, RYM-I; RYM-II; SDS-Labor Committees; SDS-PLP; Students for a Stalinist Society)
• subjectivity (objectivity; pseudo-objectivity; pseudo-subject; pseudo-object)
• survival guide
• Sutton, Antony C.

• Taibo, Carlos
• Tavistock Institute (a seat for the weaponization of culture)
• Tawney, R.H.
• Telos Journal
• theocracy, theorcrat, theocratic
• thinking (deductive logic, dialectic, dynamic, diviersification, focus, imagination, mutual inclusion, open, synthesis, trilectic)
• thought crime
• totalitarianism/totalitarian (democRAT, Fabian Socialist, left, neo-liberal, neolib, neo-conservative, neocon, republiSCUM, right)
• Tonio K (Steve Kirkorian)
• toxic (examples: psychiatry, alienated power, persona, behavior)
• toxin (examples: plastic, additives, preservatives, herbicides, insecticides, pesticides, pharmaceuticals, alcohols)
• Trilateral Commission
• Trocchi, Alexander (The Outsider; Cain's Book)
• Trotsky, Leon
• Tse-tung, Mao (illegitimate son of a Rothschild)
• Tucker, Benjamin

• UN (United Nations)
• unconsciousness
• US Labor Party
• USDA organic certification
• US Labor Party

• vaccination, vaccinate
• vampire, vampiric, vampirism
• Vaneigem, Raoul (Ratgeb)
• Vatican
• Verlaan, Tony
• Vienet, Rene
• vitamin
• voluntarism, volunteer
• Voyer, Jean-Pierre

• Wall of Voodoo
• Wall Street
• Warburg, Felix
• Warburg, Paul
• Wartofsky, Marx W. (Feuerbach)
• water (geoengineering, heist, privatization, local seizure by Feds' Clean Water Act, weaponized weather, weather warfare)
• Weber, Max
• Wetiko (Wendigo, Windigo)
• Wicked Messenger
• wild (animality, imagination, magic, Mother Nature, nature, wildlife, wonder)
• Windigo
• Wolman, Gil J.
• [the] World Bank


• YIPPIE (Youth International Party, Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Ed Saunders, Paul Krassner)
• yoga

• Zarembka, Paul
• Zappa, Frank
• zero-point energy
• Zionism
• zombie, zombification
• Zuckerberg, Mark (Facebook; real name "Mark Greenburg"; grandson of David Rockefeller)



The forum has been pared way down to be as open a structure as possible. There is a set of familiarization boards in a pseudo-category:

Introduction to this Forum and Its Use
Please view the in-forum ReadMe post. Also, please refrain from posting texts AT each other rather than discussing WITH each other... unless it is a co-benefitting writing project. To get involved within a wider and deeper scope of people and their consequential self-implementations together, please note embracing all of the following beforehand and/or along-the-way. Note that, at your current level and in your current category of boards, certain features for communicating may or may not be fully available yet. Both your interest and passion towards people and topics needs to be enflamed conveyed, and when usage-skill is attempted/achieved, ought to become a very enjoyable experience. The documentation, myself, and others are here to assist you when you become stumped, entangled, lost, bored... you name it, you convey it. I strongly urge you to attempt and/or become proficient in using or learning the use of what it takes to: post comment(s); email the admin and/or global/local moderator; reply to post(s); send personal message(s); read posts; modify and embellish your profile; play with the BBCode editor to see which features jazz you the most; read profiles; create a new topic.

My goal is to become more human, which means that I will try to emerge from the shells of language, gender, ethnicity, and other colonizing objectifications, which separate me and others from each other into atomized and atomizing quantities, roles, personas, lifestyles, behaviors, and other traits of a subjugated human-ness and hierarchy-servicing humanity. For texts, use a link or request that the text be added to the Lust-for-Life Library for easy and secured access. "PC" is the linguistic pus leaking from an ideology-infected brain. It both sounds and smells repugnant, and seeks mass infection. Not here! An agenda-less discussion is a cure for ignorance and the censorship attempting to cover it up.


There are categories of discussions, each dedicated to their own distinct boards, some are informal and three open-ended/dynamic/ellipsed categories have a loose mapping to, into, and as sets of "like" boards, which users may create as inclined:

Town Square
Talk about anything and everything in this board. This is a great place to announce projects. A project board may be set up so that it is private within the forum, and that only Its working members may enter. This keeps crosstalk low, perhaps until a 'beta' test of the project on the general assembly of forum members could be unleashed to gather their feedback.

Self-introduction Corkboard
Introduce yourself. What have you 'sought', 'accomplished', and [currently] 'desire' (as an individual and via voluntary [social] associations?

Social Bank
Deposit your useful skills and extraordinary abilities; withdrawals as social equity; the only interest is self-interest.

Suggestion Box
So you want to keep on revolutionizing 'revolution' that hierarchy and mediation would rather "stabilize"? How might we, as members of this forum, de-accessorize that, rather integrate it as a moment FOR our own mutual self-management and self-development?

What may have been...
expresses 'what each user may recall and research, sift and deduce into a dynamic construct as to what may have been';

What may be...
expresses 'what each user may consciously experience and wholistically understand as what is';

What could become...
expresses 'what each user may dream, imagine, feel, sense, desire, and conceive as what could be', inseparably made real by

What to do...
expresses 'what each user transforms through willful and freely-designated, non-alienated, and equitably-directed labors into existence' with the conceptual application and practice of courage, mutual aid, and free associations... such means and ends dynamically-succeeding to become an unseparated [self-]embodiment and with all else its connective — connected and connecting — ecosystem, i.e., unified ino- and exo- self.


The work of the human so-called digestive tract is both "internal" to us, and yet is directly connected to the external world, thus, making our "insides" and "outsides" moments of the same eco-'whole'.

Each person may create their projects, wherein new worlds and new selves may interact, facilitate, mutually-collide, and co-elevate one another as a whole greater than the sum of their parts... if and only if they enforce non-mediation, transcend hierarchicalism, build an immunity to the political correctness mind virus, and refuse the laziness and parasitic flip-sides which pile up into the foulness called 'separate[d] power'.

Alienation is "not going around", is not the fault of some "external" party, some cycle of solar-affected climate, the result of not reading and memorizing the correct text, a donation not made at Whole Foods, a media-isolated "militia", the invasion from another dimension, ad finitum. That is just a list of manufactured fears and excuses for a purgatorious status quo. There are an infinite schemes of evoking subservience and the surrender of self-powers. The "it" that results where "you" might have been, comes from practicing self-contraction and the contraction of other — kinetic and potential — selves. The [self-]death march is a paint-by-sequential-numbers process where at any point, one may leap away from the binary straitjacket avoiding the infinitudes between 'the real' (and very well owned) number sequence. Linearity requires a loss of awareness to "see" only one possible sequence which traps you on a flatland line where 'fore' and 'aft' are connected in a circle of meaningless 'points'. Deductive logic "sees" many more "dots" which may create universes off the planes of Capital, beyond the terrain of choicelessness.

The circular death march and nonlinear escape are what we do and what we do not do each breath and in-between thereof. The forum can be used as a point of departure, as a place to purge toxicity, as a project to decolonize, to expand possibilities, et. al. As was paradoxically embedded in the "ad" for a party in the film. "PCU" ("politically correct university"), "everyone gets laid". And, if we tear down the ghetto walls of the crotch, that "getting laid" may be expanded into the universe unbound by zipper police, dried-up censors, and all those delineating life as flattening algorithm of 'either vice or virtue'. Reality can be made into a nonlinear playground, i.e., wherein we play with the lame notion that "reality" can only built upon the grounds controlled by those owning surrendered yesterdays. It is time for 'for[u]mulating' an unlimited and unlimiting place where my feet may step. The "official" grounds doesn't get my vote. I refuse to vote on any more of its fixed "choices". If enough of us can viralize ways of resisting the "old" and affirming anew, we win living as a prize. Else we plant ourselves deeper and deeper into the grounds of death.

And so, I will provide this library as a nutrient to many dreams and as a preventive to that plague of socio-emotional foulness and psycho-mental persona which constipate the air and taint the rainbow, blocking me, in the non-abstract, from becoming, from creating, from living, and from changing my own life.

Activation is the 'key'... a simultaneous means and the ends. How we do and what we do power a 3d helix propelling us 'off the flat' quadrants of an eternal now.

Boredom, that act of embracing counter-revolution, anti-life, the z-less x-y coordinates, and denying the unborn freedoms pursued by others, is ideology which ia always knocking at the door, and is always present in the blood.

Society is owned by everyone participating, and has no business with anyone not entering its contract. Its freedoms and its cages are made on purpose. Affirming, the practices of self-management and self-health are not 'taught' from outside; that is their inversion 'talking'. They are fruits of self-gardening. Placing an order for social freedom or individual liberty is the same as taking orders; you reap what you sow., and, like spreading Monsanto-ized anti-pollen to the wind you pollute life for all near your self-deficit. Self-sacrifice sacrifices other the possibility of other selves. Self-sacrifice is cannibalistic.

So, this is your forum if you choose, an expression of your generalized presence. It is also — if ignored, denied, surrendered — a billboard for Capital, advertising your generalized absence. You accept 'elected officials' running your lifestyles and ruining life in general, or you run your life yourself and ruin the empowerment of virulence, of an historical hierarchy of hierarchies.

Fractalized alienations — lost becomings appearing to become as pathos, as ghosts, as monsters, as aliens &mdah; empowered reifications of who you might have become... and, of the world 'become' an inverted paradise. When you surrender your self-powers, you enable the generalized surrender, whose vacuumed-out and leafblown-away 'self', reduced to a containing shell, fills up with banalities, agendas, and all the reasons for staying that way as some Monsanto-ized seed whose only fruit is slavery. The apt linguistic expose is that [becoming a-]"live" reversed becomes and befits "evil". Life becomes a spectacle of itself when it is not owned by its creator: you. Things rule us and the thingification process is in our hands. So with a forum on "unbecoming things". May a garden become you and you become a garden.

Possible Discussion Boards for the Three Categories

the atomized species
reductionist authoritarians practicing their "political correctness" religion

Uncloaking the Externals of an Alienated Internality
The Current Terroreign of Virulence as a Consecrated & Concentrated Hierarchy of Historical Hierarchizations

• The Capital-reanimation of alienated human self-powers into personified "ghosts" (and other fear-fomenting haunt-tools)
• The alienation of self-activations of the real into reified monstrosities all too unreal
• The inversion of 'alienated' Live-ing by pseudo-object humans into eviL-ing acts by pseudo-subject corporations, governments, and other life-consuming 'humanoids')
• The presence of the globalized pathocracy as sum of the absences of selves
• The colonization and servantism towards alienated mind exemplified as binaryism, PC-ism, inductivism, flatlandism
• The alienation of toolmaking (into weaponized science, e.g., chemtrailing, drugification, media programming, DNA-fixing, dumbification) and the tools of the empowered 'aliens'
• The denaturing of nature, and the caging of the wild, and other human-farming and robotization developments

take back responsibility for yourself
take [back] responsibility for yourself

Purging the Internals of a Reified Externality
Complicity, Subservient Compliance, and Self-zombifying Colonization

• Internal dysfunction: mass persona[lity], authoritarianism, character-armor
• External behavior: narcissism, atomization, mutual exclusion
• Hierarchical pathocracy: psychopathy, sociopathy, parasitism
• Community into state codependency, mediation, expertism
• Weaponized sum of alienated thinking, "science", and alienated spirit/soul, "religion" versus mothour nature and a common planetary lifeforce

Reaching for and Implementing Self-recursion Mutually and Mutual-recursion Selfully
Formally Generating and Generalizing Self-management's Dynamically-totalizing and De-abstracting Forms, Processes, Systems, and Relations

• Depossessing yourself of behavior and perception — slave-servant puppet of the 'social' reification's lifestyle of and for otherness — as start-point for real, free, mutually-affirming association
• Repossessing yourself 'internally' is the only way to not reproduce yourself — via associations also based in generalized self-relinquishment — as a possession-object of 1..n 'alienated externals' in 1..n dimensions and aspects
• Reinventing and defending self and communities-of-selves
• Reinventing and defending health
• Reinventing and defending scientific method
• Reinventing and defending ecology
• Reinventing and defending wealth
• Reinventing your ability to "see" deductively, i.e., like now-lost children's pictures where you look for items "hidden" in plain sight 'within' your gaze upon what you are supposed/trained only to perceive
• Reinventing your ability to "see" similarities ad differences, i.e., such as in "intelligence tests" of old where you try to perceive-and-conceive which element is related to element-C in the closest 'same' relationship as element-A is to element-B
• Seizing yourself from the "expert"-snatches of filtered history, archaeology, anthropology, sociology, biology, chemistry, et. al., i.e, recreating your footprints, shadow, and sources, thereby recreating your possible paths and destinations
• Recapturing humor that is critical, and the ability to understand it as well as use its techniques
• Reinventing and defending a dynamic dialect of means-and-ends as reflections, causes, and results of each other
• Reinventing and defending a self-totalization from acting as 'the doer', 'the doing', and 'the done to' (subjectifier, predicator, object[ive]) wherein 'the doing' is simultaneously bidirectional
• Reinventing and defending self-recursive processes, i.e., wherein each iteration uses current and previous states, with all their facets, as inputs
• Reinventing and defending equitable social relations amongst people, resources, non-people, and the whole of the planetary ecosystem
• Reinventing and defending spiritual connections with the universe as an internal and external one-ness
• Implementing methods and practical modalities of self-detoxification and self-decolonization
• Implementing methods of self-defense and self-affirmation
• Becoming a willful 'weed', a persistent 'pest', and breaking out of corpse-ified 'lifestyle' life-substitution straitjackets
Self-forming via contractual groups, wilderness gangs, massless mobs, life-expanding affinities, generalizing councils, omnicentralizing assemblies, hierarchy-free commun[e]ities, open federations, and free[-ing] associations

Forum Usage

Simply go to Unbecoming Things. Register. The forum software sends you email requiring a reply, asks for a robot-resisting fill-in, and then opens your access to the entry points of the forum. That's it.

The entry point(s) contain files which link to descriptions of usage so you do not have to memorize a URL. The forum whereabouts is listed at two omnicentral viral points [of departure]: Point of Departure; Lust for Life. You can modify usage as you choose. The site will be kept up-to-date in terms of a secured web server, a firewalled and SSLed disk area, securing forum code, and forum security add-ons, all which keep it from scans, spidering, crawling, BOTs, viruses, and spyware. I will kick off the ideology-infected and predators for the realm, rather hoping that you pull their pointless pants down instead.... Have fun.
