Saturday, May 6 2017 Al Auja: A Resistance Chronicle On Friday 4/28/2017 hundreds protested against a settler assault a week earlier on shepherds from Al Auja, the Jordan Valley, Palestine, that resulted in five injured solidarity activists. Following is a Taayush activist’s account of the struggle those shepherds undertook. A blog post by Amitai Ben Abba on clownmonkey.

Saturday, April 8 2017 Saturday activity, 8.4 in Um el Amad We accompanied Palestinian shepherds to their lands in Um el Amad, near the Israeli settlement Otniel. The settlement guard in his Jeep looked at us from above and went away. Was a beautiful day, perfect weather, an army Jeep up on the hill but he left us alone as well. We continued to chat and even opened a chess game while the sheep eat grass, another Jeep arrived. Four soldiers came down to us, showed a closed military area warrant and drove us out of the land. So frustrating.

Friday, March 31 2017 Hesitant Hope: One Year In The Jordan Valley Bedouin shepherds were forced out of their land last Thursday, but not all hope is lost. Concluding a year of Ta’ayush activity in the Jordan Valley. Read more by Amitai Ben-Abba in colwnmonkey. photo by Amir Bitan.

Sunday, March 12 2017 Saturday, 11.3.17 Saturday, 12.3, we accompanied shepherds in Um-el-Amad in the South Hebron Hills – was quiet, partly windy with a bit of sun, we set and had a nice chat, one of the shepherds showed me a video of an interesting theater play they produced in the university in Nablus, and then the soldiers came with a closed military warrant and told us to take off. We went out of the “closed area” and after a while got back to the village. Later same day we went to Avigail so to […]

Wednesday, March 8 2017 March 6, 2017 – Al-Hammeh, Jordan Valley By David Shulman 1. 8:30 AM. Four settlers, more boys than men, block our way as we follow the shepherds up the mountain. One of them is before his army service. They all belong to the new illegal outpost that we’ve watched grow from a few wooden rafters to a fairly substantial set of dwellings, already attached to the water and electricity grids. It was set up where it could do the most damage to the Palestinians of al-Hammeh, cutting off their only route to the grazing grounds outside the […]

Saturday, March 4 2017 Saturday, 4.3.17 – activity in the South Hebron Hills Today at the South Hebron Hills, we accompanied Palestinian shepherds from Um el Amad to their grazing land near the Israeli settlement Otniel. It has been two years since we visited this beautiful place, until this week soldiers arrested two young shepherds, they beat them and in the middle of the night they dropped them somewhere to look for their way home. Was a quiet day where we arrived with the herd everywhere we wanted. Could have been completely pastoral if not for the line of soldiers guarding we won’t […]

Sunday, December 11 2016 Palestine: The End of the Bedouins? One way to tell the story of the Middle East as a whole is to describe the endemic struggle between peripatetic nomads and settled peasant farmers—a struggle attested already in ancient Mesopotamian documents. For centuries, all the political regimes of the region have tried, with varying success, to get the Bedouin to come to rest on the land. But in Israel and in the occupied territories we see, alongside this familiar policy, persistent attempts to uproot Bedouin populations who have already settled on the land, sometimes generations ago, and who […]

Sunday, December 4 2016 An Introductory Evening in Jerusalem with Ta’ayush for Facebook event Ta’ayush invites you to a meeting centered on our activity in the South Hebron Hills and the Jordan Valley. Monday, 12.12.2016, 20:00, Barbur Gallery, 6 Shirizli St., Nakhlaot, Jerusalem Ta’ayush activists go weekly to the Occupied Territories to accompany Palestinian farmers and shepherds and to help local communities in their constant struggle against house demolitions. In Ta’ayush, Jews and Palestinians come together in direct action against the occupation. Get to know the actual reality in the West Bank and join our struggle in order to make a […]