Kenya Elections 2017

On August 8 Kenya votes in its fifth set of elections since the end of the one-party state in 1991. Three of the previous four elections were marred by violence, including the 2007-2008 election when 1,100 people were killed and 650,000 displaced. Party primaries in April were fraught with violence and rights abuses and public confidence in many of the institutions designed to alleviate these tensions is low. In the coming weeks, Human Rights Watch will provide updates on the election, focusing on critical rights issues including free expression, assembly and association, conduct of security forces and election related violence.

22 polling centers in Baringo inaccessible – Government Official


Baringo county in the Rift Valley region has been plagued by cattle raids and other insecurity that may threaten residents’ ability to vote in August. Despite a heavy presence of security officers, some residents have been killed in recent clashes. Potential voters have been displaced and some polling centers are set to be located in areas that may be inaccessible because of insecurity.

Baringo South constituency borders Nakuru county to the south, Laikipia county to the east, Baringo Central to the west and Baringo east to the north i.e Tiaty constituency, which has people predominantly from the Pokot community. Baringo South has three main ethnic groups – the Kikuyu, Turkana and Kalenjin. The constituency also has other ethnic groups such as the Enderois, Ilchamus, Luo and the Njemp among others.

A government chief in Baringo South constituency, who is displaced and lost property, shares his personal account with Human Rights Watch, edited for clarity:

Here in Baringo South, about 90 percent of the population is registered to vote but there are also some young men who are yet to be registered.

We cannot say there is political hostility ahead of August elections. But security is the biggest challenge because many people, including those who live in my location, have been displaced. Every day now, I have to walk to provide government services to them. I am just back now, walking for the last 20 kilometers looking for my people who are displaced and scattered by the violence here. I am very tired. I too am one of those who are displaced.

The main security problem here is cattle rustling. The herders have been raiding homes and villages, killing people and taking cattle away, partly to recoup livestock killed by Kenyan security officers. Since 2015, at least 30 people have been killed in Arabal location and Mochongoi location, which have been the worst affected by the raids. People have been killed in other areas too.

In Mukutane location, everyone has been displaced and we fear no one is going to vote at all. The majority are either living in makeshift homes or have been taken in by relatives. In Arabal location also we fear no one may vote. They have all been scattered to three separate counties. The other affected location is Mochongoi. Three villages in Mochongoi location have been heavily affected. Those who have been displaced here are not in camps but are integrated among relatives. Chebinyiny location is also heavily affected. Here everyone has been displaced and they are not likely to vote.

Due to violence, all 22 primary schools and 3 secondary schools in these four locations are shut down and children are not going to school. The schools are supposed to serve as the registered polling centers. Security deployment in this area is heavy – we have police, the military and National Police Reserves here.

In total, police and the military have up to 10 camps. We are left wondering what the problem is – why can the government not stop the violence around us? If the government cannot secure the area, then there is no doubt that most people here, including myself, are not going to vote in August.

“I will leave Naivasha because of threats, lack of police protection”

During the 2007-2008 post-election violence, Naivasha area, Nakuru county, in the Rift Valley region was among the hardest hit. Human Rights Watch recently talked to a 37-year-old mother of two who survived the violence in Naivasha ten years ago about her concerns for the August elections. This is her own account, edited for clarity:

Each time an election approaches, like now, the memories come back. I was a resident of Kinamba, Naivasha, when violence broke out in December 2007. We started hearing of violence in Nairobi, Kisumu, Eldoret and Mombasa, but violence in Naivasha only started later in January 2008.

Ethnic clashes in Naivasha town, 60 km (37 miles) from the capital Nairobi, January 28, 2008. Violence erupted in Naivasha following a widely disputed presidential election. 


© 2008 Reuters

A group of young men armed with machetes and batons blocked the main Nairobi- Kisumu highway, flagging vehicles down, flushing occupants out and beating or killing them depending on their ethnic group. Later at night young men moved from house to house in Naivasha neighborhoods, including Kinamba, destroying property, raping women, and killing.

The young men destroyed my property and burned my house. I saw my neighbors raped in front of their children. A neighbor spent two nights locked in her house with her dead husband and son because she was terrified to get out. I was chased from my house and went to seek refuge at a police station. It was horrifying.

My husband refused to come back to Naivasha because of what happened in 2007. He is now a farmer in our home village in Siaya county, western Kenya, but I chose to return to continue my clothing boutique business because that is what gives us school fees for our children.

The government has assured us that there will be peace this time, but you can never be sure. In 2007, no one ever got to know who the young men who caused violence here were or where they came from. The young men who attacked my home had masks over their faces so you could not tell who they were.

The situation now is different because there is a lot of tension here and some of our colleagues thought to support the opposition have already received threats. The threats are again coming from a group of young men.

We don’t see police doing anything to stop these threats. This is why most people are already packing and leaving. I am just waiting for schools to close end of July and I will also leave this place. I cannot be here in August for elections.

I lost a lot in 2007, but I have never been compensated. We hear people are being compensated but some of us have never received anything. I have personally registered my name for compensation four times. The only thing we have been told is that we should wait.

We are very fearful. We are not sure whether we can keep our shop operational in this election period. From what I experienced in 2007, I will have to close the shop. I cannot take chances. 

Tensions Simmer in Kenya’s Largest County

The tense primary season in Turkana, Kenya’s largest county, has left residents nervous about the potential for violence during the August election. These fears are fueled by allegations of increased gun ownership by local politicians and elites operating outside established norms on gun use.

Turkana men walk with their rifles near Baragoy, Kenya, January 31, 2016. 

© 2016 Reuters

Gun ownership is common in Turkana among pastoralists in rural communities. Many of those owning these guns are Kenya Police Reservists – people authorized to shoot and possibly kill while defending kraals (homesteads) from hostile neighboring communities. However, a local activist told us that during a recent recruitment and registration drive by the Kenya Police Reservists, several prominent politicians and business owners were amongst those seeking to legally register weapons.

This shift in use is contributing to a sense of heightened insecurity in urban areas of Turkana. On June 1 Daudi Edoki, 25, was shot at point blank range and killed during a rally in Katilu town, Turkana South. Police are still investigating the case, but witnesses told us Edoki was in the crowd, allegedly receiving money from a local politician. When he openly expressed support for an opposing candidate, an assailant shot him at point blank range. The gunshot triggered a panic and some others shot their guns, injuring at least 3 people who were admitted to Lodwar district hospital.

Last October, two daughters of current Kalokol Member of the County Assembly Josphat Ekeno were shot during an armed ambush at the politician’s home. The elder daughter was treated for minor injuries and an 8 year-old child was admitted at Eldoret referral hospital with a bullet lodged in her chest. In February, several youths allegedly shot their guns during an opposition primary rally in Katilia, disrupting the meeting. No one was killed during this incident although several people were injured.

The chaotic primaries earlier this year in Turkana suggest the 2017 election may be among the most hotly contested in the region’s history. Local human rights defenders worry that the proliferation of weapons could increase the potential for volatility. “Elections in Turkana have always been peaceful,” one human rights defender told us, “but if we fight in Turkana it will be the worst fight, because of the guns.” There is so far little sign of the authorities responding to this risk.

Justice Lacking for Victims of Kenya’s Post-Election Violence

Wairimu V., 65, was raped by a group of men at an IDP camp. Her husband blames her for the rape, and beats and verbally abuses her including in the presence of their children. She would like to leave her abusive husband but is worried that she will not be able to support herself. She has such severe pain in her leg, lower abdomen and back that she has to take pain killers daily; she also has vaginal bleeding and hypertension. Many sexual violence survivors are still in urgent need of medical treatment and psycho-social support. 

© 2015 Samer Muscati/Human Rights Watch

Wamuyu told me how she was brutally gang-raped by three men in Busia, western Kenya, during the violence that engulfed Kenya following the disputed presidential election in December 2007. Her husband was murdered in the violence, she says, and her home destroyed. Wamuyu described the physical impact of the rape to me: “My uterus [had to be] removed. My back was damaged, my legs were broken, and I had to walk with crutches for almost three years.”

When I interviewed her in 2014, she still walked with the aid of a stick and could not do any hard work. She was hungry and had no money to treat the hypertension and ulcers she says developed as a result of stress from the rape. As far as she knew, no real investigation of the crimes committed against her and her family had been conducted and no-one had been held accountable.

Wamuyu’s story is not unique: almost all the women I interviewed who had been raped during the 2007-2008 political violence had similar tales to tell.

More than two years ago, President Uhuru Kenyatta announced the establishment of a fund of 10 billion Kenyan Shillings to help victims of past injustices, including victims of the 2007 political violence. To date, the government has not developed a plan of how the fund would be implemented, and victims have still not received financial assistance, medical care, or counselling.

Parliament still hasn’t adopted the report of the Truth, Justice, and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) established by Kenya to help heal historical grievances dating from well before the 2007 election violence. The report also proposes reparations for victims.

Despite these setbacks, victims like Wamuyu have refused to give up their struggle for justice. Today, just a month before Kenya heads to the polls again, close to a hundred survivors, together with representatives of civil society groups, are meeting in Nairobi to press for the implementation of the TJRC report. They are demanding a response from political parties and candidates on how they will take forward the issue of reparations if elected. Their message is clear: Kenya cannot truly move forward without justice for victims, including the payment of reparations. All Kenyans should stand in solidarity with them. 

Rift Valley Violence Threatens Voting

Ongoing violence in the Rift Valley is causing insecurity and forced displacement that could potentially keep thousands of people from voting in the August 2017 national elections. Kenyan authorities should urgently investigate violence in Baringo and Laikipia counties, ensure that law enforcement operations are lawful, and take all reasonable steps to ensure protection for residents. The Electoral Commission should ensure that polling places remain accessible and operate in safe areas so voting can proceed.

Read Human Rights Watch's press release here.

Lecturers and Nurses Strike

Kenyan nurses march holding banners as they take part in a protest in Nairobi, Kenya, June 12, 2017. 

© 2017 Reuters

Although the front pages of local newspapers are dominated by political news these days, Kenya’s election occurs in the shadow of two major labor strikes. Nurses at public hospitals have been on strike since June, while university lecturers walked off work on July 3 – just four months since the end of a 100-day doctors’ strike that paralyzed all public hospitals earlier this year.

These strikes have significant impact on the right to health and education in Kenya. In June, an anonymous doctor at the Coast General Hospital told Reuters the hospital would only treat serious cases until the issue was resolved. Similarly, students say the university strike has made it impossible for them to adequately prepare for upcoming exams. Yet the right to strike is of “utmost importance” in democratic societies, and Kenya’s unions do have substantive grievances against the government.

Labor unions representing nurses and lecturers insist they only went on strike after the government failed to implement an agreement on increased salaries and better working conditions. The government argues it needs time, and will implement the worker’s demands over a two-year period. Having waited more than four years before agreeing to a timetable for the implementation of a similar agreement with doctors, unions are skeptical of the government and insist they will remain on strike until the entire agreement is implemented.

As the campaign heats up, the government must prioritize resolution of these strikes so Kenyans do not lose access to essential rights and services, while respecting the rights of workers to withhold their labor. 

Kicking off the debate on integrity in Kenya

Can Kenya codify “integrity”? That question is at the heart of a vigorous debate in Kenya, one sparked by suggestions that at least 20 people running for election in the August polls may be in violation of constitutional requirements of “integrity.”

Red Card Kenya, comprised of four Kenyan civil society groups, started the debate with a report naming 20 candidates who they allege may not be fit for office by virtue of violating Chapter 6 of the Constitution on Leadership and Integrity.

Chapter 6 vaguely stipulates what “a leader with integrity” is, and outlines standards, including conduct, financial probity and other responsibilities. While many support these provisions in general, a heated debate has broken out over the question of whether “integrity” is an appropriate bar for candidates, if so, how precisely it should be legally defined and practically applied.

The conduct flagged by Red Card Kenya is very serious, ranging from criminal charges of robbery and rape, to mismanagement and embezzlement of funds, to incitement to violence through hate speech.

As a basic human right, in principle, every interested and eligible adult citizen should be able to stand for election. Any exclusion of any individual from an election must be set out clearly in law, based on objective criteria and used only in the most serious of cases. Anyone banned should have a right to appeal decisions, otherwise the power to ban a candidate could become arbitrary or politically-motivated.

Article 19(1) of Kenya’s Constitution states that the purpose of recognising and protecting human rights and fundamental freedoms is to preserve the dignity of the individual and communities and to promote social justice and the realization of the potential of all human beings. Chapter 6 was therefore supposed to signal a shift in Kenyan politics towards greater respect for the dignity for citizens. Protecting and preserving the human rights and dignity of the citizens should begin with the leaders who have been entrusted to hold public office on their behalf.

To date Kenya’ Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) – which oversees elections – has been silent on Red Card’s criticisms. As the final arbiter of electoral eligibility and one of the core constitutional institutions established to protect the constitution, the IEBC should explain how it is applying the constitutional requirement of “integrity” as it determines eligibility.

At the same time, accountability is not only a matter for the ballot box. Accountability for the alleged crimes and abuses Red Card raises should be matters for the courts to efficiently handle, both before and after election day.

Nairobi Gubernatorial Candidates Square Off

Nairobi gubernatorial candidates engaged in a heated debate on July 3 that generated a great deal of heat but not much light. Much of the debate focused on trading allegations of corruption, sometimes descending to personal insults.

However, every candidate also made reference to allegations of routine, violent harassment and extortion of petty traders by officers of the County Council colloquially known as “kanjo.” In 2016 the Kenyan investigative journalism site, Africa Uncensored, documented what they said was a vast extortion racket, enforced through violent arrests, overseen by several kanjo officers in an exposé dubbed “Kanjo Kingdom”. The series alleged that the central council administration is not only aware of these abuses, including of traders with physical disabilities, but is reluctant to rein in the syndicate that perpetrate these crimes.

This violence was perhaps the only human rights issue directly addressed in the gubernatorial debate, but the fact that every candidate was forced to respond underscores that independent, courageous journalism plays a critical role in framing discussions during the election period. 

Intimidation Reports as Voting Nears

(Nairobi) – Kenyan authorities should urgently investigate allegations of threats and intimidation between community members in Nakuru county’s Naivasha area, as the August, 2017 elections approaches, Human Rights Watch said today.

Human Rights Watch interviewed opposition and ruling party supporters, victims of threats and intimidation, a national government official, and human rights activists about the campaigns and their concerns in advance of the presidential and general elections. Many people in the town of Naivasha described threats and intimidation between community members, but said that police have failed to investigate the threats, prosecute the culprits or protect residents. Naivasha was among the areas with the worst 2007-2008 post-election violence, in which inter-ethnic rivalries over land and power, stoked by politicians, left over 1,100 people dead.

Read the full presser here:

A Hungry Election

An employee restocks packet of maize flour subsidized by government at a supermarket in Nairobi, Kenya May 24, 2017. 

© REUTERS/Baz Ratner

“You say you saw maize flour at 90 Kenyan shillings (90 cents USD) on television? Go and buy that maize from the television.”

Rachel, a community organizer in Mathare, a Nairobi slum, laughs as she remembers this response from a local trader when she tried to buy maize flour – unga in Kiswahili – at the subsidized prices the government promised in May. The subsidies aimed to reduce the price of one of Kenya’s main food staples that have skyrocketed since January. But subsidies were paid to the millers, and not the vendors directly, and the vendors were only instructed to lower prices. Many vendors have simply refused to sell at the government price, leaving voters hungry and frustrated in the build up to the August election.

Rachel worries that spiraling food prices are leaving young people vulnerable to local politicians’ manipulations. “The only jobs available in Mathare nowadays are with the campaigns,” she said. Here, “working with a campaign”’ can be as benign as putting up posters - or as nefarious as joining a militia group. In Mathare, she says, for as little as 200 Kenyan shillings ($2) a day, unemployed young people are sometimes paid to disrupt opponents’ rallies, deface posters, and intimidate opponents’ supporters. Hunger in the context of a hotly contested election doesn’t bode well for Mathare and other urban informal settlements.

The Famine Early Warning Network is reporting “atypical food security risks” in Kenya in 2017, and that more than 60 percent of the country will be at risk of famine from June to September – the election period. In some of the affected areas, deadly clashes over access to food and grazing land have already occurred. Some of the herders involved in ongoing land invasions in Laikipia in which tens have died have said that they are driven by the ongoing drought.

Traders in Lodwar, northwestern Kenya, told us that unga has completely disappeared from the store shelves. As the drought kicks in, many herders have moved to South Sudan and Uganda in search of pasture. Some young men without their own permanent herds have come from the parched countryside to town, hoping for work. But, yet again, one of the few ways to get food these days is with a political campaign.

Agriculture is the single largest sector of the Kenyan economy, and the government estimates it contributes to 24 percent of the country’s gross domestic product, and more than 75 percent of the country’s population relies on agriculture and related activities for their livelihoods. Arguably, failure to properly implement food security projects constitutes a violation of a right to food in the context of such dependence. The Kenya government is obliged to work toward the progressive realization of the right to food and water “by all appropriate means” and “to the maximum of its available resources. As campaigns continue, hunger shouldn’t be manipulated to political advantage.

Looking at the Numbers in Kenya’s Elections

Millions more Kenyans will be eligible to vote in the August elections than in 2013.

More than 19.5 million are registered to vote – a 36 percent jump since the last election in 2013, according to an audit released by Kenya’s Independent Elections and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) this week.

Predictably, given Kenya’s demographic trends, the biggest group of voters is between 18 and 34 years old. It remains to be seen how this large cohort of young voters will impact the election result - particularly on the question of ethnicity. Will young Kenyans turn out to be less ethnically polarized than their parents?

Almost 4000 registered voters are in the diaspora.  At this point, only Kenyans in Uganda and Tanzania will be able to participate and the seats for legislative representatives for the diaspora all have a single candidate so the vote will not be competitive. But it is the first time in Kenyan history that people will be able to vote from outside the country.

This is also the first time in Kenya’s history prisoners will be able to vote in a general election. 5,528 voters across 118 prisons in the country registered to vote, a major victory for prisoner’s rights advocates in the country.

In Charles Hornsby’s article, published today in The Elephant, he looks at Kenya’s  “tyranny of numbers” in elections. He concludes “whatever the final outcome, it is clear that Kenya remains polarised and dangerously divided, almost down the middle, and that there is little trust or goodwill between the two major parties to work with each other in whatever political settlement that will follow the August elections.”

Kenyan Journalist Detained Over Story

The recent arrest of Sunday Nation journalist Walter Menya is again raising questions about media freedom as the August elections approach.

Some facts in the case are uncontested. On Sunday June 18, police officers from Kenya’s Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) arrested Menya and held him at an undisclosed location. A judge allowed police to detain him for two days pending further investigations; Menya was released on June 20 without charge. 

But the rest of the story is less clear. The Nation Media Group, Menya’s employer, argues his arrest stemmed from an article he wrote describing the involvement of some civil servants in the Friends of Jubilee Foundation, an organization that purports to work to alleviate poverty, but also is raising money for Kenya’s ruling party’s re-election bid. Menya’s story suggested that their open association with the foundation may amount to publicly endorsing a political candidate, a constitutional offence in Kenya, where state officers are prohibited from participating in partisan politics.

It’s unclear what Menya did wrong given he wasn’t actually charged with a crime. The affidavit submitted by police in support of his detention argues that he demanded 50,000 shillings (about $500) from an informant to publish the story. The affidavit alleged that officers caught Menya in the process of receiving a portion of the money. But after three days of investigation, police provided no clear evidence of wrongdoing.

The Kenya Union of Journalists argues that authorities are trying to discredit journalists like Menya, and his arrest was intended to intimidate and discourage investigative reporting around the election. The Nation Media Group has also raised concerns that photos on social media showing Menya in handcuffs at the DCI headquarters – a protected area where photography is prohibited – were circulated illegally with the intent to humiliate him.

As highlighted in Human Rights Watch’s  May report “Not Worth the Risk,” Kenyan government officials and police have increasingly undermined and violated rights of journalists in recent years. The report found that police are part of a system of state-orchestrated intimidation of journalists designed to discourage them from publishing stories that are overly critical of the state. Judicial processes and short-term detention without charge has been used previously to bully and silence journalists covering political stories. Because of this, Kenya heads into the 2017 election with a press whose freedom is in serious peril, where journalists are – understandably – reluctant to risk their lives or their liberty to tell stories that matter.

An election without a free press is an election at risk. Attacks on the press undermine the integrity of both the press and the state, and compel voters to seek information elsewhere, including from untrustworthy sources.  

Space for Marginalized Groups in Kenya Election?

Once again, marginalized groups in Kenya are being left at the margins of another election cycle.

A Kenyan woman casts her vote at a mock polling station during a pre-election exhibition in Nairobi, Kenya, June 12, 2017. 

© 2017 Reuters

Despite guarantees in Kenya’s Constitution, not enough is being done to ensure that marginalized groups - women, people with disabilities, youth and representatives of smaller communities – fully participate in the August election.

Although Kenya is socially and politically diverse, ethnic identity is the main basis of political representation. Constituencies or counties roughly correspond to historic homelands of large ethnic groups that tend to dominate politically. This makes it difficult for ethnic minority groups to access political power and defend their socio-political rights.

The Kenya Constitution defines marginalized groups in a broad sense that reflects the many ways in which groups have historically been excluded from politics, and prescribes various levels of affirmative action to address that. Women, people with disabilities, youth and representatives of smaller communities are entitled to additional political support in this framework. Kenya has also adopted international treaties protecting the rights of historically marginalized groups, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

But representatives from rights groups argue that not enough is being done to implement these protections for the upcoming elections. In May 2017, United Disabled Persons of Kenya (UDPK), an umbrella group for people with disabilities, said several barriers still exist to full participation in the election for the estimated six million persons with disabilities.

 “We do not have books, for instance, in braille. Even organizations that have taken up voter education tend to forget [people with disabilities].” said David Towett, Central Rift regional coordinator for the Independent Election and Boundaries Commission (IEBC), which oversees elections.

Women have also been historically marginalized in Kenyan politics and make up only 21% of the current legislature, in breach of the “two-thirds gender rule,” which holds that legislative bodies should not be comprised of more than two-thirds of one gender. According to some reports, out of the 11,330 candidates in the 2017 election, only 2,077 are women, many of who will be running against each other for positions as women’s representatives.

According to groups like UDPK and FIDA Kenya, a leading national women’s rights organization, more needs to be done to ensure full participation. For example, since voting often runs into the night, both women and people with disabilities are reluctant to wait in long lines for security reasons. These fears were borne out during the April primaries, where according to FIDA and the Kenya National Commission on Human Rights, individuals were subject to intimidation and violence at polling stations, including attempted rape.  

At the same time, 32 of the country’s 43 ethnic communities have fewer than 1 million people. Many smaller groups are pastoralists and struggle to access polling stations and election material. In February 2017, representatives from pastoralist communities insisted they needed more time to register to vote, not only because of difficulty in accessing the polls, but because the ongoing drought had pushed voting further down their priority list as people struggled to find food.

According to a 2012 Minority Rights Group International report, lack of political power has severe consequences for smaller ethnic groups in Kenya, including the forced eviction of groups from traditional homelands and a reluctance to seek redress from state institutions. This in turn fuels clashes over pasture land and access to water in parts of the country. The under-representation of women and people with disabilities in parliament creates room for the passage of discriminatory laws.

Structural accommodations for marginalized groups are constitutionally mandated and absolutely necessary for a free and fair election. The IEBC should take specific measures to integrate the needs of such groups, and to protect the right of every Kenyan citizen to participate in the election. 

Gender Discrimination in Kenya Elections

Kenya’s 2010 Constitution introduced designated parliamentary seats for women. During the 2013 elections, more women candidates than ever threw their hats in the ring. That helped get more women nominated and elected than ever before, but the change went only so far – women represented just 19 percent of parliament, well short of the constitutional minimum of 30 percent. And none of the 19 women candidates seeking senate and gubernatorial positions were elected. Of the 1,450 people elected to county assemblies, only 88 were women.

In this piece, Beatrice Alaka from the University of Johannesburg argues that political parties should do more to end the ongoing discrimination and violence directed at female candidates in Kenya.

Ballots to Bullets, Remembering the Roots of the 2007 Violence

In the wake of 2007 elections, Human Rights Watch published Ballots to Bullets, a report that documented the main patterns of organized political violence that engulfed the country that year. Two months of bloodshed left over 1,000 dead and up to 650,000 people displaced. Police use of excessive force against protestors, and ethnic-based killings and reprisals by supporters aligned to both the ruling and opposition parties marked the post-election period.

At the time, it was clear that the ethnic divisions laid bare in the aftermath of the 2007 elections had deep roots into Kenya’s history. No Kenyan government had yet made a good-faith effort to address long simmering grievances over land that persisted since independence. High-ranking politicians had consistently been implicated in organizing political violence since the 1990s but had never been brought to book and continued to operate with impunity. Widespread failures of governance at the core of the explosive anger were exposed in the wake of the election fraud. As elections approach in August, have the various reforms addressed the root causes of the violence?

The full Ballots to Bullets report can be accessed here:

Journalist Allegedly Assaulted in Bungoma

On the evening of June 5, 2017, people believed to be security guards for senior officials of Bungoma county government allegedly physically assaulted Emmanuel Namisi, a reporter with Royal Media Group, at a club in Bungoma town. Kenyan newspapers reported that a team of security guards confronted Namisi, slapping and kicking him. The newspapers said the guards accused Namisi of airing a story that linked them to the fatal shooting of a woman on June 2. The woman, identified only as Kadogo, was killed when supporters of the ruling Jubilee party candidate, clashed with supporters of the opposition Ford Kenya party candidate. The governor told the media that he was saddened by the incident. He said: “I don't condone physical violence, I don't know what exactly provoked that but I have cautioned all my staff against such behavior.”

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has condemned the assault on Namisi. In its June 8 statement, CPJ urged Kenyan authorities to investigate the attack and ensure that those responsible are held to account.

The attack reinforces the findings of a May report by Human Rights Watch and Article 19 on threats to free expression ahead of the 2017 elections. According to the report, journalists who report on sensitive issues such as corruption, security, political parties, county governments and land are beaten, threatened, subjected to phone and online surveillance and, in some cases, arbitrarily arrested and detained. The report urges Kenyan authorities to ensure accountability for all cases of attacks and threats against journalists and bloggers ahead of the 2017 elections.

Upsurge in attacks threaten to suppress vote

An upsurge of suspected Al-Shabab attacks always raises serious concerns, but as Kenya prepares for elections on August 8, ongoing insecurity is likely to inhibit participation in the vote. The government’s seeming inability to prevent Al-Shabab violence may discourage people from holding or attending campaign rallies and participating on voting day.

Rather than investigate attacks and seek to proactively protect communities, Kenya has often responded with abusive law enforcement operations, including reprisals in neighborhoods where attacks occur. Given the importance of the campaign period, its more critical than ever for the authorities to act decisively and lawfully to protect people in Al-Shabab affected areas.

Read the full dispatch here

ICG report: Potential triggers for inter-ethnic violence in the Rift Valley

On May 30, 2017, the International Crisis Group released a report analyzing devolution and the possibilities for violence in the Rift Valley before, during and after the 2017 elections. The report flags competition for governorship positions as potential triggers for localized, inter-ethnic violence in the Rift Valley. The report identifies the collapse of peace building initiatives, government failure to address land-related grievances and other longstanding injustices as factors that could fuel violence between communities. Many of the concerns of unaddressed injustices that the report highlights are contained in the report of the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission (TJRC) of May 2013 that the Uhuru Kenyatta administration has failed to implement.

Read the ICG report here


Attacks on Media Threaten Kenyan Elections

For Kenya’s August elections to be fair, the media needs to be able to report on pressing issues of national interest without fear of reprisals. As the United Nations Human Rights Committee has noted, “a free uncensored and unhindered press or other media is essential in any society to ensure freedom of opinion and expression and the enjoyment of other … rights. It constitutes one of the cornerstones of a democratic society.”

Read the full oped here


Interview: Crackdown on Media Ahead of Kenya’s 2017 Vote

An anti-riot police officer aims a teargas canister while journalists cover an anti-corruption protest in Kenya's capital, Nairobi. November 3, 2016. 

© 2016 REUTERS/Thomas Mukoya

Kenya will hold presidential and general elections in August. Campaigns are a difficult time for Kenyans, who may associate voting with tension and chaos. They keenly remember how 2007 post-election violence split groups down ethnic lines and left more than 1,000 people dead and hundreds of thousands displaced. Kenya’s media play a key role in reporting on election-related subjects critical to voters, like corruption, police brutality, and land acquisition. Yet Kenya’s journalists, already facing obstacles to their reporting, increasingly fear threats and physical attacks to silence them as the election nears. Kenya researcher Otsieno Namwaya speaks with Audrey Wabwire about the new Human Rights Watch report, “‘Not Worth the Risk’: Threats to Free Expression Ahead of Kenya’s 2017 Elections,” and what he learned, together with the media freedom group Article 19 Eastern Africa, when they talked to journalists and bloggers across the country.

Read the full interview here:

New Kenya Report: "Not Worth The Risk"

(Nairobi) – Authorities in Kenya have committed a range of abuses against journalists reporting on sensitive issues, threatening freedom of expression ahead of elections slated for August 8, 2017, Human Rights Watch and ARTICLE 19 Eastern Africa said in a report released today. Journalists and bloggers reporting on corruption, disputed land acquisition, counterterrorism operations, and the 2007-2008 post-electoral violence, among other sensitive issues, have faced intimidation, beatings, and job loss.

The 53-page report, “‘Not Worth The Risk’: Threats To Free Expression Ahead of Kenya’s 2017 Elections,” documents abuses by government officials, police, county governors, and other government officials against the media. Human Rights Watch and ARTICLE 19 examined government attempts to obstruct critical journalists and bloggers with legal, administrative, and informal measures, including threats, intimidation, harassment, online and phone surveillance, and in some cases, physical assaults.

Authorities in Kenya have committed a range of abuses against journalists reporting on sensitive issues, threatening freedom of expression ahead of elections slated for August 8, 2017. 

Kenyan Authorities Should Ensure Free, Fair August Poll

Kenya's elections are scheduled for August 8, 2017. The campaigns begin next week, amid concerns of political and ethnic tension as well as the lack of accountability for current and past human rights abuses – all precursors to election-related violence since 1992. Kenyans will be voting for six positions – president, county governors, senators, members of parliament, women representatives, and members of county assembly – in the August election. Kenya has a history of political violence, but this time around, authorities should ensure a level playing field, free from abuse for voters and candidates. Read the press release here.