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Whedonesque - a community weblog about Joss Whedon
"My mom gave me yucky chips again. Do you want them?"
11983 members | you are not logged in | 04 July 2017

July 04

Details about Upper Deck's "Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer" game. The card game is set for an August release.
Reddit list of potential Batgirl actresses sparks speculation cause there's nothing else to go on. Apparently Katherine Langford is the frontrunner. Or is she? We just don't know.

July 03

Forget the hacks - create a real integrated marketing plan. Author mentions the twentieth anniversary of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" in this column in a marketing industry magazine.

July 01

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. not attending San Diego Comic Con this year. They hope to make it to New York Comic Con in October. Clark Gregg put out a few humorous tweets about it. Other Marvel shows including Inhumans will be there.
Daniel Dae Kim departs "Hawaii 5-0". The Angel alum was a series regular for 7 seasons.

June 30

Out now - "At Home in the Whedonverse: Essays on Domestic Place, Space and Life". "This collection of new essays explores the diversity of home spaces in Whedon's many 'verses, and the complexity these spaces afford the narratives, characters, objects and relationships within them". The table of contents has more details. More...
Trailer for Marvel's "Inhumans" series for ABC. Link is to the YouTube video; middling review of the trailer can be found at Salon. More...

June 29

Kel McDonald talks about her latest Buffy: The High School Years graphic novel. 'Parental Parasite' is out in comic book shops this week.
Whedonesque turns 15 today. Big thanks to everyone who posts here for keeping the site going all these years. More...
Joss Whedon invited to join Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Joss is among 774 members of the film industry to receive invitations to join the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS).

June 28

Alyson Hannigan likes the idea of a Buffy cartoon. Same here.
20th Century Fox to release Buffy: The Complete Series 20th Anniversary Edition DVD Boxed Set. There will also be a "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 20 Years of Slaying" fan event to be held in San Diego to coincide with Comic-Con.

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