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Whedonesque - a community weblog about Joss Whedon
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July 04 2017

Details about Upper Deck's "Legendary: Buffy the Vampire Slayer" game. The card game is set for an August release.

July 03 2017

Forget the hacks - create a real integrated marketing plan. Author mentions the twentieth anniversary of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" in this column in a marketing industry magazine.

June 29 2017

Kel McDonald talks about her latest Buffy: The High School Years graphic novel. 'Parental Parasite' is out in comic book shops this week.

June 28 2017

Alyson Hannigan likes the idea of a Buffy cartoon. Same here.
20th Century Fox to release Buffy: The Complete Series 20th Anniversary Edition DVD Boxed Set. There will also be a "Buffy the Vampire Slayer: 20 Years of Slaying" fan event to be held in San Diego to coincide with Comic-Con.

June 27 2017

Funko to bring out Buffy Rock Candy figures. The Buffy and Willow figures will be released in August.

June 24 2017

Can you guess this villain from Buffy The Vampire Slayer? Well if you can't you're probably following the wrong website.

June 21 2017

(SPOILER) Discuss Buffy Season 11 #8. A familiar face returns.
(SPOILER) Corinna Bechko Slayalive Q/A For Angel Season 11 #5.
(SPOILER) Buffy Season 11 solicitations for September 2017. Buffy # 11 and Angel# 9 come out this month.

June 20 2017

Buffy the Vampire Slayer gets nominated for a Teen Choice Award. It got nominated in the Choice Throwback TV Show category. Agents of SHIELD got a couple of nominations too.

June 18 2017

Alyson Hannigan on Buffy, and Wonder Woman trolls: 'I'm just like, 'Dude, really?!'. Alyson Hannigan aka Willow answers questions about the misogynistic pushback on Wonder Woman as well as reflecting on one episode that meant a lot to her.

June 17 2017

Nick Brendon on twenty years of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. He also tells that he's shooting a new show called The Wannabees which he is also wrote.

June 08 2017

Why Willow is one of the most important LGBTQ TV characters of all time. Decider did a top 50 list of LGBTQ TV characters which was decided by "over 40 LGBTQ entertainment professionals - writers, directors, showrunners, actors, journalists".

June 06 2017

Tiny Fences makes a musical review of Once More With Feeling. Buffy podcast releases the very special "607: Tiny Fences: The Musical!" with all original music. More...

June 02 2017

(SPOILER) Previews for Buffy Season 11 #8 and Angel Season 11 #6. Both issues are out on the 21st.

May 24 2017

(SPOILER) Discuss Buffy Season 11 #7. It's a good story this season, let's find out what happens next.
(SPOILER) Your Buffyverse comics for August. Angel Season 11 #8 and Buffy Season 11 #10 are both out that month. There's also solicitation info for the Serenity: Everything's Shiny Adult Coloring Book which is out October 11th.

May 18 2017

Why "Buffyworld" still matters. CBC radio program on the 20th anniversary of Buffy.

May 12 2017

Why Joyce Summers will forever remain a beloved TV mom. With Mother's Day taking place in the States this Sunday, Nerdist takes a look at Buffy's mom.
Camden Toy talks about being one of The Gentleman on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. "The original name of the Gentlemen was not the Gentlemen, it was the Laughing Men, if I remember correctly".

May 10 2017

(SPOILER) Buffy Season 11 #7 preview pages. The issue is out May 24th.

May 09 2017

(SPOILER) Angel Season 11 #5 preview pages. The issue is out May 24.

May 07 2017

Do teens know 90's TV shows? Prepare to feel old.

April 29 2017

(SPOILER) Rebekah Isaacs Slayalive Q/A for Buffy # 6.

April 23 2017

Sandy Gallin passes away. He was a producer on the Buffy movie and an executive producer on the Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel TV shows. More...

April 21 2017

(SPOILER) Slayalive's Christos Gage Q/A for Buffy #6. With the midpoint of the season now reached,Christos Gage touched based with Slayalive and fans.

April 20 2017

(SPOILER) Discuss Buffy Season 11 #6. This issue is called "Back to the Wall".

April 18 2017

(SPOILER) Dark Horse July 2017 solicictations. Buffy #9,Angel #7, Buffy Omnibus: Season 8 Volume 1 TP and Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Big Bads & Monsters Adult Coloring Book TP.

April 12 2017

(SPOILER) Preview pages for Buffy S11 #6. The midpoint of season 11 for Buffy is out April 19th. More...
(SPOILER) Preview pages for Angel S11 #4. The issue is out April 19th.
SyFy Australia celebrates 20 years of Buffy with gorgeous promo. The post also announces airing all seasons on the network programming soon.

April 10 2017

Emma Caulfield writes a eulogy to Anya. And it's great.

April 01 2017

What makes Buffy still relevant and enjoyable today. A look back on IGN.

March 31 2017

Alyson Hannigan, Amber Benson on the groundbreaking Willow-Tara romance. "The romance was one of the first major lesbian love stories shown on network television and became incredibly important to Buffy's fans and the LGBT audience."

March 29 2017

Entertainment Weekly celebrates 20 Years of Buffy with cover and feature story. EW reunited the cast and Joss Whedon for their first joint interview and photo shoot in over a decade. Full reunion video can be found here and Group shot here. More...

March 28 2017

Simon Pulse to publish new Buffy spin-off series. Kiersten White will author the series, which will focus on a brand new Slayer from the group of Potentials whose powers were awoken in the show's series finale. Slayer will launch in the fall of 2018.
'Buffy the Vampire Slayer', reimagined by its fans. Remember when the New York Times asked for your Buffy fanfic for an article they were doing? Well here's the finished piece.

March 25 2017

Willow Rosenberg will be bringing out a Buffy Grimoire in October. The Official Grimoire: A Magical History of Sunnydale "is the first and only truly comprehensive collection of every magical moment from all seven seasons of Buffy".

March 22 2017

(SPOILER) Discuss Buffy Season 11 #5. And the title of this issue is "Desperate Measures".

March 21 2017

9 sci-fi musicals that rocked television before Supergirl and The Flash. "This week, Supergirl and The Flash are airing musical episodes - a good use of the talents of Grant Gustin and Melissa Benoist, who had proved themselves on Glee. But theirs isn't the only musical interlude on sci-fi television." More...

March 17 2017

Amber Benson co-writes new comic book based on the '90s film Clueless. I was, like, totally buggin'.
TV's 15 best musical episodes, ranked. #1 will come as no surprise to Whedonites.

March 16 2017

(SPOILER) Find out what's happening in your Buffyverse Season 11 comics in June. Angel #6 is out that month as is Buffy #8. The first trades for each series are also solicited and will be out in August.

March 15 2017

Buffy at 20: Ranking the seasons. That season you like the best is still number one in your heart.
Kal Penn praises Buffy/Angel writers for not engaging in racially stereotypical writing. In going through old audition scripts and sides Kal Penn identifies so many television shows used stereotypes of Indians to guide their writing sensibilities. He singles out the Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel writers for not engaging in such practices in their writing.

March 13 2017

(SPOILER) Preview pages for Buffy Season 11 #5. The issue is out March 22nd.
Why MTV's Sweet/Vicious must be saved. "Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer will be familiar with the sight of two powerful, pint-size young women handing out beat downs to villainous bad guys, punctuating their punches with wry quips."

March 12 2017

Felicia Day reflects on 20 Years of Buffy. An interview with CNET where Felicia talks about working with Joss and her time playing Vi. More...
Amber Benson takes the Spike vs. Angel question somewhere dirty. This is the AV Club's 11 Questions with Amber. She talks about how much fun she had filming the musical and gives lots of love to Dawn and Spike.

March 11 2017

Buffy video games ranked from best to worst. Someone needs to re-release the top two for the mobile market.
Five music artists who appeared on Buffy share their memories. Ashanti, Michelle Branch, Nerf Herder, Bif Naked, and Cibo Matto share their memories in this unique restrospective.
Torchwood Boy watches Buffy for the first time. A young Brit (real name, Alex) who makes reaction videos on YouTube, takes a look at this whole Buffy thing everyone's talking about, starting with the pilot, Welcome to the Hellmouth. NSFW: Contains some adult language, due to his genuine reactions.
Ten famous writers love Buffy. Yes, today is all about the Buffy love.
Amber Benson reflects on Buffy. Another slideshow, including a bit about the nixed Tara return.
Anatomy of a Perfect Pilot - Welcome to the Hellmouth. Meredith Borders of Birth.Movies.Death. writes on the structure of that first episode, and how it serves as a perfect introduction for the series to come.

March 10 2017

Sarah Michelle Gellar's post about Buffy at 20. She wrote a wonderful piece on her Instagram account.
'Buffy' at 20: Jane Espenson picks her best and worst episodes. A quick slideshow of Jane's opinions on her episodes.
"The Body": The radical empathy of Buffy's best episode. An analysis of the episode and its approach to grieving.
David Boreanaz reflects on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. There's a George Lucas story you might not have heard before.
'Buffy' at 20: Joss Whedon talks TV today, reboot fatigue and the trouble with binging. "I don't want to be a drop of water pretending I'm the whole wave, but where that wave crashes, that's our beachhead - empowering women and young people, and making everybody matter."
Tony Head on why Buffy was a feminist parable for everyone - including him. Another great 'Buffy at 20' article.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer debuted on The WB 20 years ago today. The Guardian reminds us why the TV show was so good and meant so much to a lot of people. As does Den of Geek, Gizmodo Australia, Salon, The Telegraph, IGN, Paste Magazine, New Statesman, Radio Times, The Independent, US Weekly, and Vulture. And if you've missed some of the previous 'Buffy at 20' coverage posted at Whedonesque, then check out our Slayer20 tag.

March 09 2017

Joss Whedon looks back at Buffy. This is a great Joss penned overview of the show from start to finish.
'Buffy' at 20: 13 Key players on how it changed TV and why there shouldn't be a revival. The Hollywood Reporter sat down with James Marsters, Nick Brendon, Charisma Carpenter, Michelle Trachtenberg, Tony Head, Emma Caulfield, Danny Strong, Amber Benson, Kristine Sutherland, Eliza Dushku, Gail Berman, David Greenwalt, and David Fury to talk all about Buffy.
Buffy's James Marsters on the hardest day of his professional life. We all probably know which it is. An excellent interview with some bonus love for ASH.
The best bit of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 7. Can stand up, will stand up.
13 TV shows to watch if you miss Buffy. Good recommendations via Vulture, but some obvious staples are missing.
The villains on 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' showed just how pervasive misogyny can be. Alyssa Rosenberg explains how the villains of Buffy are "a field guide to misogyny."

March 08 2017

The Guardian newspaper wants to hear what 20 years of Buffy means to you and see photos of your collections. You can share your photos and memories by visiting the site and clicking on the 'Contribute' button or by filling in their form. A selection of contributions will be featured on their site later for the 20th anniversary.
'Buffy' at 20: Gail Berman reflects on the rocky road to air and how the show could return. There's some interesting behind-the-scenes info here that you might not have been aware of. Like Buffy could have been an NBC show for example.
Adam Busch knows that Buffy fans think Warren's terrible. To think we could have had The Trio as an evil boy band in Once More With Feeling.
Seven episodes for the perfect all-night Buffy binge. Some might say that seven is too few.
Nick Brendon talks about his time on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Another great interview from The A.V. Club.

March 07 2017

We should thank Buffy for today's 'Golden Age' of television. BBC retrospective because of the 20th anniversary.
James Marsters shares the secrets of his time on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Some nice anecdotes to be had in this Myspace interview.

March 06 2017

Seventeen bizarre Buffy collectibles that will slay you. Never did get the Buffy Tongue Painter Chupa Chups.
'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' 20th Anniversary: Joss Whedon looks back - and forward. Interview with Joss about the 20th anniversary of Buffy.
Every episode of Buffy ranked. This is a Paste Magazine list and, like most lists linked to here, is not legally binding.
Tom Lenk talks about his time on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's a good interview.
A slayer's lineage: 9 pop culture precusors to Buffy. In honor of Buffy's 20th anniversary, The A.V. Club cites various works that influenced and/or paved the way for the show's creation.
A Buffy family tree: 'Bones' and demons and rabid fans. The New York Times looks back at the BtVS phenomenon as the 20th anniversary approaches.

March 05 2017

The top ten underrated Buffy episodes. As a Yahoo! writer puts it "here's to the unsung greats, the ones people don't tend to talk about".

March 04 2017

The New York Times is looking for your Buffy fan fic. No, really.

March 03 2017

(SPOILER) Preview pages for Angel #3. The issue is out on March 15th.
The top 20 Buffy the Vampire Slayer quotes. This is actually a really good video to watch.

March 02 2017

LURK: A Fray Fan Film arrives online just in time for Buffy's 20th anniversary. The short film is based on Joss's comic series about a futuristic vampire slayer named Melaka Fray.

March 01 2017

How Buffy the Vampire Slayer will mark its 20th anniversary. With some new merchandise and competitions according to the press blurb. More of the merchandise can be found at Yahoo!.
The most heartbreaking TV Deaths of the last 20 years. "From 'Buffy' to 'Nashville', it was hard to say goodbye to these favorite TV characters."
SFX magazine are celebrating 20 years of Buffy in their latest issue. This month will be pure nostalgia for the fandom.

February 28 2017

Doug Petrie talks about working on Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It's the latest podcast in the Big Bad Buffy Interviews series.
Dark Horse to bring out a second Buffy Adult Coloring Book. This time you'll get to color in "Big Bads & Monsters".

February 26 2017

David Boreanaz on whether he'd do a Buffy reunion. The answer would be no, which is fair enough.

February 25 2017

15 reasons why Buffy the Vampire Slayer is the most underrated TV show ever. Expect lots more of these types of articles as the 20th anniversary approaches.

February 23 2017

The 15 funniest episodes of Buffy. The most contentious list we've ever had here (probably).

February 20 2017

Vampire slaying for the soul. When hiding behind a comforting obsession can be the source of strength. AKA what I did in Freshman psych class, instead of studying.

February 19 2017

What 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' would look like if it were written by 4 famous authors. The authors Bustle pick are Haruki Murakami, J.K. Rowling, George R. R. Martin, and Roxane Gay.

February 18 2017

(SPOILER) Dark Horse May 2017 solicitations. Buffy #7, Angel #5 and Serenity: No Power in the 'Verse HC are solicited.

February 15 2017

(SPOILER) Discuss Buffy Season 11 #4. How safe is the Safe Zone?

February 14 2017

The 10 best Valentine’s Day TV episodes. USA Today includes the Buffy episode "Bewitched, Bothered and Bewildered" on their list with the caveat "It's funny until it's not funny at all". Digital Spy features the episode on their 'you're better off single' list.

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