Development of the HistoryCommons 2.0 app is well underway and we hope to do a beta release soon.
A lot of progress has been made and we are very excited.
BUT ... our funds have dried up. Please donate today what you can so we can continue our work.
We are extremely low on funds, and this call for financial support is urgent. If we do not have funds to meet basic operation costs, we will have to shut
down the site. The only financial support we receive is from online fundraisers like this one.
With your help, we will ...
- Continue to make the current site available.
- Build a new team to develop and market HistoryCommons 2.0. Specifically we are looking for
tech entrepreneurs who are passionate about creating a new people-centered crowdsourced model for journalism.
- Develop new apps and features for the HistoryCommons community, including a mobile HistoryCommons app, an app
and plugin for collecting sources and feeding them to HistoryCommons users, an API, and social media plugins and integrations
that will make it easy for people to embed HistoryCommons content into other works and share it across multiple platforms.
The History Commons makes it possible for people at the grassroots level to assume a dominant role in public and private sector oversight.
By supporting this effort, you are helping civil society end its reliance on the corporate media, which has failed in its presumed role as a
government and corporate watchdog. Since June of 2002, more than 20,921
new events have been added to the History Commons. These entries dealt with a variety of topics ranging from NSA domestic spying,
global warming, free trade, 9/11, “the war on terrorism,” civil liberties, the Iraq war, the Iran confrontation, and more.