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Latest in Somali radio

Latest in Somali Radio

Interview: Mohamed Hilaal Aways

Mohamed Hilaal Aweys is the founder of Somali Youth Movement based in Melbourne.    He spoke to SBS about the role of this new organization and challenges faced by...
Former prime minister Tony Abbott has sharply criticised Liberal colleague Christopher Pyne over comments.     The dispute has opened up fresh debate over same...
Australia's most senior Catholic, Cardinal George Pell has fronted the world's media.    He denied all charges now laid against him relating to historical claims...
How to talk to your family about drug use?  For many migrant parents addressing drug use can be a daunting task
Abdirahman Kulmiye Hersi is minister of state for transport and civil aviation of Somalia.     He is currently visiting Australia and SBS Somali spoke to him...
The Family Law is now streaming On Demand

Watch the lovable Laws - anytime, anywhere. #TheFamilyLaw now on SBS OnDemand. Also available in Chinese, Vietnamese and Korean

Community Voices

Views and feeling of the community on current issues both in Australia and  overseas.

Interview: Ahmed Qaahira

Ahmed Qaahira is an active member of Somali community in Melbourne.   He has been also contributing in rebuilding Somalia.
Ahmed Tohow is the representative of Somali Global's diaspora Australian branch. He says the organization works for the betterment of Somalis in Diaspora and...

Abdullahi Aden on early election.

Engineer Abdullahi Aden explains the recent recall of parliament and a potential early election with the Prime Minister threatening to dissolve both houses of...
Abdiwahab Qalinle is one of the most active Somali community members in Melbourne. He is calling for support for the people of drought stricken East Africa,...
Omar Shire Mohamed was recently appointed as a director of Puntland Diaspora. He tells SBS Somali what his organization has so far achieved and highlights the...