
Archives: February 2009

The End of the War of Images on the American Public

The Defense Department has reversed the Bush administration's ban on photographs of returning coffins of US military personnel killed in war abroad.Apparently a lot of the families of fallen warriors liked the…

5 Troops Killed in Afghanistan; US in Jalrez Valley

A US soldier from Wisconsin was announced killed in Afghanistan on Wednesday (he died on Tuesday). Three British soldiers were killed Wednesday by a roadside bomb in the southern Pushtun Helmand Province,…

They aren’t Dogs, in those Slums

The following comments may contain spoilers.Directors Danny Boyle's and Loveleen Tandan's "Slumdog Millionaire" swept the Oscars this year, in a remarkable sign of globalization. The creative team behind the film was largely…

Iran Nuclear Program Hyped again

Note to mainstream media: Iran cannot construct nuclear bombs with uranium enriched only to less than 4%. It needs to be enriched to something like 90% to make a bomb. Iran is…

Iraq: Kurdish-Arab War in the Offing?

McClatchy is alarmed at the rapid deterioration of relations between Kurds and Arabs in the north of Iraq. The victory of the Sunni Arab nationalist party, al-Hadba', in Ninevah Province has dealt…

Obama Orders 17,000 US Troops to Afghanistan

President Barack Obama has decided to send 17,000 additional troops to Afghanistan, on the grounds that "the situation in Afghanistan and Pakistan demands urgent attention". Civilian deaths from political violence increased about…

Ann Arbor Palestine Film Festival

Blogs are not the best vehicles for narrow-casting, but for readers in my area, I wanted to bring to your attention The Ann Arbor Palestine Film Festival, which begins March 11 at…

Cohen: Why I am a Green, not a Democrat

Mitchel Cohen writes in a guest op-ed for IC:All it takes is dragging myself to one local Democratic Party meeting, even one hosted by a progressive and Green-friendly State Assembly member like…

Could Khatami be Iran’s Obama?

You have an economy in shambles, increasing international isolation, the danger of further wars, an unpopular millenarian president who thinks God put him in office to reshape the world, and an alarmed…

Green Iran?

Iran has unveiled what it says is the world's most powerful natural-gas driven automobile engine: 'TEHRAN, Feb. 7 (MNA) - The world’s most powerful natural-gas-based car engine was unveiled on Saturday by…

Iran did not Lose the Provincial Elections

It is being alleged by US pundits that the outcome of the provincial elections in Iraq, as far as it is known, indicates a defeat for the religious parties and for Iran.This…

Iran, Obama Admin. off to Shaky Start

Neither the Obama administration nor the Iranian government seems likely to rush into new contacts, despite the opportunity presented by the Munich Security Conference, according to the LAT.Iranian Speaker of the Parliament,…

Is $500,000 a Year Enough?

A common response from the Right to President Obama's capping of CEO salaries and bonuses at $500,000 a year in companies that take big USG bailout money has been to warn that…

Iranian Satellite Alarms West, Arab Neighbors

Iran put a satellite into low earth orbit on Tuesday, in honor of the anniversary of the revolution that brought the Islamic Republic to power in 1979.US, German and other Western officials…

OSC: Al-Maliki says US Could Leave Iraq Early

The USG Open Source Center translates a short interview with Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki on the timetable for US troop withdrawal from Iraq.'Al-Maliki Says Withdrawal of US Forces From Iraq 'Might…