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ACT government knew there would be 'nimby' backlash

The Northbourne Flats public housing precinct.

ACT government officials predicted there would be a backlash against the use of community facility-zoned land for public housing as far back as 2015, documents released under freedom of information laws have revealed.

Daigou craze to hit ASX

Bellamy's used the informal daigou channel as one of its major routes to market in China.

As Chinese demand for Australian products hots up, a husband and wife team are hoping to raise $6m and IPO their daigou business.

AFL lifts ban on showing shot clock late in quarters

Shaun Higgins makes his feelings known to umpire Robert Findlay.

The AFL’s controversial shot clock will remain visible on scoreboards for the entire duration of quarters, the league reversing previous practices following last week’s incident involving North Melbourne’s Shaun Higgins.

Cold snap to hit WA overnight

PArts of WA are expected to shiver through their coldest morning this year.

Parts of Western Australia are expected to shiver through their coldest morning of the year on Friday, with some areas tipped to go below freezing.

TV and radio stocks rally on licence fee cuts


A market rally for commercial television and radio stocks continues on Thursday following the government's decision to grant broadcasters an end-of-financial-year present of licence fee cuts.

Fatal plane crash blamed on poor visibility

The wreckage of the plane that crashed near Point Lonsdale.

Three minutes: that's how much time elapsed between a light plane entering an area of low cloud over Point Lonsdale and plunging into the water, killing all four people on board.