- published: 26 May 2017
- views: 16078243
8-y km (Russian: 8-й км) is a rural locality (a selo) under the administrative jurisdiction of the Settlement of Eldikan of Ust-Maysky District in the Sakha Republic, Russia, located 56 kilometers (35 mi) from Ust-Maya, the administrative center of the district, and, as the name suggests, 8 kilometers (5.0 mi) from Eldikan. Its population as of the 2010 Census was 0; down from 19 recorded in the 2002 Census.
Henrique e Juliano - 5 KM - DVD O Céu Explica Tudo
CHALLENGE: can I fly my drone 8 km to my holiday house and land it on the terrace?
Psaiko.Dino - 8 km/h feat. Cro & Haftbefehl
Avtosh 8 km
8 Km Tek Teker / Yamaha Mt-09 Wheelie // Tekirdağ Uçmakdere Gazlaması
Marmolada 1500 Höhenmeter 8 km Piste in 5 Minuten
8 Km/h - Cro (4K Qualität), MTV Unplugged Open Air Tour, Bad Segeberg 21.05.2016
TGV speed record 574,8 km/h
Turqia prodhon raketë antitank me rreze veprimi 8 km
INSCREVA-SE NO NOSSO CANAL http://encurtador.com.br/gJUW0 ASSISTA AO DVD. CLIQUE NO LINK: https://goo.gl/em4N6N Shows: (62) 3241-7163 - comercial@henriqueejuliano.com.br Compositores: Danillo Davilla, Ellen Nery Henrique e Juliano - 5 KM - DVD O Céu Explica Tudo 5 KM [ letra ] Doente de saudade Me dei alta pra viver Tô contando as horas São dois dias sem te ver Já deu pra entender Que você me faz falta E pra chegar até você Eu já decorei São 5 km, 7 sinais, 20 esquinas, 2 hospitais 7 andares, são 2 portas Tô no seu quarto a hora é agora A hora é agora ! Aaaaah desliga esse abajur Que o show não precisa de luz Ação romance ou suspense a escolha é sua O filme é só pra arrumar desculpa A gente pausa volta e continua
NEW!!! Phantom 4 Advanced: https://goo.gl/DsCPUO You can support this channel on Patreon: https://goo.gl/L8xyRY After my first failed attempt to fly 8 kms and land the Phantom 4 on the terras of my rented holiday home - because I lost signal after 1.5 kms - I did a couple of tests to be sure what the behaviour of the Phantom is, so I would be prepared in this next attempt. Now I try again and it's going pretty well actually... Better than last time. Location: Guimar, Tenerife, Spain Introduction: 0:00 Launching: 2:12 Point of no return: 10:15 Signal losses: 11:32 Landing (but where?): 18:38 epilogue: 20:59 aftermath: 23:07 The previous videos can be found here: part 1 - launching and landing at 8kms: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA9690E62ED6D323D part 2 first failed attempt...
Psaiko.Dino - 8 km/h feat. Cro & Haftbefehl
Şarkıyı soranlar oluyor. Number One DJ'i Serkan Saruhan tarafından bizim için yapıldı. Herhangi bir yerde yoktur. Daha fazlası için lütfen beğenip abone olmayı unutmayın. instagram : keremahero
8 Km/h - Cro (4K Qualität), MTV Unplugged Open Air Tour, Bad Segeberg 21.05.2016
A hagyományos vasút-technika csúcsa a francia TGV. Speciálisan felkészített vasúti pálya, feszített felsővezeték, megnövelt teljesítményű villamos motorkocsik eredményezték ezt a fantasztikus sebességi világrekordot. A sebességre jellemző, hogy az 574,8 km/óra végsebességgel száguldó szerelvényt egy sugárhajtású kisrepülőgéppel követték a filmesek. Sokan érdeklődtek a filmben hallható zenéről. Íme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5AQnMwoOQM Adatok: Hossz: 106 m Súly: 265 tonna (tons) Feszültség: 31.000 V Áramerősség: 800 A (amps) Teljesítmény: 25.500 lóerő (horsepower)
Kompania turke Roketsan, një firmë që operon në industrinë e mbrojtjes, ka zhvilluar dhe prodhuar raketën e posaçme kundërtanke, Mizrak-U, e cila nuk ka blindë në botë që të mos e shpojë. Në fazën e parë sistemi i raketave Mizrak-U do të integrohet në helikopterët sulmues dhe në fund të vitit kompania do të fillojë dorëzimin e raketave të para Forcave të Armatosura turke. Kjo është një raketë plotësisht origjinale dhe kombëtare dhe do të integrohet gjithashtu edhe tek motoskafi sulmuese të tipit KAAN MRTP-34, që është një nga motoskafët më të shpejtë në botë në kategorinë e tij. Me montimin e raketave Mizrak-U motoskafët KAAN MRTP-34 do të kenë veçorinë e të qenit platforma detare “më e frikshme në botë”.
São Paulo, one of the world’s most populated cities, is Brazil’s exciting hub of business, culture, creativity and hospitality. ‘Sampa’ was founded in 1554, at the spot of the historic Pátio do Colégio. Once home to the region’s first main Catholic Church, the central Praça da Sé now houses the towering Metropolitan Cathedral. Two beautiful historic buildings have been transformed into Cultural Centers: The Banco do Brazil and the Júlio Prestes Train Station. While the city’s most esteemed museums are the São Paulo Museum of Art, on the famous Avenida Paulista, and the Pinacoteca do Estado. The Viaduto Santa Ifigenia, an art nouveau bridge, leads pedestrians to the ornate Municipal Theatre, with its impressive Sala São Paulo concert hall. Don’t miss Ibirapuera Park, which is home to ...
We had heard Berlin was a city bursting with art and music and we were very excited to spend some time there. Here is our list of our favorite activities to do in the city. GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic GO: http://amzn.to/1WDKtVM Joby Gorilla Pod: http://amzn.to/1PgoY5F SanDisk 16GB Extreme Pro: http://amzn.to/25KEErs SOCIAL MEDIA & TRAVEL BLOGS AUDREY: blog: http://thatbackpacker.com/ instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatbackpacker/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/thatbackpacker twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatBackpacker SAMUEL: blog: http://nomadicsamuel.com/ facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nomadicsamuel twitter: https://twitter.com/NomadicSa...
A glimpse of the city of Haifa, Israel. Official website and blog: http://globetrotteralpha.com/ Join us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GlobeTrotterAlphaTravels/ Check us out on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/globetrotteralphatravels/ Help me create the next travel videos by showing your support: https://www.patreon.com/globetrotteralpha The film chronologically progresses from morning to late at night. For those planning on visiting, those who’d like to visit but cannot or those who might be nostalgic and want to re-live their past visits / life there, hopefully this film shall satisfy, time and time again. Filmed in September 2014. For more information on Haifa: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haifa Google Maps: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Haifa,+Israel/@32.16...
Kyoto was the capital of Japan for over a millennium, and it still carries a reputation as the nation’s most beautiful city. The countless temples, shrines and historical structures are both fascinating, and overwhelming. To make your trip even more enjoyable, Japanesquest presents you with 10 of the very best places to visit in Kyoto! Related Video: "Top 5 Places to See Sakura (Cherry Blossoms) in Kyoto" https://youtu.be/rjYy59DLvGk "5 Places to See the Fall Colors of Kyoto" https://youtu.be/Jc9CBEE3Mt8 No.1 Arashiyama District Hours: 24 hours Closed: No closing days Fee: Free No.2 Ryoanji Temple Hours: 8:00 to 17:00 (March to November) 8:30 to 16:30 (December to February) Closed: No closing days Fee: 500 yen No.3 Kinkakuji Temple Hours: 9:00 to 17:00 Closed: No closing days Fee: 4...
Hello , welcome to my Youtube channel , i hope you have enjoyed this video ABOUT PANAMA CITY 2017 . TRAVEL TODAY WITH IAM_MARWA kindly subscribe to my Youtube channel by clicking here : http://www.youtube.com/c/iammarwa check out my awesome instagram photos here: https://www.instagram.com/iam_marwa/ Facebook page here : https://www.facebook.com/iamMARWAofficial/ Always feel free to comment on my videos so that i can get to know what you liked most in my video today. I am always grateful you watching my videos. Espanol aqui Hola, bienvenido a mi canal de Youtube, espero que hayas disfrutado este video. Por favor, suscríbase a mi canal de Youtube haciendo clic aquí: http://www.youtube.com/c/iammarwa Echa un vistazo a mis impresionantes fotos de instagram aquí: https://www.instagr...
This week we travel 500km across north Japan in style. ►TRAVEL around Japan in style with a Yukata! ►►http://tohokubijin.com/en/#top ►HANA's FACEBOOK BLOG ►►https://www.facebook.com/komatsu.hanna13 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FULL LIST OF LOCATIONS FEATURED IN THIS VIDEO: ► Ouchi-juku Village: http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e7710.html ► Genbikei Gorge, Iwate: http://www.travel-around-japan.com/k22-06-genbikei.html ► Hiraizumi Rest House, Iwate (Beef restaurant): http://www.hiraizumi2011.jp/en/index.html ► Hanamaki Onsen Resort, Iwate: http://goo.gl/82llaV ► Award Winning Hotel, Iwate: http://goo.gl/rRndEI ► Kakunodate, Akita: http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3601.html ► Aoyagi Samurai Manor: http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e3602.htm...
http://www.expedia.com/Dubai-Emirate.d1079.Destination-Travel-Guides Come to Dubai, the ancient City of Gold, for your next vacation. Modernity and antiquity collide in this vibrant city. Shop at the same spice market locals have been visiting for generations, then visit the stores in the Gold Souk, a jewelry-centered traditional marketplace. For a more modern shopping experience, go to the Dubai Mall, home to over 1200 stores, an underwater zoo, and KidZania®, a “city” where children can roleplay various careers. To soak up some of the legendary Dubai sunshine, simply step outside. Take in the view of the city from the observation deck of the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. Continue your Dubai tour by wandering through the exotic buildings and resorts, or visit some of...
In 2014 my best friend and I decided to head out for the trip of a lifetime to live the dream. At first, our objective was to leave 8 months and to go around all of South-America. Because of my university semester, we ended up leaving 4 months and a half; not quite as long as initially planned but we still managed to go all around the continent at a pace where we felt we explored everything we wanted to. Before the trip I bought a GoPro since I love filming and being creative about it. I felt compelled to share my experience and to keep the shots as souvenirs. I also decided to record all spending on excel sheets to keep track and be able to help other travelers out afterwards. We traveled the following countries • Colombia • Ecuador • Peru • Bolivia • Chile • Patagonia • Argentins • Uru...
In our latest travel video we showcase 21 things to do in the capital city of Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada in this top attractions travel guide. Fredericton is a city that offers culture vultures numerous historic buildings and attractions including top notch museums. For the adventure traveler or sports enthusiast extensive bike trails and the St John River offer endless exercise opportunities. This summer we travelled out to Fredericton, New Brunswick to visit family. With a few weeks in town, we decided to make a little video guide to give you a taste of Atlantic Canada. Here's a look at 21 things you can do around the city: GEAR WE USE Olympus OM-D E-M5 II: http://amzn.to/1OchS7t Canon G7X: http://amzn.to/1YdjsYX Olympus 14-150mm II Lens: http://amzn.to/1Y79zeM Rode Video Mic...
► Please Remember to Subscribe! ► https://goo.gl/P5ZUPk ► Follow me on Twitter: https://goo.gl/el5pYm ► Facebook: https://goo.gl/XflDvj --------------------------------------------- 10 Best Places to Visit in Cuba. The largest of the Caribbean islands is Cuba, located less than 160 km (100 miles) from the southernmost point of Florida in the US. Although still closed off to American tourists, Cuba is open to other world travelers eager to explore the rich culture and history of the island. Known for its legendary cigars, American vintage cars, stunning beaches, not to mention a few rum distilleries, Cuba clearly has a lot to offer visitors. When selecting the best places to visit in Cuba, be sure to embrace both the rural and the city experiences. The perfect trip to Cuba will include Hav...
I'm sittin' here thinkin' about you tonight
And all that you mean to me
I used to think I would never fall in love again
I guess I was wrong
When your heart was broken
When your wounded pride was laid to rest, baby
You'll never open your heart to anyone else you said
But you lied, I know you're lyin' tome
You see your mind might be made up, mmm
But your heart has got it's own plans
There's no one to blame for false pride, tellin' lies,
tryin' to hide
From feelin' the pain, I know you don't wanna feel it
There's nowhere to hide when the love is callin' your
name, yeah
From the dark, babe, nowhere to hide, baby
There's nowhere to hide, so let love have it's way
with your heart
When love calls, love calls, love calls your name
It's on my lips
And I wish that you were still here
To take me away with your kiss
And take me away from all this crazy, crazy
'Cause too many words have been spoken, mmm
Too many lies have been told, baby
You'll never do it again you told yourself over and
over and over
You're wrong, dead wrong, babe, yeah
There's nowhere to hide, mmm, when love is callin'
your name
In from the dark, baby, nowhere to run, girl
There's nowhere to hide, yeah, so let love have its
way, girl, with your heart, babe
Love calls, love calls
There's nowhere to hide, yeah, when love calls your
You fall apart, baby
Nowhere to hide, nowhere to run when love is on its
way, girl, to your heart, baby
When love calls, love calls your name, babe
Love's callin' your name, hey, hey
It's callin' out for, callin' out for me, baby
Love's on its way, baby, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
I'm sittin' here thinkin' about you tonight
And how you make me feel
The sweetness of your touch
The softness of your voice, mmm
You make me wanna be a better man, baby
And I wanna thank you for calling me into your life