Saturday, May 6 2017 Al Auja: A Resistance Chronicle On Friday 4/28/2017 hundreds protested against a settler assault a week earlier on shepherds from Al Auja, the Jordan Valley, Palestine, that resulted in five injured solidarity activists. Following is a Taayush activist’s account of the struggle those shepherds undertook. A blog post by Amitai Ben Abba on clownmonkey.

Sunday, April 23 2017 Masked settlers attack Ta’ayush activists in the Jordan Valley A group of masked Israeli settlers attacked over a dozen Ta’ayush activists in the Jordan Valley on Friday morning. The activists were accompanying Palestinian shepherds working near al-Auja, which is near Habaladim, an Israeli outpost. Watch the incident on the +972 website.

Friday, March 31 2017 Hesitant Hope: One Year In The Jordan Valley Bedouin shepherds were forced out of their land last Thursday, but not all hope is lost. Concluding a year of Ta’ayush activity in the Jordan Valley. Read more by Amitai Ben-Abba in colwnmonkey. photo by Amir Bitan.

Wednesday, March 8 2017 March 6, 2017 – Al-Hammeh, Jordan Valley By David Shulman 1. 8:30 AM. Four settlers, more boys than men, block our way as we follow the shepherds up the mountain. One of them is before his army service. They all belong to the new illegal outpost that we’ve watched grow from a few wooden rafters to a fairly substantial set of dwellings, already attached to the water and electricity grids. It was set up where it could do the most damage to the Palestinians of al-Hammeh, cutting off their only route to the grazing grounds outside the […]

Saturday, January 7 2017 7.1.2017 Ta’ayush activity in the Jordan Valley We paid a visit to two Israeli outposts and heard how the settlers and army are threatening the Palestinian communities on a daily basis. With dogs, vehicles driving into the herd, just pick your method. We met a shepherd who insisted she is not afraid and was quite an inspiration.

Sunday, December 11 2016 Palestine: The End of the Bedouins? One way to tell the story of the Middle East as a whole is to describe the endemic struggle between peripatetic nomads and settled peasant farmers—a struggle attested already in ancient Mesopotamian documents. For centuries, all the political regimes of the region have tried, with varying success, to get the Bedouin to come to rest on the land. But in Israel and in the occupied territories we see, alongside this familiar policy, persistent attempts to uproot Bedouin populations who have already settled on the land, sometimes generations ago, and who […]

Monday, November 21 2016 “Fire rubber at him, rip him apart…” By Amir Bitan: Last Thursday I had an unsettling experience. I did not fully grasp what had happened, and even now I’m not sure I fully do. I am certain, though, that I am neither the first or the last to experience such traumatic events firsthand. On Thursday, I joined a few dozens of Palestinians from the nonviolent resistance movement against the occupation in erecting a protest tent just by an Israeli outpost. We were protesting several things, but especially the demolition of homes (32 structures were demolished over the […]

Saturday, November 5 2016 November 3, 2016, al-Hammeh, Umm Zuqa, Ra’s al-Ahmar By David Shulman Three vignettes from the Jordan Valley, after the first rains: 1. We race up to the top of the ridge at Umm Zuqa, turn left past the army base. Suddenly a vast slice of the Jordan Valley opens up beneath us, rows of corrugated grey sandstone, the green winding sliver of the river, the pink hills of Transjordan—surely one of the most breathtaking views in the Middle East. Not by chance, settlers have started building a new (illegal) outpost here. I, too, would be happy to live […]