- published: 29 Jun 2017
- views: 126133
Kate is a feminine given name. It may refer to:
Katherine Elizabeth "Kate" Upton (born June 10, 1992) is an American model and actress, known for her appearances in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. Upton was named Rookie of the Year following her first appearance in 2011 and was the cover model for the 2012 and 2013 issues. She was also the subject of the 100th anniversary Vanity Fair cover. Upton has also appeared in the financially successful films Tower Heist (2011) and The Other Woman (2014).
Upton was born in St. Joseph, Michigan, and raised in Melbourne, Florida. She is the daughter of Shelley (née Davis), a former Texas state tennis champion, and Jeff Upton, a high school athletics director. Her uncle is U.S. Representative Fred Upton (R-MI). Upton's great-grandfather, Frederick Upton, was co-founder of appliance manufacturer and marketer Whirlpool Corporation.
Upton attended Holy Trinity Episcopal Academy. As a young equestrian, she showed at the American Paint Horse Association and competed at a national level. With her horse Roanie Pony, she won three APHA Reserve World Championships — 13 and Under Western Riding, 13 and Under Horsemanship, and 14–18 Western Riding. She was named the 13 and Under Reserve All-Around Champion, giving her a total of four reserve championships (2nd place). In addition, Upton ended up third overall on the APHA youth Top Twenty. With a second horse, Zipped, she won 14–18 Western Riding and was included in the top 5 in 14–18 Horsemanship and 14–18 Western Pleasure in 2009.
Bohemian Nursery Makeover | Breaking Beige | Mr. Kate
Tucker Carlson DESTROYS Kate Law Opponent
Flashpoint: Kate Dalley & Paul McGuire Tonight on Hagmann Report
En exclusiva: Kate Del Castillo señala los motivos que la llevaron a denunciar al gobierno mexicano
I Support Kate's Law, but Not the No Sanctuary for Criminals Act
Tawag ng Tanghalan Kids: Kate Campo | Hulog Ng Langit
(AD)誰說遮瑕與無厚重感不能兼具? KATE零瑕肌密系列粉底實測+心得分享|黃小米Mii
Kate del Castillo denuncia al gobierno mexicano | Ventaneando
Kate Upton- Cat Daddy
Kate: Blonde Beauty
Kate Upton- The Many Talents of Kate Upton
Actors: Robert La Rosa (actor), Michael Natale (actor), Michael Natale (actor), Michael Natale (composer), Michael Natale (producer), Michael Natale (editor), Michael Natale (writer), Michael Natale (director), Michael Natale (writer), Michael Natale (actor), Jae Kim (actor), Michael Derek (actor), Chris Carlucci (composer), Chris Carlucci (actor), Chris Carlucci (actor),
Genres: Comedy, Romance, Short,Actors: Eric Bauza (actor), Sheila Sofian (miscellaneous crew), Mar Elepano (miscellaneous crew), Dustin Painter (composer), Julia Bellows (actor), Tom Kanter (writer), Tom Kanter (writer), Tom Kanter (editor), Adam Williams (actor), David Kanter (actor),
Plot: After Ray, a well-meaning but wimpy man, loses his job as well as his girlfriend, he encounters Blotto, a cat who is the self-proclaimed Cat-God of High Fives. Blotto whisks Ray off to the High Five Realm, where he teaches him the joys of high fives, and in turn, reveals to Ray the true meaning of paying it forward.
Genres: Animation, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Short,Actors: Riley Ceder (actor), Hayden Maxwell (actor), Hayden Maxwell (producer), Mario Castro (editor), Michael Aurelio (actor), Jonathan Jayasinghe (writer), Jonathan Jayasinghe (director), Kate Beecroft (actor), David Alexander (actor),
Genres: Drama, Romance,Actors: Barry Tangert (actor), Paul Oakes (producer), Paul Oakes (actor), Barry Tangert (producer), Barry Tangert (writer), Courtney Shumway (actor), Courtney Shumway (producer), Courtney Shumway (producer), W. Jeff Crawford (editor), Michael Helfrich (actor), W. Jeff Crawford (writer), W. Jeff Crawford (producer), W. Jeff Crawford (writer), W. Jeff Crawford (producer), Robert Haag (writer),
Plot: Vincent tells the story of an assassin working for a mid-level crime boss in a standard urban setting. Vincent decides he doesn't want to work in the business any more, but has one more job to do. The internal conflict and psychology of the character is what this movie mostly focuses on. Designed as a 'long trailer' to secure funding for a feature, Vincent is the first of several characters from a bigger story, to be introduced in the future. This story introduces Vincent to the audience in preparation of the larger film, the feature-length '12 Kisses'.
Genres: Action, Crime, Drama, Short,Actors: Rob McLellan (director), Rob McLellan (editor), Rob McLellan (writer), Robert Toretto (actor), Sven Hornsey (actor), Liz Ridings (producer), Victoria Bailey (actor),
Genres: Crime, Short,Actors: Alex Governatori (writer), Alex Governatori (producer), Alex Governatori (actor), Alex Governatori (editor), Alex Governatori (director), Chrissy Baker (actor), Chrissy Baker (actor), Kevin Ingalls (actor), Kevin Ingalls (miscellaneous crew), Kevin Ingalls (writer), Paul Likos (writer), Esteban Rojas (actor), Paul Likos (actor), Mary Reeves (miscellaneous crew), Mary Reeves (actor),
Genres: Drama, Short,Actors: Brett Sorem (editor), Mithun Bhat (producer), Jasone Urgoitia Urrutia (writer), Jasone Urgoitia Urrutia (director), Chase Leyner (actress), Gean Gaga (composer), Vicente Dominguez Solera (producer), Jeff House (actor), Sophia Rodyakin (actor), Natalia Barzilai (actor), Elene Urrutia txopitea (producer),
Plot: Martha and Chloe tells the story of a mother and a daughter. Martha, the mother, just got divorced six months ago to a very controlling and disapproving man. Chloe is a smart and sweet 10 year old, with very low self-esteem caused by her life with her father and his constant anger and bitterness. The story unfolds as mother and daughter struggle to rebuild their relationship after a divorce that has been hard on both. Martha has battled with alcohol and her tendency of staying passive against a verbally abusive husband.
Genres: Drama, Family, Short,Actors: Mansoor Noor (writer), Mansoor Noor (director), Glenn Bernauer (producer), Sam Jones (actor), Daniella Garcia (actress), Dane Krams (editor), Mary-Caroline Johnson (actor), Christina Atkin (actor),
Genres: Drama, Short,Actors: William S. Gilbert (writer), Arthur Sullivan (composer), Richard Suart (actor), Richard Suart (actor), Richard Suart (actor), Richard Suart (actor), Martin George (actor), Martin George (actor), Louise Crane (actress), Louise Crane (actress), Louise Crane (actress), Louise Crane (actress), Martin George (actor), Ian Belsey (actor), Ian Belsey (actor),
Genres: Music,SUBSCRIBE TO OUR #CREATIVEWEIRDOS FAMILY!: http://bit.ly/mrkateyoutube Thanks to LIK Squared for sponsoring this video!: https://goo.gl/SA2guc Get 50% off anything on LIK Squared with the code MRKATE50! PIN PICTURES OF THIS ROOM!: http://mrkate.com/2017/06/29/bohemian-nursery-makeover/ TWINKLE FORCE PRINT: https://shop.mrkate.com/products/twinkle-twinkle-print DIYS FROM THIS ROOM: DIY TRIANGLE SHELF: http://mrkate.com/2017/06/29/diy-triangle-shelf/ DIY BOHO BABY MOBILE: http://mrkate.com/2017/06/29/diy-boho-baby-mobile/ DIY TEEPEE TENT: http://mrkate.com/2017/06/29/diy-teepee-tent/ LET'S GET SOCIAL: Snapchat: MrKate Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/mrkatedotcom Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mrkatedotcom Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mrkatedotcom Pinterest: http://www.pinterest...
T-SHIRT STORE: https://goo.gl/Qe1POi SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8TC_WUhfIWdVO_5z8MseNA?sub_confirmation=1
Friday June 30, 2017 Tonight on The Hagman Report... 7:00pm EDT Welcome return guest, FOX Radio host of The Kate Dalley Show, Kate Dalley. Kate Dalley is a nationally recognized radio host! She is currently on Fox News Affiliate KZNU and listeners from around the globe listen and stream her daily 3-hour political talk show! She has interviewed Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mike Lee, Mark Steyn (popular fill in host for Rush Limbaugh) Sibel Edmonds, G. Edward Griffin, Syrian Girl, Fox Legal Consultant Victoria Toensing, Fox & Friends Brian Kilmeade, Lew Rockwell, JASON Scientist Freeman Dyson, New York Times Best Selling Authors, Actors, MIT Scientists, World Re-noun Physicians- you name it- over 400 guests last year alone. The topics are diverse and Kate seeks to ...
La actriz denunció al gobierno ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos porque, según ella, han sido violados sus derechos civiles. También dice que no regresará por el momento a México porque no se siente segura. Suscríbete: http://uni.vi/ZSubK Infórmate: http://uni.vi/4mSc8L Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/ZStby Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/ZStfn e Instagram: http://uni.vi/ZSuld Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos. Conducido por Jorge Ramos y María Elena Salinas.
The federal government already has the power without such a second bill: https://archive.fo/Q8wjv Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Styxhexenhammer666 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Styx666Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Styxhexenhammer666Official/ Second video channel on vidme: https://vid.me/Styxhexenhammer666
Luzon contender Kate Campo sings Donna Cruz's "Hulog Ng Langit." Subscribe to ABS-CBN Entertainment channel! - http://bit.ly/ABS-CBNEntertainment Watch the full episodes of It’s Showtime on TFC.TV http://bit.ly/ItsShowtime-TFCTV and on IWANT.TV for Philippine viewers, click: http://bit.ly/SHOWTIME-IWANTv Visit our official website! http://entertainment2.abs-cbn.com/tv/shows/tawagngtanghalan/main http://www.push.com.ph Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ABSCBNnetwork Twitter: https://twitter.com/ABSCBN https://twitter.com/abscbndotcom Instagram: http://instagram.com/abscbnonline
好多人默默敲碗的KATE底妝新品實測來了✋✋✋ 訂閱黃小米Mii► https://goo.gl/nR6eqz 美妝實測&試色播放清單► https://goo.gl/LonZub 上次分享日本戰利品時就有好多人問我這款如何 沒想到台灣這麼快就跟進,也收到了試用邀請(比心) 這次零瑕肌密底妝系列總共出了三個新品:CC飾底霜、粉底液跟粉餅 影片中都會一併介紹,當然粉底也有做全天實測給你們參考噢! 這天實測使用的妝前產品: 霓靜思保濕噴霧+Saborino早安面膜+Bevy.C 妝前保濕乳液+理膚寶水全護清爽防曬液(透明款) PRODUCTS// ✔KATE|零瑕肌密CC飾底霜/25g SPF33 PA++ NT$330 ✔KATE|零瑕肌密粉底液/30ml SPF18 PA++(共六色)NT$500 ✔KATE|零瑕肌密粉餅/9.5g SPF18 PA++(共六色)NT$410 ✔KATE|零瑕肌密粉盒 NT$200 TODAYS// ✔隱形眼鏡|晶碩光學 #湮花棕 ✔上衣|mercci22 ✔腮紅|ADDICTION #14Rose Bar ✔唇膏|蘭蔻 果漾特調氣墊光霧唇露 #270 相關主題影片 ►如何挑選適合自己的刷具? https://youtu.be/ylDgwY9FdIw ►8款開架熱門粉底評比 https://youtu.be/rH3l0KoZ5gA 10部頻道必看影片整理大補帖: http://miihuang.pixnet.net/blog/post/117247496 我的膚質:乾性肌(黑眼圈、膚色不均困擾) ☒中英字幕募集中☒ 如果您希望幫我在這支影片加上字幕,請先寄信到yinghuang711@hotmail.com 告知我您的youtube名稱 會再幫您開放字幕功能並以第一位寄信者為優先 成功加入字幕者,我會送出精美小禮物給你噢!謝...
Jak mi to jde s hubnutím a proč už nebyl žádný report ? VLOGY : https://goo.gl/xZphSd Předchozí video : https://goo.gl/9rSwuZ ♥ MŮJ OSOBNÍ INSTAGRAM : https://goo.gl/vUnppW ♥ MOJE STRÁNKY : http://milujudekuju.cz/ ♥ MOTIVAČNÍ PLAKÁTY : http://milujudekuju.cz/eshop/ COVER - FADED : https://goo.gl/AYOZfM COVER - RUNNING: https://goo.gl/MkWQnT COVER- PILLOWTALK :https://goo.gl/wKaz3x NOVÝ INSTAGRAM VESMÍR VE MNĚ : https://goo.gl/DF22Xv ♥ Hudební covery TADY ♥ : https://goo.gl/2y2QD3 KDE NAJDEŠ MĚ ? ♥ OSOBNÍ INSTAGRAM : https://goo.gl/vUnppW ♥ INSTAGRAM - VESMÍR VE MNĚ : https://goo.gl/DP39xa ♥ FACEBOK PAGE : https://goo.gl/6LTTsD ♥ SNAPCHAT : katerinka_r
Kate del Castillo denuncio al gobierno mexicano con la OEA en Washington, ya que ha sentido que atropellan sus derechos humanos Visita el Sitio Oficial de Ventaneando: http://www.aztecatrece.com/ventaneando Ventaneando, programa de TV Azteca conducido por Pati Chapoy con Daniel Bisogno, Atala Sarmiento, La Choco, Mónica Castañeda y Pedro Sola con lo mejor del mundo del espectáculo. #Ventaneando
Kate Upton demonstrates the "Cat Daddy". directed by Terry Richardson
I photographed Kate in 2008 at the Rivington Hotel in New York City. She came in from Baltimore, with her husband and new boobs, just to shoot with me. I was flattered and happy. Kate had seen me on Playboy TV and wanted to shoot. It was great just to get know her, through video. Kate seems like a sweet country gal, but has more of a fetish side, which allows her to dress up for the "fetish and fantasy ball" in San Francisco, as well as kiss boys and girls on the side. This is the beginning of a long days shoot, where we explored the bright hotel room, bathroom, and balcony. Kate used to be a Baltimore Ravens cheerleader, but don't ask her about it if you see her. She's moved onto greener pastures. In or out of yellow dresses. You can find Kate in my Naked Coast to Coast book on Amazon. ...
starring Kate Upton directed by Terry Richardson
This was the first time the Red Mysterium-X sensor was ever used. The sensor had been finished the previous week and we had to wait another week until Red had updated the software to be able to view the 4.5k elements of the shoot. A still from the red footage was used on the cover - A world first.
Photographer/ Director: Yu Tsai Production: 88 Phases Videographer/ Editor: Sergio Bautista Talent: Kate Upton Music: Revalver
Short animated video for Kate Spade year of Color series. Directed by: Chris Silas Neal Animation: Gareth O'Brien Music: Antfood
Northern Lights by KATE BOY Out on IAMSOUND Records Jan 22nd Buy it on iTunes: http://bit.ly/VV5MSR Listen at Spotify: http://spoti.fi/WTuwqf http://facebook.com/kateboyofficial http://twitter.com/kateboyofficial Produced and directed by KATE BOY Additional animations by Oskar Gullstrand at NAIVE Song mastered by Mazen Murad at Metropolis Management: Sandy Roberton info@worldsend.com info@kateboy.com
SUBSCRIBE TO OUR #CREATIVEWEIRDOS FAMILY!: http://bit.ly/mrkateyoutube Thanks to LIK Squared for sponsoring this video!: https://goo.gl/SA2guc Get 50% off anything on LIK Squared with the code MRKATE50! PIN PICTURES OF THIS ROOM!: http://mrkate.com/2017/06/29/bohemian-nursery-makeover/ TWINKLE FORCE PRINT: https://shop.mrkate.com/products/twinkle-twinkle-print DIYS FROM THIS ROOM: DIY TRIANGLE SHELF: http://mrkate.com/2017/06/29/diy-triangle-shelf/ DIY BOHO BABY MOBILE: http://mrkate.com/2017/06/29/diy-boho-baby-mobile/ DIY TEEPEE TENT: http://mrkate.com/2017/06/29/diy-teepee-tent/ LET'S GET SOCIAL: Snapchat: MrKate Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/mrkatedotcom Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/mrkatedotcom Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/mrkatedotcom Pinterest: http://www.pinterest...
T-SHIRT STORE: https://goo.gl/Qe1POi SUBSCRIBE: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8TC_WUhfIWdVO_5z8MseNA?sub_confirmation=1
Friday June 30, 2017 Tonight on The Hagman Report... 7:00pm EDT Welcome return guest, FOX Radio host of The Kate Dalley Show, Kate Dalley. Kate Dalley is a nationally recognized radio host! She is currently on Fox News Affiliate KZNU and listeners from around the globe listen and stream her daily 3-hour political talk show! She has interviewed Dr. Ben Carson, Senator Rand Paul, Senator Mike Lee, Mark Steyn (popular fill in host for Rush Limbaugh) Sibel Edmonds, G. Edward Griffin, Syrian Girl, Fox Legal Consultant Victoria Toensing, Fox & Friends Brian Kilmeade, Lew Rockwell, JASON Scientist Freeman Dyson, New York Times Best Selling Authors, Actors, MIT Scientists, World Re-noun Physicians- you name it- over 400 guests last year alone. The topics are diverse and Kate seeks to ...
La actriz denunció al gobierno ante la Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos porque, según ella, han sido violados sus derechos civiles. También dice que no regresará por el momento a México porque no se siente segura. Suscríbete: http://uni.vi/ZSubK Infórmate: http://uni.vi/4mSc8L Dale ‘Me Gusta’ en Facebook: http://uni.vi/ZStby Síguenos en Twitter: http://uni.vi/ZStfn e Instagram: http://uni.vi/ZSuld Cada día, la información que afecta e interesa a los hispanos en Estados Unidos. Conducido por Jorge Ramos y María Elena Salinas.
The federal government already has the power without such a second bill: https://archive.fo/Q8wjv Support me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Styxhexenhammer666 Twitter: https://twitter.com/Styx666Official Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Styxhexenhammer666Official/ Second video channel on vidme: https://vid.me/Styxhexenhammer666
Luzon contender Kate Campo sings Donna Cruz's "Hulog Ng Langit." Subscribe to ABS-CBN Entertainment channel! - http://bit.ly/ABS-CBNEntertainment Watch the full episodes of It’s Showtime on TFC.TV http://bit.ly/ItsShowtime-TFCTV and on IWANT.TV for Philippine viewers, click: http://bit.ly/SHOWTIME-IWANTv Visit our official website! http://entertainment2.abs-cbn.com/tv/shows/tawagngtanghalan/main http://www.push.com.ph Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/ABSCBNnetwork Twitter: https://twitter.com/ABSCBN https://twitter.com/abscbndotcom Instagram: http://instagram.com/abscbnonline
好多人默默敲碗的KATE底妝新品實測來了✋✋✋ 訂閱黃小米Mii► https://goo.gl/nR6eqz 美妝實測&試色播放清單► https://goo.gl/LonZub 上次分享日本戰利品時就有好多人問我這款如何 沒想到台灣這麼快就跟進,也收到了試用邀請(比心) 這次零瑕肌密底妝系列總共出了三個新品:CC飾底霜、粉底液跟粉餅 影片中都會一併介紹,當然粉底也有做全天實測給你們參考噢! 這天實測使用的妝前產品: 霓靜思保濕噴霧+Saborino早安面膜+Bevy.C 妝前保濕乳液+理膚寶水全護清爽防曬液(透明款) PRODUCTS// ✔KATE|零瑕肌密CC飾底霜/25g SPF33 PA++ NT$330 ✔KATE|零瑕肌密粉底液/30ml SPF18 PA++(共六色)NT$500 ✔KATE|零瑕肌密粉餅/9.5g SPF18 PA++(共六色)NT$410 ✔KATE|零瑕肌密粉盒 NT$200 TODAYS// ✔隱形眼鏡|晶碩光學 #湮花棕 ✔上衣|mercci22 ✔腮紅|ADDICTION #14Rose Bar ✔唇膏|蘭蔻 果漾特調氣墊光霧唇露 #270 相關主題影片 ►如何挑選適合自己的刷具? https://youtu.be/ylDgwY9FdIw ►8款開架熱門粉底評比 https://youtu.be/rH3l0KoZ5gA 10部頻道必看影片整理大補帖: http://miihuang.pixnet.net/blog/post/117247496 我的膚質:乾性肌(黑眼圈、膚色不均困擾) ☒中英字幕募集中☒ 如果您希望幫我在這支影片加上字幕,請先寄信到yinghuang711@hotmail.com 告知我您的youtube名稱 會再幫您開放字幕功能並以第一位寄信者為優先 成功加入字幕者,我會送出精美小禮物給你噢!謝...
Jak mi to jde s hubnutím a proč už nebyl žádný report ? VLOGY : https://goo.gl/xZphSd Předchozí video : https://goo.gl/9rSwuZ ♥ MŮJ OSOBNÍ INSTAGRAM : https://goo.gl/vUnppW ♥ MOJE STRÁNKY : http://milujudekuju.cz/ ♥ MOTIVAČNÍ PLAKÁTY : http://milujudekuju.cz/eshop/ COVER - FADED : https://goo.gl/AYOZfM COVER - RUNNING: https://goo.gl/MkWQnT COVER- PILLOWTALK :https://goo.gl/wKaz3x NOVÝ INSTAGRAM VESMÍR VE MNĚ : https://goo.gl/DF22Xv ♥ Hudební covery TADY ♥ : https://goo.gl/2y2QD3 KDE NAJDEŠ MĚ ? ♥ OSOBNÍ INSTAGRAM : https://goo.gl/vUnppW ♥ INSTAGRAM - VESMÍR VE MNĚ : https://goo.gl/DP39xa ♥ FACEBOK PAGE : https://goo.gl/6LTTsD ♥ SNAPCHAT : katerinka_r
Kate del Castillo denuncio al gobierno mexicano con la OEA en Washington, ya que ha sentido que atropellan sus derechos humanos Visita el Sitio Oficial de Ventaneando: http://www.aztecatrece.com/ventaneando Ventaneando, programa de TV Azteca conducido por Pati Chapoy con Daniel Bisogno, Atala Sarmiento, La Choco, Mónica Castañeda y Pedro Sola con lo mejor del mundo del espectáculo. #Ventaneando
Kate Upton demonstrates the "Cat Daddy". directed by Terry Richardson
I photographed Kate in 2008 at the Rivington Hotel in New York City. She came in from Baltimore, with her husband and new boobs, just to shoot with me. I was flattered and happy. Kate had seen me on Playboy TV and wanted to shoot. It was great just to get know her, through video. Kate seems like a sweet country gal, but has more of a fetish side, which allows her to dress up for the "fetish and fantasy ball" in San Francisco, as well as kiss boys and girls on the side. This is the beginning of a long days shoot, where we explored the bright hotel room, bathroom, and balcony. Kate used to be a Baltimore Ravens cheerleader, but don't ask her about it if you see her. She's moved onto greener pastures. In or out of yellow dresses. You can find Kate in my Naked Coast to Coast book on Amazon. ...
starring Kate Upton directed by Terry Richardson
This was the first time the Red Mysterium-X sensor was ever used. The sensor had been finished the previous week and we had to wait another week until Red had updated the software to be able to view the 4.5k elements of the shoot. A still from the red footage was used on the cover - A world first.
Photographer/ Director: Yu Tsai Production: 88 Phases Videographer/ Editor: Sergio Bautista Talent: Kate Upton Music: Revalver
Short animated video for Kate Spade year of Color series. Directed by: Chris Silas Neal Animation: Gareth O'Brien Music: Antfood
Northern Lights by KATE BOY Out on IAMSOUND Records Jan 22nd Buy it on iTunes: http://bit.ly/VV5MSR Listen at Spotify: http://spoti.fi/WTuwqf http://facebook.com/kateboyofficial http://twitter.com/kateboyofficial Produced and directed by KATE BOY Additional animations by Oskar Gullstrand at NAIVE Song mastered by Mazen Murad at Metropolis Management: Sandy Roberton info@worldsend.com info@kateboy.com
She plays Wipeout on the drums
The squirrels and the birds come
Gather round to sing the guitar
Oh I...Have you got nothing to say?
When all words fail she speaks
Her mix tape's a masterpiece
Walks through the garden
So the roses can see
Oh I...Have you got nothing to say?
And you can see the daisies in her footsteps
Dandelions, butterflies
I wanna be Kate
Everyday she wears the same thing
I think she smokes pot
She's everything I want
She's everything I'm not
Oh I...Have you got nothing to say?
She never gets wet
She smiles and it's a rainbow
And she speaks
And she breathes
I wanna be Kate
Down by Rosemary and Cameron
She hands out the Bhagavad-Gita
I see her around every couple days
I wanna meet her so I can say...hey Kate
ooh la la la
ooh la la la
ooh la la la la
She never gets wet
She smiles and it's a rainbow
You can see
I wanna wanna wanna be Kate
Na Na Kate