World Congress of Families Project

Our flagship project, the World Congress of Families, has gathered and inspired pro-family leaders from around the globe for two decades.

"The World Congress is doing the most important work in the world, protecting God’s plan for humanity through the most important institution of society," said a prominent leader. One of our major opponents (SIECUS) called the World Congress “arguably the most prominent international meeting of opposition forces” in the world.

Join us for the tenth World Congress of Families in Tbilisi, Georgia, May 15-18th, 2016.

“The West is attacking our Christian culture with atheism, new forms of socialism and sexual radicalism—worse than what we saw during the last 25 years when we were part of the Soviet empire. This is why we need you to come to Tbilisi and work with us.”
Levan Vasadze

World Congress of Families IX

“This Congress fielded some of the world’s leading pro-life and pro-family advocates during four days of strategic networking and inspirational presentations that re-energized the global pro-family movement. It was the best Congress so far and signals a resurgence in the global battle for the defense of the natural family.” Errol Naidoo, South Africa

See entire program or highlights below:

Family Lights the World

Brian Brown: A Time to Move Forward

Cathy Ruse: Defending Marriage and Freedom

Wendy Ulrich: Stages of Marriage

Everett Piper: Remarks at Closing Ceremony

Issues & Insights

Allan C. Carlson
President Emeritus

The Natural Family in an Unnatural World

"It seems clear that the family system of the whole of what we once called Christian Civilization is in crisis. Historically low birth rates, the rapid spread of cohabitation, the legal dismantling of the institution of marriage, the early sexualization of children, and climbing divorce are signs of a fundamental challenge to the life of the home.” Read more

Janice Shaw Crouse
Board Member

The Glue of Marriage that
Holds Society Together

“When dysfunctional behavior and breakdowns in the fabric of society commonly occur because of a deficit of moral guidance, secularist thinkers cling to the false hope that they can fix the absence of personal responsibility and self-control through more and more government intervention and federal control.” Read more

Dallin H. Oaks
Honorary Board Member

Preserving Religious Freedom
(speech to Chapman University
School of Law)

“A few generations ago the idea that religious organizations and religious persons would be unwelcome in the public square would have been unthinkable. Now, such arguments are prominent enough to cause serious concern. It is not difficult to see a conscious strategy to neutralize the influence of religion and churches and religious motivations on any issues that could be characterized as public policy. As noted by John A. Howard of the Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society, the proponents of banishment 'have developed great skills in demonizing those who disagree with them, turning their opponents into objects of fear, hatred and scorn.'" Read more

Luca Volontè
Board Member

European Resistance to Cultural Suicide

“Many centuries ago, St. Columbanus said that there is no fight without a rival, and no crown without a fight. Today as in the past, we carry on this fight with the same simplicity—not only in Europe, but all around the world. We can rejoice in the invitation to join it.” Read more

Tools & Resources


Get involved to help us defend
family, faith and freedom!

Read our acclaimed journal.

A Journal of Public Policy

"The most incisive guide to issues facing the American family today . . . An invaluable resource for anyone wishing to stay on the cutting edge of research on family trends."
-W. Bradford Wilcox

Sign the declaration.

“We declare that the family, a universal community based on the marital union of a man and a woman, is the bedrock of society, the strength of our nations, and the hope of humanity…” Read more

Learn about the natural family.

“Demands the attention of all those who would defend civilization’s most basic institution.”
Albert Mohler, Jr. 

Explore the MARRI database.

Powerful online social science encyclopedia on all matters related to family, marriage, religion, and sexuality. A joint project of MARRI and the World Congress of Families.

Peruse Allan’s latest writings.

“A brilliant history and analysis of the most important building blocks of civilization: marriage and the family.”
J. R. Edwards, Choice

See also Amazon author page and Touchstone articles.

See U.N. family language.

U.N. Negotiating Guide





“A phenomenal store of needed documentation, indexing and cross-referencing of U.N. documents relating to the family…. Invaluable…. a godsend.”  Read more...

Discover how development depends on family.

(click to download)


Our groundbreaking work on the indispensable role of family in sustainable development, introduced by Her Highness Sheikha Moza bint Nasser of Qatar.

Introductory Video