About me

Christian Fuchs

University of Westminster
Director of the Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI)
Director of the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies (WIAS)
University of Westminster
Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies
309 Regent Street
W1B 2UW London
University of Westminster
Communication and Media Reseach Institute
Watford Road, Northwick Park
Middlesex HA1 3TP
Tel +44 (0) 20 7911 5000-69279 (WIAS)
Tel +44 (0) 20 7911 5000-67380 (CAMRI)


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I am professor at the University of Westminster, where I am the Director of the Communication and Media Research Institute (CAMRI) and the Director of the Westminster Institute for Advanced Studies. I am also editor of the open access journal tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society that specializes in publishing articles about critical studies of media & society, the political economy of communication, the political economy of the icInternet and social media, critical information society studies, and critical studies of digital media/the Internet & society. We welcome the submission of articles that fit the journal’s scope. For article updates, you can also follow tripleC’s Facebook page.

I occassionally write in the Huffington Post, Medium.com and have a video channel on Vimeo. You can follow both if you are interested in articles and talks about society, media, culture, politics, the Internet.

From 2015-2017, I am member of the European Sociological Association‘s Executive Board. You can become an ESA member or renew your existing membership here. ESA organises a large bi-annual sociology conference. The 13th European Sociology Conference “(Un)Making Europe: Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities” will take place from August 29-September 1, 2017, in Athens. It has many research networks (RN) that are interested in increasing the number of the members. Each RN organises one parallel panel in the bi-annual conference as well as a mid-term conferences in the years where there is no general ESA conference.

From 2011-2015, I was chair of the European Sociological Association’s Research Network 18 (RN18) – Sociology of Media and Communications Research that organizes an annual conference. I am  member of RN18′s board. You can become a member of ESA and RN18 here. ESA RN18 has a mailing list, to which you can subscribe here . You can also follow ESA RN 18 on Facebook.

I am co-founder of the ICTs and Society-network, an international interdisciplinary network of researchers interested in digital media & society that has various activities. You can subscribe to the ICTs and Society-mailing list here. You can also follow ICTs and Society on Facebook.

From 2012-2016, I was Vice-Chair of the EU COST Action “Dynamics of Virtual Work” (2012-2016) that studied unpaid and paid forms of digital labour.

Research Interests: social theory, critical theory, critique of the political economy of media, communication, information, technology, culture; Internet & society, information society studies, media & society, ICTs & society, social media & society

Vimeo channel
Medium.com blog
Twitter channel
Facebook (If you send me a friend request, then send me a Facebook message in addition and say who you are. It is strange to receive requests from anonymous people not saying hello and not introducing themselves. It is bit like going to a birthday party without knowing the host and not introducing oneself or like taking a seat on a table in a restaurant, where people sit whom you do not know and to whom you do not introducing yourself).

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