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Christian Fuchs
Human, writer, critic, social researcher, Professor @ CAMRI & WIAS, Editor of
2 179
14 391
18 158
Christian Fuchs 3 déc.
Mehr Volksabstimmungen in Österreich? Erinnert sich in diesem Land niemand an deren Geschichte und den 10. April 1938?
Christian Fuchs 1 déc.
Mandy Tröger darüber, was wir aus der in Nordamerika für die deutschsprachige lernen können.
Christian Fuchs 1 déc.
Renatus Schenkel über die Aktualität von Marx für die
Christian Fuchs 1 déc.
Sprecher/innen in Panel 1 der Tagung
Christian Fuchs 1 déc.
Christian Fuchs 1 déc.
Marx'sche Kritik als dual-dialektische Kritik der Realität & Ideologie als Methode & Epistemologie der
Christian Fuchs 1 déc.
über den Kritikbegriff in der KoWi
Christian Fuchs 1 déc.
Konservative KoWi: "Machen's mal was G'scheites - Kabelfernsehen in Kanada z.B. - nicht marxistische KoWi, die is ein Schmarrn"
Christian Fuchs 1 déc.
über den Konservatismus der deutschsprachigen KoWi
Christian Fuchs a Retweeté
Uwe Krüger 1 déc.
es gibt doch einen Stream von der -Tagung heute (die Keynotes v. , , und Mandy Tröger + Respndents) -
Christian Fuchs a Retweeté
EjCS 28 nov.
In this article, asks: "How does Raymond Williams conceive of communication? How can we use his communicative materialism today for understanding digital communication?". Read for free as part of our 20th anniversary issue!
Christian Fuchs a Retweeté
KriKoWi 25 nov.
Mit voller Vorfreude auf die bevorstehende -Gründungstagung am kommenden Donnerstag und Freitag präsentieren wir das aktualisierte Programm zum Download:
Christian Fuchs 25 nov.
The answer might simply be that these books are on loan at the moment. For both there are also electronic versions in the library.
Christian Fuchs 22 nov.
Christian Fuchs 22 nov.
Contemporary and the production of - Talk by Hannu Nieminen (Mon, Nov 27), Registration:
Christian Fuchs a Retweeté
Michelle Amazeen 20 nov.
Key Thinkers in Critical Communication Scholarship now available in paperback from ! Profiles of the late Ed Herman, , Noam Chomsky, , Eileen Meehan, Yuezhi Zhao, Janet Wasko, and more...
Christian Fuchs 20 nov.
New article about ’ communicative materialism in 's 20th anniversary issue. Draft:
Christian Fuchs a Retweeté
WIAS 15 nov.
Registrations are now open for this WIAS Workshop on academic labour in digital capitalism! In collab w. tripleC feat Karen Gregory, Jamie Woodcock and
Christian Fuchs 14 nov.
Sad news: Political economist of the media Edward S. Herman died at the age of 92
Christian Fuchs a Retweeté
Fashion in Film 13 oct.
On fashion, acceleration, communication, instantaneity, nowness, the digital... with :
Christian Fuchs a Retweeté
WIAS 9 nov.
CfP: Karl Marx @ 200: Debating Capitalism & Perspectives for the Future of Radical Theory. Abstract submissions deadline 15 Nov!
Christian Fuchs 8 nov.
Event tomorrow Thursday: Peter Goodwin: The Bolshevik Revolution and Media Studies
Christian Fuchs 8 nov.
Event on Friday: The Legacy of Marxism-Leninism and the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Africa
Christian Fuchs 4 nov.
New text written for 's Public Value-Centre: "Towards the Public Service Internet"
Christian Fuchs 1 nov.
triplec special issue will feature debate between David Harvey & Michael Hardt/Toni Negri. Abstract submission open until Nov 15...
Christian Fuchs 1 nov.
En réponse à @TroxyLondon
's epics R an antidote 2 's culture of brevity. How would a -style social medium/Twitter look like?
Christian Fuchs 31 oct.
- requiems to dying industrial and rural towns -but they as living dead still produce , etc
Christian Fuchs a Retweeté
WIAS 26 oct.
Looking fwd to Hannu Nieminen WIAS talk on Contemporary Media & the Production of Inequality, 27 Nov
Christian Fuchs 24 oct.
Christian Fuchs 24 oct.