- published: 10 Feb 2017
- views: 16274850
Mothers are women who inhabit or perform the role of bearing some relation to their children, who may or may not be their biological offspring. Thus, dependent on the context, women can be considered mothers by virtue of having given birth, by raising their child(ren), supplying their ovum for fertilization, or some combination thereof. Such conditions provide a way of delineating the concept of motherhood, or the state of being a mother. Women who meet the third and first categories usually fall under the terms 'birth mother' or 'biological mother', regardless of whether the individual in question goes on to parent their child. Accordingly, a woman who meets only the second condition may be considered an adoptive mother, and those who meet only the third a surrogacy mother.
The above concepts defining the role of mother are neither exhaustive nor universal, as any definition of 'mother' may differ based on how social, cultural, and religious roles are defined. The parallel conditions and terms for males: those who are (typically biologically) fathers do not, by definition, take up the role of fatherhood. It should also be noted that mother and fatherhood are not limited to those who are or have parented. Women who are pregnant may be referred to as expectant mothers or mothers-to-be, though such applications tend to be less readily applied to (biological) fathers or adoptive parents.
A film, also called a movie, motion picture or photoplay, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, creates the illusion of moving images due to the phi phenomenon. This optical illusion causes the audience to perceive continuous motion between separate objects viewed rapidly in succession. A film is created by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques; by means of CGI and computer animation; or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects. The word "cinema", short for cinematography, is often used to refer to the industry of films and filmmaking or to the art of filmmaking itself. The contemporary definition of cinema is the art of simulating experiences to communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along with other sensory stimulations.
The process of filmmaking is both an art and an industry.
The cinema of Nigeria, often referred to as Nollywood, consists of films produced in Nigeria; its history dates back to as early as the late 19th century and into the colonial era in early 1900s. The history and development of the Nigerian motion picture industry is sometimes generally classified in four main eras: the Colonial era, Golden Age, Video film era and the emerging New Nigerian cinema.
Film as a medium first arrived Nigeria in the late 19th century, in the form of peephole viewing of motion picture devices. These were soon replaced in early 20th century with improved motion picture exhibition devices, with the first set of films screened at the Glover Memorial Hall in Lagos from 12 to 22 August 1903. The earliest feature film made in Nigeria is the 1926's Palaver produced by Geoffrey Barkas; the film was also the first film ever to feature Nigerian actors in a speaking role As at 1954, mobile cinema vans played to atleast 3.5 million people in Nigeria, and films being produced by the Nigerian Film Unit were screened for free at the 44 available cinemas. The first film entirely copyrighted to the Nigerian Film unit is Fincho (1957) by Sam Zebba; which is also the first Nigerian film to be shot in colour.
Nollywood Movies (or Nollywood as it appears on the EPG) is a subscription movie television channel, broadcast in the United Kingdom on the Sky, Virgin media and TalkTalk Plus TV platforms. Each month the channel offers over 30 different new and recently released Nigerian movies, 24-hours-a-day. It is the first such channel in operation in the UK. Films offered are primarily in English, with some subtitled, in genres including drama, comedy, romance, family, thriller, traditional, fantasy and true story films. The channel is funded through subscription and advertising.
As of June 2014, along with several other international channels, Nollywood Movies is available on TalkTalk Plus TV channel 477. The channel is part of the African TV Boost.
Meet My Mother! | Gross Gore | Mum Q n A! (Question And Answer)
My Mum N Husband 2 - 2017 Nollywood Movies | Nigerian Movies
mum n me driving crazzzy road trip
mum n gary
[FANCAM] 150117 VIXX(빅스) N mum Please help meㅠㅠ!! (엔 엄마 & 이홍빈 & 켄) Hong Kong(홍콩) 1st Fan Party
Paté au thon mum n me
Sehabe - Mum (Diss Track)
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Mum n Me - The OBaby Zezu
Mum`n`Dead: Geschwätz
My Mum N Husband 1 - 2017 Nollywood Movies | Nigerian Movies
Mum n Me - The OBaby Xi tandem 3-Wheeler
Mannequin challenge... failed :(. Mum n mates
MUM N BASS (Mother's Day Drum & Bass)
Mum 'n Dead
Battery Operated Ride Cars with Remote Control @Mum n Me
Mum n Dad dec 1991 in my flat
little red megabats flying-fox mum n baby 16082015
mum n dad tribute x
6 FOOTBALL CHALLENGES IN 1 VIDEO My Twitter: http://twitter.com/wroetoshaw My Insta: http://instagram.com/wroetoshaw SDMN Clothing: http://www.sidemenclothing.com/ COMPATRIOTS: Chip: https://youtube.com/TheBurntChipHD Cal: https://youtube.com/Calfreezy Cal: https://youtube.com/Callux Vik: https://youtube.com/Vikkstar123 How I record my gameplays: http://e.lga.to/wroe Subscribe: https://youtube.com/Sub
The song used in the background is - "The best of NoCopyRightSounds - Dubstep [Mix]" Thanks for being so polite to my mum on the comments! If you enjoyed videos like this then go ahead and give this video a "LIKE" and I will make more of these as I really do enjoy doing them! Love you all guys, see you soon! I stream league of legends & play music on twitch, go follow me summoner! - ^^ http://www.twitch.tv/grossie_gore WANT TO TRY LEAGUE FOR FREE & possibly play with me?! CLICK HERE & Sign up today! - http://signup.leagueoflegends.com/?ref=500c5244de249609068978 I play on North America as - Gross Gore (Summoner name) Rachaels Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/themissnewzealand GROSS GORE On Twitter - http://www.twitter.com/GrossieGore Gross Gore On Facebook - http://www.Faceboo...
Part 1 here https://youtu.be/2bqW3q6s9Fg This is a Nigerian Nollywood Movie. Nkem(Collins Ejike) and Shan George are lovers,they can't do without each other which made them to take an oat.when it was time for him to get married she advised him to get a younger lady who can at least give him a child since she's too old to have a child. Things became awkward when he came back home with her daughter as his bride. Watch how it all played out. its a must watch For More Movies from Nollywoodhits, check out some of our playlist ...... Newly Released Movies goo.gl/QUWqIR Top Movies of The Week goo.gl/802hmL Must Watch Movies on Nollywoodhits goo.gl/GQTO1w Regina Daniels Movies (Everyone Loves Her) goo.gl/1c5f0B Mercy Johnson Movies goo.gl/vYK0YU Cha Cha Ike Movies goo.gl/woLK2F Mama G...
mum n me driving crazzzy mother and me going crazy having a laugh in the car. Herbalife.com Check this night vision camera out me n mum are gonna try it for ghost hunting!! https://goo.gl/gmWZKb This Fantastic 4k go pro style action cam is Great for the price please see my other videos. https://goo.gl/ddMqUQ
ha ha
엔엄마도와주세용~ㅋㅋㅋㅋ Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZJtEQBM4haE ---------------------------------------------- ❤My instagram : nata_yau Video by Yau:) 如轉載請留言通知!!! 不准重新上傳~ 謝謝合作;D
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⚑ Kanala Abone Ol: http://goo.gl/MY6UES Organizasyon ve İletişim: +90 507 269 0781 Erhan GÜNDOĞDU ------------ Dijital Müzik Platformları ------------- ► Spotify: https://goo.gl/w3o8sV ► iTunes: https://goo.gl/17fhrz ---------------- Sehabe'yi Takip Edin! ---------------- ⚑ Twitter: https://goo.gl/UvcQev ⚑ Facebook: https://goo.gl/mKGuVA ⚑ Instagram: https://goo.gl/7GFWqC ----------------- Video Klipler ----------------- ❚❚ Sehabe - Ben - https://goo.gl/szDQqW ❚❚ Sehabe - Sen - https://goo.gl/YMw62W ❚❚ Sehabe - Özür Dilerim - https://goo.gl/dBgaVr ❚❚ Sehabe - Özür Dilerim 2 - https://goo.gl/MevoRi ❚❚ Sehabe - Sevgi Diyorlar - https://goo.gl/3Y9XtZ ❚❚ Sehabe - An Bu Andır (Ft. Patron) - https://goo.gl/tTXm5f ❚❚ Sehabe - Zirve Nasıl - https://goo.gl/2nG8xM ❚❚ Sehabe - Kuşlar Uçmayı Unutm...
Part 2 here https://youtu.be/8IUVzOkGe5k This is a Nigerian Nollywood Movie. Nkem(Collins Ejike) and Shan George are lovers,they can't do without each other which made them to take an oat.when it was time for him to get married she advised him to get a younger lady who can at least give him a child since she's too old to have a child. Things became awkward when he came back home with her daughter as his bride. Watch how it all played out. its a must watch For More Movies from Nollywoodhits, check out some of our playlist ...... Newly Released Movies goo.gl/QUWqIR Top Movies of The Week goo.gl/802hmL Must Watch Movies on Nollywoodhits goo.gl/GQTO1w Regina Daniels Movies (Everyone Loves Her) goo.gl/1c5f0B Mercy Johnson Movies goo.gl/vYK0YU Cha Cha Ike Movies goo.gl/woLK2F Mama G...
TOUS LES MARDIS à 12H ET VENDREDIS À 18H Janane poste une nouvelle vidéo, soit dédiée à un influenceur, soit une vidéo pour vous ! Tous les mardis à 12H, Janane poste une nouvelle vidéo #enVRACpourVOUS ! Au programme une expertise, un tuto décalé, des découvertes et beaucoup de fous rires.... N'hésite pas à commenter et à laisser des 🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈 et si tu aimes abonne-toi !!! BIG UP À : MAMA FASHION http://www.mammafashion.com/fr/ FLEURANCE NATURE - Huile d'argan http://www.fleurancenature.fr/huile-d-argan-100-pure.html WELEDA huile de massage vergeture https://www.weleda.fr/product/h/huile-de-massage-vergetures WELEDA huile de massage périnée https://www.weleda.fr/product/h/huile-de-massage-du-perinee WELEDA tisane allaitement https://www.weleda.fr/product/t/tisane-al...
INTENSE HIDE AND SEEK IRL CHALLENGE IN CRAZY EXPENSIVE MANSION!! Morgz VS My MUM in an Extreme Hide N Seek Challenge! This was so CRAZY and AWESOME!! ►► ENTER THE iPhone 7 GIVEAWAY NOW! ►► https://gleam.io/competitions/Gxgrl-morgzs-2-million-subs-iphone-7-giveaway —————————| STAY ACTIVE FOR A FOLLOW |------------------- ►FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MorgzHudson ►FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/morgzyt ►ADD MY SNAPCHAT: MorgzHudson —————————| MERCHANDISE |————————— ► BRAND NEW MERCH: http://www.morgz.co ► BRAND NEW MERCH: http://www.morgz.co ►FOLLOW MY MERCH TWITTER: https://twitter.com/MorgzMerch —————————| OTHER |————————— ►BUSINESS ENQUIRIES: officialmorgangaminghd@gmail.com ►MY GAMING CHAIR UK: https://www.gtomegaracing.com/?tracking=570ec00f63d68 - US...
MP3: http://bit.ly/17rOldq Show your mother how much you care with the gift of Neurofunk-influenced Drum and Bass!
BLOG - http://www.batsrule.info/2015/09/little-red-megabats-flying-fox-mum-n.html Australian Megabats WildLife rescued /\^..^/\ help support and promote bats. please LIKE n SHARE this video /\^..^/\ FB - http://www.facebook.com/BatsRule /\^..^/\ http://feeds.feedburner.com/batsrule http://www.wildliferules-helpsavewildlife.info http://feeds.feedburner.com/wildliferules http://www.plus.google.com/+JamesChadwickbats/posts http://www.instagram.com/batsrule_helpsavewildlife http://www.twitter.com/Bats_Rule http://www.jcaust.tumblr.com http://www.pinterest.com/jcaust http://www.youtube.com/user/jcaustralia /\^..^/\ Bats_Rule! there's a reason why they do... /\^._.^/\ Megabats are very important pollinators and seed disperses of many native plants including Eucalyptus, figs, bush apples (Syzygiu...
Jillian Hall was a loveing mother, wife, sister, daughter and now also a grandma. She died in the morning of 24th november 2003. she a loveing mum to Kelly louise, samantha victora, Andrew and Racael, and grandma to paige leigh. not one moment goes past that we dont thing of what should have been and what isnt. on that day we all lost something very dear to us all, and our hearts are broken with her not hear. jillian was a beautifull person and a wonderfull mother. she loved to cook and was an accountent, she was also a brilliant artist. our dad steven passed away 16 months after mum, he was on holliday in southport, he collapsted and died, we beleive it was of boroken hearted, we are happy in knowing they are together in heaven again xxx
mega memes with mum n squad
After the president’s address to the United Nations General Assembly, Roll Call White House correspondent John T. Bennett scoured the U.S. Senate for reaction from GOP lawmakers. Watch for more from Bennett and what else he’s watching out for this week. Website: http://www.rollcall.com Follow us: http://www.twitter.com/RollCall Like us: http://www.facebook.com/RollCallDC Google+: http://www.google.com/+RollCall Tumblr: http://photos.rollcall.com
Please watch: "INDIAN DAILY LUNCH ROUTINE 2017 | INDIAN MUM DAILY DUTY | SUNDAY VLOG 8 oct 2017 | Toy N Joy" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ka6riq3NpgE -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- In this video I have shared Indian mom dinner routine.I have shared what's an Indian daily dinner routine DAILY INDIAN DINNER ROUTINE 2017 | INDIAN DINNER ROUTINE | INDIAN MUM DINNER ROUTINE music from :http://www.bensound.com/ ❤Thanks for watching our video!❤ If You like the video please subscribe and share. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :::::::::::::::::::::::::: You can see my other video , link given below https://youtu.be/kLigiehf27I ::: INDIAN LUNCH ROUTINE- INDIAN SUNDAY LUNCH ROUTINE-DAILY LUNCH ROUTINE - LUNCH ROUTINE BY Toy N Joy https://you...
Please watch: "14 Kitchen Tips and Tricks| Kitchen Hacks India | Useful Kitchen Tips |Amazing Kitchen Tips in Hindi" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdrm9ZBZrYY -~-~~-~~~-~~-~- Hello friends this video is about My Morning Routine in Hindi 2017 | Indian Busy Mum | Indian Daily Routine | Toy N Joy music from :http://www.bensound.com/ More kitchen tips https://youtu.be/j-vWN2dzTPc ::: USEFUL and IMPORTANT KITCHEN TIPS- KITCHEN TIPS and HACKS - KITCHEN TIPS IN HINDI BY Toy N Joy https://youtu.be/nkXdk7cq-go ::: MOST IMPORTANT TIPS AND TRICKS OF KITCHEN IN HINDI | KITCHEN TIPS | KITCHEN HACKS INDIA | Toy N Joy https://youtu.be/j-vWN2dzTPc ::: USEFUL and IMPORTANT KITCHEN TIPS- KITCHEN TIPS and HACKS - KITCHEN TIPS IN HINDI BY Toy N Joy MY OTHER VIDEOS LINK KITCHEN AND ORGANISATION AND C...
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I heard so much good things about this movie, it definitely exceeded my expectations. Girls trip is a must watch ladies Follow our social media Our instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marvandnikky/?hl=en Nevaeh's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mizz_divaa0607/?hl=en Nevaeh's youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfD42TB5VNA1HqO0Prmg_mA Nikky's snapchat: Shorty_niks Marv's snapchat: M4ry For business queries please contact us via email M1nn1emouse@msn.com
Annyeong-haseyo! ♡ ••• Inês is back with a reaction video and a blurry one as well! Please enjoy N.Flyings new song „The Real“! ••• 🎥 Canon EOS 700D 🎬 iMovie 🎶 NONE OF THE CLIPS IN THE VIDEO BELONG TO ME! ••• TWITTER: https://twitter.com/itsinesok FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/itsinesok/ TUMBLR: http://itsinesok.tumblr.com/ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/ines_unnie WATTPAD: http://www.wattpad.com/user/snowflakesonmylaptop
This is a walkthrough/gameplay for the Meet and Fuck Game on how to answer all questions well and say the right thing in order to achieve the best ending for your character Brand and his friends are spending Halloween at the scariest house in town. Said to be haunted by the Whorewitch sisters, it's said that every 25 years, they come back to worship their master, Satan! Though they've been coming every year without any sightings of the sisters, the boys are sure this year will be the one! Get all the latest video game walkthroughs here - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWoP2nupAlV23mcIJnqzmAA?sub_confirmation=1 All Meet & Fuck Games Walkthrough - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLEelVSi1saIa29iSkQlgNyolthFaNY5wy Download Free Stuff Online - http://sh.st/SHGXy Click here to earn 10...
01/11/2016. ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ 🐾 BLOG http://www.batsrule.info/2016/11/rehab-mum-n-baby-in-care-megabat-black.html Australian WildLife rescued. /\^..^/\ 👉 http://www.facebook.com/BatsRule 🐾 BLOG http://www.wildliferules-helpsavewildlife.info 👉 http://www.plus.google.com/+JamesChadwickbats/posts 👉 http://www.instagram.com/batsrule_helpsavewildlife 👉 http://www.twitter.com/Bats_Rule 👉 http://www.jcaust.tumblr.com 👉 http://www.pinterest.com/jcaust 🐾 BatsRule! there's a reason why they do...
Part 1 here https://youtu.be/2bqW3q6s9Fg This is a Nigerian Nollywood Movie. Nkem(Collins Ejike) and Shan George are lovers,they can't do without each other which made them to take an oat.when it was time for him to get married she advised him to get a younger lady who can at least give him a child since she's too old to have a child. Things became awkward when he came back home with her daughter as his bride. Watch how it all played out. its a must watch For More Movies from Nollywoodhits, check out some of our playlist ...... Newly Released Movies goo.gl/QUWqIR Top Movies of The Week goo.gl/802hmL Must Watch Movies on Nollywoodhits goo.gl/GQTO1w Regina Daniels Movies (Everyone Loves Her) goo.gl/1c5f0B Mercy Johnson Movies goo.gl/vYK0YU Cha Cha Ike Movies goo.gl/woLK2F Mama G...
Part 2 here https://youtu.be/8IUVzOkGe5k This is a Nigerian Nollywood Movie. Nkem(Collins Ejike) and Shan George are lovers,they can't do without each other which made them to take an oat.when it was time for him to get married she advised him to get a younger lady who can at least give him a child since she's too old to have a child. Things became awkward when he came back home with her daughter as his bride. Watch how it all played out. its a must watch For More Movies from Nollywoodhits, check out some of our playlist ...... Newly Released Movies goo.gl/QUWqIR Top Movies of The Week goo.gl/802hmL Must Watch Movies on Nollywoodhits goo.gl/GQTO1w Regina Daniels Movies (Everyone Loves Her) goo.gl/1c5f0B Mercy Johnson Movies goo.gl/vYK0YU Cha Cha Ike Movies goo.gl/woLK2F Mama G...
A group of eight 18 to 20-year-olds who have been waited on hand and foot all their whole lives are thrust into the adult world of responsibility. They must live together in a house and fend for themselves, live on a basic weekly budget and take part in tough work challenges. Their parents watch exactly what their kids have been up to, and the one they judge the most useless is sent packing. Ultimately only one will win the prize of a round-the-world trip, as well as earning their parents' pride. With just seven of the group remaining, Ryan faces his worst nightmare when the work-shy bunch are given the gruesome job of a night shift at a fish market. The experience of life without his parents proves too much for Enzo and war breaks out over a cleaning rota.
Taking my mum to Venice for her 60th birthday BLOG: http://ejstyle.co.uk INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/emmahill/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/Ems_EJSTYLE Sorry I don't use Snapchat but you can catch daily snippets of my life and style over on Instagram Stories Watch my Venice Shopping Haul here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HXiODpyI2VY ______________________________________________________ ALL THE LINKS OUTFIT 1(Pick mum up from the airport) Mustard coat: http://rstyle.me/~a0fGd T-shirt: http://rstyle.me/~9X6x2 Short Necklace: http://rstyle.me/n/ch2afhwdg6 Long Necklace: http://rstyle.me/n/ch2acvwdg6 Round Sunglasses: http://rstyle.me/n/cj9rkmwdg6 OUTFIT 2 (Airport) Leather Jacket: http://fave.co/2t3I7I0 Stripe t-shirt: http://rstyle.me/n/ce579mwdg6 Linen Trousers: http://r...
múm - Finally We Are No One full album uploaded in high quality. Probably my favourite album of all time. múm store : http://www.fat-cat.co.uk/site/artists/mum and https://anost.net/Artists/Mum/ Gyda's solo work: https://anost.net/en/Products/Imago-G... Icelandic Version: www.youtube.com/watch?v=1vN2c9OIVVY "Sleep/Swim" 00:00 "Green Grass of Tunnel" 00:50 "We Have a Map of the Piano" 05:41 "Don't Be Afraid, You Have Just Got Your Eyes Closed" 11:00 "Behind Two Hills,,,,a Swimmingpool" 16:43 "K/Half Noise" 17:51 "Now There's That Fear Again" 26:32 "Faraway Swimmingpool" 30:28 "I Can't Feel My Hand Anymore, It's Alright, Sleep Still" 33:23 "Finally We Are No One" 39:03 "The Land Between Solar Systems" 44:10
Tonia got married to chief and brought her mother into her house and did everything possible to chase Angela from the house. While her mother schemes a plan on how to snatch chief away from her daughter. Mother and daughter begin sleeping with the same man, this caused a great war between them To watch Free Nollywood,Ghallywood African Films And Movies, please subscribe to Nollywood Movie Preview by clicking on this link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdYfz1MYSoWHQrCmu_iEm3Q Please subscribe for the hottest, latest and most exciting free Nigerian Nollywood, Ghallywood, Nigerian movies and Films. We promise to bring you interesting African movies from the best production houses in Nigeria, Ghana and Africa as a whole African Films And Movies gave their best to offer this Free Niger...
STAY FAMTASTIC:) We all missed the restaurant because of our trip to America and now we are back and could not wait to cook some super cool dishes for you all to see,i hope you all enjoyed the video and don't forget to comment below for you best chef Mommy OR Jordon?? My second Rainbow Magic book is OUT NOW! It’s called Tiana the Toy Fairy: The Land of Sweets is OUT NOW! Click the link below if you wish to buy it! http://amzn.to/2pBepVV Toys AndMe Channel Here👇🏾 ▶︎ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6sSkkemzPjmrzS0Y0V_2zw PopJam ▶︎ https://goo.gl/HK43Gx Toys AndMe T Shirts: https://www.noisysauce.com/tiana-toys... Tiana the Toy Fairy:) Amazon store - http://amzn.to/2fkEYrt YOU CAN SEND US MAIL HERE:) Toys And Me PO Box 10496 NOTTINGHAM NG13 8QW MY INSTAGRAM ▶︎ https://instagram.com/...
now available on iTunes / Spotify / amazon / Google Play (android) mp3 download: http://goo.gl/LM5Jy3 New video: Animal sounds at the zoo (from 1,5 years): https://youtu.be/7iW3DfDWsGo Neues Video: Tiergeräusche im Zoo (ab 1,5 Jahren): https://youtu.be/7iW3DfDWsGo ----- Help your baby get to sleep! This video features a relaxed heartbeat with 60 beats per minute and bubbling stream sounds. Most of the white noise clips I found on youtube sounded too artifical, so I decided to build a more realistic one. It works best with your hi-fi system or TV, because most laptop speakers / telephones / tablets don't have enough bass to play the very low heartbeat. Hope it helps! :-) ----- DEUTSCH: Einschalfhilfe dür Babies Ein entspannter Herzschlag mit 60 Schlägen pro Minute und unaufdringliche...
🎯 Download Dave and Ava's App for iOS ► https://goo.gl/6gKEvU and Android ► https://goo.gl/75fcw4 Miss Polly Had a Dolly – little ones will have lots of fun as they play doctor with Dave and Ava Nursery Rhymes! 🎶 Subscribe now for new videos - https://www.youtube.com/DaveAndAva?sub_confirmation=1 🎺 Watch our 70-minute collection of non-stop nursery rhymes at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7T0WvaeGUU If you like this video, share it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnEp_OHeIBo&feature;=youtu.be Miss Polly Had a Dolly is a fun kid`s song. Loads of giggles are guaranteed! Meet non-stop collection of nursery rhymes from Dave and Ava. Go straight to your favorite song by selecting a title below! 00:20 Miss Polly Had a Dolly 03:07 Johny Johny Yes Papa 05:18 ABC song 07:14 Old Ma...
Hi friends:) Gelli Baff Toy Challenge is back with my mum and dad and this was one of best challenges i have done on my channel it was so funny and crazy,my mum was so happy to win and my dad needs a new stool LOL:) STAY FAM TASTIC:) Snowflakes Links:) iTunes - http://apple.co/2fonSd4 Spotify - http://bit.ly/spotifyTTSFK Amazon Music - http://amzn.to/2f8eWuI Tiana the Toy Fairy:) Amazon store - http://amzn.to/2fkEYrt Hi friends, you can send me mail here :) Toys And Me PO Box 10496 NOTTINGHAM NG13 8QW MY INSTAGRAM ▶︎ https://instagram.com/toys_andme/ GOOGLE ▶︎https://plus.google.com/b/10584862616... Toy in other Languages: खिलौने, brinquedos, ของเล่น, اللعب, igračke, đồ chơi, oyuncaklar, leksaker, juguetes, играчке, игрушки, jucării, тоглоом, leker, اسباب بازی, zabawki, 장난감, トイズ, g...
hey les filles, voici un swap avec la belle orientale.mum une femme juste super , exeptionnelle voici la vidéo du swap que je lui ai offert https://youtu.be/Ybzz4KTzpNo n'hésitez pas à vous abonner et à checker sa chaîne. Orientale.mum
Hello loves, so todays video post is quite sensitive. As I said, please be very sensible and considerate once commenting on this subject I hope this is something we can all learn from. Previous Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0yNv42pehg My Pregnancy Loss: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0pMpJEcxXdY My Fat Story: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xkl7bHxT_jY Connect With me: Second (Vlog) Channel: http://bit.ly/chanelshouse Blog: http://www.chanelambrose.co.uk/ Blog Lovin: http://bit.ly/2bj5TrD Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/chanelambrose/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/chanelaambrose Facebook: http://bit.ly/2b8jIr9 Snap Chat: ‘chanelambrose' For Business and Sponsorship enquires please contact me: contactchanelambrose@gmail.com Camera: http://rstyle.me/n/7nptjbqajx Editin...
Download LBB videos https://bamazoo.com/littlebabybum Plush Toys: http://littlebabybum.com/shop/plush-toys/ © El Bebe Productions Limited 00:04 3 Little Kittens 02:21 Animal Sounds 04:41 Mary Had A Little Lamb 06:22 Baa Baa Black Sheep Part 2 07:36 Shapes Song 09:34 Pat A Cake 12:48 ABC Song Balloons 14:41 Hey Diddle Diddle 16:54 Numbers Song 1-10 18:56 ABC Train 20:40 Numbers Song 1-20 22:49 Brush Teeth Song 24:30 Rainbow Colors Song 26:04 ABC Phonics Song 27:31 Rain Rain Go Away 29:29 No Monsters Song 31:58 This Old Man He Played One 34:45 12345 Once I Caught A Fish Alive 36:03 Finger Family (Cat Family) 37:06 Ten In The Bed 39:31 1, 2 Buckle My Shoe 40:35 Humpty Dumpty 42:03 5 Little Monkeys 43:57 Color Train Song 45:45 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star & The Prince 47:48 5 Little Ducks 49:...
So many requests to play this, finally we listened! Big thumbs up if you enjoyed this video with special appearance by MART from Hello Neighbor! :) More Scary Video Games with Jump Scares: 🍕BENDY AND THE INK MACHINE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYqGY_-rT9bNTQeqLiNc9NGRmpVOqWFO7 🍕HELLO NEIGHBOR ALPHA 1, 2, 3, 4 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYqGY_-rT9bMEVGjZ7aPv-joAXUrogWLP 🍕FNAF (Five Nights at Freddy's) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLYqGY_-rT9bM9NHj4fTZcN-oO2swna2tC ================================== Beba Ba Leep Bop Beleeda Bop Pllllhhh! Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1KKE2f1 📺Family Friendly Youtube Gaming Channel, FGTEEV: http://www.youtube.com/fgteev 📺Skylander Boy and Girl Channel: http://www.youtube.com/theskylanderboyandgirl 📺Our Family/Vlog channel, FUNNE...
My name puglover21 I love pugs and I like undertale
Hide and Seek with Jake Mitchell & Family! 😁SUBSCRIBE👉 http://bit.ly/1UFO5ly 👕MERCH ► http://jakemitchell.bigcartel.com ► ► ENTER the PS4 GIVEAWAY HERE ►► https://gleam.io/competitions/BFInN-jake-mitchells-ps4-special-edition-silver-giveaway HIDE AND SEEK IN JAKE MITCHELL'S HOUSE! Jake Mitchell, Eloise Mitchell and they're mum, Sue Mitchell go against each other in the game HIDE AND SEEK! They play it around the house of the MITCHELLS! Who will win? COMMENT BELOW! THE GAMES START NOW!!!! 🔥TURN ON POST NOTIFICATIONS FOR A SHOUTOUT🔥 👕MERCH ► http://jakemitchell.bigcartel.com FOLLOW MY SOCIALS FOR MORE! ✅INSTAGRAM ► https://www.instagram.com/itsjakemitchell ✅TWITTER ►https://twitter.com/JakeJMitchell ✅FACEBOOK ► https://www.facebook.com/TheJakeMitchell ✅SNAPCHAT ► @itsJakeMitchell or...
WATCH IN HD... Thanks to everyone who has sent questions to me, As promised, I’ve sat down and answered as many of them as possible. If you have further questions, don't hesitate to leave them below and I may do another Q&A;? I'd love to hear what you think! ----------------------------------- FAVOURITE NUDE LIPPES: •LIP PENCILS• MAC Cork MAC Stripdown MAC Whirl MAC Spice •LIPSTICKS• MAC Creme D' Nude MAC Honeylove MAC Yash •LIQUID LIPSTICKS• SLEEK Matte Me Birthday suit LIME CRIME Cashmere LIME CRIME Riot ----------------------------------- YOUTUBERS MENTIONED: Grace On Your Dash Ucjn Allysimperial Lydia Dinga Crys-'N’-Makeup Jamie & Nikki ----------------------------------- OTHER VIDEOS: • NUDES n NEUTRALS Lookbook: http://youtu.be/aUU4qxLUOMg • MOTHER & SON TAG: https://youtu....
This is the new sound
We came to get down
Our name is Chromeo
And we are in control
This is the new sound
We came to get down
Our name is Chromeo
And we are in control
Have you ever felt this way?
Felt the need to get away?
Well, I have
When the world is out to get you
And your friends are all against you
And you're sad
So what do you say?
I want to get away
From the problems of the world today
Me and my man on a plane
Fly away to a better place
I want to get away
From the problems of the world today
Me and my man on a plane
Fly away to a better place
I want to
I need to
Fly away when they are out to get you
You want it
You need it
Look inside and you will find that feeling
My heart is made of stone
My soul is made of songs
My girl is on the phone
But I want to be left alone
This is the side of me
You think of irony
I wish you tried to see that I need someone to set me
I want to get away
From the problems of the world today
Me and my man on a plane
Fly away to a better place
This is the new sound
We came to get down
Our name is Chromeo
And we are in control
I want to get away
From the problems of the world today
Me and my man on a plane