workplace activity

Simple sabotage field manual

Simple sabotage manual cover

A manual for sabotage at the workplace, originally published in 1944 by the CIA's predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services for citizens of Nazi-occupied countries. It still has relevance for workers today who wish to sabotage their employers.

Careless: Care work in West London

A friend working in social care wrote down some experiences from the job. Of particular interest given the current debate about care crisis and election pledges.

Recupera el poder. Espacio para respirar, para la amistad y la solidaridad en el trabajo

Para hacer más pasable este amargo trago matutino de los lunes (o de cualquier otro día laborable) os dejamos el siguiente texto que hemos traducido, publicado originalmente por el colectivo londinense Angry Workers of the World en el número 5 de su periódico WorkersWildWest.

Soldering on: report on working in a 3D-printer manufacturing plant in London

The first part of the article looks at the current hype around automation and post-industrialism. The second part looks at the concrete conditions in the west London factory, which largely employs female migrant workers.

Retail chain gangs: workers’ reports from the Sainsbury and Waitrose shop-floor

First-hand workers' reports by supermarket workers on their conditions and the scope for resistance in a time when the retail industry is in a huge state of flux, both in terms of concentration of ownership as well as technological changes such as online shopping and self-check out.

Red cap terror at the moussaka line: West London ready-meal workers' report and leaflet

Workplace report for WorkersWildWest no.5 and leaflet for future distribution. Main challenge will be the migrant status of workers - there have been various police raids in the plant - and the language and contract division.

Take the power back: breathing space, friendliness and solidarity at work

We felt like writing a basic article about workers' solidarity and daily resistance. It addresses the atmosphere we face at work, where the management regime is so rigid that even small collective steps seem like minor revolutions. The article will be published and circulated in our newspaper WorkersWildWest no.5

Fighting Heathrow expansion from within

Invitation to join a workers' intervention at Heathrow airport

An account of the British Film Institute strikes, 2002

Picket line outside the head office

A short personal account of the strikes at the British Film Institute (BFI) in London in 2002.

"I barely survived on Chicago-Lake Liquors wages": an account of a campaign

An account by Juan Conatz of an Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) campaign at a liquor store in Minneapolis during the first half of 2013.