workplace activity

A review: socialist organizing attempts at Pizza Hut

A brief article by John O'Reilly on Socialist Alternative's efforts in fast food organizing.

Together we win: the fight to organise Starbucks

A short 15 minute documentary that chronicles the struggles and victories of the Starbucks Workers Union, from how it formed to members continue to organize.

A moving story

A Moving Story

In the Summer of 2012 the exploited workers of Rabbit Movers autonomously organized our shop and began the fight for control over the conditions of our lives. This is one worker’s account of how it all went down.

Between a rock and a hard place: thoughts on militant workers as reps

Of late, I've been doing a lot of thinking on my role in the workplace. As many who read my blogs regularly will know, I'm a lay rep in the Public and Commercial Services union (PCS). I've long been aware of the conflict between this role and my politics as an anarcho-syndicalist militant, but I'm finding that conflict increasingly harder to overcome. This post is an attempt at evaluating and addressing this.

On worker control (of the staff meeting)

A short blog detailing and analysing a low-level direct action in which I participated in the recent past.

Union maids

Three women union activists tell their fascinating stories of organising in 1930s America, recounting their conflicts with bosses, police as well as their struggles against racism and sexism.

Fire the boss! NEFAC and anarchists in the labour movement

A pamphlet published in early 2011 by the North Eastern Federation of Anarchist Communists (now Common Struggle) detailing their workplace strategy and analysis of previous labor struggles many of their members were directly involved in organizing.

We are all “amigos"

J. Pierce talks about expectations of white workers to accept racism and division in the workplace.

Keeping your job while under fire

An account of attempts to discipline a union organizer.