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Crime and punishment: Tougher parole? Then we need new laws

The doctrine of the separation of powers in Australia divides the institutions of government into three branches: legislative, executive and judicial. The legislature makes the laws, the executive put the laws into operation and the judiciary interprets the laws. (Totalitarian regimes do not have this doctrine.) It is not up to the government to decide who gets parole. Even Malcolm Turnbull should know that. If we want tougher conditions for getting parole, then we need new laws that say so. However, be aware that if we do not have parole at all, then when people get out of prison at the end of their sentence, there will be no controls on where they go and what they do.

Peter Hendrickson, East Melbourne

The role of prisons in rehabilitating crims

The tragic events involving parolees should not result in responses that are likely to put us in more danger. Community safety is enhanced when people are released under parole supervision. The majority of prisoners are eventually released and it is in the community's interest to have them released onto a period of parole rather than no parole/supervision. Do we ever ask, "what did the prison do to lower the risk of an ex-prisoner reoffending?", especially given the enormous cost of prisons to taxpayers and the recurring rehabilitation failure rate. It is time to hold prisons to a higher level of accountability and transparency regarding prisoner rehabilitation.

Claire Seppings, Castlemaine

Cunning parolees hoodwink Parole Board

Thanks, Geoffrey Stewart (Letters, 8/6), for shedding light on the parolee problem. My 40years experience as a criminal lawyer tells me that many parolees use guile and lies, and they totally misrepresent their intentions to obtain parole. Often they succeed in hoodwinking the Parole Board. Shame on Malcolm Turnbull and Matthew Guy for overlooking the true problem and making political capital out of it.

Peter Cash, Wendouree


Rehabilitating the most dangerous suspects

Malcolm Turnbull and Matthew Guy would like us to think the parole system is failing is. Are they suggesting that we keep a dangerous suspect in jail for life, or that he would have behaved any differently at the end of his prison sentence if he had not been let out early? We have yet to hear any comment on how "dangerous suspects" are to be rehabilitated. Obviously it is harder to get political mileage out of this.

Ron Slamowicz, Caulfield North

It's time we put the rights of victims first

Perhaps governments should not worry so much about sentences and parole. Locking up thugs and religious maniacs with like-minded individuals, a gymnasium, a television and smuggled drugs is not working, surprisingly. Giving violent criminals one year, or five years, off their sentences will likely make not the slightest difference, except they will have had extra years in the company of like-minded fools and they will have built up large muscles for when they get out. Try a prison where criminals associate only with those tasked with training them in job skills and civilised behaviour. Where there is no gym, or protein supplements. Where the only books are educational or classical, not porn. Where prison administrators' pay and bonuses are cut when drugs are found. Where sentences are extended unless, and until, behaviour is modified satisfactorily. If that offends against their "rights", too bad. What about the rights of their victims? It is time to change.

John Patrick, Wangaratta


The battle to survive

Who has benefited from this "continuous economic growth" so proudly spoken about by the government? Ask university students whose fees have gone up and whose rates for part-time work (if they can find it) are being reduced. Ask young people who can only find casual jobs. Ask employees whose jobs are under threat of redundancy, whose rates of pay have been "steady" for years and who dare not complain for fear of losing their jobs. And ask the many unemployed whose level of support from the government is minimal and who are accused of "bludging". Economic growth sounds great in theory – but not when it only benefits those at the top.

Gillian Senior, Camperdown

Few jobs, little growth

So the "born to rule" big boys with their much lauded claims of superior economic management skills have failed their midyear exams. They should be expelled. The facts are a record current account deficit, more government borrowings to keep afloat and contracting 0.3per cent growth – which, combined, puts all the budget funding projections and return to surplus in serious doubt. Add to that the ignominy of increased company profits but no "trickle down" to increase employees' wages, which is a failure of the basic strategy of the budget. So much for jobs and growth.

Rob Rogers, Warrandyte

Show kids a fair go

I read with interest Duncan Fine's thoughts on smacking / violence towards children (Comment, 8/6), and how often we excuse this as "teaching them a lesson". It is counter-intuitive to expect that any abuse, verbal or physical, will educate anyone about how to be a decent individual. Raising children to be mentally strong, kind and well-centred means treating them as fairly as possible. When they misbehave, surely carers should try to use every ounce of strength in a positive way – listening to the reasons behind their misbehaviour and explaining more resourceful, encouraging ways to deal with negative emotions. In today's fast-paced society patience seems to be spread thin. We need to remember to treat each other kindly above all else.

Stephanie Ashworth, Pascoe Vale South

Continue Foster's fight

Now that Anthony Foster, an advocate for child sex abuse victims, has been laid to rest (The Age, 8/6), it is vital that what he started so bravely continues. The churches and all other institutions that care for our children have to ensure that terrible abuses never happen again. Victims have to be put first and perpetrators never again protected

Joe Garra, Werribee South

Tribute to a great man

I woke yesterday morning looking forward to seeing a hero on the front page. It would have almost made up for the previous day's image of the Brighton siege. But The Age thought that page 10 was the right place to celebrate the life of Anthony Foster. In dark times surely celebrating his life and his contributions could be an inspiration for more goodness. We lead by example, and none more dignified and determined than his.

Julie Blackwood, Chelsea

Adani mine shameful

After 35 years in the mining industry in five countries, I could not be described as a greenie tree hugger but I can say that Australia does not need the Adani mine. There are more than enough existing and in-the-pipeline operations to supply coal until the inevitable decline in coal use. To allow this project to go ahead will provide a little short-term job activity. In the long term, the risks already identified will cause those who allow this project to be realised to look back in shame.

Peter Wanless, Anglesea

Climate of hypocrisy

How hypocritical are Australians? We condemn Donald Trump's withdrawal from the Paris climate accord, while simultaneously considering subsidising the Adani coal mine project to the tune of a billion dollars.

Greg Allen, Cockatoo

Widow decision cruel

The government has refused to allow the widow of Asghar Ali, a Hazara refugee from Pakistan, to come to Australia for his funeral (The Age, 5/6). He died on April 16 and his body has lain in a morgue ever since.

The reason given was that she might find Australia more attractive than Pakistan and wish to stay. Firstly, given that she has three children in Pakistan, how likely is that? Secondly, so what? Obviously Immigration Minister Peter Dutton is so concerned that Mrs Ali's presence would be a threat that she cannot be allowed to see to her husband's funeral arrangements. His cruelty index has just moved up one more notch.

Barbara Zion, Hawthorn

Support fine farmers

Why on earth are we importing berries from China ("Recalled berries came from same batch", 8/6)? We should be supporting local farmers, whose quality assurance is more stringent than in China. Also, from an environmental perspective, it is important to reduce food miles rather than transporting food across the globe that can easily be grown here. Go to your local market. Refuse to buy berries that are not grown, as well as, packed in Australia.

Pauline Hopkins, Beaconsfield

Tolerate Bolt thunder

You know that we still have a reasonable level of free speech when someone like me, who disapproves of almost all of Andrew Bolt's opinions, is prepared to say he has been poorly treated ("New footage reveals sheer violence of Andrew Bolt attack outside Melbourne restaurant", 8/6). Talking, arguing and debating might not get you everything you want, but adolescent pranks will achieve nothing. Only when we articulate the reason for a view or the reason behind the rejection of a view will we make any progress.

Tony Long, Glen Iris

Teacher mentors rare

Thank you for highlighting this serious problem ("Why teachers are quitting", 7/6). I taught maths and science for 13 years here and in Africa, and another 13 years in teacher training here and in the United States.

The preparation we provide for beginning teachers is just that – it is just the start in the long process of becoming a skilled teacher. The really serious learning takes place once they leave university and actually take on the responsibility of a teacher. This requires mentoring and collaboration, which is rarely provided. If it were, the loss of teachers could be cut in half. More importantly, the pupils in our schools would have much better teachers and we would stop sliding down the PISA ladder.

Peter Fleming, Berwick

Stop terror promotion

Bravo, John Silvester, for correctly labelling the Brighton gunman as a criminal (The Age, 7/6). It is time to abolish the word "terrorist" as it gives common criminals, worldwide, some status. Were Hitler's buddies called terrorists? No they were tried in courts as criminals. Of course, one way to control a population is by fear. Is this the intent of politicians and some irresponsible media?

Iris Owen, East Geelong

Dangerous stereotypes

When random acts of terror were conducted in England and Ireland, people did not claim that all Christians were evil, or suggest that all Catholics be banned. Can't we see it is the same with Islamic State now? Why are people blaming all Muslims or wanting to ban Islam? Stop and think.

Gaell Hildebrand, Cohuna

Running advice sound

The London Police's advice to its citizens to run and hide when confronted by a few murderous madmen wielding 30-centimetre knives seems perfectly sound to me. If John Quinn (Letters 6/6) thinks this is all a bit weak-kneed – albeit from the safety of Avoca – he should get over there, don his Superman cape and sort out those bad hombres.

Richard Aspland, Rosanna

Fair's fair, Chevron

The court dispute between the Australian Taxation Office and the Australian subsidiary of American resources company Chevron (The Age, 8/6) centres on the interest rate charged by Chevron's parent for loans to the subsidiary. The ATO is arguing that the rate is excessive, which reduces Chevron's tax liability in Australia.

In these cases, interest is charged if there is any outstanding tax and penalty owing after the dispute is resolved. The interest is calculated from the time the tax should have been originally paid. If Chevron is found to be liable for back taxes and penalty, may I suggest that it be charged the same interest rate it has been paying its parent company. After all, it is arguing the interest rate paid to its parent is a fair one.

Paul Harkin, Bentleigh

Destroying Melbourne

I recently walked down Lonsdale Street in the CBD. What was once the historic Princess Mary Club was a pile of rubble. How tragic. Is there any other city in the world as desperate as Melbourne to erase all trace of its past and destroy any building of merit or charm?

Michael Challinger, Nunawading



Andrew Robb, the results are in. Old white men in suits/MPs with snouts in troughs:1. Taxpayers:0.

Damon Ross, St Kilda East

Trump: making China great again.

Tony Andreatta, Kew

One small tweet from a man and a giant leap backwards for mankind.

Jenny Smithers, Ashburton

Has the West now realised that the Chinese defy rules with impunity?

Peter McNamara, Canterbury

Terrorist attacks

Shame on Turnbull for playing politics on an issue which demands unity and bipartisanship.

Peter Bennett, Clifton Hill

Saudi Arabia accuses Qatar of sponsoring terrorism. Pot, kettle, black.

Jack Morris, Kennington

The media should give no visual prominence to killers/terrorists.

Peter Featherston, Newington

You reap what you sow. The underlying cause of terrorism is accurately and brilliantly conveyed in Leunig's cartoon (7/6).

Leigh Ackland, Deepdene

TheAge leads the way in bad taste: Leunig with his appalling "cartoon" and the editor for deeming it acceptable to publish such vitriol.

Robin Nettleton, Richmond


Lacey-Jade Christie, I'm a grumpy old man but your article (7/6) brought a tear to my eye. May God bless all you wonderful nurses.

Walter Valles, Clayton South

Good sentiments, Patrick Walsh (7/6), about not delivering The Age in plastic, but would you be happy to read a rain-sodden newspaper?

Ailene Strudwick, Mornington

In Boroondara, we can recycle TheAge's plastic wraps.

Jenny Callaghan, Hawthorn

Development without the red tape is like wheels without brakes.

Hylton Reid, Glen Waverley