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UK elections, Trump, Paris: Chaos in democratic world as generation gap widens

The democratic world's determined campaign to render itself ungovernable continued apace on Friday.

British Prime Minister Theresa May's plan to triple-reinforce her parliamentary majority with a quickie election in which she wiped the floor with the (admittedly quite absorbent) Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn somehow translated into a multi-directional fiasco of the first order, one of whose potential outcomes became – unbelievably, as the results emerged – a minority government led by Boris Johnson and a bunch of Northern Ireland unionists.

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May: Conservatives will work with DUP

After the Conservatives failed to win a majority, Prime Minister Theresa May says she can rely on the support of the Democratic Unionist Party. Reuters

The result is so all-over-the-place that the Australian Senate could probably initiate an intellectual property lawsuit.

Meanwhile, in the United States, brand-new President Donald Trump was weirdly becalmed, his administration under investigation for Russian footsie and all eyes fixed on his public stint in divorce court with James Comey, the FBI director he sacked.

(Comey's written testimony is, incidentally, a mesmerising literary work and confirms that Comey has joined the growing list of people – various Miss Universe finalists, Mrs Trump, and so on – who have formally requested never to be left alone in a room with the US President.)

America will leave the Paris global agreement on climate change, the President announced amid all this. Britain will probably continue on its path to leave Europe, albeit probably now with a leader barely authorised to butter a crumpet, and Europe itself is so riven with fear it might barely notice.


In the Middle East, Qatar has been blockaded and boycotted by the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Bahrain in part over some reported pro-Iran remarks made by the Qatari emir that since turn out to have been invented and propagated by Russian hackers.

NASA on Thursday reported that it had received 18,300 applications for its most recent astronaut training programme – more than double its previous record field of candidates. The appeal of leaving the globe altogether is understandably very strong right now*.

And indeed – what sense can be made of the world?

I mean, political mayhem is everywhere, yes.

But in the United States it favoured a property tycoon with a string of bankruptcies and golf courses. In the UK, it favoured Jeremy Corbyn, a peacenik and trade union activist whose hobbies are jam-making and taking photographs of drain lids. The only common factor, I believe, is that each is on Wife Number Three, and that's pretty thin gruel for sensible analysis. (Though if that does turn out to be a significant factor, Brendan Nelson's political career might not be as dead as we think it is.)

Amid all the confusion, though, there's one discernible trend I reckon is worth a mention.

And that's the new fault line that runs through these results is age.

Class, which used to be such a reliable predictor of voter intent in Britain, no longer makes a lick of difference; the split between the Conservatives and Labor in the middle class is the same as it is in the working class. Same in the US, where Trump voters were found remarkably evenly over most income groups.

But age – that's where things really get interesting.

I know that orchestrated voter polling is currently ranking somewhere just behind chicken gizzards as a reliable predictor of voter behaviour, but the differentiation in voter intention according to age is nonetheless startling and appears to have been borne out by the result.

According to YouGov, Jeremy Corbyn had an 18 per cent lead among 18-24-year-olds, while among those older than 65, Theresa May's Conservatives led by a margin of 49 per cent.

This reflects the patterns observed in the Brexit referendum vote, where 64 per cent of young voters opted to stay in the European Union, while 58 per cent of the oldest cohort wanted to leave.

It also reflects the US presidential election, where Donald Trump commanded 52 per cent of the over-65s but only 36 per cent of the under-29s.

Now, the orthodox analysis is that in a voluntary voting system, young voters' opinions don't really matter as much as their elders', because the oldies are so much more likely to turn up and actually vote.

But in Britain, all the signs are there of a strong turnout from young voters determined to vote against the May government's increases to university tuition fees and removal of housing benefits for the under 21s.

On the last day for registering to vote, a record 622,398 voters signed up, two-thirds of them aged between 18 and 34.

And of all the possible explanations for the "shock" British election result (lunar cycles, cadmium levels in the Thames, Pippa Middleton being off the singles' market), the most plausible is that a big group of young people got off their arses and voted, changing the outcome of an election that everybody thought was done and dusted.

*I may have borrowed** this joke from NY Magazine's Olivia Nuzzi.


Annabel Crabb is an ABC writer and broadcaster. @annabelcrabb