Straight-shooter Graham Kerr chases value at South32

“One time Marius Klopper described me as a young, arrogant upstart": South32 boss Graham Kerr is determined to chart his ...
“One time Marius Klopper described me as a young, arrogant upstart": South32 boss Graham Kerr is determined to chart his own course at the BHP spin-off. Trevor Collens

The career of Graham Kerr, South32’s chief executive, unfolded almost entirely at the world’s largest miner, BHP. He gleaned self-confidence and curiosity from his former bosses.

BHP chief executive Andrew Mackenzie taught Kerr how to manage “the more exuberant side” of his personality, while Mackenzie’s predecessor Marius Kloppers was an exemplar of “pure intellect and focus”, says Kerr.

But well before taking the helm of South32, Kerr realised that he needed a radically different approach to leading the business that was initially nicknamed “Crap Co” by analysts when the demerger was announced.

“The person I probably enjoyed working for the most in my whole career, and who challenged me the most, was Marius,” Kerr says. “But many of the things we are trying to do are quite different to what he was doing in BHP Billiton. I see absolute benefits of what he was doing for them, but for us, it is never going to work.”

South32 needs to be more nimble and innovative, says CEO Graham Kerr.
South32 needs to be more nimble and innovative, says CEO Graham Kerr. Trevor Collens

One of Kloppers’ legacies at BHP was the introduction of the 1SAP group operating system, which runs standardised work practices across the company. Adopting 1SAP for South32 is one of the few regrets Kerr has for the two years since the diversified miner listed in May 2015.

Make the leap

The system, still operating at BHP, was designed for a big company that wanted all of its mines to be operated in the same way. At South32, Kerr says, it prevents the company from being more productive and in touch with its employees, and is being phased out. “It’s just not driving productivity and it is not going to make the leap we need to be successful.”

The statement neatly encapsulates his view of South32’s challenge: it’s a start-up with the DNA of a behemoth. He needed to inject swift structural and cultural change to make it sing.

The first step was cutting some of its BHP strings. Kerr vowed to sell all of his shares in BHP within six months of starting as South32’s chief, “no matter the share price, just to break the connection and not follow it any more”.

Shaking the ingrained behaviour of the employees and contractors South32 inherited from BHP has not been easy, says Kerr ...
Shaking the ingrained behaviour of the employees and contractors South32 inherited from BHP has not been easy, says Kerr (far right) with (from left) South32 chairman David Crawford, BHP Billiton chair Jacques Nasser and CEO Andrew Mackenzie. Philip Gostelow

His management team, led by chief financial officer Brendan Harris and chief operating-turned-technology officer Ricus Grimbeek, directed a razor-sharp focus to trimming fat from South32’s new portfolio – a collection of BHP’s unloved aluminium, manganese, base metals and coal assets.

They knew South32 needed to be leaner, more agile and more in touch with the communities in which it operated to get the most out of its assets. But shaking off the ingrained behaviour of the 27,000 employees and contractors it inherited from BHP was not easy, and in its first six months as a listed company South32’s heritage loomed large in the discussions held across its operations and in its Perth headquarters.

The phrase, “Well, this is what we used to do at BHP”, was uttered all too often in the company’s first few months, Kerr says.

Changing the culture was a key prong of South32’s early strategy, which also included paying off what little debt BHP had gifted it and slashing costs, largely by cutting worker numbers. Developing a new culture while reducing the workforce by 15 per cent was a challenge. However, the company’s first 12 months coinciding with a sharp downturn in commodity prices strangely made it easier, says Kerr. “It made the message to our people a little simpler, because they recognised across the industry that companies were struggling.”

Kerr (left) and South32 chairman David Crawford ring the bell as the miner makes its debut on the ASX.
Kerr (left) and South32 chairman David Crawford ring the bell as the miner makes its debut on the ASX. Philip Gostelow

Nimble company emerges

As South32 marks its second anniversary, Kerr says he is proud of the more nimble company emerging from a dogged focus on change.

“With Andrew [Mackenzie], I pitched the demerger to the board, I ran the demerger under my old portfolio, did most of the frontline engagements, particularly with the governments. As soon as we started this I always wanted to be CEO of South32.”

The potential for greater flexibility at a smaller company more able to “move the needle” appealed to Kerr. And while he argues significant cultural shifts normally take about five years to permeate, he reckons that despite his history at BHP his own attitudes have been easy to retrain.

“One time Marius described me as a young, arrogant upstart. So to some degree maybe I always thought a little bit differently [at BHP],” he says, cracking a wide smile.

Kerr seems far from arrogant when he meets BOSS in the miner’s Perth tower, which punctuates the flat skyline of his home town alongside the likes of BHP and Rio Tinto. The 45-year-old father of four pushes the back of his chair into a deep recline and kicks one foot to rest on the other knee as he chats away in a familiar and frank manner, pulling out his phone to share photos of his family’s 95kg St Bernard dog sitting in the back of his ute.

Personality flow

Understanding Kerr is important in understanding South32. As Joanne Warner, head of global resources at one of the company’s shareholders, Colonial First State Global Asset Management, puts it, some of Kerr’s personality seems to “flow all the way through the company”.

Kerr and his wife Nicole participate in the Cancer Council’s Relay for Life every year, in memory of Nicole’s sister ...
Kerr and his wife Nicole participate in the Cancer Council’s Relay for Life every year, in memory of Nicole’s sister Melissa Renouf.

“He doesn’t have the hubris of a CEO,” Warner says. “He is there to do a job and he does it well. He is smart enough to have surrounded himself with really good people, and I think he lets them get on with it.

“He was the right man for the role without a doubt … he is refreshing in that he is transparent and quite direct, but I think also quite well-liked and regarded within the industry as a straight shooter.”

Kerr grew up in Coolbellup in Perth’s southern suburbs, one street away from his wife Nicole. They have been together since they were teenagers.

A keen footballer and avid Fremantle Dockers fan, Kerr says he still gets in a bit of kayaking and jogging but most of his exposure to sport comes from his children’s matches – he has two boys and two girls aged between 10 and 18.

The family travelled the world with BHP – from the Cannington mine in north-west Queensland and the Ekati diamond mine in Canada on the edge of the Arctic Circle, to London and Vancouver.

“I enjoyed working at places like Cannington and Ekati where you were, if you like, not part of the big machine,” Kerr says. “What I probably enjoyed less was working in the corporate environment and working, like I had a number of times, in iron ore, because it is such a big beast.”

Kerr says the family would have been happy to remain in Vancouver had tragedy not struck in 2011. Nicole’s twin sister Melissa had been battling breast cancer and it suddenly took a turn for the worse. The family returned to Perth to support Melissa, her husband and their four children. The fact the families are so close made Melissa’s death in 2013 an even fiercer blow.

“We made the decision then that family comes before work,” Kerr says. “It certainly impacts the way we think about things … it puts everything in perspective. In the end, work is only work and whether you look at Marius or Chip Goodyear or Jimmy [Wilson], who was running iron ore, you are in there one day, gone the next. But your family is there for ever.”

A different culture

Kerr became BHP’s CFO in 2011, a job he held until putting his hand up to run the demerger and subsequently lead South32.

“The why for me is relatively simple – BHP Billiton is a great company but it is incredibly large. It’s very hard to move the dial, it’s very hard to touch everyone and feel everyone.

“With South32 you can build a different kind of culture. You can actually build a business that grows and develops … we honestly thought we could start a company that could make a difference from the ground up from day one.

“My 18-year-old thought that was very corny. But I fundamentally believed there was an opportunity to do something completely different. To do that we couldn’t copy what BHP does today or did at the time to be successful. We had to be different.”

South32’s $14 billion market capitalisation is about a tenth of the size of BHP’s. It has a management team of six compared to BHP’s 10, and as of June 2016 had about half as many employees as BHP.

BHP employees often dub the company “the machine” for its layers of process and hierarchy; South32 needs to be less formal and more frugal. South32’s strategy is based around the disciplined management of its balance sheet and growth ambitions.

Kerr expressed early in the company’s life that it wanted to be able to “crawl before it walked”, and management has consistently repeated South32’s mandate of pursuing growth only to create value, rather than to simply increase production volumes.

The approach seems to be working. After a sharp rout in commodity prices pushed South32’s share price to a low of 89¢ in January 2016, it has climbed back to settle about 30 per cent above its $2.05 per share listing price.

‘Crap Co’ a tough customer

Costs were ruthlessly stripped out of the business early, pushing South32 to a maiden net profit of $US620 million ($A834 million) in the first half of the 2017 financial year, giving investors confidence that its “Crap Co” assets could perform in even the toughest conditions.

By comparison, shares in BHP have declined and Rio shares are relatively flat on two years ago, despite both companies driving costs down and recording a profit in February.

South32’s edge in the market has been its balance sheet. The $US674 million net debt position it had been gifted was gradually reduced to deliver South32 one of the strongest balance sheets in the industry, with a net cash position of $US1.5 billion ($2 billion) as of March 31.

South32 sat on the sidelines of the mergers and acquisition arena until November, when it announced a $US200 million deal to acquire the Metropolitan coal mine in Helensburgh, NSW, from US miner Peabody Energy.

But once it got the sense the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission would demand concessions for local steelmakers that eroded the deal’s value proposition, South32 pulled out.

“In other companies you feel like you have to save face by getting the deal done,” he says. We are not going to do that.”

While Kerr has announced smaller exploration-focused investments, it is yet to seal a big deal.

Small company advantage

Management’s goal, Kerr says, is to prove to investors that South32 can responsibly allocate capital and resources. It paid its first dividend in August and announced a $US500 million buyback in March. “In the end we exist to create value for our shareholders and how you do that is important to understand,” says Kerr.

“If you look over the past 14 or 15 years we have probably had the biggest mining boom ever, triggered by the urbanisation in China. If you look at most of the mining companies, they haven’t generated strong total shareholder returns; in fact, most of them are probably negative.”

According to Bloomberg, BHP’s total return in the decade since May 2007 is 12.95 per cent and Rio’s is 9.65 per cent, compared to the S&P;/ASX 200 index at 44.87 per cent.

“There are probably two things the industry always got caught up in – they just want to grow volumes, they want to double production. We are not focused on volume, we don’t have to have to be bigger or double in size to attract the right shareholders.

“The second piece is people over-leveraged their balance sheet … I don’t have an ego that tells me we need to go out and buy something.

“You don’t have to be the biggest to be the best. Some of the small companies have clearly outperformed the bigger companies.”

Without fanfare

The production reports South32 provides each quarter are delivered without fanfare and frills. If the miner has a soft quarter of production, as it did in the March quarter due to wet weather and some operational challenges, it is obvious.

The cost and production targets given to the market are the same ones used in the business. “There is no fat built into them; there is no fancy process where we manage two sets of books. We just don’t do that,” Kerr says.

“The reality is we try to take ore out of the ground and convert it into something valuable for our customers – everything else on top of that is a drag or a distraction.

“So when it comes to things like production guidance, investor briefings, conferences, we have a very strong focus on two things – it not being a circus, in terms of being a cast of a thousand people and all the effort that goes into it, and also not putting spin on things.”

Joanne Warner of Colonial First State says shareholders respect South32’s “no surprises mantra”, and its track record in transparency has been impressive compared to its peers.

“They do it particularly well,” she says. “Every time we have a meeting with the company we come away feeling like it was worth the time. They acknowledge what the challenges are and are happy to discuss them with you, as well as the opportunities.

“You come away feeling comfortable they are not just considering the best-case outcome, but are thinking about all scenarios and how they might play out.

“That is absolutely essential, especially when you have a portfolio of assets where some are more marginal and you need to be able to know what you can do when circumstances change.”

However, the pressure from some analysts and investors for South32 to make headlines continues, as calls for deals to be more seriously considered compete with calls for the growing cash pile to instead be used to increase shareholder returns.

Kerr is confident he is “pig-headed” enough to remain focused on the long-term strategy amid the noise. “What we are not going to do is what some of our peers have done – when they go and see a growth fund they have a growth story, when they see an income fund they have an income story.

“We are who we are … we are going to be boring to a degree because we have spoken about value over volume. We don’t believe in stretching the balance sheet, we don’t feel like we have to do M&A; [mergers and acquisitions], and the messages won’t change.”

Eye to the future

Kerr does not sound like the chiefs of mining companies past when he speaks about the future for South32.

“My ideal workplace for South32 would be out at a uni campus,” he says. “I would love our operations to be almost like an oil platform, where the people at the operations are focused very much on precise execution.

“If you have your operations focused on flawless or precise execution, you almost want a group of agile people who work in your campus centre and move from problem to problem and solve them. And you no longer have the deep hierarchies, the silos within your organisation. That is where we have to get to. How we get there, we are working on that.”

It’s a big leap from South32’s St George’s Terrace tower. For now, the priority remains its operations, where the cultural shift continues to slowly click into gear.

Key leadership skill

Kerr says he regards one of his key leadership skills as getting the best out of people, and it is something former colleagues mention when talking to BOSS.

“A lot of the people who joined South32 had previously worked with Graham, so it’s a real indication he is a good guy to work for and South32 was a good opportunity,” one former colleague says.

But Kerr admits he is often frustrated at the rate of change in the business, while recognising there is a “fine balance” in managing the inevitable “change fatigue” at an operational level. “The thing that always concerns me about what we are trying to do is the rate of change, how much can people take.”

While parts of the South African business and the Worsley Alumina business were enthusiastic about the transition, operations such as Illawarra and Cannington, which functioned relatively autonomously within BHP, found it more difficult to challenge operational norms.

South32’s employees are crucial in Kerr’s vision of the future. He believes technology is going to change the way the company operates, structures its procedures and handles data, but he doesn’t think those advances will give South32 a competitive advantage, as all major companies will “move down the same path”.

“So the only way we will truly become competitive is if our people can actually do things faster and better than other people.

“Sure technology is going to be part of the base game, but I think people capability – people wanting to work for your company – is what is going to create the edge.

“That is the next stage of the journey for us.”

Performance challenge

After leading the company through two years of crucial structural change, analysts and investors say Kerr’s next challenge is homing in on the performance of its suite of assets.

Jason Kururangi, an assistant investment manager at shareholder Aberdeen Asset Management, says South32 is in good shape but management now needs to prioritise making its assets sing.

“We would really like to see them continue to reset their focus on operational execution in the next 12 months, because the easiest way to generate good, free cashflow and shareholder returns is to optimally run the assets, and there have been a few issues,” Kururangi says.

Over the longer term, South32’s portfolio will become more focused on base metals such as nickel and copper, as China transitions to a consumer-driven economy.

Instead of splashing cash on acquisitions, Kerr is pursuing a small-target strategy of investing in junior explorers and promising exploration projects to leave a “legacy” of development projects.

“We don’t have many development options today,” he says, “so what I would like over the next five years is to build a hopper full of development options that then get prioritised and focused on.”

The campus-style office and the remodelled portfolio may be some way off for South32. But after two years on the boards, the BHP spin-off is hitting its own unique stride.

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