Saturday, December 26, 2015

Sinaloa: Mexican Navy helicopter attacked by gunfire

Lucio R. Borderland Beat material from Reforma and RioDoce

While conducting patrols, Troops of the Ministry of the Navy of Mexico (Semar) who traveled by land and air were attacked by a group of armed men in the state of Sinaloa.

During the operation, in which they claimed four tons and a half of marijuana in bags and packaged ready for transport, the feds called in air support which resulted in a Navy helicopter (Marina/Semar) coming under attack and attacked by gunfire.

The elements fired back in self-defense during the events and two assailants were killed, reported Semar.

The federal agency said the incident occurred yesterday near the rancher穩a Saco de Agua, Sinaloa. 

"The naval elements develop their operations in compliance with procedures established by the ‘Use of Force, Common Application to the Three Forces’,  and strict respect for human rights" said Semar.

During these actions "in the vicinity of the settlement" Six rifles, magazines and ammunition for the exclusive use of the Armed Forces " were found and seized.

Also, "about 4.5 tons of marijuana packed in bags and ready for transport", which was "destroyed on site by incineration".


  1. Jajaja! Para que siga el gobierno Mexicano protegiendo a el Chapo. Pinche pendejos!
    What a joke! This is what the Mexican government gets for protecting Chapo! Fuckin dumbasses!

    1. Chale chale y tu kien eres? the gobiernos only care about getting paid, they don't give a ratass if others die, as long as they keep getting rich with their corruption system, they knew it since the beginning, but didn't care.

    2. Everybody in government has their pollos fighting it over, desperately trying to leave "no proof" of their dirty deeds...
      --but they ain't no "perfect crime" there are the shitty dirty tracks that lead to them all the time...
      --United against the people, divided against each other, the cracks are showing, he he heee!

  2. They better hope there wasn't any U.S soldiers dressed as Mexican marina in that plane. That's the only way there would be any investigation or prosecutions. It't common for U.S soldiers to dress as Mexican soldiers when cunducting investigations, that's how they caught chapo. Fyi

    1. It's EPN fault . if he wasn't such a little shit he wouldn't have mercenaries in Mexico destroying it's country side.

    2. FYI it wasn't a plane that was shot down, it was a helicopter.

    3. WHAT? Mexican Stolen Valour!! those gringos want free mezcal to treat their PTSD.

    4. Mercenary soldiers of fortune have no need but for adventure and big pay...
      --I hope more of them end up hanging from a bridge somewhere, dragged on the street, killed a chanquilazos...

  3. Picture how great that must of smelled

    1. I think it may of had a hint of burning plastic

  4. That's going to brin lots of heat someone is going to have to pay for that!!

  5. Damn that's fuxkin crazy

  6. Has this been confirmed? I've only seen that they took fire

    1. I think someone is lying on this one

  7. I feel like alot of us have to admit that we need to get a life someday and leave the narcocultura in the past,if we cant help stopping it or preventin the crimes that involved the cartels and everything related to it,we our a part of th problem to,lets be part of the solution,stop talking about them,do not google anything about the cartels and cartel related violence and the damage the cause to people,we help the cartels grow and we dont even know it,you know how??because we spread the word about it and we are always looking in the internet if somebody died,if someone got detained,if a cartel is killing or if a new beef started between them and the we claim to know everything about it and then try to act cool when we talk about or write about or just by sharing your thoughts to someone else we are actually giving mouth to mouth when it should be a thing of the past and dont let it grow anymore or let get stronger again.....what we are doing is motivating someone that will get the stupid idea of being famouse or rich and its seduce but that wild idea of being rich or powerful,someone one famous or feared,....remeber these are killers,heartless scumbugs,they are not sane people,they are psychopaths and and only like to cause pain to people.we are normal people and we wouldn't want anything happening to somebody we know or close to us....we dont kow whats going because we mostly are not involved in it or live it,we have our opinions but we are not sure whats going on only speculate and pass around rumors that we make by having and idea of whats going or what would you do if you where them.....its a fantasy world we made for us and we are making them more famouse and thats what they want......they use us as a way to get publicity by spreading they word about the killings,how they live and who are they with...causing a efect of fear to the normall people and to there enemies and that way switch sides or make them surrender...there using us people

    1. Shut da Fukk up n get off thr site then if u dnt want anything yo do with it....dam

    2. Get off the dam site den moron!!!

    3. Christian Lopez PalafoxDecember 26, 2015 at 7:00 PM

      Wow, no me digas. Were you sent from EPN's administration?

    4. Are you kidding? Anonymity is exactly what they want. Why do you think they threaten/kill journalists, bloggers, etc. Expose their actions and the corruption of those who are complicit.

    5. I( sure have to disagree with you . If its covered up and not before the publics eye it will only get worse.
      All this talk about it exposes it . Sooner or later this narco culture in mexico will be killed out or be isolated from other countries . Changes are made not by ignoring but exposing .

    6. Shut up lad you're not making sense

    7. Narco cultura is in every society in the world. Just by a different name. All kids think gangsters a badass, everybody loves an outlaw. The reason it is so big in Mexico is because people are poor and the government is unpopular. Narco cultura is a reflection of the problems in Mexico currently.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Dude,you need to stop talkin out ye arse,give ye mouth a chance,it might make more sense,than comin on BB and telling everyone to ignore cartel related news.
      Mr,i aint got a clue what the fuck you talkin about?

    10. @227 if you were talking about Trump, this could work. Otherwise it's a poorly thought out comment.

    11. Bro 2:27 you're 100% correct - constantly talking and thinking about something gives it power, spiritual / psychic energy... maybe we should be a lot more careful what our INTENTS are, and channel this energy in a constructive way rahter than blanking things out? Paz.

    12. mexico is narco cultura and sadly most mexicans are proud of that

    13. I totally agree with you,is not bad to be looking around for news of what going on in our world,but i guess we are to deep in the narcocultura

    14. Who in the world are you to ahut me up????go keep reading narco news,so you can go tell your budys that you have a fantasy of becoming a grand capo

    15. You either work for the cartels or simply out of your mind...That logic works with some things but i hardly believe it works in a case where those getting media and internet attention dont want it to begin with.Narcos sell drugs to make money.The least attention they get the more money they are able to make.The more attention they get the more likely they will be arrested or robbed or murdered which they would likely try to avoid.

    16. 8:41 you must really dumb,most of the "narcos"sicarios and the rest of the low lifes want attention,they want to be famouse,known and feard!!thats why they use the media to show off guns,money,power all that stuff.Everybody likes attention no matter what you say,i think you are stuck in the past,there are hardly no more drug dealers or capos that don't like attention.

  8. Replies
    1. Crappy seeded brick weed.... good riddens as far as im concerned they can burn all that nasty shit they want. Its not needed here.

  9. Six rifles taken, ok, but the "grifa incinerated was supposed to be presented as evidence and "tried" before incineration...
    --The smear, I mean semar, applies the "shoot and investigate later" principle, to others only...
    --it is lovely that the evil narcos are learning to shot down helicopters, I hope fervently that some day they bring down a 750 million dollar airplane in mexico, it is big enough to not miss, and then another and another, and I hope it is not against the law to cross your fingers to help it happening...
    --HEY, who wants to take the bus to mexico? They can not kill murder kidnapp disappear a whole caravan of US citizens, can they? Needs a managing committee for financing and execution...

    1. They always burn on site.b

    2. 8:34 yes, I did not know, I was aware of burning up the witnesses and the criminals and the presumed guilty, but the mota or any other drugs need to be held until the whole military zone tries it, to make sure they know what is burnin'
      this way it looks like "finders keepers"

  10. Chapo got away again, they learned how to hit the choppers.

    1. Jgl switched his name back to el rapido el chapo attracts too much attention.

  11. Resources wasted and lives lost on a fight that will not end and absolutely no resolution in sight. If the US has not won the war on drugs Mexico will never come close. I'm lost to find what this accomplished. I seems like EPN is hellbent of finding Chapo regardless of the outcome. I wish they would spend money wasted on useless routine military patrols on improving education.

    1. Your dumb if you really believe epn is trying to catch chapo! If anything, I bet chapo snitched on one of his brothers for heating up the plaza. But you are really dumb if you think they burned the tons of weed.

    2. ok you're dumber for bringing up, AGAIN, that Chapo snitched bs.

    3. Exactly. They're not going after Chapo!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. 7:47 Is mad because they are talkng about his daddy chapo and doesn't want to except chapo SNITCHED AGAIN lol

    6. @7:47 its not like he is lying. Chappo is an informant the lowest a man can be. An informant is on the same level as an in the closet homosexual. Lowest of the low.

    7. 5:51 i myself hate that childish name calling i see here but you are dumb if you think everyone who doesnt see things your way is dumb.if you know something that another person doesnt know that may mean that YOU are smart..i doubt that in your case judging by the way you communicate with others.Remember these comments are mostly OPINION and not FACTS.

    8. 8:56 Many of these comments are conspiracy theories, MOST OF WHICH HAVE BEEN PROVEN FACT AND TRUE TRUTHFUL TRUTHS whose only fault is they did not go near the whole extent of the truth, so much more dirtier and nastier than anyone imagined...

    9. 9:06 that was a little TOO deep for me..i am 8:56.

    10. 9:06 I like the way you put that across;perfect theory.

  12. wish I could have been at that "incineration" with a traffic cone and a stack of hot dogs & donuts... 4.5 tons up in smoke... pffffft...

    1. Didn't quite get that.Were some of the army men any lives lost and was the 'bird' actually shot down or shot at?Did it limp back for a landing or totally destroyed?I guess Mex. gov. will only tell us what they want us to know.

    2. How come I can't find this story on other media?

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. No, the traffic cone is for inhaling the ganja smoke getting as much of it into the lungs as possible, the food is for the munchies. Oh dang, some cops were hurt there? ahhhh that's too bad. DOn't they have ECM these days?

  13. 2 million plus in bud at 200 a pound.

    1. More like 50-100 each whole sale still money there not a lot

    2. Actually I was being modest if its popcorn it's worth 250 n up once it gets in the United States. And 600 n up wholesale once it gets past the checkpoints.

    3. I can get anyone a pound of some estribaso de la Sierra for 200 a pound but you want the white candy that's gunna cost you 30k

    4. 7:42 I am anyone.

    5. 7:42 "Estribazo" -nice word, what does it exactly mean?

  14. This is just a show to make it look like they're going after the cartel about the time that they arrest 30 bankers and lawyers for money laundering we will know they're serious.

    1. Christian Lopez PalafoxDecember 26, 2015 at 7:02 PM


    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Do you seriously think that they're going to find a banker in seca de agua? The marines and the Army routinely patrol This part of the sinaloa Sierra because inhabitants of these rancherias are producers or growers of marihuana or poppie plants. That's what they're going to find there. The authorities are doing a fairly good job that's why the turmoil. Like or not, they do reduce the flow of drugs.

    4. 10:04
      No I don't think they will find a banker in La Sierra, I think they would find the bankers in offices. My point is that they are not in the offices investigating where the money goes, just in La Sierra saying they're destroying drugs that are nothing compared to what makes it over the border. As Gadejo said they might not have even destroyed the weed. Chapo remains free...

    5. This comment has been removed by the author.

    6. 10:04
      They don't reduce the flow of drugs! Maybe by 2% or something. But on doesn't change anything! All it does is lock up people so the government can spend more money keeping them in prison and destroy the lives of farming families in La Sierra that are forced to grow drugs to feed themsleves!

    7. There is a special financial investigating unit within the Mx.government that is working to combat money laundering, but we dont hear too much about it. There has been some high profile arrests in some of the big banks,but for every banker that gets arrested, there is tens of other people that raised the money for which this banker got arrested for laundering.

    8. They money laundering investigating unit, are just finding hidden narcos money to teal it, AND perfecting how they do it themselves, there is no other idea behind it all...

  15. I am amazed!!! Never thought I would see a cartel taking on military. I am thinking the next few weeks will be very exciting for us here at BB. I am thinking this may be the final straw for the gob.

    1. You missed May 1st 2015, cdjng shot down another helicopter with an RPG.

    2. WTF are you talking about? war against military has gone for years. CJNG ambushed cops and shot down helicopters this year. This is nothing new.

    3. WTF gobz runnin outta silver staws?? i c :-)

    4. Practice shots do not count, we want to see government choppers RAINING DOWN due to narcos shooting them down, or military planes, I hope it is not against the law to WISH all the ill in the world to the mexican military and the government, they are like the US congress...
      --shit has better ratings!!!

  16. Oh, puleeeeze, just a show , yeah right, like they aren't gonna answer to somebody , like the US for that chopper. Real geniouses here, EPN is TRYING to get CHAPO ? Claro que si....( sure !) whatever.......2:27 has some good points despite the typos , mota and tequila .........what a bunch of second / third guessers , not to mention Conspiracy Theorists. What you think , GADEJO ? always a cognizant comment.
    Thanks for the Counterpunch link , AWESOME........too bad more don't read that publication.

    1. Re post when your not high. I don't understand anything you said.

    2. Gadejo has left us, he/she got more bananas somewhere else...
      --pinchi changa platanera...
      --but he/she left some caca behind...his/her name.

    3. What does gadejo actually mean

    4. GA.DE.JO. polite abbreviation for "Ganas de Joder" a Colombianism. The diminutive is "Gadejitis."

    5. @8:46. Thank you that. He really slipped one by me.

  17. I thought Chapo had everything down on lock?

  18. A ringer for the ringer that happened in Badiraguato.

    1. Caught that,too, jijiji.

  19. Feliz a簽o nuevo!

  20. Damn....that helicopter looks old af

  21. I went to read the Mexican news about the incident and no one said anything about the helicopter being shot down they just said it wad attacked and they have pictures of the helicopter on the ground with bullet holes.

  22. they were shooting copters out of the sky I michoacan with bazookas 35 yrs ago no one knows and no one in our government would admit it-truth!!

  23. Im from russia and every knows we are some tuff mother fuckers but if theres a place i woulnt dare step a foot is sinaloa guys from there are fucking crazy whit toro balls, also thanks bb you have supported from moscu the mother land russia

    1. I drink a shot of Vodka to that.
      The Russians are bad ass as well

    2. Are you a boy or a girl? And are you russian or some other minority like mexican?
      --I remember the taliban liberated afghanistan by blowing down russian helicopters until they could take it no m籀...
      --with US made weapons that misteriously landed on the taliban hands, like man獺 from Muhammad and Allah themselves to restore the opiates trades...

    3. tovarish, i think the russian mob will be good friends with zetas since they love raping and burning whole villages. Slava Russei.

    4. 10:38 hes from sinaloa claming hes from russia lol

    5. Russian guy I'm not from Sinaloa but I'm Mexican and I'll blow your head off every Mexican has balls period

    6. 6:43 if i am not mistaken,the russian guy said basically the same thing you said..Why are you breaking his balls when he said russians have balls but mexicans have toro ball and i assume that meant something good...Now you guys play ball nicely.

  24. Get to tha choppa !

  25. HA HA the MJ was destroyed huh? Yeah who the fuck believes anything as preposterous as that. The commander in charge let 1 or 200kg burn and then sent the rest on trucks to his own cartel.

    Thats how business is done in Druglandia!


  27. What a shame. In this case they targeted the growers which literally make nothing on their harvest as the CDS brokers set the price. They grow in a controlled market.

    1. Yep, that's how it's always been. Even Chapo was selling for the set price when he was growing the stuff. It's how it goes. However as long as the farmers sell the stuff they don't go hungry.

  28. It isn't a shitty European or Russian helicopter. If it happened this will be a huge deal.

  29. Now they just need 1 more to top CJNG

  30. Readers:
    The wording "shot down" was used in reports of yesterday, I used the wording but IMO the helicopter looked shot at not shot down, however, I thought maybe it was forced down by multiply gunfire impacts. Today in checking RioDoce they have changed their wording after editing the story to attacked by gunfire. I have done the same. Reforma is using "attacked" also.

    1. Hey Lucio, don't worry about it, I saw the report in Riodoce yesterday and just saw they DID change it. but it you google in Spanish the old story "teaser" comes up saying a helicopter was downed:

      1 day ago - Efectivos de la Secretar穩a de Marina Armada de M矇xico (Semar) que ... en sierra de Sinaloa, hay dos muertos y un helic籀ptero derribado ...

    2. Hey Thanks, I was sure I read it as downed. But readers are right to challenge expressions and words that give an incorrect impression. The aircraft sustained bullet impacts

  31. It amazes me how the U.S. & all these politicians talk national safety & war on terrorism... Yet there has been a war going on ova ten yrs south of the border... Massive terrorist groups"cartels"... Ova 100,000 killed & countless others unaccounted for... Nothing frm the U.S. media... Wise up... Politicians everywhere dnt give a fuck bout the citizens who give them power & make them rich... Cuz if politicians gave a fuck... The war on terror wouldn't b just against certain muslims... But it would b a war on all terror... Like theses cartels & white supremacist groups... Chuuurch

    1. 1:00 the US government has a well educated media, they know perfectly what and what not to print, specially the biggest and the richest tv, radio and news, wars all over the world also make billions and billions of dollars a day for the masters of the US government, these days the people does not own their government, but the richest of the rich, for whom the government governs the people as they are told to...
      --a few narcos and drug lords and a their un-needed murdering that benefits nobody but the Shock and Awing of the target population is part of the "game", the forever nazi neo-liberals are not to start caring now that it is producing results for their world domination designs with their free trade and mutual defense agreements against those that pretend to "fix shit..."

    2. Order out chaos...north american union

    3. You do realize there are at least more than 5 US Federal agencies operating in mexico, right? and each one of them have a good amount of private security mercenaries on their payroll operating in mexico.

    4. 10:47am... U must have missed the point...

    5. 9:01 do you really think the powers that be in the US want to have 120 million mexicans with equal right to vote and to earn 8.25 dollars an hour as citizens in a north American Union?
      --the US is already sticking it to mexico and all of LatinAmerica without any marriage whatsoever, not even promises, all they had to do is give mexican big brother some spare change for bubble gum to have la rancherita all for itself

  32. UH60M blackhawk pictured. The birds are modern and new. They are not easy to down. They have redundant systems and controls. They are Utility helicopters but can mount guns if needed. Fly two at a time to provide safety for each other. Shoot at one and the other lights you up! Ground troops nearby to finish you off or persue and flush out enemy. Picture looks old but Mexico has current contracts for delivery of these birds by U.S. company, Sikorsky.

    1. 12:18, excellent points, "Eagle Eyes "

    2. Ever given any thought 2 plain old mechanical failure? Pilot error, or just plain old sloppy maintenance? Things 2 consider. - El Soldado Perdido

  33. It only amazes you because you naiively believes that the US media is free from special interest groups and is there to give you an unbiased and honest view of our society and the world.

    If you want to stop being amazed you gotta wake up and start looking for answers to all those glaring contradictions between reality and the media story in the US.

    Guns, crime, alcohol, drunk driving (social problems) have killed 100's of 1000 of Americans, whereas terrorists 'only' a few 1000 (assuming 9/11 was a REAL terrorist attack). We prefer to spend billions fighting wars far away resulting in the death of 100's of 1000 of locals (non-whites) instead of investing in education and infrastructure at home.

    The mass slaughter in Mexico is the result of US anti-drug policy where the rotten Mexican political and military elite could never exist without US support. Any revolutionary grass root movement in Mexico is quelled with US support (the Zapatista was the most glaring example) which will also happen to the Autodefensas if they gro 'too much'.

    1. Who said they believe in the U.S. media? U obviously missed the point 2... Guess u just rushed 2 chime in.... HaHaHa

  34. Since Chapo is protected by government, I think this could be related to the 'family feud' you posted on the other day. Maybe Chapo has chosen a side and tipped off the marines on the other faction. I can't remember things being this violent in Badiraguato. It will probably calm down at some point but who knows, it might get crazy!


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