Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Los Cabos: Two tons cocaine tossed into the sea

On Monday Elements of the Marina navy secured almost two tons of cocaine that was thrown off a boat into the sea.  This after the suspicions boat was spotted off Los Cabos, in Baja California Sur (BCS).

Initial reports from the Fourth Naval Region reported that 76 packages with a gross weight out of approximately 1,800 kilograms.  The interior of the packages contained cocaine in brick formations. 


  1. It will be interesting to see how inflated the value of the lost load will be reported by the authorities and media. If the cost was $1800 a kilo in Columbia (BB article two days ago) then 2000 kilos would have a value of near $3.6M when it departed Columbia. It would not get it's increase in value until it reached it's next destination point.

    1. i was wondering the same...

    2. Imagine it was on its way from BCS to Cali, then what?
      Any value is good as long as the assumptions are known, but since drugs are politics the politically most advantageous figure will undoubtedly be reported most likely without providing these details.

    3. The Ping May captured in Colombia with about 40 kilos, calculated at 90 pounds was valued by some wise men at 6.7 million dollars, it was loaded with cheap colombian coal en route to amsterdam, problem was it was property of "foremost Maritime" owned by James SC Chao, father of minister Elaine Chao, wife of senate speaker Mitch McConnell,
      --The mexican navy surely buried their loot at sea, out of respect for the sacrosanct mexican soil.
      Lucky me, my favorite opiate is back!
      Chiva, nice to see, best wishes always...

    4. Lower grade cocaine is 1800,the good one is 2,500-3,000 a kilo!

    5. Add baking soda make it in too crack

    6. It also said value is 20 million when it reaches Mexico.

    7. Mexico News Daily says it's worth $50 million in U.S.

    8. 11:46. Claiming that $1,800 is the cost of a "lower grade" kilo and $2,500-$3,000 is the cost for good quality is ridiculous! Flrst nobody with half a brain cell knowingly buys "low grade" coke, much less thousands of pounds of it. This is a business dude and the 20/80 rule applies and we're not about to sell the 20% that sell 80% of our product "low grade" coke because we need them there month after month. Like I said it's a business and repeat biz is pretty important when you can't put up a billboard advertising cheap but low grade coke for sale. Second, if your paying less than a nickel per key your a) buying more than 500 kilos and b) you've bought a hell of a lot of product in the past and you've either committed or I have confidence that your going to buy regular weight and be good for payment on each delivery. Price is just a piece of the puzzle that can be completed with out the other pieces; terms, location of delivery (cost I incur to move), how well do I know you and how much biz we done, etc, et, etc

    9. All I know is the price of crack won't change in Sacramento.


    10. In Norte California a brick goes from $26k to 28k...

    11. There are many grades of cocaine. Making with different chemicals results in different puritys. Cocaine in colombia is sold in different qualitys all the time. Off course Mexicans buy the low grade.

    12. Chivis how have you been?! I hope all is well with you. Un gran saludo my friend

    13. 5:51; there's a variance of quality from the smaller coca processing labs that don't have sufficient sulfuric acid and potassium permanganate to convert from paste or maybe short on gasoline or kerosine. The big production labs have mechanized equipment to chop and agitate and they have quality controls and inputs of chemicals their production requires. Like in most countries of the world the premium products are exported to the US and the poor quality stays in country or is exported to lower profit margin customers. Why would anyone suggest the Mexicans or anyone else competing for US marketshare buy low grade? That's silly. They won marketshare with Mexican ice b/c they understand the dollar will chase quality.

    14. Krokodyl is so "high quality" I don't understand how its consequences appeared in Arizona and chicagoland first.
      Then the high class crack addicts and the oxy turncoat going to die in heroin laced fentanyl overdoses, then to the real High end very expensive massage parlor prostitutes and drug addicted white beauties full of expensive pimples or the mexican and SouthAmerican minors imported to work as "bartenders/ficheras" I am amazed at the high class of the businesses, legalize it all say the wise guys looking to have and keep the upper hand because they have a foot or two inside the door.

  2. Who's dope was this, ML?

  3. A tonne is 2000lbs

    1. this was measured in kilograms....apx 907 kilograms is one ton

    2. A metric tonne is exactly 1'000 kg

    3. Its a lot of dope bo matter kilos or lbs

    4. One tonne is 1000 kgs and not 907 kgs.

    5. 12:13 Se clavaron la mitad de la cocaina.
      Sabes donde puedes clavarte la otra mitad?

  4. Y do people argue the dumbest points?? Maybe the article shoulda read "1.8769 tons of coke thrown overboard." Would that make u idiots feel better?

    1. I was thinking 1.9027

    2. 12:06 maybe because grams matter?
      On the street you rob one gram of cut and you can kiss your ass goodbye, bay bay.

    3. Mojada o seca,
      and how much tare for the plastic and the dunnage?

  5. What a waste -el lineas de a metro

  6. Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do!

  7. We need an article on the most recent infighting in CDG; Betito and Pelochas vs Panilo is turning into another transformative round of violence for los Metros. Plus with Cmdte Cortez and los de Matamoros lending support to Panilo, this could result in los Ceros/Cyclones gaining another foothold in Reynosa. Meanwhile los Gamas and most of the Metro comandantes sit on the sidelines and wait for a clear victor to ally with.

    1. Do you have time to write it? if so send it in, that would be great....

    2. imo CDG , has never really caught my attention, TONY TORMENTA was a 1st class gangster and he was highly revered as a leader and commanded respect from his peeps. from what I've been reading seems like CDG is scattered all over into splinter units, Rojas , nuevA z, metros,.. who's who?? Anyhow it's just my opinion, on another note the food from that region is regarded as one of the best.. puro PA-delante BIEJONES.. ponganse pilas, y cuidado con Los ciudadanos.. al final Somos todos de la misma MATA, y Tierra.
      Sinaloa y MICHOACAN, siempre juntos.. rasa pesadA , y jaladores Los compAs..
      echele VIEJON!! PURO pa-delante.. y que viva el señor hasta Los 120 años.. and for My fellow beloved GRINGOS just stay off the sauce and focus on your life or family .. , please just be cool, party, and know when to stop.. ty just my OPINION..

    3. Wow so much dedication in that post, when no one is really gonna read it

    4. Tony Tormenta was such a big ass that he was the first the government took out with soldiers and marinas to leave los zetas conquer all they could, a favor from FECAL TO EPN and the other "elite zeta governors"

  8. Someone(s) going to pay for this 1.Heads are going to roll.

  9. No Wonder gringos love los cabos. I bet y'all white people will be diving looking for this shit.

    1. Los Cabo's is for cheap white People that can't afford a real vacation. So they go too Mexico for budget cuts.

  10. Hey! That's mine! Let me get that back!

  11. Word at the taco stands is this was El Mayo's Bolivian Nasal Dust. And he wants it back.

  12. Heads will defiantly roll

    1. 2:38 oh yeah, defiantly,
      They going to be baring their teeth saying "ora que vas a ser?"

  13. Still no article on the death of borrego Chavez bb is spleepingon this one

  14. Now telling how many times was that run was successful b/f this one

  15. Seems like Panilo A guy the other nuertral comandantes wish to have as leader but u know always some knuckle heads thinking they above they payroll...lol But hopefully Panilo do get shit back on track and Cortez would be great backup Respected Player in the Game is Cortez He got the power and skills just gave up Reynosa when his son got killed by Cleofas and Gafe...To much politics but the law of the who has more army and firepower is always the hardest to gain Power from and they go at it every time a Plaza boss go down....So They need it like before when a plaza boss go down they already had second in command ready to take his place and that was always respected now they don't respect nothing..

  16. A lot going on in cabos.

  17. For every shipment interdicted 10 (or more?) make it through. Is this really winning?

    1. The packages are fake they just trying to show some work, fat pirañas still pushing tons from all sides, don't believe in crooked mexicans, they are all in it... Lol

    2. No agarraron a nadien otra vez, y el poderoso bote con diez motors de avian se les peló con todos los sospechosos, orita ya han de andar putiando en Alaska con la Sarah,
      La que no tiene patas pero se para.

  18. It is a win:win

    imagine the SEMAR and/or SEDENA generals in charge along with governor, procurador and PF delivering this shipment themselves to the border.

    Figure 1,800 x 18k is it a win?

    While the plaza owners were allowed 20 tons through

    Those in charge on both sides of the fence would not make so much money for themselves if the merchandise was available at farmacias similares or your local target pharmacy

    1. It is a "wink wink" genny, no te dejes arrebatar por sus bellos uniformes.

  19. "Those in charge on both sides of the fence would not make so much money for themselves if the merchandise was available at farmacias similares or your local target pharmacy"

    The worldwide pharmaceuticals industry is a trillion dollar+ industry, which is much, much larger than the global illegal narcotics trade.

    The U.S. has a massive opiate crisis right now. There are, in fact, literally dozens of brands of opiates available for legal purchase in every Target Pharmacy in America. The vast majority of opiate addicts in America start out with legally prescribed opiates.

    Also, the pharamceuticals industry is literally one of the biggest lobbyists in DC, throwing money at both political parties, having their attorneys draft American healthcare policy and spending lavishly on donations and gifts to congressman and federal officials. You honestly think there's more money to be made from chuntaros driving around the desert in a Chevy, with their 3 kids in a cinderblock house, than there is from a multinational corporation like Merck or Pfizer that can each walk into the US Capitol and dozens of other capitals around the world and *lawfully* pour tens of millions of dollars into political campaigns?

    1. Ora los polesias mexicanos van a mandar la evidencia pal norti para ser "procesada" y quemada o soplada o injectada or fumada por pos clientes del Norte.

  20. heads will roll!

    1. 4:58 your comment "es el mas cabeciado" today!
      I mean is the one with most head on it,

  21. Big shipment Whose load Sinaloa CJNG MLic TJ etc.?

    1. locals in san jose del cabo say it was arellano


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